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Everything posted by Balsa.3951

  1. im pretty sure lying to an investor is a crime. but u could ask Elizabeth Holmes about it. i think its called fraud
  2. i think u right thats where it will go. matches nicely with Wayfinder. a little bit like those 80 tv shows where the hero wanders the land solves problems of the locals "U DID IT WAYFINDER. HOW CAN WE THANK U? wayfinder??" camera swings shows the hero riding his/her raptor into the sunset of the horizon... credits and music roll.
  3. i imagine with ai npcs a butterfly effect where u ask one npc how's ur family doing and it leads to the whole kingdom in flame. And the player is like"huuh" dynamic events....
  4. totally agree i also will stay. perhaps gw2 and gw3 can life in a symbiotic manner. wow did a wow retail and wow classic both can exist. i assume gw3 is at least 3 years away. I welcome it and it will not take away gw2 fun.
  5. just delete than merging topics like that makes no sense
  6. thats a strange conclusion. would u not be worry u have a pvp match u get someone angry and he post ur acc name here and start accusing u? u know how easy people believe stuff they read.
  7. it will be like gw1 it still exist but the big party is at gw3.
  8. there was a korean game recently which was forced to admit that their loot boxes have a 0% drop rate of the highest possible gear. and they constant lowered droprates secretly of many items. it s good for the player that companies must show rates now. ppl will still buy, so for gw2 its no big deal
  9. 100 push ups 100 sit ups and a 10 kilometers run a day... oh and no air conditionin in the summer. that's how i got strong also bald....
  10. the strategy for not getting nerfed is let the dev win than
  11. didn't knew u can hit people with aoe. do u think this counter play also works on superspeed? problem solved than
  12. after demon expansion comes angel cosmic being expansion... besides that smaller... not rescue the world stories could give more freedom to explore the world more. crazy scientists there , a warlord here, a secret in a mountain, just something smaller with more variety in landscape tv show instead of movie blockBuster at least till anet got the resources to pull of something huge. im sure anet already has some nice visual ideas
  13. shield looks super good and anet has probably more of the set already
  14. agree with kharmin on this. only thing i could see is gw1 for free for gw2 player to spark some interests. but i personally would not play gw1
  15. i think u can stop detailing the topic now. just private message each other
  16. it's all pixels. let's not act like head piece armor is special for some mystical reason
  17. lets talk facts here open world player carring this game. the majority is ow playing the majority spends most money. its to early to judge the design of the ow armor but if its suck anet upsets the majority of their player base for no other reason than disinterest. not the best advertising. ps raids are kinda dead so how did that carrot worked ps ps agree with u pvp and wvw is unfair but ya
  18. same logic to u... why does anyone raider pvper deserve a good looking armor? to be clear i already have a full legy set but im annoyed by ur talking down on pver like they need be thankful to get anything
  19. ya can totally imagine that one guy saying: I want a legendary armor thru ow. BUT make it hard as possible for me oh and expensive way way more than the others....what else hmm ya ugly make it ugly. perfect im so happy i hate myself!! i promise u nooone in their right mind ask for self punishment like that. a few may do but i doubt u get a majority to agree on that.
  20. really wish people like u could learn that here are no groups but only individual posters. there is no we here just individual opinions so even if u read someone says he doesn't care the skin. it doesn't mean no one care. hope that clears ur confusions up
  21. looks just mediocre. so kinda relieved i don't want it just for the skin. on a positive side note seems we get a muscle flex emote ...
  22. when attack from stealh one get revealed even if the attack missed was doged or blocked. being in stealh should add 5 stacks vunability can't crit while in stealth. movement speed decreased by 5% while in stealh. risk vs reward for stealh
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