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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. I doubt if I'll ever manage this one. I lack the patience to keep trying when the wait time for retrying is so long. However, I'm okay if ANet never, ever changes it. I think it's good for the game to have some content that is too hard for me; it reminds me that this is a huge game and I don't need to participate in everything, get every AP, claim every skin. It's also is more fun for me if there are some goals for which I have to stretch hard to reach.
  2. Scroll up to the top to see the a fraction of the number of times people have posted about receiving the message and being concerned (or aggravated or both) about their HoM scores. It never affected everyone, just large groups of people unlucky enough to have the system verification taking place at a time when one of the communication systems was miscommunicating.
  3. The dev team has things set up so this isn't really a big deal anymore. The text of the message should reflect that.
  4. I'm really sorry you're stuck waiting. The best thing you can do to speed up the process is to create a support ticket. It's possible that it's something specifically affecting only a few people, and they won't be able to figure out what until they have data from some of those affected. It's possible it's a series of coincidences affecting people differently, so again, they need to know your specific situation.
  5. No, it's not a shortcoming of the friend's list. I use the guild chat feature frequently for more than 5 different groups of people.
  6. I hope I've been clear: I know that other people don't need and/or can't use more than 2-3 guild slots.I know that it's unlikely to be a priority for ANet, unless it's easy to implement (and it almost certainly isn't)Nevertheless, I would make good use of 10 guild slots and I'd be willing to pay gems for it.
  7. Next time it happens, I'll use the in-game /bug reporting tool and reference this thread. Hopefully that will help. @Gaile Gray.6029 if/when you do hear back from QA, could you find out if there's anything specific things they'd like to see? It's rare and unpredictable, so I've never been able to recreate it on demand. If I were attempting to recreate the bug on demand, I'd try the following things that have happened recently before I encounter the bug: Change mounts frequently.Get forcibly dismounted.Cancel the [1] skill (e.g. swoop) or otherwise get it to fail to activate.If I had to estimate the number of times I've encountered the issue, I'd say it's about a dozen total. I've had it in a variety of maps, including Jahai, Kourna, & Auric Basin.
  8. It's a bug that's been around since PoF launched I think. It's rare and it resolves itself (as you noticed) if you change maps/instances. It does happen outside of Kourna. I haven't reported it because I can't predict what will trigger it. I think it has something to do with using the attack command (and not hitting anything) or getting forcibly dismounted, but doesn't happen consistently. I notice it more with Springer than any other mount, but that's only because I do more backing up on the Springer than on any other mount.
  9. This is by far & away the best video on the topic I've seen. It's concise (no wasted words), well-documented (you don't have to stop|start the video to make sure you figure out the build or locations), accurate (makes documented/supported claims for earning, rather than estimates or exaggerations), and, in what is obvious a personal preference: no extraneous music. Nice job, @Lasiurus.4067.
  10. , including links to skip to each skin, demos of each dye channel and how they affect movement colors, demos of the skin in action (movement & sound).
  11. No. There was no such information available during the first day. I dunno if any info was available when I started the instance, because I had turned off /map and even /say (and avoided the forums, reddit) until I had finished the story. Besides wanting to avoid plot spoilers, I also like to first try to figure out the mechanics on my own. I can't say I acquitted myself favorably (it took me a bit longer to figure some stuff out than I think it should have, looking back with 20-20 hindsight). Even so, it would accurate to say I completed this instance without serious problems. (The final story instance... I did have problems, but that was due to two specific bugs, one of which has been fixed, the other of which can be easily worked-around and isn't even noticeable depending on how you escape.)
  12. I really like playing different races. Especially in this game, because the lore is rich, the animations are incredibly detailed and thorough, the storylines are (mostly) entertaining, the differences in looks (and skins) adds a lot to my gameplay. But all of that also makes it unrealistic to add even one new race, unless they do that instead of all their other story & skin plans. Given that a game can't do everything, I'd rather see more of what they are already doing, than to have them change direction to focus on new playable races.
  13. It will fix itself. (Take a look at some of the details as to how/why this happens, in the comments above.)
  14. "Fair amount of time" is 2-3 second you think? or longer? tl;dr is: start gliding or running your mount towards her next location as soon as she pauses the fight.(requires knowing where to go, but that's fine for working on achievements) Good tip and thanks for the research.
  15. It won't help everyone and it won't help in every situation (because the reasons for DCs can vary), but it might help often enough to prevent the contemplation of quitting.
  16. Good tip... except for stealth gliding.Well, the idea of stealth gliding is good, it's just more complicated: you have to enter stealth before the Deadeye targets you, otherwise her shot will be true. I imagine that can be done if you're out of sight when entering the glide and sounds like while she's invulnerable, too.
  17. I've gone through twice now as backup for friends who, let's say, don't always have the same confidence as I going into brand new story instances. I deliberately shared nothing about the mechanics (or story), just letting them know I was available to assist. The first one figured out the idea right away, making it through without getting hit until midway (surprised by the 'adds' and ran out of dodges). They were not on a high mobility toon (and hadn't equipped anything special). They have some experience in games outside of GW2. Verdict: "that was fun" and is trying for the no-hit achievement without cheez. The second one did not figure out the idea right away & struggled with it. They had a potentially high mobility class, but, again, without hints, didn't know to swap weapons or skills to something fitting. They do not have much experience with games outside of GW2. Still, after a few false starts (with backup using fake /gg to give her the restart prompt), they managed to get to the DE without direct assistance. Verdict: "tough, but fun; glad I had backup." Probably won't try for no-hit.
  18. The reason for waiting is that (a) they need to investigate and it's far, far easier for them to see what you have on you right now than what you might (or might not) have (had) earlier. The key to any support request (whether for ANet or elsewhere) is always: make it easy for them to make it easy for you. (It's just that you might have to wait longer than someone trying to unlock their account after a long absence, for example.) Good luck :)
  19. They haven't said that response times are back to normal. They said that they are on the way back.Generally speaking, they try to answer tickets quickly, but 3-day turn around was the only number I've ever seen mentioned by them as an internal goal. Depending on the issue, it wouldn't surprise me if some people are getting answers within 24 hours and some need two weeks, with most 2-4 days.(I also wouldn't be surprised if most are under 3 days or over 5.)
  20. Thanks for clarifying. Adding a bit that was posted on Reddit: That seems reasonable :)
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