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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. While not really on topic, I heard Edwin Starr singing the title of the thread...
  2. Out of 40 challenges total in the four HoT maps, over 20 are communes (although one isn't easily reached solo, unless good at stealth, and several others aren't available all the time). Both expansions offer 25+ challenges that can be soloed by most players most of the time. The main difference is that the "excess" HoT challenges (those beyond the 25 needed to max an elite spec) include champion fights that are difficult for many and the "easier" HoT challenges are generally harder to reach due to meta gating. In contrast, PoF only has 4 "excess" challenges compared to HoT's 15 extra, so it gives the appearance of being easier overall. It's fair to say that there are more HoT challenges that are difficult for many (probably most) players and fortunately we can ignore those harder ones, if all we want to do is max an elite spec.
  3. tl;dr There are at least 22 HoT challenges that can be done solo, with another 5 that can be done with modest amounts of help (or easily before or after a meta). The wiki has a handy article that lists all the hero challenges (the official jargon for the place that grants hero points), with the HoT ones identified here:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_hero_challenges_in_the_Heart_of_Maguuma Unfortunately, it doesn't include the type of challenge, so you'll have to go back|forth with the following information. I've listed the name of the challenge for two types: commune (meaning that you need a few seconds of uninterrupted channeling) and "non-Champ" (meaning can be done without a tough fight). Those marked with † require completion of the meta; those marked with § require some sort of mastery skill; and those marked with ◊ require mounts (or are much easier) to reach without completing meta. Verdant Brink (8)Commune (7): Abyssal Deaths, Ancient Fighting Pit, Ancient Tree, Cliffside Ruins, Nuhoch Alchemical Energy, Airship Wreckage, Wyvern Nesting GroundsNon-champ (1): Nightthistle BlossomAuric Basin (3)Commune (2): Burnisher Quarry, Exalted Overlook†, Non-champ (1): Toxin-Cured HogOther (not counted): These are challenges that some consider every bit as, erm, challenging as fighting a champ, so I don't count them in the "easy enough" categories: Ancient Golem (tricky fight), Balthazar's Statue (group fight to clear the area), Champion Tarnished Sage† (easily done after meta)Tangled Depths (4)Commune (4): Ancient Power Core, Chak Hatchery§, Gilded River, Jellyfish GrottoNon-champ (0): NoneOther (not counted): Egg Clutch (easily done right before meta), Guano-Incubated Spider Eggs (tricky fight for some)Dragon's Stand (7)Commune (7): Axemaster Hareth's Pod†, Blademaster Diarmid's Pod† Dragon Overlook† Exalted Pylon, Mushroom Grotto◊, Spider Nest◊ Stavemaster Adryn's Pod† Non-champ (0): NoneOther (not counted): None
  4. Despite my belief that it's a lot easier to reach Frainn (for the collections) than the threads indicate, I really do wish ANet would take some time to make a few changes: Cosmetic: changes to how the game reports, not in how the events work: Clarify the status of event chains. There's downtime between events that isn't indicated in the HUD/UI, so it's easy to believe that an event is stalled when it's in a scripted pause.Similarly, do a better job of conveying the cooldown between last success (or last failure) and restarting of the chain. This is mildly bad for Frainn/Ouoo, and appalling in Orr, since the cooldown might be hours (or so it seems).Alternatively, provide an NPC who can be queried to report on the state (as you draw near), e.g. "the grawl in the north have been defeated; we're waiting 10 minutes for the Pact Agents to arrive at the campsite."Minor: addition to the event trigger, rather than a change: Add NPCs that can speed up the timing.Alternatively, for event chains that encompass large areas, offer NPCs that will teleport the player to the current or next event. In this case, one can be 2-3 waypoints away from the action without realizing it. This would also make it easier for people to do pre-events without worrying that they can't make it back in time.And of course, lots of people want the nuclear option of forced map closures and so on or total overhaul of the events to reduce the likelihood of collection-stopping stalls. I'm hoping there are more modest suggestions that will get the job done.
  5. Revisiting: War Eternal Supply Drop RequistionThe cost has increased to 2550 (from 2400). Is it still a good deal? The wiki has a summary of all the items and their retail or TP values at:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/War_Eternal_Supply_Drop_Requisition#Notes As you can see from the wiki's list, it's a minimum of 4410 gems worth of value, assuming you would (or might be likely) to buy everything in it. Here's the calculus I used to decide to purchase: 2400 gems is the same cost for two select MountFit licenses and there are at least two I was considering already. The rest would be gravy. 100 gems is worth the cost of everything else in the package.2310 gems is the cost of two deeply discounted select licenses (1680) plus an outfit voucher (630); 90 240 gems is worth the cost of everything else in the package.or tl;dr it remains a strong discount, the best Evon Gnashblade has offered to date(assuming you want at least two select MountFits, plus any other major item)
  6. All or Nothing Appearance Package (2000 gems)Retail Values: 2150 Logan's Pact Marshal Outfit 700 gemsOnyx and Gold Lion Weapon Choice not available retailCaithe's Crystal Bloom Sword 600 gems(5) Kralkatorrik Dye Kit 500 gemsTotal Makeover Kit 350 gemsA modest discount if you planned on buying all the items at retail. However, the key feature is the pair of Onyx|Gold Lion weapon skins you can choose, since that can't be bought directly. So good deal if you want the outfit & sword skin and the Onyx|Gold Lion option.
  7. Probably a response tohttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/73942/please-make-raids-5-man
  8. Currently, Viper's Medium-Armor Skin isn't available to anyone, not for statuettes, not for gems, not for love. As mentioned, in both the gem shop and the statuette vendor, items rotate in & out. The advantage of the statuettes is that items remain for at least a month (often longer), coinciding with changes to the BL Chest contents. In contrast, for gem spenders, items are sometimes only available for a day or a week, depending.
  9. How well did it work out the last time ANet added a new map?
  10. Retail Values: 2150 Gems Primeval Dervish Outfit 700 gemsSuntouched Scythe Staff Skin 600 gemsTotal Makeover Kit 350 gems(5) Zhaitan Dye Kit 500 gems(5) Black Lion Statuette Not available retailBased on retail costs, this is one of the better packages: 2150 gems worth of stuff (plus statuettes) for a mere 1700.
  11. Retail Values: 2150 gems Zafirah's Tactical Outfit 700 gemsZafirah’s Rifle 600 gemsOnyx and Gold Lion Weapon Choice Not available retailTotal makeover kit 350 gems5 Elonian Landscape Dye 500 gemsLike other packages, this is an acceptable discount on the retail costs (assuming you want everything), with the main value being the choice of an the Lion weapons (one Onyx & one Gold of the same type)
  12. Except apparently it was fixed. Maybe it was broken again. Maybe this bounty is meant to appear less frequently.Or maybe it wigs out on certain maps and we didn't notice because overfarming of Istan led to more frequent new maps. Regardless, if your goal is to see it fixed: Use the in-game /bug reporting tool (so ANet has additional diagnostic details they need in troubleshooting)If reporting via ticket or forums, provide as many details as possible to help ANet replicate the conditions you are experiencing.
  13. Further their intensity on the topic is in part due to their claimed familiarity with numbers from similar games. If I understand correctly, the suggestion is that there might be hundreds of thousands such accounts, nearly 7 years old with less than 7 hours of playtime. And (so the theory goes), only a tiny, tiny fraction of accounts that went 5 years with only 7 hours ended up returning, so few that (according to @Lunia.2736) it's unlikely to add to the support queue in any notable way. I'm not sure I agree that it's worth doing. It sets an uncomfortable precedent, it sounds like it refutes one of the few promises ANet has ever made, it's definitely a big policy switch. And without some actual numbers, it's hard to tell just how many coveted names would be freed compared to how many players would be affected. That said... It's worth giving some additional thought. (My on-point responses below.)
  14. Do you agree this would require considerable effort on ANet's part? (e.g. choose parameters, write script, test script, run script, deal with increased support queues, take a hit in public relations for changing their mind). By your own admission, the benefits are limited to a narrow subset of the community. Even if ANet agreed that there was some shortage of names (and I'm sure you can see that might be a difficult sale to make), do you really think this is among the better solutions to that issue?
  15. Laranthir of the WildLania the Feathered DeathAgent GiedreAlchemist SyrineCamp Coordinator PhiliaBotanist NadirHistorian FiaValiant EnyrBeyond that, there are a ton of single-word Sylvari names, too. ANet doesn't seem to have any trouble finding new ones. Personally, I have named all my lore-friendly Sylvari using single-word Welsh, Irish, or Scots. Obvious choices have been taken, so I've gone for the unobvious. I've yet to have any serious difficulty.
  16. This thread has discussions that cover two distinct ideas, either of which could be implemented independently: ANet considers fractals as "another dungeon," so shouldn't it have its own unique armor skins?If ANet agrees that the game needs another method for obtaining stat-changeable ascended gear, is Fractal the best option for the next source?
  17. I'd advise not worrying about it right now. Once you've put in a few dozen hours, you'll get a sense of the sort of things you like and dislike doing in the game. Right now, it's viable to collect the unID gear over time (from L80 characters) and sell it all, without worrying about salvaging. For under L80, you can make do with salvage kits from vendors. Later, there are numerous guides out there for extracting the most coin possible from drops, if you decide that's a good way to spend your time.
  18. I wouldn't make any assumption about current plans, other than "it used to be a sticky, it used to be a top thread... so now, we're moving it to a single sticky."
  19. If they spent resources to add this feature to the game, I would expect that they'd also include: A default set of keybindings that you can save and would automatically apply to each new characterThe ability to save & load bindingsAlthough, to be fair, there are plenty of games that make it hard to do this, even though they implemented their keybinding long after such complaints were common in older games. (It's rather astounding how many times different companies will repeat mistakes made over the decades of game development — lots of things are matters of preferences... and yet plenty of things are universal in being annoying or disliked.)
  20. The policies in MMOs about reserving names can be set along a spectrum. At the extremes, there's no preservation of names versus permanent protection. Names are lost after ... 100 years of inactivity ↔ 6 years of inactivity ↔ two expansion of inactivity ↔ a day of inactivity.GW2 is at the far left; WoW is close to the right side; and the original arcade games from the 1980s are the far right. There are winners and losers to any specific policy and for any change of policy. Sliding left benefits those who logon infrequently or return after long periods of inactivity.Sliding right benefits those who have recently joined and those who have more trouble thinking of new namesThere's no happy medium for the situation (short of introducing a different mechanic, such as including account name, but that's a different conversation). So it comes down to a matter of preference and implementation cost. When it comes down to it, purging names is more expensive It requires more code and new policiesThat code (besides being costlier to setup) can make mistakes, leading to higher maintenance costsRegardless of the above, it requires more customer support, as there are always people returning to this game, even sometimes after playing just once before.Without any numbers, it's impossible to say how many more 800-gem name-change contracts (or new toon slots) they'd sell if they cancelled some people's names and made them available to the existing player base. It would have to be a heckuva lot of contracts|slots to make up for the new costs and the bad will generated.
  21. I know someone named, let's say Eloc. It turns out, that's a popular name. In GW2, right now, when I /invite Eloc, there's only one possible person. How would it work if there is Eloc@Eloc Freidon.5692 & Eloc@Illconceived Was Na.9781 ? How do I know who is the eloc I met last month, but forgot to friend? adding: Also... what happens to Eloc@Eloc Freidon.5692's reputation when @"Troll McTrollFace" (not their real account name) decides they want to damage Eloc@Eloc Freidon.5692's reputation, by creating an F2P account @"Eloc Fredon.1234" and run around on Eloc@"Eloc Fredon.1234" spouting hate? I'm not saying that's a dealbreaker if it doesn't work as intuitively as today; I'm asking if it's really as easy as you suggest.
  22. This falls into the category of, "surely if it were feasible for them to do so, they would have done it long, long ago." It's an obvious QoL feature for folks with multiple alts. Even just allowing a per-profession set of binds would be helpful. So I'm 100% sure they have considered it, reconsidered it, and just haven't figured out how to make it happen in the context of all the other good ideas they want to implement.
  23. Hit me or @Vayne.8563 up in game; we should be able to get you the chieve whenever you have time.
  24. (I've asked many times for people to put the conversion guides on the articles and unfortunately, even mentioning that the numbering systems differ is apparently not okay with some of the editors. So I no longer ask.)
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