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Everything posted by Yer.8096

  1. As Catalyst, using hammer; Equipment template tab 7, PvP equipment mode. First sigil slot with a hammer weapon. If I set "Sigil of Cleansing" on that first sigil slot (only there, on the second slot that doesn't happen), after changing active equipment tab that sigil become "Sigil of Transference". If I change to cleansing again, doesn't matter: just change the tab and when you are back: transference again.
  2. Sorry to focused on PvP content... The thread have "This holds true in pve as well as other game modes." text. I supposed was all game modes we could talk about.
  3. A lot of people likes to say things like "you can bring CC break wherever you want"... They probably play as warrior, necros or mesmers... haha. The thing is: some professions have more hard control than you can break. Some professions have skills you CANNOT remove or almost impossible to predict. Like you being immobile when you are transformed into a moa. Or you being pulled by a dragonhunter for 1200 units right when he is finishing hunter's ward. Sometimes, you don't have stun break for 3 hard control in one single skill, like mesmers (at least is an elite skill), harbinger or specter. Or condition cleanse enough when remove immobilize condition right on next tick and you receive another one. Or when you receive one or two fear inside a spectral ring. Or a warrior with a lot of control with almost no internal cooldown. I think hard control fun on guild wars 2, but I also think is too much nowadays. Reducing them maybe isnt the best approach; but maybe some rework on some of them. A higher internal cooldown for root and spectral rings should be cool; being immune to hard and soft control when you are a moa; not being controlled by SAME skill after using a stun break on previous hit. Hunter's veridict pull like 300 units, not 1200 (that is too much). In my pov, that could be a healthy discussion and, probably, would make pvp better for a big portion of players.
  4. Tempest alac when begin overload? No? Really?
  5. Can be by pulses, of course. At least we do not loose ALL alacrity from overload, specilally with this control sequence some instances and professions have. Didn't ANet learned with Scraper and their gyros? Why we need to be mad so many times with a lesson ANet already have?
  6. Again, for Dwayna sake, remove mail limit for guild members!!!
  7. I'm not completely happy with this reverted change because I really think its all in guardians hands for so long time; that is boring for everyone; isnt cool you need a profession to fight as "equal"; this seems to be the proposal for gw2 since the beginning, but I dont think it was ever achieved. What I do like is that thinking to give AoE stability and goup stun breaks for other professions... For many years, all I want is the possibility to be wherever you want as role, no matter what profession is. Profession, in my humble opinion, is a question of gameplay, not funcionality. Another way, another theme, another flux to do a role... But, in my angle of view, I dont think we need so much stability to fight against to many ccs. I think we need a reduction for area control, specially the arbitrary ones. Again, guardian has some; lets not talk about necro... Stability was made to GIVE a way to fight a control, and you give a way to someone not remove, but change that immunyti into (yeah...) a control? I think that's just wrong... And gets worse: not everybody can do that! Just some... Completely wrong. If you want this behaviour to some professions, at least do not convert stability in fear.. Common! And necros do better than anyone PLUS a lot of controle, including more and more fear... Lets not talk about ring of fear. Not hard control by itself, but I have to make a citation to druid roots; every time a new root. If you remove immob, almost all the time its not sync with immob application and you get another one with no time to run; if you teleport, you still have immonb in your foots. Harbinger CC is also too much... If you use a stun break, you should have oportunity to be immune at least next pulse; same way for specter. Dragonhunter's Ward (hunter's ward)? You should, at least, be abble to not being knocked back when touch the wall ward; lasts for a long time and you cannot remove or evade. But yes, diversity in team composition and roles. Yes, share all "gods" (like guardians) powers to everyone. Thats the thing to me; That's the spirit I was waiting for in many years.
  8. You represented myself. All I want is play with "gamesyle" I want and see everyone doing the same and feeling useful. At the same time, we need to focus more game mechanics, not "play" in AFK mode and have same damage ammount an "active" player.
  9. I want a real intention to make a spec really viable in all senses what it is proposed. Not just a spare for others, like a lot spec has been... Where anyone can do in a easier, faster and better way. I want weapon skills giving what I need to have in a battle and have my utilities to be utilities, specially when supporting my group. I really want a spec wher eyou cannot use elemental weapons. Acctually elemental weapons could be completely removed from the game, been replaced by more usefull skills that doesnt create a even more hard rotation to be executed. They just make elementalist more complex and his nerfes justified. I want a spec wich we could be "competitive", comparable with others. A lot of specs are better than elementalist in ANYTHING (except healing, what isnt necessary because overhealing doesnt have a real effect). Giving alacrity, giving damage, giving quickness, giving might, giving reflections/blocking projectiles in area (wich support 10 players, not just a 5 player skill like magnectic aura). There are some mechanics elementalists absolutely doesnt have, and game has some bosses wich you need some of them like strip boon. Every place in the game you need someone, you can replace an elementalist for other and it will be better on that. The reverse does not happen. Or ANet could just make a spec where you can turn into another profession. Probably, that one would be the most popular spec for elementalist ever.
  10. I know there is a lot of suggestions for both and I agree with a lot of topics in this forum. I'll compile my main frustations with them, maybe that can help some other angle view. Tempest Alacrity Ignoring at the moment several valid opinions, I want to say that is frustating wait 5 seconds to start an overload and be completely interrupted with a huge cooldown by almost ANY boss. One stab isn't enough (if you are not healing, so using Harmonious Conduit trait). We cant give enough alac just reapeating earth overload. So, please pulse alacrity at the beginning of an overload; wait for 5 seconds is punishment enough in PvE, PvP or WvW. That would help to begin a battle in PvE too. Catalyst 1. Some players and me already posted in catalyst forum about that, but pressing F5 for orb is contradictory with F1~F4, wich have the "same function". I still think catalyst should work like tempest, where the same element attunement button can be used. 2. Energy mechanic in catalyst is so... meaningless, the way they are now. The core, meaninful, most essencial elementalist mecanic in Guild Wars 2 is changin elements. Why, why not give energy orbs WHEN changing elements? Even outside combat! To give boundaries, why not ONE charge for each element, with internal cooldown (because Fresh Air)? As catalyst imo there are more sense the energy used to change elements be viable to our orb, wich is our "catalyser element". As I said before, there is a lot valid opinions in this forum I agree. A LOT. These 3 are my main gaps in newer development for elementalist. Sorry if my english fail to clarify something and, of course, would be cool see if someone else agree or not with my suggestions.
  11. And the frequency depends. Sometimes is everyday; sometimes is 2/3 times a week. But I dont think frequency justify that argument. Its just quality of life thing. To clarify what I think, Im just complainning: not saying the game is bad because of that (I play since 2012 betas, I love gw2!); quality of life are things that make our day-by-day better; I dont see things like "you can just relog" as a reason to do not point a problem (but yes! I can just relog). No interface message should be popping in your window for more than some seconds. Another idea is the same message stack with previous one. Like "You sent that item to aseembly (x250)". I see this type os message on many games and softwares, could be a good improvement.
  12. I hope you could understand, my english isnt so good I know; sorry for that.
  13. I do a lot of craft, specially for wvw weapons to my guild. So, Farohna, my prsumption was right, you just said you just do "a few decorations". You dont need to see a lot of message like me. I really need to log off everytime, and I dont think that is necessary. I dont understand why you, guys, complain about a simple chat message as alternative (like anything else in the game) and think mine isnt a problem. We dont need to be selfish! I'm asking for an alternative; ANnet just need to give ME and anyone else who want the same to disable assembly message; I really dont understand why people get bored with me asking that and compain about my personal annoyance! Just an option an you, guys, can have your message and I dont need to see more than 300 messages that still popping after half hour OR have to relog just because of that! And the effort for Anet is minimal!
  14. I think you never did a pack of anything. Doenst work just leave the guild hall. The message still popping up. Close scribing station interface could stop too... Anything is better than a message popping up for more than a half hour. In chat panel, you can just config to do not show that message in your tab too. So many methods!
  15. Please, remove that message when you send a schematic to assembly device. When you craft a lot, you need to relog the game to cancel all message stack. Just send in chat panel, please?
  16. I'm tired to loose 99 Fishing Party Catches for map closing. We should stay with that buff when changing to same map copy.
  17. In fact, thats the problem: should not be a king. If people think in general some profession is the favorite child, so the chance of a big mistake there is big.
  18. In terms of criativity, it is. In terms of good skills, it is. In terms of balance, well, they got tired to make mesmer king of the mountain.
  19. I play as ele. You can suppose if I agree with you hahaha. What really bother me, is why they just dont rebalance as fast as possible!? Why they took a long time to change 1 second cooldown of one skill in PvP mode only. So many years guardians have that aegis after aegis and quickness, making any other support useless compared to in PvE. Every year they post about review in weapons skills, and elementalist staff just get nerfs and every profession has at least one weapon almost useless. Although the game is extremely artistic and remains one of the best MMO, some things in gw2 (like balance) seems to be led by a perfectionist team, not focused in real balance, thematic and fun for players; but focused on precise numbers without consider conditions (situations) to apply a skill, difficult, time and other elements. I miss O'Brien.
  20. Yes, I completely agree. My point is elementalist isn't a colapsed profession by himself, he is overhelmed by multi-role professions. Almost ten years to elementalist have a boon launched in 2012 (quickness). That is really disapointed; if you sum that with scepter, staff, warhorn... All that chess board needs to be faced. Staff needs to be revised like catalyst, because they failed to giving an efficienty long range weapon in EoD, so we still need one; maybe that traditional mage can be positioned here. But I think the issue when thinking in balance is they do a little balance on elementalist and huge balance to others professions. They don't see elementalist as a real piece of that chess board... See last Catalyst nerf: too dps for a support/dps role; they didnt focused on support build, they just nerfed ALL catalyst, entirely. It seems elementalists are treated like coins: heads or tails; nothing more. Again, I'm not an expert on these aspects, but maybe little balance between major adjustments with one single profession at time could be a good way to see that chain effect. When you change more than one piece you change all scenario, and that can be useful to a manage view, but isn't good for who is - in fact - using it. So, small changes on ALL professions, one at time, until a major balance patch with scenario view. I think that can be a good approach. I hope my poor english can be understood.
  21. I keep that same hope for 5 years. They've annouced the future of guild wars 2... All I could read was: * Nerf of elementalist in general every 3 months. * Another role destruction for elementalists in 28th June. Anet was once (to me) a exemplar company who cared with players opinion, not just profit. Nowadays, after they neglect so much and never answer anyone of us (elementalist's players), I just see as an ordinary company wich cares with numbers. I wouldn't like to feel that. I understand EoD was a real challenge and I apreciate they effort. I really do. Thank you, all developers! But that doesn't explain before EoD, before all world obstacles; after YEARS they've removed aegis spam for guardians... I think Anet should face elementalist as an important piece of the game, not as audience. Its possible that the real issue be things like heal/quicknes/might/ALotOfBoonsExceptAlacrity in one role, not elementalist by himslef? I'm not an expert, but I think so. That was the purpose of gw2 combat at the begnning. I do not say that as a final resolution, but I would like Anet tried that thinking or, if they've tried already, show to us; they should talk to us more. But I sill hopefull. Maybe they fix (its a fix, not a balance) catalyst. Its a big maybe.
  22. I should stop being patient and have some faith in this forum too... Its obviously they never read it. But still, I have another suggestion: give elementalists a skill to change to another profession. That should balance things. Probably will be the best balance for elementalist so far and we'll can enjoy a character that we invest some time (years in my case, having this stupid faith on Anet).
  23. I share that same suggestion for 5 years until now. Should be a demand nowadays, not a suggestion anymore.
  24. Anet ignored all sugestions about catalyst not based in benchmarks or any data-based during beta. What seems to me is that you and Anet dont realize the golem is a bad measure for us too. ALL elementalists agree with that. Because almost all damage output occurs in fields and they are static. People use these data to show Anet even in a perfect situation catalyst is bad. I agree with you when you defend Anet has their plans on catalyst, what I dont understand is why they don't tell us? Where is the developers showing to community who plays with elementalist whats the plan? They really have one? Why they don't explain us why there is no group effective support builds and DPS builds able to survive like almost anyone else? A friend of mine said once: "Anet fears elementalist because they don't understand it". I have to agree on that and extend: they dont understand the players who plays with elementalists too, they are just ignored. See catalyst feeeback for instance.
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