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Everything posted by Saiyan.1704

  1. Out of all the complaints, i'm surprised Judges Intervention is one of them lol. Some DH's dont even take Longbow or Judges... If you nerf Guard's main engagement skill then go ahead and nerf Necro's disengagement worm port too or is that not the same? Maybe you just don't want the incredibly SLOW DH spec to catch up to anyone at all? Trust me it isn't Judges that is killing yall <gold1 players. It's the fact you don't know how to counter a very telegraphed, 0 defensive Longbow weapon. You see them precast trueshot, you dodge even IF they waste a port to get in your face when using it. The cast time never changes.
  2. I feel Plat players should play with other Plat players. Also don't immediately assume one class or spec takes "so much more time to use" vs another class or spec. Again, that's a fallacy.
  3. Either you play a class with 100% efficiency or you don't. Pro gamers in Plat2 don't sweat harder for playing the piano class Cata any more than they would if they were playing Guardian... because they already play these specs to their efficiency. Labeling a player "not as good because the class is easier" is such a huge fallacy....
  4. I know a few Engi mains in Plat2 that would disagree with you.
  5. I whole heartedly disagree with this comment and absolutely loath the subject... of which, there is no correct answer because class difficult IS the way that it is and is not changeable. What is fact: We HAVE classes that state they are "Easy" or "Difficult" in the character creation page. This isn't changing anytime soon, or ever. If the AT Meta consisted of only "difficult" classes... because they are "hard to use, therefore they should be better than every other class"... then what is the point of even having other classes in PvP? If that's the case then let's just have a full roster of Elementalists (which we have had, and it was a joke of a meta). This is a very dumb subject unless we're asking Anet to increase difficulty of every single class and update their character info page but that is never going to happen. Also the most difficult class for Guard is probably Firebrand and I refuse to be pigeonholed into playing that spec 100% of the time.
  6. The build certainly plays itself that's for sure. I certainly can't argue the amount of forum grievances that symbolic healing build brought lol. I'm still bitter about the build removal though. Almost as bitter as the removal of trapper runes.
  7. Symbols got a huge damage nerf in February 25th, 2020, along side the trait Writ of Persistence's symbol radius and symbol healing. The nerf was overkill. What's funny is they ended up killing an otherwise fun 2nd build option with Writ of Persistence's symbol radius and healing, which was the answer to a lot of the symbol issues we now have.
  8. Just a reminder. This game is 4 years older than Overwatch. Many elements of OW's PvP system matchmaking system is meant to be OPEN. In that, you know WHO is a tank and WHO is a healer, dps, etc. GW2 was never that intricate. This game's PvP system out of the box was so good at the time, it was thought it was going Pro-League. It never evolved into that open-box, "overwatch" matchmaking... and because of it, it never grew larger than it did when GW2 had tournaments.
  9. So awkward seeing a confuse emote on such an accurate comment... Newbies: " it has lanes... it has npc's... IT IS A MOBA" No. 100% wrong for a number of cringe reasons. A true MOBA has: Individual Character or Spec Progression Strategic interchangeable equipment responses to a player's build/spec/equipment when progressing. Strategic tower "defenses" to kite/micro players, from start of game to mid game. Strategic bush/ hedge/cliff/ect.. stealth abilities.. to "ambush" unsuspected players on the map. Equipment gear to COUNTER specific spots in order to prevent ambushes (limited usage). MORE than 1 offensive lane.....sweet jesus... Stronghold is NOTHING like a MOBA. It. Is. Not. A. Moba.
  10. ... this kid would rather type out a grammatically toxic letter for the GM's to read instead of spending 30 seconds of his time Googling the answer. All you had to do is Google search: "gw2 can I customize weapon skills?". This generation not only has an incomprehensible amount of knowledge instantly accessible from an over-paid smartphone tablet, but ALSO have readily available A.I Search Engines that delivers near-instant responses in human-like clarity. Yet, he's frustrated for not getting a clear answer... from a tech support guy named Saanvi who says he's from Ohio.
  11. Media trapper, do you mean meditations? Is that a typo? I've found the best way to generate resolution (and fury) has been in Zeal. Wrathful Spirit will give you all the resolution uptime you'll ever need. The only issue is lack of Stability/Stunbreaks. Fragment of Faith trap feels like a must, followed by Test of Faith. The third on the bar can be PoB or Judges.
  12. Edit: Didnt mean to double post lol! To add on and elaborate, I don't like being pigeonholed into using greatsword just to get more virtue procs. For comparison's sake, DH's aegis on traps work A LOT better defensive wise compared to WB's F3. Just 4 traps gives 4 blocks. You need an equivalent of 20 hits to activate and gain that amount of blocks to activate your F3... assuming you hit 3 people at the same time with GS#2 (Whirling Wrath) every time you activate a virtue. It is exponentially worse if the person you are engaging is range oriented, kiting your greatsword. If you land no hits, you activate no virtues.
  13. I've always disagreed with the "activate on hits" with our virtues. Five hits for a single virtue activation is a lot for our virtues to activate with (maybe) the exception being F1's Permeating Wrath trait. I don't like using greatsword just to get more virtue procs. I would have hoped to see a trait for F2 or F3 in our treeline that would reduced the # of hits but I doubt we'll ever get something like that.
  14. Sky Hammer is a lot more easier to deal with if you're against a team-comp that dominates teamfights, compared to say, Raid on the Capricorn. That Capricorn map can be toxic against a team that can win bell 100% of the time without you able to do anything except for... pray you can win sides consistently... Skyhammer, who cares if they cap hammer? Decap a sidenode and stay on it but don't cap it completely. Right before it takes 1 more tick, get off the node, they win hammer then it's an instant cap when you get back on node after the hammer damage completes. Even if you are a slow AF class you should be able to do something on side-nodes but if your team sucks.... then it sucks... and no amount of map strat can carry bad players who die at every corner. But as for something like a WB+Scourge+SPB comp? The only issue there is the spellbreaker. Scourge is SLOW which means you can litearlly dodge his main damage (or deny his support).
  15. "When a character is downed, they fall to the ground and are unable to move, but gain triple their base health..." (source)
  16. I feel the bigger issue at play is the number of players who don't know how to survive. TTK is honestly pretty good in this meta compared to the other meta's we've had. Scrapper is excellent at deleting people but it is also prone to getting deleted itself.
  17. I'm mostly complaining about -6 for a win and -20 for a loss. Then this game happened and I flipped my desk lol. I died 3 times then afk'd because the entire team literally afk'd near the start of the game lol. I did around 39,000 per death which is extremely low damage but the teammates somehow got lower. What's funny is everyone else pretty much only died 3 or 4 times. But they did no damage at all between their respawns.
  18. https://imgur.com/a/iANMDOQ Anet: "Well.... you're a Plat 1, top 100 player, in a filled game of Silver 3's. We expect Counter Strike level performances. "You are a GOD amongst them.... we do not take soloQ players lightly during after hours. Can't Carry a Mech? Or two Gold 1 Scrappers along side a Core Warrior who somehow hit G3's rating of 1402? Well. Let me tell you that the rating AVERAGE is EVEN and non-negotiable. You lose full rating.... because you DESERVE to lose full rating." "THIS IS PEAK GW2 PVP" -Anet
  19. Seeing your comment on these forums is like finding a bill in the pant pocket. I'm just excited to see what it is.
  20. Afking just because people don't feel like sweating in a match is bad practice and should never be preached... The number of games where we were down by 200 but ended up winning, is countless. I've had several of those this season alone. The only exception is when some one is blatantly grieving, which unfortunately happens more often than comeback stories =/
  21. I find brawlers to be inconsistent when it procs, in relation to when I want to burst or not. I can randomly gain resolution/protection on me while kiting. Or I don't get the damage modifier at all when I feel like CCing a person in my traps. The 8 second cooldown can be hefty. DH relic, every hit of traps will activate the damage modifier, which is what I'm wanting. Also every hit of Procession of Blades when the trap triggers will refresh the relic on that target. The damage modifier has been more reliable in that way
  22. I'd like to add that Valk amulet's 22.4k health pool spamming Aegis from 4 traps along with every block being a cleanse, is a very tanky & bursty DH build right now. Very much unforgiving towards zerker classes with low health pools, including some Warriors who don't expect the amount of CC (and damage) it can dish out. Power Burst Virtuoso & Unblockable boon ripping Necro... sometimes DE... can laughably demolish DH. The fact that DH has hard counters means it's not a God spec... it's just a good spec that the meta hasn't caught up to yet.
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