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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. GW3 Jumping on that GW3 Bandwagon ! GW3 and GWAMM title and 56 other threads
  2. Bag counts depend on a number of factors, that can be simplistically divided into four categories: BuildMap/CommanderMagic FindPlaystyleA player could have the best build in the world, but not be using it in a way that maximizes bags, run low magic find, and be on a "bad map". Likewise, on a "good map", some people can get 500 bags/hour without trouble, while others will struggle to get 100 bags/hour. Build requirements: AoE & mobilityRapid fire, AoE, mobility, & a DPS option when dealing with Colin Steve. The so-called Tag-Devil can be great, if everything else (below) is also true. Magic Find: add at least 250%Boost it with food & oils, fireworks, boosters, etc. If you aren't adding at least 250% to your base MF, check the wiki. Veterans should aim for +400% (not necessarily achievable by everyone). Playstyle: "tag" rather than DPSTagging-for-loot requires different tactics and behaviors than raiding, WvW, PvP, story instances, or PvE meta events. Running the Tag-Devil will yield less unless you are actively swapping targets, staying near the front of the zerg, and focusing on "tags", rather than damage. Accordingly, there are other builds that might be more suitable for some players. Map/Commander: map hop early & oftenDon't assume the first map you find will be "good" and don't assume it will remain that way. Swap maps as often as needed to ensure that you have a commander that knows the profitable route(s) (more time in the middle than on the edges), that the zerg stays mostly together, that no one is opening doors "too soon", and that there aren't too many people spreading out mobs (which reduces the kills/minute by increasing the time-to-kill for the stragglers).
  3. I apologize for leaving that out of the original post.(Usually, I try to avoid assuming that anyone knows the game's jargon or abbreviations, no matter how long they have played the game. I've updated to fix that.)
  4. 5700 per day, not 57000 That translates to ~1633 Trick-or-Treat bags (ToTs) or 6.5 stacks of ToTs per day.
  5. Caveat: market prices are volatile. Caveat 2: assumes "efficient farming" & no other sources of gold or ToTs or corn With sufficient Magic Find and "good maps", 500 ToTs per hour is within reach of any determined player (reportedly, the range might run between under 100 ToTs/hr and 750/hour). 3.36 pieces/ToT according to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Trick-or-Treat_Bag/research Alternatively, one can sell the ToTs and buy Corn. Using current market rates (which won't last):
  6. try swapping the default to any other browserlaunch that browser and close it (if you want, try /wiki from gw2 just to double-check)then swap it backThat worked to fix whatever was wrong, when this happened to some people earlier in the game's history. As I recall, there are a couple of settings that need to be consistent and, on rare occasions, one or more of them is not updated properly after an update or re-install etc. Toggling the "default" to Firefox or Edge (for example) ensures that all the settings are (ahem) on the same page. And you can toggle back immediately to your preference, rather than being "stuck" with the less-useful application. (Booting up the alternative is just to make sure that the initial swap took effect. That second step is probably unnecessary if you run the different browsers regularly. Then again, it's quick, so why not?)
  7. Short answer: yes, increasing magic find always helps in the lab and anywhere else in the game in which the primary loot is from killing foes.It won't change what drops when you open the bags, but will affect what fraction of your drops end up as ToTs. With less MF, you'll end up with fewer ToTs. Over a short period of time, you might not notice. Over long periods, especially in foe-rich farms, the difference is impressive. One caveat: the second factor in determining your "bags per hour" in the lab is how many foes you get credit for killing. That can have a bigger impact for some players than MF. And that's affected by your commander's route, whether everyone in the squad stays together, whether people let the tag open doors, whether there are too many knockbacks, your choice of build, and other things that aren't as easy to quantify. Maximizing bags requires both a "good map" and high MF.In the extreme, through 2019, I've seen the "best" rate at around 750 bags per hour (claimed; I didn't personally verify) while the worst might have been 50-100. Medium answer: Longer answer:
  8. Just luck of the draw (or lack thereof).There's a 4% chance of opening 30 chests in a row with nothing better than common. Roughly speaking, to have a sense of whether the odds have changed, we'd want data from a stack of keys.
  9. u/sigmatics published a spreadsheet with the latest rotation of fractal dailies & weeklies ScheduleReddit DiscussionRelated:Discretize updated their site with new rotations, new|modified builds, a Sunqua guide, and other improvements WebsiteDiscussion & Outline of the ChangesFYI I am not associated with either project; please direct any feedback (glowing or critical) to the respective author(s).
  10. In particular, the confusion lies here: Should ANet make it more explicit? I suppose they could, but then that will not stop people from using the term "stat swap" and many will still ignore the updated message. Should ANet also add a modal dialogue box that forces that player to stop and confirm? Sure, they could, but then that adds a burden on every player, for the benefit of the few that haven't realized "gear replacement" isn't the same as "stat swapping." Alright, so maybe ANet can change the game so that it's possible to ignore warnings globally. Now, people who think they know the game will disable the messages, until something happens that causes them to lose resources. And now those affected will wonder why ANet allowed them to skip past the messages. Fine, so instead, the company can make it so that each warning must be acknowledged at least once before being hidden. Which also works fine, until a returning player forgets the details and runs into the same problem. Meantime, ANet has spent months of developer time, weeks of translator time, to perfect these warnings ... with the end result that a tiny fraction of players of a small fraction of potential players will avoid needing support's help. The game itself definitely does a poor job communicating some concepts, which is why veterans always urge new players to use the wiki, to research before spending valuable resources. And the GW2 Wiki does cover just about anything any of us want to know about the game, its mechanics, and its lore. Even better: if any of us think that the wiki isn't doing that job well enough, we can personally edit articles or leave a note asking someone to improve the explanation|presentation. People will still make mistakes, because we're all human. And ANet Support will try to fix it when we do, if we ask. It's definitely annoying to deal with, especially since Support has historically suffered staffing issues and we have to wait. That doesn't mean it's a good investment of resources to try to anticipate every potential issue. Once again, I'm sorry that the OP lost materials and time, regardless of the circumstances. I've been there myself and it always socks.
  11. That's a good example with regards to user experience. There's an implicit assumption that users will understand all the ramifications of "new items". Of course I'm going to get new items, that's why I'm using the forge in the first place -- in this specific example, to get "new" stats for my gear. It's not so obvious with respect to the ramifications for ascended armor which can be used to craft legendary armor. It would be a good idea to add a second confirmation that says: you will no longer be able to [details here]. are you sure you want to continue? That software change may pay for itself in the form of reduced support tickets. Your initial claim is that ANet is just offering excuses, that the information isn't available. I responded to that: it is in the game, it is in the wiki, and many of us (including you & I) sometimes gloss over these messages, without taking time to consider how they might affect us down the road. That's not a dig on you; it's just pointing out that humans won't always process details, until something happens to force them to pay attention. In the end, there are no combinations of explicit warnings, forced stopping points, and human beings that will ensure that no one ever makes a mistake that requires support to help. All ANet can do is make their best guess as to where to draw the line, balancing support costs, player frustration, and coding time.
  12. The reason? It's 8-10 times cheaper to not have to worry about integration, which is why ANet can churn new Outfits seemingly every month, while new armor sets are delivered on special occasions (part of Sagas or Stories or expansions, or rewards for special content). It's fair to point out that some Outfits have some great designs, and fair to ask that those designs get their own mix & match pieces. Just keep in mind: the design is the least expensive component, from the development side, so it's not very likely. ANet prefers new over copy & paste. Full disclosure: plenty of Outfits that I will never, ever buy because of one element of the design that I can't accept. I'd love to see some of the outfits offered in multiple configurations, to avoid that. At the same time, I think it's fine because we get enough Outfits that I only need to like a few.
  13. Full sets alone, for asura females alone:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Asura_female_heavy_armor PvE: 52 setsLongevity: 4Competitive game modes: 10Gem Shop: 7Raids: 3PvE: 52 Dungeons: 8Orders: 3Cultural: 3 per weightCrafted: 9Karma: 5Looted: 6Living World/Core: 6HoT Story: 3PoF Story + LS4: 9Longevity: 4 Achievement Points: 3Anniversary: 1Competitive Modes: 10 Competitive (basic): 2PvP (earned): 4WvW (earned): 4Other: 10 Gem Shop: 7Raids: 3
  14. I'm very sorry that the OP lost time and resources, without realizing the consequences of using the Mystic Forge. It's a miserable feeling, regardless of the circumstances. Let's be careful: the mystic forge has always destroyed items, and Zommoros replaces it with something else. Stat-swapping is a feature of legendary gear; other items can be replaced with otherwise-identical gear, except for stats. This information is not hidden; it's just that players aren't careful about the choice of words they use. After all, it's easier to say "swap" than "replace the gear with new items that have different stats." The forge itself warns us (emphasis added): Some items offer additional warnings (notably precursors to legendary weapons). The very first line of that page reads as follows (emphasis added) Again, I'm sympathetic to the OP's loss. I just don't think it's possible for the game or the wiki to prevent people from making assumptions about mechanics. We players will make mistakes and ANet will, when they can, help to rectify. Sometimes that's not possible, perhaps due to shortsighted-design decisions, perhaps an inability to verify, perhaps no alternative that doesn't accidentally increase wealth, or (too often) because other players have taken advantage of Support.
  15. Assume you'll need at least 20-25 solid RIBA maps, with progress at ~50% or less. It could easily happen with fewer maps, if you get lucky. Or it could take a lot more. To set expectations, the following would not surprise me: 100 random (non-RIBA) maps, without a legendary spawning10 RIBA maps, without a legendary spawning5 RIBA maps, with 6 spawns total (e.g. multiples of one/more)8 spawns in a row, with you being too far away to get credit before they die.Also keep in mind that you can join a RIBA map that is at 80%+ of progress, which means there aren't many opportunities for legendaries to spawn in the first place. Eventually, you'll get the hang of how to move around so you have time to get to a legendary spawn, how to make sure you have kill-credit when you do get close, and how to profit from joining the farming maps Remember that many (although not most) GW2 achievements & accomplishments are long-term goals. Plenty can be knocked off quickly, but stuff like fancy infusions, legendary gear, and certain mastery points requires a commitment of time. The Silverwastes Legendary achievements are one such long-term goal. Everyone has different ways of mentally preparing for grind; choose something that works for you. I aim at making some progress each session and having alternative|back-up goals that I can swap to, when (not if) I get frustrated or distracted or bored. For example, if Silverwastes gets dull, swap to working on completing one map for World Map Completion. If Fractal dungeons get dull, try a shiny traditional dungeon. The game has so many achievements and items, there's always something.
  16. While the legendary spawns are random, the odds increase as the map completes certain events. That's why the "sponsored" maps see them a lot, and why you are unlikely to see the beasties in whatever non-LFG map you end up. RIBA = Red Indigo Blue Amber = jargon phrase referring to the "optimum" order to run through Forts with an unmounted Zerg. Works just as well for mounted squads, which is why no one has ever bothered to try to adjust it after PoF. "Optimum" in this case = most profitable, because (a) substantially more foes spawned (and killed); (b) more events completed by each player (generating xp, karma, minor gold); and © avoiding "diminished returns" (which pop up if you don't move around, and mostly only matter for "farming").
  17. For very large values of 2. edit: the estimate in my mind was also too low; I didn't realize how much time had flown until looking it up on the wiki.
  18. The more complicated answer is If it's important to you to fix, you may self-report the post and use "other" to ask the mods to move it.
  19. That's a lot of words to say that people who are unwilling to compromise on their criteria will wait longer than people who are willing. And, that those wait times increase substantially as the population drops, becoming more noticeable during off-peak hours. Moreover, I didn't see any examples of hostility, let alone toxicity: one player was slightly rude (didn't reply) and some were more willing to wait than you. PS while some people insist on KP past the point of common sense (as is their right), I'm sure we both know tons of people that hate to wipe-and-try-again more than they mind waiting. One can do other stuff while waiting, but not when wiping. For many, it's not about completing the content as quickly as possible, but more about wanting a worry-free experience. Struggling through for the Nth time is draining, to many. It's not what people are looking for in their "high end content" experience. (And yes, mileage varies.)
  20. Your results are consistent with bad luck. There's a 3% chance of that happening, assuming a 25% chance of a key dropping. If the rate is 1:3, then the odds drop to 0.8%. Streaks happen and when the odds are less than 50-50, it's hard to know when you're on a lucky streak because you'd still get transmute charges more often than not. For example, to reach "parity" with your unlucky 12, you'd need only 4 keys out of the next 4 maps (if the true rate is 25%) or 6 keys in a row (for a 33% rate).
  21. The idea is that it's difficult for some people to know what to say when they see a friend or buddy or acquaintance out-of-sorts. Seize the Awkward means using that discomfort to open a conversation (and the campaign offers suggestions for just how to make that happen). The campaign's website explains it in more detail:https://seizetheawkward.org/ tl;dr no one is suggesting that awkward is a sign of mental illness. On the contrary, the campaign recommends that people embrace that discomfort, rather than allowing it to be a barrier to those first steps.
  22. tl;dr (details, below) 2020 was actually "typical" in terms of how many days the anniversary sales lasted it was, however near the bottom in terms of total number of items on saleand yet (on the "third hand"), it also had the least fluff of recent years Alternative benchmark: how many things went on sale? 2020 is near the bottom of the pack for this: 27 distinct items, which is second least (worst was 2014, with only 15). In contrast, 2018 saw 71 distinct items/packages sold at a discount. Another alternative benchmark is what sorts of things went on sale? For example, in 2017, while there were 52 different items, 15 of those were Minis, which have a very niche value to the community. Over the last few years, the emphasis has been on Utilities, MountFits, & Gathering Tools, with "fluff" decreasing as a fraction of total number of things on sale. As it turns out, 2020 does well (perhaps even "best") in this benchmark: it has no minis, no gliders (except as packages), no finishers, no dye kits. So while there are only 27 items on sale, the bulk are utility (shared slots, character slots) or coveted (salvage or gathering tools) or MountFits (which some love, some hate). Why? Each year, ANet has also gone big on the latest and greatest and/or whatever was going out of fashion. For example,
  23. Interesting DropsThese are the ones with value of at least 100 gold Festive Confetti Infusion: 1 (2 per million)Other infusions: 5 (1 chak, 4 winter's heart)Scarlet's Rainbox skin: 4Invisible Shoes: 2Zephyr Rucksack skin: 3For comparison, @sutgon.5402 also received 13 polylumi infusions (none worth more than ~~55 gold)
  24. Zephyrite Box Profits (Loss) 2020tl;dr huge loss for the vast majority of players sell any mats that spiked in price instead to fund your goalscost ~11.3s/box, likely value ~2.9s = net loss (~8.4s/box), i.e. worse than -75% loss(with "expected" lucky drops, it's break-even or worse, and the chance of "lucky = value>100 gold" is 15/500k, i.e. 30 in a million boxes) Reddit DiscussionSpreadsheet Thanks to the indomitable u/sutgon @"sutgon.5402" for investing heavily in SCIENCE. I won't be responding to comments; my opinions about lucky drops are well established, as seen in the equivalent 2019 post on the same topic.
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