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Everything posted by Balsa.3951

  1. nothing for warriors i remember when u where ovedtuned and the arrogance u displayed. it was all skill at that time now u got nerfed to average and all the skill disappeared
  2. just start look what is god of arena. and not what the gold tier is complaining about. geez boyce gets a 10k hit so what ? there are many more classes with stronger pvp qualities. but no we nerf some slow one trick pony
  3. im ok i got the consistent speed buff i wanted now i can run even with higher dmg runes
  4. i already said ppl who even can proof they finished a certain cm still get kicked by a made up cm requirement, which has,nothing to do with the cm. that's like i do a kp only run for rift farming. its just unnecessary
  5. u seems not to read all i said but i know,thats the standard reply from raiders by now. ironically u guys didn't made kp required on ur first runs but u do it for everyone else
  6. cm was a fun experience. kp masters gate keep it sadly but i made my own group and succeeded. side note later on tried to join ant group after i had the cm done and was kicked because not enough kp. i feel a little ridiculous how ppl still don't let people join who with proof finished a cm because they don't have kp from raids. anyhow hope we get more people do non kp runs since its not that hard and i myself will do more non kp runs for other people. hope that can ease this elitist cm community.
  7. i knew anet would not make the mistake and let veterans regrind the relic. even tho many told me im wrong but here we are again 😉 i hope for the future anet keep this in mind when introducing new gear. adding new stuff is cool but taking away stuff never. anyway happy end.
  8. plz make an extra account wide slot for unlock cometic infusion looks. also let us preview infusion and show infusion on the character selection screen. thank u
  9. i agree with u but we don't have much of a culture for training squads in this game. i think for the overall health of difficult content it would be good anet add something to reward training or new ppl try. raids died or never took of for a reason. something should be done to narrow the gab if anet want cm in the vault.
  10. just made it and killed cm co easy content btw but getting a group work is not easy and asking kp makes it very hard to grow a group of ppl willing to do harder content. i hope anet can find a solution since the experts try to gate keep much as possible for their runs. i get it many gw player are very bad very very but we need some way for ppl join groups withhout kp gate keeps. perhaps a bonus for ppl to lead non kp ppl on their first try or finally implement a dps meter bcs as jt stands now there is a split between the good and bad player abd the one with low confidence. im open for ideas
  11. this. for core legy its fine probably tho correct me plz which part i said wrong
  12. how would ur bunny ears not possible with what i said?
  13. my standard answer is no leggy aqua breather plz make it a cosmetic slot only and give ppl back the mats for the 7rune. underwater content is more or less a side note by now
  14. is it possible to implement an auto replay. of the last match played? with an option to download it. i think that could be fun to rewach one s own match. thank u
  15. this mini season i thought lets try go top 100 play play all went well all solo. only to find that those titles can't be obtained in a mini season. can we have titles for rank for 3v3 and 2v2?
  16. for pve ok. pvp dh is good enough now. saying that as dh main
  17. new weapons are not finished SOTO was a Kickstarter program. first get the money from the player than start working on what they promised.
  18. well rested no matter how is a strange fun mechanic anyway. like u get rewaded for not moving/ playing.... better ignore it
  19. i must admit except the gamble for the helmet from the meta i have no reason to go back there
  20. what's the difference of price skyrocket now or one day after anet release the information? honest question reaction time is the same i imagine personal note i don't care the mats just want back what anet took away from me
  21. everyone is allowed to complain thats what forums are about. im cool with that. anet has the numbers they will see and adjust at some point. personal i feel balance is on a good way now
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