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Everything posted by Tiilimon.6094

  1. Are you sure everything is supposed to be done solo anyways? Just get another dude to take aggro while you poke the mastery points in peace :D? Consumable bundle stealth kits work too if finding another person is too difficult in an MMO :3 I have to also point out that I've never bumped into your problem and I've been wearing healing gear for years and have had no problems dispatching mobs quickly and long enough to grab any point I ever needed. Also, I see my buddies who wear dps gear and they pretty much just remove the veterans from existence, it seems like such ezmode that it must be boring if you don't get satisfaction from seeing big numbers splash on your screen.
  2. Every time I'm playing the story, I feel like there should be another story where you're the bad guy, just because I want to kill the whole bunch myself. Imagine how nice the next story part would be if they all just kicked the bucket and we could play solo :D?
  3. As a player who spends a lot of time playing the flute to critters and random folks, fishing sounds like an amazing way for us to spend time with guildies. Imo, this game would benefit greatly from adding more toys and fun activities, theres plenty to collect and fight with but not that many tools for just having fun with your buddies. Quite sure that the latest toys on gemstone are still from vanilla, btw xP
  4. Umm, instruments have worked just fine after they got fixed the last time about a year ago or so... except for the occasional soundless notes on the lute if you try to play just as the animation is finishing, and flute repeated notes not working, but you can work around it by changing the song a little bit. I don't use macros tho, so don't know if there is an issue that prevents actions done at inhuman speeds, I've heard some of these botters sounding just fine when strolling around town tho.Imo the main reason to buy em should be to learn how to play em instead of letting software have all the fun, it's quite challenging and now I can play a melodica irl quite well after picking it up for the first time a couple days ago. Definitely a skill that transfers between two worlds xP you can even use the tabs people generally use in gw for playing any keyboard instrument irl.
  5. Heh, I just spanked some fracs and PVPs when the instruments didn't work in that one patch, just wait it out.This is probably one of the few companies that actually cares about us a lil bit :3
  6. The only reason I traited explosives is Short Fuse, and earlier double orbi for mega blasts. The kit is too slow for utility purposes otherwise.
  7. Huh, as a support I'd wish for MORE content like Siren's Reef. One of the funniest encounters in the game imo. Now imagine if SA also dealt damage, the guys who bump you around would probably learn that they have an AOE field around their feet. As an old WOW healer, I can confirm that people eventually learn to move away from the fire if they die instantly to it. If the fire doesn't do that much damage, but instead kills you in 2-3 ticks, everyone blames the healer for not playing their game for them :) The current system is simply too soft and allows people to fool around without real consequences, till they hit an encounter where bumping another dude over the side of the ship actually matters a lot.
  8. Where core engineer really shines, imo, is supporting other players in a party for PVE, especially if paired with folks who aren't professional e-sports players. It condi cleans and burst heals insanely well, is able to take down almost any break bar alone, stacks might and aoe revives, all while having access to a 12 second stealth without any trait or skill swapping. I don't think there's any other class that can beat engineer at being a support hybrid, I still sometimes come up with new tricks, even after playing the same build for 4 years. As a DPS class, it's very complicated for the mediocre damage it deals when compared to the rest, and you'll also lack most of the party benefits that a support core engi brings in. But the same goes for healing, another heal class does it very easily compared to an engineer and can keep the whole crew topped up most of the time, but they won't have as many tools to handle a tougher situation... like having to stealth and revive 3 downed players stacked with a bunch of bleed and burning, so you can get the aggro from the boss so he doesn't maul your buddies to death with his next attack... Or having to burst heal someone at maximum mortar range.
  9. Bind combat cam somewhere easy to reach, it's awesome for med blasting and fumigating, allows you to spin to reach more allies even if you're rooted. That one guy who is always at range is called "Legolas"Sometimes there's 2 :) The guys who stand in fire or don't dodge at all are also quite fascinating.
  10. I do tho. I've tried swapping it to almost everything but having an almost instant AOE rez with a long range is so dope that it always ends up back in my bar.4x dodge is also pretty funny when folks try to nuke you down.
  11. It gains revive speed bonuses from outgoing healing. It can pop people up with 2 ticks in PVE if you build for maximum outgoing healing bonuses and take the medkit trait, and in 4 PVP :D
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