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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Thanks for the post, @Daniel Snider.6241I love the regular communication about plans and changes. I'm looking forward to seeing how the fan-devs use the subtoken. Sounds very promising.
  2. Southsun Cove was the first map the made the change for, and it was quite some time ago, as people discovered you could very very quickly complete the map on a low level character. So it is sort of in it's own category there. *edit: And they didn't just remove the keys, they pretty much nuked the rewards from orbit. Maybe they can add the key back in for level 80 toons since there is a new president for the living world maps.As I noted, 10 shells is still substantial. Southsun is easier than even Bloodstone Fen: Southsun: 6 WP, 6 PoIB-Fen: 4 WP, 7 PoI, 3 Vista
  3. Final Chance: War Eternal Supply Drop RequistionThe cost has increased to full retail for the package, i.e. 3000 gems. Is it still a good deal?Short answer: yes (provisionally) The wiki has a summary of all the items and their retail or TP values at:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/War_Eternal_Supply_Drop_Requisition#Notes As you can see from the wiki's list, it's a minimum of 4410 gems worth of value, assuming you would (or might be likely) to buy everything in it. A 33% discount is about as good as Evon Gnashblade ever offers us. What if you don't want everything in the package? 2400 gems covers the cost of two select MountFit licenses (the Exotic Breeds and one of the other available "selects")The Black Lion Outfit voucher retails for 630 gems; the voucher for a Backpack/Glider combination is also 630 gems. So even if you just want two MountFits and an Outfit, it's still 3k worth of retail value. And that's without considering all the "extras" such as BL keys and wardrobe unlocks, even for folks like me who would never spend gems on either. or tl;dr it remains a strong discount(assuming you want at least two select MountFits, plus any other major item)
  4. Southsun Cove was the first map the made the change for, and it was quite some time ago, as people discovered you could very very quickly complete the map on a low level character. So it is sort of in it's own category there. *edit: And they didn't just remove the keys, they pretty much nuked the rewards from orbit. Southsun Cove rewards 10 karka shells + a transmutation charge. 75-100 silver isn't that shabby; it's just not as good as other zones.
  5. If the "true" rate is 33% (which seems very high; see other posts on the topic), then the chance of getting 0 or 1 keys from 11 tries is close to 8%. In probability terms: likely to happen to someone.
  6. Original discussion:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76624/black-lion-keys-and-transmutation-charges-temporary-removed-from-map-completion-rewards
  7. I always save pots. It's a waste imo to use them until I have an interest in something specific. That means no time delay for me when I need a Gift of Battle or to monetize during Halloween or Wintersday. In effect, you're saying, "if I can't unlock it right now, the requirement should be removed." I understand the sentiment; it's just not an argument that's likely to convince ANet that there's a fundamental issue worth their time, let alone effort.
  8. The Deluxe Upgrade packages are on sale for 50% off their usual gem prices. The PoF is a good deal versus retail prices; the HoT is so-so Path of Fire Deluxe Upgrade: 2400 gems retail 1200 gemsThis is a good discount package. It represents about 3400 gems of (retail) value, including 1800 gems of items that people often get. 1200 gems is even 25% off the retail price for just the name contract plus character slot (retail = 1600 gems). Additional character slot — 800 gemsIdentity repair kit (make over kit + name change contract) — 1000 gems retail (includes 1150 gems of value, bought separately)Sunspear Outfit — (not sold separately; outfits typically sell for 600-800 gems)Lily of Elon/VIP area in Amnoon — (not sold separately; exclusive trading spots are 1000 gems typically)Heart of Thorns Deluxe Upgrade: 2400 gems retail 1200 gemsIf you were planning on getting a toon slot and like the skins, this is a modest savings versus buying equivalent items (although these specific ones are exclusive to this package). Additional character slot — 800 gemsHeart of Thorns Glider skin — (not sold separately; gliders typically run 400-700 gems)Mini Rev Rytlock — (not sold separately; minis typically run 200-400 gems)Revenant Finisher — (not sold separately; finishers tend to go for 600-800 gems)Mordremoth guild decoration — (not sold separately)Linkshttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2:_Path_of_Fire#Purchasinghttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2:_Heart_of_Thorns#Purchasing
  9. For me, it's a lot better than not having access to the feature. I think 800 gems is a fine price for an infinite use item. I agree that the hour cool down seems excessive. However, I'm not bothered by it. It's rare that I want to use something like that repeatedly, except to park a bunch of characters in the same spot. So sure, I'd prefer 300 gems and a 15-minute timer. When I run of single-use T2F, I'll spend the 800 for 60-minutes between uses, too.
  10. With necro, it helps to remove the main hand and just use Warhorn 5.
  11. Which is it? by your own admission, you've spent hardly any time on any particular map.Join a squad during peak period and wait for the commander or tag up yourself. In EotM, unless your color owns the map, you have the power to take a keep simply by tagging up and getting people to join (be sure to mention often that you're inexperienced and offer to swap with someone). If your color owns the map, come back later (especially in the next match up period, which happens every 2 hours). The times when your EB/BL maps are non-competitive turn out to be be good/very-good times for EotM, because people looking for fights (without pips) will migrate. Weekends can also be good because some guilds do some training out there, and you can piggy-back off their efforts. The one thing I wouldn't recommend: spending less than a week trying and insisting to ANet it's too much effort. I doubt they'll be convinced.
  12. an extra birthday present each year. This to me is the number one reason to maintain the character. Especially if you've had the character for a while, which is suggested in this case.The OP wrote, "The character is only a few months old, so I'm not worried about the birthday gifts. "Me? I recommend worrying about them. Sure, this year, another Queen Jennah mini is inventory management rather than a reward. It's the downstream rewards that start to add up. The dyes alone are worth it. To me.(I suspect the OP won't be convinced by presents alone tho.)
  13. I should have added "[...] compared to several years ago." :s Oh sure, it's much cheaper now.Unfortunately, using that logic, we'd also have to say " it's not too expensive to craft a legendary" or "deck out 3 characters for fractals, with ascended gear with AR 150," because those are comparably less expensive today than several years ago. That's why I posted the actual numbers. 200g is a lot for some people, while it's no big deal for others.
  14. 5 keys normally costs 450 gems, so this is essentially two free ticket scrapsi.e. if you regularly buy 5 keys at a time, this is a great deal(if you don't, this isn't a good enough financial reason to start doing so)
  15. I don't know. These days, it's not too expensive to level crafting disciplines: http://gw2crafts.net/ Your definition of "too expensive" and mine differ: Chef and Jeweler are 'cheap' at 2-5g and 10-12g respectively; no problem re-leveling there.Leveling the weapon disciplines to r500 costs ~100-125 goldLeveling the armor disciplines costs 60-80 gold.For someone with 1000 gold in their wallet, releleveling 'gear' crafts might cost the equivalent of 10-20% of their coin. That sounds very expensive to me.In contrast, at today's exchange rates, a new character costs 280 gold. Summarizing: Re-learning crafts to r500 costs 150-200g (not including relearning discovery recipes) and provides no tangible benefitsA new toon costs 280 gold and means extra storage, extra income, extra presents, and the opportunity for some easy map completions that might generate BL keys.Obviously it's up to each person to decide what those things are worth. Personally, I'll always choose new toon.
  16. About two weeks ago, I was going to post that I was happy that they seemed to have fixed the bug. It does seem to have reared its ugly head. This time, I've only experienced in the World Boss maps and only after dismounting using the [1] skill to engage foes. I haven't done extensive testing to see if it occurs in other maps or in WB maps without engaging in combat from mounted state. I also haven't checked whether it happens before or after miniatures are (officially) culled. FYI for @Jomalu.9076Changing maps fixes the bug; restarting the game is never necessary (although I would agree that sometimes it makes sense to suffer the bug until an event chain/world boss event completes, to avoid missing out on the particular map). (This was true last year when @CharuStar.4109 posted, too.)
  17. Old characters can be used as supplemental storage, to earn by parking at a JP chest or (this week especially) an event chain or world boss, and an extra birthday present each year. I know of many people who have regretted deleting characters; I don't know anyone who has regretted adding a slot for an "extra" one.(Although to be fair, there are some people perfectly happy rerolling the same slot over and over again.)
  18. Not quite. There are three types of recipes, and only some of them are forgotten. Automatically learned as you level crafting. These are per character and everyone learned as they learn each craft. Not really an issue.Discovered by mixing ingredients in the 'anvil' tab. These are also per character and must be re-learned per character.Unlocked by consumable recipe item. These are account bound and not lost if a character is deleted.
  19. As far as I remember, they merely said it wasn't something they would invest in for HoT. They never mentioned long term nor has it been brought up recently.They have indeed talked about it more recently. They have always discussed it for the long term, because it's the long term they have in mind when they say the cost:benefit doesn't add up. New race takes up much the same resources as new living world story (requires story, art, acting, animations, etc), takes similar build up time, and new races adds costs for the long term, while being of little interest to many people (despite its overpowering lure to a notable subset of players). O'Brien has also said much the same thing; I just don't happen to have a handy quote.
  20. At current exchange rates, these contracts cost 350|420 gold worth of gems respectively. To pay for themselves within two years, they'd have to generate roughly half a gold per day, which seems extremely unlikely. Thus the economically-minded will prefer to save their gold and buy what they want from the TP. For the Hunter's version, the most valuable option (on average) is currently totems at around 36 silver, i.e. 131 gold per year, so over 3 years to break even at today's market rates. For the Expedition version, there's no available drop data. One interesting possibility is using it to collect account bound mats or currencies native to the zone chosen. For example, the Maguuma Wastes option has the potential to drop around a dozen bandit crests or geodes. If those currencies drop daily, then 2-3 months might be enough for various "Gen 2.5" legendary collections (the twelve later ones that are just material sinks). That's a big "if" and I'll update this when we have some data.
  21. Right now, I feel as if the event is 100% optional. If I want to join the zerg and have some easy loot, I can.However, if the same rewards were available for X tokens, I'd feel enormous pressure to farm like crazy to collect X tokens as quickly as possible.Obviously, there are a variety of compromises; there's no need to take one extreme or another. As I've said elsewhere, I'd prefer to see more events with a larger mix of rewards rather than for each event to attempt to appeal to more people. For me, the most important benefit of that will be more people enthusiastic about something in the game, thus helping to refresh populations, which in turn makes the game more fun. That will be true even if I personally don't like any of the special events. tl;dr More special events is more better, especially with a mix of rewards and reward structures.RNG is good for some people; tokens better for some.I like the idea of re-using existing content rather than creating new stuff .
  22. You can choose to zerg; I've never found that to be much fun, so I choose not to. Generally, I go around to hero challenges solo and as I approach those I struggle with (or that I know other people struggle with), I announce in /map (along with instructions for reaching) and wait a few minutes for people to reach the location. Mostly, that means 3-4 people join in the festivities, occasionally just 2, rarely more than 5, and it's very rare that no one shows up (and that's usually because there's something else going on or it's Sunday 3 am ANet time and not that many people have insomnia that bad). In other words, those who want to tackle challenges as a small group can do so and those who want EZ mode have that option, too.
  23. Had the OP been talking about map completion, I would agree; 100% hero points in HoT is more challenging than in PoF, not the least because there are a third more HP to finish in HoT.
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