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Everything posted by Dami.5046

  1. Well places in the world are dirty, full of rubbish and junk, dirty pools of water. It's not all swept streets and pretty front gardens, and I think that what KC was about. Anyway no point harping on about it, If it isn't going to be done because a couple of people in suits said ni, then so be it.Disappointed.
  2. I think GW2 has life in it yet. However I wish they would bring in a bit more competition into it and I mean how factions was for example, two fractions at war. I'm not one to want to make GW a clone of anything, but I do miss the sieges I used to do, WvW just isn't the same.
  3. Anet said why we don't have capes. I miss mine.This post is like the hench/heros posts.Honestly if they could bring capes in and you dont care why not just accept it and click that 'don't show' and let others enjoy them.Same with Hench/heros. Who says you even got to use'em? Some of us would like them.Clearly a moot on both counts sadly.
  4. Google what outfits Aion gave it's players. (some are stunning btw)Take a few deep breaths. Come back to Gw2 happy.
  5. All well and good. So if i'm on my MM and need the loo so quickly run off knowing my character can handle it for someone to report me and a GM whisper me and then ban me because for a few mins I'm not there? In fact playing an MM opens up such a can of worms its unbelievable. If i'm bored I can play follow my leader as has happened before getting ' hello, are you there?' whispers. People have actually followed me around.If it's so bad then Anet need to change how an MM works, because I hardly think it's fair to ban on basis that a player can do this, without third party, if the game mechanics allows it.AfK farmers as a rule don't worry me. What worries me is the witch hunt.
  6. I want Cantha. Have said that. I still play it in GW, in fact it's where I go to if i fancy doing something on the game (other than old Ascalon, pre).However, I can't see it happening. Why? Because I think this game is getting too P.C regards to a lot of areas. They have already had an 'upset' from the Canthan area in DR, so for hells sake they wouldn't dare to bring out an expansion based on it upsetting someone. Now don't get me wrong, I'm MORE than happy to explore other areas and see what other places look like. But there's a difference between just not wanting to go there, and not doing it because they feel they can't go there. I find it all very frustrating that in today's world one person can make such a difference. And it won't be any of us who want Cantha, that's for sure.
  7. and while we are at it, a way to clear down your chat so you are not left looking at sad mom jokes when you leave LA ;/
  8. I would like events to get AB parties or JQ/FA. I miss them so much, I often wish we had something like it (not wvw)But a re-make? You wanna re-make perfection?won't happen.
  9. Just finished the story, seems like the devs listened.shame on you :'(
  10. I agree it's very disappointing, I was excited for the last chapter this one not so much simply because of this.
  11. ah k. I did look for a opened thread before I started this one.
  12. I've managed to get in, but my friend who went through the portal can't get in at all.
  13. Sure i'm not the only one, basically I keep getting crashes and network failures.
  14. It took them long enough to complain about Cantha considering the game there was since 2006.
  15. The best community was on the first game, but this scores a close second. My last game, well enough said about thatSaying that it's not perfect. But at least people help here with a smile.
  16. I'm sure if i'd said I like it, i would of had two posts telling me how ugly it is.que sera sera.
  17. Hahaha. We are now OP and should be nerfed, right?
  18. Oh c'mon no one can seriously like the skin of the crafted ascended?
  19. To make you feel the need to buy outfits/skins. GW1 had some lovely armour, and while people go on about 'fashion wars' in GW2, people were posting combinations of armour on wiki's in GW1.I brought a couple of outfits in GW1, mainly halloween stuff, but it didn't take the place of my Memser's little slip dress or my warrior's glad armour. The only armour I disliked was my ele's FOW. However here, I can't stand how the ascended armour looks (the crafted stuff at least) so i've either skinned it or brought a couple outfits just to make my characters look more pleasing to the eye.which is exactly the point.
  20. Factions was out for years- shakes head- you know, some people really needed that 5 mins. I hope they were happy with their complaint.
  21. Not had the character issue just cant play for more than 5 mins at a time.
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