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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. Is there a place to look them up? Before, you could simply type : and would get an auto-complete list. There might still be a list that someone else made a while back. Or @"Danikat.8537" might have the list from another Vanilla forum. edit: addingOfficial list(some of these are probably disabled in these forums, so trial and error using preview is advised)
  2. :+1:they just eliminated the drop-down menu for emoticons(by "they", I mean "Vanilla;" ANet apparently has little to say about what patches go out to the forums)
  3. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?Search=pouchhttps://en-forum.guildwars2.com/search?Search=varietale.g. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/85787/varietal-seed-pouches-are-destroyed-if-dropped-while-equipped Regardless, I'm not sure why you are taking it as a dig. My point is that you aren't alone in questioning the mechanic.
  4. FYI it's a 3-day weekend (aka banking holiday) for ANet. It's unlikely that we will see a response before Tuesday, ANet time.
  5. That's my take. I had deliberately produced a lot of 60- and 45-minute food to be efficient, so this was especially annoying. However... if the original system had been that all foods were 30 minutes, I don't think anyone would be clamoring to change it to a less-predictable system.
  6. Based on ANet posts elsewhere, you might not get yours until Monday or Tuesday. Interesting, why the delay? a slow rollout of sorts?Slow rollout, yes.The script has to process millions of accounts (is eligible? yes, check for this and that, create package, attach to mail, send mail). I imagine that could choke up the entire email system (which has never been all that robust in the first place).
  7. Based on ANet posts elsewhere, you might not get yours until Monday or Tuesday.
  8. I fear the OP's phrasing has confused the issue raised. The OP didn't receive the same bonus as others did, even though the OP likely spent more real money. I think it's reasonable to ask ANet if they took this into account or not. ANet offered a "gift" to players as a thank you for having spent real money on Heart of Thorns back in the day. The so-called "Heart of Thorns Veteran’s Package" includes three things of value: A Title (which might or might not be "valuable" to everyone)An exclusive glider skin (assuming it isn't eventually added to a wardrobe unlock)A choice of items exclusive to the Gem Shop or various contests, that can also be obtained via a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock.Unfortunately, for those who spent a lot on gems (and especially on BL keys), that last item has no value because they already have all the skins unlocked. I think it's a fair question to ask if ANet realized this might happen. I think it would be fair for ANet to decide that the title and glider skin are sufficient, and I hope that the OP (and others) would be able to see that. I also think it would have been better if ANet had thought this through ahead of time and either explicitly said, "sorry, we can't offer a third item for some people" or (better imo) arranged for some token substitute. After all, the entire point of the "Veteran's Package" is to recognize veterans for sticking with the game so long and skimping on one third of the "recognition" feels like a lack of recognition.
  9. u/Lishtenbird published a list of just how much has changed for the game since launch. Even if ANet had the code, just how many of these changes do you think people would be willing to give up? ChartReddit discussionOriginal poster
  10. There are a couple reasons, which boil down to historical, economic considerations. The game launched with few guaranteed rewards, even from story or leveling up. Instances gave more rewards to those who did more damage (more nuanced than that, but that's how it felt). To address these issues, among others, ANet changed it to standardize the rewards from story instances, for leveling up, and similar elements of the game. That represented a considerable buff to rewards. To reduce the economic impact that could be caused by people creating and deleting toons (and the disadvantage that would be to people who don't), ANet reduced the market value by offering a combination of soulbound specific items and unbound generic ones ("bags of loot"). That made a lot of sense in 2013-4. It makes less sense now, since there are many more veterans who already have most/all such skins, many who skip the personal story, and so on. It would be worth it for us as players to see another overhaul. Unfortunately, renormalizing rewards from older content requires a lot of time. What replaces the loot? What's the mechanic for offering it? What's the economic impact? How does it affect players who have already done story and plan not to do it again? How does it affect newer player choices? tl;dr it was a good idea at the time; these days, it's less helpful to you or I, but it's probably not worth the trouble to change it.
  11. I created a placeholder character to save a name and, since it's taking up a slot, I parked them where there are herbs to whack. Even at level 2, they get varietal seeds.
  12. Page 3https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83087/join-us-for-a-special-live-event-tomorrow-friday-august-30/p3
  13. Page 2https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83087/join-us-for-a-special-live-event-tomorrow-friday-august-30/p2
  14. Page 1https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/83087/join-us-for-a-special-live-event-tomorrow-friday-august-30/p1
  15. Here's a list of the questions asked in the original thread. If I have an answer from the presentation or the follow-up posts, I'll include it. (I'm not linking to specific posts or offering attributions; anyone who is interested can visit the thread.) When I noticed, I combined similar questions together (different lines for different posters) I'm separating this into three more posts, one for each page. Let me know what I missed (whether question or answer). Summary: based on how many times I typed, "not addressed," it seems like most of the questions asked by players were not covered. Many critical concerns were not covered, even those that relate indirectly to the stated topic. To be clear, all ANet promised us was "the very first look at an all-new chapter in Guild Wars 2‘s Living World story." They never so much as hinted that they would talk about schedules or features or anything else. So it's not surprising to me that they stuck to that topic. Top Questions
  16. Why would anyone assume that the few bits we saw during the presentation were the entire extent of the feature? They offered no details at all. I can't imagine any reason why ANet would say, "hey, look, big feature you guys have been asking about since 2012... and it will only be available for 15% of the community." Let's try to wait until ANet actually announces the features before getting upset about what it might or might not turn out to be.
  17. First, the developer of Arc has said repeatedly that they long for the day when ANet implements build templates so that they don't have to keep updating the code for it. It's got nothing to do with the gem shop. Second, as has been pointed out, Ascended cooking is not limited by the gem shop. Harvesting cultivated seeds is limited to 4 seeds per day, but since anyone can buy those seeds, no one's ascended cooking is limited. Buying additional garden plots allows people to sell more seeds, but that's got nothing to do with build templates.
  18. tl;dr you could do this to save time and then you would earn substantially less. With today's market, you'd be losing over 35% of potential value in order to avoid making and replanting pouches. (23g vs 36g per week) Option A: Buy 8 Seeds Daily, Harvest 8 Cultivars DailyTo save time, you buy enough seeds for both accounts (4 each) and harvest them. As of this writing, the best option for that is Clove, with a profit of ~65s per node or ~5.2g/day aka ~36g/week, from harvesting 8 nodes per day and replacing them with 8 pouches per day. Option B: OP's Worry: Buy 4 seeds once, Harvest 4 Cultivars DailyTo save time, you buy enough seeds for the main and harvest only on the secondary. The seeds are therefore a one-time cost. For that, the best option is Clove or Cilantro, with a per node profit of 65s on the first day and 83s on the other days, or 3.3g per subsequent day, ending up at 23g per week. The advantage is that you aren't replacing pouches. Varietal Market valuesCultivated market values
  19. Some time ago, Mike Z said that there wouldn't be an expac "any time soon." And, more recently, the devs have (more than once) said: they will release features when they are ready.
  20. Reset your expectations. It's a very, very, very rare drop. It's not likely to drop, even after a year. Five people for 4 months is no guarantee. Instead, keep in mind that 120 days of the event chain means you easily earned enough to buy Sam outright.(Minimum 1 rare, probably 5 champ bags, greens & blues, plus various detritus from all the adds during the chain.)
  21. I recommend different phrasing if ANet plans something like this again. When people read, "we will be taking questions in advance," there's an expectation of a Q&A format, in which a question is presented (even if modified) and a direct response is offered. It also helps people visually see how many topics the respondent covers. Since the corporate plan from the start was to incorporate answers into the main presentation, a more useful phrasing would be closer to Both styles work well for general audiences. It's only a problem when people attend expecting the one and end up getting the other.
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