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Everything posted by Dami.5046

  1. no it will be a big flashy notice with the words ' I did all of the seasons again and all i got was this lousy amulet' 😜
  2. Thanks all, I have learnt alot from this! I will now make a thread about condi revs. 😊
  3. I was happily going to the leave the thread, but pray tell me more ...
  4. Quite agree, it needs some love which anet doesn't give it. I find the whole thing quite tiresome and play other classes which what i think the idea is in the first place. My point about the reaper isn't a comparison to it class x class. No you can't compare them. I am talking about how I have been treated and how that compares to a ranger.
  5. Like I said it's pure trolling. I have had this with my ranger and my necro. Take a look at you tube.. there are squads with rangers in, squads that put reapers in with real parties. unless Anet do something it isn't going to change.
  6. Since you will ignore me, i do love you💗
  7. It wouldn't be a ranger thread without this generic response.
  8. oh it is. I get the same kitten with reaper. I think Damage is a dirty word.
  9. After my experience, it's not about being a ranger or a necro or a thief, it's about trolling, plain and simple. Add in sites like Meta battle 'to back it up' and the fact anet just nerf them, then people have a field day. I posted in another thread about the nerfing of the 'immob' build . It doesn't make much difference, people for their own benefit only look at the 'meta' builds. For the sake of the argument, it's not what you do it's who you know and i certainly know of rangers who have no issues getting in squads. No class should be exempt from any content but nothing is done about it.
  10. Yep and they will want to start getting those pre-orders in, so hopes of it being on GW2's Birthday are quite slim as well.
  11. *looks into crystal ball* The only thing it tells me is the expansion isn't coming before summer.
  12. Back in the day people dropped portals by the chests in the Istan meta. I would kill to be that funny.
  13. Just stop whispers from SPvP and WvW. It would solve at least of the toxicity.
  14. if you think it's just portals you are very much mistaken.
  15. Yeah and along came immob and wow you think 'maybe i have something to give to a squad!' Anet : We can't have Rangers enjoy group WvW play we must nerf it! It hasn't changed like forever. Just don't decide on changing to necro, it's like ranger hell but spins.
  16. But you don't own the game. It's not yours, it's Arena nets. You own the right to play the game, but they can take that right away from you, if you don't follow their rules.
  17. You own the right to play the game that is all. geez.
  18. then if it's YOUR game sort it out. tut tut
  19. There is leeching every where. More annoying that you can be fighting a boss, say, doing most of the work and some dude comes again hits it a *couple* of times, runs off and gets credit. You should have to do a minimum amount of damage to get anything.
  20. Oh yeah I just re-read OP posts and have obviously had a brain fart. opps.🤣
  21. 2.6K gold? you sure? I made this a while back and it certainly didn't cost me that. Do you mean 1.6K gold? https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-30687
  22. Quite so. I often wondered why they had been 'allowed' cantha in the first place if it was going to upset people. Obviously those people weren't around back in the day. I agree with the above posters that certain parts of Cantha wouldn't look the same, but luckily for me my favourite part was the kurzick side and hopefully the forest is still there.
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