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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. If you think someone is engaged in AFK farming, report them (either via the in-game /report tool, using 'botting' from the pull down or via a support ticket). And then let ANet figure out whether it's an issue. It's up to them, not us, to determine whether there's an issue detrimental to the game. Absent farming: not allowed.Inattentive farming: allowedIt is usually impossible for players to determine which of the above is going on. The testing involves: does the player respond to official whispers and/or if a Game Master moves their character, do they notice (and if so, how do they respond)?
  2. That's what I call an exaggeration. You can call it whatever you like. I remember people complaining daily about the amount of spam they got, via whispers, in /map, and in /spam. Maybe you've forgotten?
  3. I don't think it's meaningful to ask us, as players, what we'd prefer since, of course, we want less. From a player perspective, there should not be any suppression in the game. From an efficient "game management" perspective, there should be a ton — as much as possible to reduce the need to require staff to follow up. There is no perfect balance. Without seeing the suppression numbers that ANet has (how many messages are suppressed? how many people get suppressed ever? how often? ...) and without the prevention numbers (how many spambots do we have now? how many reports did we used to have? ...), it's hard to know whether the current limits are effective, overkill, or even too little. All that said, I'd like ANet to update the overall mechanics so that there was better flexibility. If you're in a 10-person squad or 5-person party, why not be able to send food to everyone? If you're friends with someone for 6 months, why have any limits?I'm sure there are development reasons why we don't have such features, a cost-benefit analysis that makes it too costly. But, of course, that doesn't stop me wishing it were so.
  4. The veterans were shown to respawn independent of anyone opening the chests.
  5. ANet is aware of the issue and working on a fix.(quote posted below) The tl;dr seems to be: they intended to change the underlying mechanics last week, but not the actual behavior. A bug caused there to be more suppression than ANet wanted.
  6. ANet's stated that they are (and have been) hiring new people. It takes more time than you'd think to find the right folks, train them so they are familiar with the complexities of the game (and the fickleness of its fans), and get them to a level where new staff can actually help us.
  7. You're wrong. I checked with my marker list (I also have a methodical approach to repeating the achievement, working up from the bottom), and the four that I have "unchecked" are still allegedly open when I visit them. I last visited them before the end of my current achievement cycle, and I've never had a mob-dropped key, so it's one chest a day for me. Agreed that the theory alone won't explain all the evidence. For example, I finished series 2 over a week ago and the chests haven't reset yet. (I didn't visit any chests until I had 10 keys; I collected 8 from dailies and two from random drops.) So sure, @Hybarf Tics.2048 is probably correct that there are multiple cooldowns involved, not all of which expire on reset and some of which won't start until the Master Diver achievement is completed. However, not everyone waiting past that time is able to open any of the chests. And, even if that hypothesis was correct, it's unintuitive and confusing. There are no other collections, chests, achievements that were intended to work like that.
  8. The "know issue tracker" is misnamed — it's never any more than a list of bugs of interest, curated by the QA team. There are many bugs that never make the list, it's sometimes not updated before some highly-visible bugs are fixed, and it has (in the past) gone weeks & weeks without updates. In short: it's useful to know when a bug is on the list; it's not very meaningful when it isn't. We can also call something a "known bug" when any from ANet comments about it, using language such as "hmmn, that's not how it's supposed to work" etc.
  9. @Hybarf Tics.2048 if you have time, please also report via /bug (in-game) or a support ticket. I'm sure this thread will get looked at, but those two methods give them additional details (especially /bug).
  10. That's a description of a problem with the collision-attributes of static objects (e.g. walls or gates). The mesmer pull is incidental. Let's see if I was a Dev would I rather,A:) Dive into the collision systemIt's not the collision system; it's a few particular walls or gates. Identify the locations from where you think a pull should not be possible, use /bug or a support ticket to let ANet know. It will get fixed. Besides which, it's already been nerfed substantially since launch, it can't be spammed, it has a long ramp up, and it can be countered by stability and by choosing positions that aren't vulnerable to pull (except, perhaps, from a few that are bugged). In other words, it seems more likely that devs would rather fix bugs (that might cause other issues) than to revamp a skill (that lots of people do like).
  11. That's a description of a problem with the collision-attributes of static objects (e.g. walls or gates). The mesmer pull is incidental.
  12. See also: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/41528/sunken-chests-not-resetting(a later thread opened on the same topic)
  13. Still, that's helpful, in that it at least suggests an additional per-chest cooldown, as some are theorizing.
  14. There's a similar discussion taking place on Reddit. There's no consensus about the details and very few doing any sort of testing in the form that @"Manasa Devi.7958" described above. However, a combination theories seems to explain the symptoms, including the idea that there are multiple cooldowns/time-gates involved: The 10-day cycle, in which we can only open each chest once until Dive Master is completed.A further 3-7 day cool off for each chest, in which any specific chest cannot be opened.Possible other forms for "diminished returns", such as character limitations or 'flooding', i.e. attempting to open a chest without a key or too many times per cycle increases the length of the cooldown.Some people not realizing that there's a channeling time now for opening the chest (generally, there are plenty of things that will interrupt it).Misleading animation, e.g. whether the chest "looks open" might be unrelated.All of the above could be true and it could also be bugged. But if it's bugged, it's inconsistent: not everyone seems to be affected.
  15. There's no reason to expect that using an AC should be a no-risk proposition. Proper defense, like proper offense, uses a combination of tools.
  16. You are wrong. The bounty did not spawn on the first map, just like Ellutherius (about three weeks ago) did not spawn on one map instance in 5 hours, when the squad finally found a new map instance to play on.On the contrary, when the map first launched, the spawning of Shamshir on the bounty boards was completely suppressed — that's the issue that was fixed. You misunderstood: I did not say the ambush mechanic was bugged, I asked to have it removed, because the bounty spawns are bugged at times, and this ambush nonsense then only adds to the squad's frustration.This thread is in the bug forum. If you want to ask for a feature change, separate it out into its own post instead of piggy-backing on a distinct and unrelated issues. (The fact that both things frustrates you does not make them related; it just makes them frustrating.)
  17. First, the issue raised by the OP in December has since been fixed. Lady Shamshir shows up as a bounty about as often as any other. Second, the ambush mechanic is not bugged, although of course it's annoying if you're just trying to complete the achievement. But that's a matter of preference, not of bugs (and there are other threads dealing with that). RNG is RNG and there's no guarantee that you're going to get a bounty no matter how many ambushes show up (it's just unlikely to suffer it more than a couple of times).
  18. Here's a list illustrating that this is (a) confusing & (b) frequent enough to warrant a change. This doesn't cover all the times someone has been scared enough to post that that think they lost their rewards — it's just the ones I managed to find quickly. Previous Reports, Current ForumsMay 2018 and hereApril 2018November 2017October 2017Previous Reports, Forum ArchivesJuly 2015 & July 2015june 2017Previous Reports, Reddit2015may 2016june 2016july 2017oct 2017oct 2017
  19. tl;dr it's time to update Scholar Aiti's message regarding GWaMM and HoM. It no longer fits the likely circumstance which generates the mail. This proposal does not suggest a change in mechanics, only a change in the wording of the automated email (and its relevant translations). Background, in Brief: Currently, any time GW2 & GW1 servers have trouble communicating, the game revokes GW1 titles/achievements (GWaMM and Hall of Monuments) and Scholar Aiti sends a message explaining what happened. The email made sense originally, when the vast majority of people affected were those who hadn't earned those points (but had them in GW2 due to a bug). These days, it's more likely that those receiving the email have earned the titles/points and the situation is an accident of the new mechanic (which requires GW2 to validate those titles/points periodically). The goal is to ensure that no one who properly earned titles/points thinks the game is saying they didn't. And to (hopefully) let folks know the situation is both temporary and will fix itself. Proposed, New Text: I propose that AiTi's memo be updated to something like the following: Original Message
  20. That's incorrect. As @TheNecrosanct.4028 says, you have to drop down a level in the world map (lower right portion of the screen, or use keyboard shortcuts). The only problem is that map sometimes (often?) doesn't center properly on the link, so you sometimes have to manually drag it.(Just tested; the waypoints work just fine)
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