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Posts posted by Raknar.4735

  1. 1 hour ago, fatihso.7258 said:

    Are you aware it is meant to be August loot and there is less than 24 hours to September already. This is such a failure.

    Yes, I‘m also aware how the Twitch Prime loot system works for other games. Timezones are also a thing, so for example New Zealand only has 4 hours left in August. The drop will obviously arrive on Sebtember 1st for them.

    Not a hard concept to grasp.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    They are both 'instanced content', actually. 

    Obviously, I've never stated something else.

    Just calling out the people that were against changes for the squad version, the reason that caused its current state😉.

    They can blame leechers, time-windows or anything else any way they want, doesn't change the real cause for it being unpopular. Not the first time they've blamed it on something else but themselves when it comes to instanced content.

    The instanced public version was popular enough amongst the playerbase to change Anets' mind. It was also better balanced, like I've previously stated.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Nah, people that wanted to do the content instead of leeching it were doing ok, it's spreading population thin because of no specific time windows.

    Oh, that's the reason all those 250 LI groups kept failing! They were full of leechers! It must then be a coincidence that a personally selected squad of people had so many egregious leechers that caused the event to fail! Or "leechers" may yet be another coping mechanism to deny the private version flat-out failed due to difficulty.

    Of course, the public version, even though anyone could join without a squad and therefore potentially had a higher chance of leechers didn't fail as much. It was even so popular that people raised their voice so that Anet promised to bring it back.

    Anyways, I'm too tired to discuss this topic with you, as even after the result of the private squad version is laid out for everyone to see, you still decide to close your eyes.

    I'm just going to congratulate you and anyone else that was against any changes for effectively killing off another piece of instanced content. Congratulations, I hope you enjoy what you've reaped time and time again.

    I'll certainly enjoy my time with the better balanced public version once it re-releases.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    It's probably less about difficulty -because the content can be learned- and more about not having a specific time window for people to join.

    Nah, it is the current difficulty, blaming time windows is just coping at this point. Not the first time content was abandoned due to being difficult in the wrong places and no changes being applied due to a vocal group of people.

    Anet was warned about it, changes were suggested, some of the usual vocal people shot down the suggestions. The private version is barely played as a result, if at all. The usual vocal people got what they wanted, but not the result they envisioned. You reap what you sow, yet again, I suppose.

    I'll just wait for the public version to re-release. At least Anet listened to that suggestion.

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  5. Many people called that the squad/private version was doomed in its current state, even though there were some vehement voices against changes and in favour of keeping it as "hard" as it is. Anet listened to them and made no changes to the private one, this is the result.

    However, they did announce that they would at least reintroduce the public one in the future, after a part of the community wanted to keep it, since they knew the private version would go nowhere.

    We'll just have to wait until the public version returns to revive the Marionette content.

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  6. Looking at the newly released silhouette I get Adelbern/Foefire vibes due to the ground effect.

    I doubt it is that, since Adelbern isn't canthan and he's a human. Either way, really interested in the legend now (still on team Leviathan, even though it is less likely now!).

    Edit: The greatsword hilt looks very "norn/kodan" to me.

  7. I‘m still putting my eggs in the Leviathan/insect legend basket. The serrated style of the sword and the spikes all over remind me of a centipede.

    If my speculation about the gloves being the bounty-hunter ones is correct, it would also fit (obviously my own bias is most likely making me interpret things my way). It may however also be a completely new armour set.

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  8. 21 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:


    So then we can also ask anet to stop doing open world and create another open world were you have to be a group to complete it and not do any more open world untill this new group open world is fully cover like the open world is now.


    It wont change open world at all since you can still play the other open world were you can solo.

    Do you see how the OP request seems abit silly now?


    Its not just creating a mercenary system then plunking it down into the game is going inside the group instanced content duming it down or out right recreating it so the merchs can complete the content for you.



    Since you've asked specifically and seem to need suggestions i considered answering your questions one last time:


    Yes you can ask for your own OW maps, but do so in your own thread, instead of hijacking OPs one.

    I still don't see it as a silly request, if you want some open world maps were you have to group up to complete it (even though you can already do that with the current ones, the grouping up and then completing), then suggest it to Anet.


    Also, lots of the already implemented zones in the game can only be completed with groups. May I suggest you to look at Dragon's Stand? Or many other meta events that can't be soloed? If you have any questions about metas that can't be soloed, feel free to PM me! I'm happy to point you to them, as you clearly want OW content that can't be soloed, which is already in the game. I'm sure EoD will also bring new similiar content.


    Nonetheless, your derailment about OW maps still has nothing to do with OPs suggestion, just like the "This is a MMO" statement is not relevant to the mercenaries.


    OP said nothing about tuning the current group instanced content down, or recreating it. He merely suggested a mercenery system. Everything else is your own interpretation. So the instanced group content remains unchanged.

    Have a nice day 😉.

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  9. 21 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

    No this is an mmo and in mmos you have instanced content called for example dungeons/strikes/raids you need a group of players to complete.

    So mythical.6315 is not wrong you are.


    You say that not all content need to cater to everyone, then turn around and want change the only content were you need a group to solable content.

    That then goes against what you are saying.



    Yeah, this is an mmo and in mmos you have a variety of content. Instanced content is one type of that variety. There's also solo content, PvP content, in this case also WvW content, racing content etc.


    So the statement "This is an MMO" is not a viable counter argument against OPs suggestion, as it "being an MMO" has no bearing, especially so since the abbreviation "MMO" doesn't state anything about instanced group content, it merely stands for massively multiplayer online.

    So yes, he is wrong, and so are you.


    Nothing I've stated goes against what I'm saying. The instanced content itself remains unchanged. Even after the introduction of the mercenaries OP suggested, you can still play it in the same old way you can now. That players do then have the possibility to group up with NPCs or fill their remaining slots with NPCs doesn't change the content.


    I'll also repeat myself for you, since you're driving this thread further offtopic: 

    On behalf of OP and to not further drive this thread into offtopic conversations, this will be my last answer to you.

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  10. 23 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

    How about in their post where they listed all instanced group content:  "Can be used in Story, Dungeons, Fractals, Strikes, Raids etc. "


    And just above that line where they stated multiple heroes being used: "All Heroes in your party can be ordered at the same time by clicking your own name."


    How does using NPCs in instanced group content, in place of players, not equate to being able to solo it?  By all means enlighten me on that one.



    I didn't know this game only consists of instanced group content. I mean, I get it, if that's the only part that you play, it is all of your content. It isn't all of the content in the game. Like I said, you're massively exaggerating.



    You're missing the point with that statement.  It's not about whether NPCs exist in MMOs but whether NPCs replace players in group content in MMOs.  Two very different things.


    Seems to me like you're missing what OPs suggestion is about. They're not here to replace players. You can still group up with the players if you so desire.

    If you're worried that players will replace you with NPCs instead of taking players which will be the more efficient way, then the content is at fault in the first place.



    So if you disagree then why are you going against my post?  If you agree that every single piece of content doesn't need to cater to every player type, which you just said, then why does group instance content need to?  Please explain that one.  Several times already you have just contradicted yourself.


    I haven't contradicted myself once. I'm against your post because you stated this "game being an MMO" should be a counter argument against OPs suggestion, when it isn't an argument in the first place, as MMOs have all types of content, like you yourself previously stated. I'm not saying group instance content needs to cater to every player type. The group instance content remains unchanged with OPs suggestion.

    This is about the mercenaries, not the group content itself. It seems you have missed the point.




    Do MMOs have group content that can only be completed by other players?

    What percentage of MMOs have all content which can be completed without needing other players?



    Your questions here make no sense. "What is group content that can only be completed by other players?" 

    A lot of content can be completed by other players.


    About your second question: I don't know, I don't have the statistics for that, do you? Care to elaborate? The question, as well as the answer is also completely irrelevant to OPs suggestion. So why ask in the first place?



    Group content is a large aspect of MMOs.  You arguing against that is what doesn't make sense.


    I'm not arguing against that, I'm arguing against you using the statement "This is an MMO" as if it were any kind of counter argument against OPs suggestion, when it isn't at all, as it only means massively multiplayer online, something that isn't actually part of our current types of instanced content apart from Dragonstorm and public Marionette.


    I get it, you were wrong with the "this is an MMO" statement and don't want to admit it, so instead you go on a lot of tangents and keep moving the goalpost. On behalf of OP and to not further drive this thread into offtopic conversations, this will be my last answer to you.

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  11. 16 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

    What percentage of MMOs allow players to do all content solo. Please enlighten me. Group content is a part of nearly all MMOs. If players want to do said content then they need to group up with other players. A lot of other content in MMOs can be done solo. Not every single piece of content in a game needs to cater to every player type. 


    Where does OP want to do all content solo? Nowhere, you're just massively exaggerating. Content with NPCs is also part of nearly all MMOs. So what's your point?


    Every single piece of content doesn't need to cater to every player type, exactly. I agree. So why are you here disagreeing to the OP, only because the content he wants doesn't cater to you? I mean, "this is an MMO".


    Also, your initial counter argument "this is an MMO" still makes no sense.


    Edit: Besides, you can already do all the content, besides adventures and the Queen‘s gauntlet, in a group, so most of the content in the game can already be done in a group and is therefore group content. You not playing it in a group is your own choice.

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  12. 5 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

    And MMOs have group content whether it be small or large scale. I don’t understand why you’re trying to go against that aspect of my post with the reasoning that you’re giving. 


    I'm not going against MMOs having group content. I'm going against your "This is an MMO" statement, as if MMOs don't have the content OP is asking for. Your initial statement justifying group content, with this game being an MMO as reason makes no sense when the OP is asking for content being also done with NPCs, as that is also MMO content.


    The game being an MMO has no bearing to OPs request. Especially not, since MMO means something different from group content. It is just a classification meaning massive multiplayer online.

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  13. 7 hours ago, mythical.6315 said:

    This is also an MMO so I don’t feel that certain group aspects should be bypassed. 


    Well, this is about instanced content, where the massively-multiplayer from the term MMO doesn't really apply, as group sizes are mostly small-scale. Not to mention the whole persistent world that doesn't exist in instances.


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  14. So just another spirit spammer, just like Kalla? Sorry, would bring nothing new and summoning spirits is just a brainless mechanism.

    Not to mention that it can't get any more boring than using Togo as a legend.


    We don't need another summoning spec. If you want to play with non-moving minions just play Kalla or reroll turret engineer. The playstyle already exists, we don't need it again.

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  15. 1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:



    Now, you can reject that explanation if you wish, but you're then pretty much relying on "you can't PROVE that I'm wrong!" as your only argument, and that's pretty weak as a basis for arguing that Shiro-the-legend is purely based on Shiro's first lifetime.


    So no source but only your own interpretation, got it.

    Your whole explanation has your own personal bias and personal interpretation as a basis, so you're pretty much relying on what you said yourself: "you can't prove that i'm wrong!".


    Trying to attack my theory with a "you can't prove that i'm wrong"-strawman instead of proving your interpretation is right is not a great argument and also pretty weak.


    There's also more arguments in favour of it being the Echo of the first lifetime of Shiro, one example would be Revenants actualy channeling the Jade Wind (which only happened once) directly, not only Shiro, as written in the own skill description: "Legendary Assassin. Call upon the Jade Wind to turn nearby enemies into jade, stunning them for a short duration."


    This isn't what this topic was originally about, though. That's why I didn't elaborate.


    But I don't think I'm willing to continue this discussion, as you resort to such bizarre argumentative fallacies like strawmanning. Nothing good has ever come out of discussing things with someone that isn't willing to discuss in good faith. Have a nice day.

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  16. 36 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    He tries to release a Jade Wind after being mortally wounded in the Imperial Sanctum mission, but this time the Oracle was ready for it and he and a bunch of acolytes come in and seal him inside a shield so that only he gets turned to jade.


    That's your interpretation of the final cutscene. To me it just looks like that Suun's adepts themselves turn him into jade to seal his mortal body.

    If you have a source that states it's his own power that gets repelled, I'd be happy to see it. I have looked for it, but personally couldn't find it.

  17. 40 minutes ago, Aeolus.3615 said:


    When players fight Shiro in Gw1 he already had absorved the magic, still Impossible odds and risposting shadows, battle scars are in fact Shiro skills, but rev have the Jade wind cursed version has players fight him in the last canthan mission.


    Just because they are the cursed versions of the skills doenst mean they arent Shiro skills....


    Impossible odds, riposting shadows and battle scars are Shiro's own battle abilities. Obviously he uses them, as they're his fighting style.

    The Jade Wind is corrupted Dwayna magic, he doesn't use that in the last canthan mission, nor in the Gate of Madness. He was able to cause the Jade Wind because he stole that magic from the Emperor.

    Also, the Jade Wind isn't one of his skills, it is the name of the event that occurred when Shiro died.


    And what are "cursed versions of the skills"? Not sure what you mean by that. Also I'm not sure why you're saying Revs have a "cursed version" of the Jade Wind.

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