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Everything posted by Tom.8029

  1. Everyone uses Mesmer magic to appear clean, clothed, young, and beautiful. In reality, everyone’s actually naked, dirty, and ugly.
  2. I know you’re kidding but the entire point of all ele weapons, and especially a focus, is to channel the elementalist’s power. So a torch can be nice for this as well.
  3. I always loved the idea if torch for ele, too. Only 2 weapons skills per attunement to make, so less work for the devs, hopefully more time for quality work. I always imagined a “flame” that changes based on attunement. I think it’s also a good opportunity to give ele stealth (under cover of steam, smoke, dust). But I don’t think ele will ever get stealth. But I’d love it.
  4. So what was your thinking before and after this epiphany? What thought did you change?
  5. I know!!! The damage could totally be higher. I mean, come on.
  6. You are the rebel child that tosses aside the shackles of your boring life for a life of adventure. Sure you do a little maid work on the side to get by, but you don’t let that bring you down. No one knows you’re nobility because you like it that way and you prefer to avoid the expectation that this lady must act like… a lady. No you are an adventurer!
  7. I thought it was interesting how some of the Jormag variant weapons have a green tinge to the particle effects. I saw it in the shield and rifle mostly.
  8. There’s sort of an example of this in game. The Snowden Drift Dragon Response Mission. If Ryland’s defiance bar is broken with the emp, it doesn’t give the same benefit as breaking it with normal cc skills, such as the increased damage taken and stun. so maybe they would just use more of this to discourage emp use.
  9. You see, for women, less armor actually gives more defense points. Conversely, for men, more armor gives more armor points; especially if it’s ugly.
  10. There’s a hidden area in Tangled Depths that isn’t associated with any jumping puzzles.
  11. What country are currently in, if you don’t mind my asking?
  12. I don’t believe everyone is LGBTQ+. I believe those that are, are born that way. No one is trying to turn straight people gay. If someone is “turned” gay, then they were never straight to begin with. It’s not something that is taught. Just like how being gay is not a choice. People have tried to turn gay people straight, though; and by some pretty horrific and gruesome means. And I said it before, I’ll say it again. Growing up in a world that seeks to dispose of you IS an accomplishment. Some gay people do well, despite the odds, sure fine. But that does not mean the system is okay. Things don’t need to be boisterous and in your face to be oppressive. Subtle every day things can be discriminatory. It doesn’t need to be blatantly obvious for it to be oppression. But it IS there. And one of the ways it is there is through subtlety in the media. Portrayals of heterosexual norms in the media is fine. But if an LGBTQ+ person sees that enough and has no exposure to anyone like themselves, they will feel out of place and alone, unable to relate to anyone. That is why these things are not as benign as you might think. Over time, such a thing could lead to depression and even suicide.
  13. Hi, so there are a few issues I would like to address. You talk about having other people’s beliefs forced upon you. Heteronormative and cisgender people heavily outnumber LGBTQIA+ people. This is to be expected, as the bulk of people must have come from somewhere of course, sexual reproduction. Sure, that’s good, fine. But LGBTQIA+ people are never going to influence your rights as a Human being. Heteronormative and cisgender people also control a bulk of the power to influence policy, so heterosexual ideals ARE influencing how we can live our lives. Just think, when you feel like these people are heaping their beliefs upon you, LGBTQIA+ people experience that daily all the time through media, social interactions, just by living our lives. But the key difference is that these mere opinions actually have the power to affect your life and they are not just beliefs. You also talk about pride. If you’re referring to the Pride movement, the movement began as an outcry against police brutality in New York City in the 1960s. LQBTQIA+ people were being arrested, beaten, killed, literally just for existing. This still happens today, but under the guise of policy that has been burying marginalized people for years now. I think there is some degree of pride involved in the notion that you made it this far having the odds stacked against you from the very beginning. Also it helps because suicide rates among people in the LGBTQIA+ community are high and these people need to see that who they are is okay and nothing to be ashamed about.
  14. Are you actually telling me I should be grateful that I’m not hunted down and killed like I would be in other countries? I am still treated like a second class citizen and as less than Human in terms of my rights. But I should be grateful. Literally don’t even respond to this thread any more you’re a joke and I’m not going to entertain your nonsense further.
  15. You literally make zero sense. Have you ever heard of intersectionality? Lgbtqia people face all of these issues plus discrimination over their gender identity and sexual preference. We’re at a pivotal point in the United States where rights are in danger of being taken away and people feel like it’s not their problem if it doesn’t affect them personally. I don’t know why you’re acting so high and mighty right now acting like I’m playing a victim. I am the victim. Not too long ago people like me were imprisoned and sent to rehabilitation camps literally just for existing and it’s very easy to go back to times like that. Hate crimes still happen all the time in the United States. I can be legally killed in 22 states over something called the gay/trans panic defense. Look it up. In other countries, you can be killed by the government itself. And like I said earlier, intersectionality is a thing. So many of lgbtqia people also experience poverty, racism, misogyny, anti-semitism, ablism, islamophobia. Lgbtqia issues permeate all races and ethnic backgrounds. They also transcend gender and economic class. So a push like this really benefits all because it can benefit people from many different walks of life. So no, it’s not just about me. The fact is we live in a world where people are discriminated against and marginalized. I think it’s ridiculous to ridicule someone for playing the victim when they ARE victimized. Literally all I said is that the recognition would be good. I never said it was the most important issue in the world. It’s tantamount to many other issues such as racism, poverty, et cetera. But this wasn’t the topic of this thread You and some of the others are the ones who keep bringing it up…
  16. I feel like the fact that being lgbtqia+ is being mentioned in the same vein as being impoverished and disabled says something…
  17. It must be nice to use a straw man argument. I literally said nothing about how sexual reproduction isn’t necessary for life or about how every type of person ever needs to be included to increase awareness for everything in all types of media.
  18. You have no idea of my cultural background. Besides, even if what you’re saying is 100% true, having community-assisted child rearing eliminates the need for distinct parents with distinct gender roles, which is what I said. And also much of Africa and Asia was colonized and imperialized by the west.
  19. The idea of the nuclear family is largely a western construct. Children traditionally were raised by the entire community in early African and Asian cultures. Raising children was a communal effort. Since then, the idea of the family has adapted a more individualized approach. Hence the small, separate families and 2 parents with distinct gender roles.
  20. That is so true. The older generation suppresses their true feelings because of societal norms and pressures, generational trauma, and parental religious beliefs. They grew up being taught the ideal family is a mom, dad, and 2.5 kids. Anything else is weird or frowned upon.
  21. I knew your first paragraph was a joke. I wasn’t too sure about your second one, though. Or atleast the last 2 sentences of it. If gender and sexual orientation are not included then they ARE excluded because of what I already said. Because we live in a world where heterosexuality and cisgender are the assumed norm. And mention of poverty does harbor a sense a greed. There will always be a party with and a party without, relatively speaking, because we live in a capitalistic society. . And that feeling of without will harbor a sense of greed or jealousy from those that have. I have no issues talking about uncomfortable subjects. That’s why I’m here in this thread. We were originally talking about lgbtq representation in media. You’re the one who steered the conversation here by equating poverty and lgbtq. And then I mentioned that they can be and are connected.
  22. Being impoverished and being non-heterosexual and non-cisgender are not the same thing. In fact actually, people who are non-heterosexual and non-cisgender are more likely to be impoverished than their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts, if you wanted to go into that. But that’s is a discussion for another day. Inclusion of gender and sex creates awareness, acceptance, and pride. Inclusion of… money? Creates greed. Also, there is some poverty representation in New Kaineng as well as in many other areas of the game where we see NPCs living on their own or with a faction outside of cities.
  23. Also, one thing I thought of. By failing to show any indication of gender, sexual identity, or sexual orientation, we create a world where everyone is assumed to be heterosexual and cisgender. The only other way to tell otherwise would be to either cater to stereotypes and thereby invoke assumption or to disclose it plain and simple. As a result, the only positive way to bring awareness is to include it. Failing to include it only favors cisgender and heterosexual people and furthers the notion that these things are far off and bizarre.
  24. What I mean by this is that people are people and people are going to naturally form relationships just by their interactions with each other. These interactions don’t even need to be sexual. They can be friendships. And in these friendships, the characters can identify as heterosexual or non-heterosexual. There doesn’t need to be any sexual interaction at all. But the presence and awareness is what’s important.
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