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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. I think alot of people dont take into consideration that WvW will have to be oceanic players on all 3 sides aswell. More than 3 sides, otherwise it's the same match up week after week after week after week after...
  2. The alpha beetle spawn should be independent of the mordrem events; I've seen them both up at the same time. Unless they changed something in the last update, it shouldn't matter. The Alpha Beetle event cooldown is somewhere between 10-20 minutes, so if you've been there for 20, don't stay. Exit, do something else, and come back later. Silverwastes instances should be changing rather frequently. (I saw at least 2-3 today around reset.)
  3. Glad you got the item, which is the most important thing (for now).
  4. I had it, too, but it went away after yesterday's update.I've only had it the one time though. @Lord Dumpling.7914 if it happens again, also use the in-game /bug reporting tool to tell ANet about it. That provides the QA team with additional diagnostic info that might help them track down the cause.
  5. I can confirm that this won't happen if you start with the plague experiment farthest away. The zerg focuses on ones closest to the dead asuran and by the time you get to those, it's less likely that you can do enough damage to get credit for the collection. The underlying mechanic for getting credit in all things GW2 is doing damage. You have to get in enough hits before the NPC/object dies. Often, we don't realize it's too late, because the health bar isn't gone yet, but there's always some delay between what is actually going on & what we see. Start at the southern most experiment room, alone, ignore the foes there, and do some damage. By the time you need help, others will have arrived and you'll have done enough damage for credit.
  6. Actually it is, there are items in this game that Anet have put in that have a crazy low drop rate, alas with the insane low drop rate, they never see the market at all,There are exactly two items that fit that criteria: the chak egg sac and the confetti infusion. (The chak infusion is derived from the sac.) ( im actually convinced that the only people who get them are people who Anet had pick for it )Except there's zero evidence of that. On the contrary, there's a reasonable history of people selling on the gray market and implied trade counts on GW2 BLTC, supporting the simpler theory that it's random. which means that 99.99% of the players will never even know the item exists as everyone of them is taken off market and sold in the black market ( or on reddit for those who know ) for insane prices. By going via reddit you are avoiding all the taxes the game would remove, and further pushing the prices skyward, as they become rarer and rarer items,Raising the cap won't change that. In fact, it will make it harder still, because the current cap anchors the price at 10k psychologically. Double the cap and folks will be paying double on the TP in a short period, and more still on the gray market.(FYI it's a "gray" not black market, because ANet doesn't say you can't do it. The "reddit" market is the same as the gray market.) I figure the 10k limit was put in place when the game started as 10k was a lot of gold and no one had it, but 5 nearly 6 years later many people have several thousand gold,Sure, that is at least one of the reasons. therefore the limit should be raised,That doesn't follow. All we know is that one of the original reasons no longer applies. it may also bring some items up in price that are lower than they should be at the moment,"should be"? Who decides what prices an item should be?But again, it affects on two items right now. and lower others as people will see the on the market again.It won't drive prices down in the long run for anything else (it might in the short term as the people who can get to 20k might be tempted to sell at lower prices, but that effect won't last) Imagine if Ecto or Powerful Blood wasn't listed on the TP and only sold via reddit!!!! would you have the same opinion as its not a large enough problem.Imagine if ecto or powerful blood wasn't required for any recipes, would it matter?Ecto & Powerful blood aren't being sold on the gray market because the TP handles them just fine. The supply is plentiful, the demand is predictable, and the prices are not affected by the cap.
  7. There are just under 400 buy offers for 10k on the TP, across all variations of Chak Egg sac/infusion and confetti infusion.
  8. Raising the cap is going to have all sorts of other consequences. The coding might (or might not) be easy; that's largely not going to be the issue. Raising the cap changes people's perception of the markets and will push the asking prices higher. Given how rare these items are and how little there is for the richest players to spend on, it's entirely possible that they'd hit a new cap in a few months. That is likely a worse situation than we have now. It's also tricky to tweak the drop rates or provide alternative sources. The first can lead to the item being so common it's not longer "interesting" for people to chase, which affects some people's enjoyment of the game. The second can lead to people feeling it's too grindy and/or the item is no longer special. For example, when the fractal tonic drop rate was sort of bugged and there was no way to purchase it, I thought it was really interesting and always had a little bit of hope it would drop for me. By the time I saw one drop, people were using it all over the place and it lost all its charm for me. When it did drop for me, I converted it to relics after a few weeks, because those had more uses that were more valuable to me than a tonic. Obviously, my personal experience shouldn't be used to set game policy. I use it only to illustrate that there are consequences to tweaking things. And finally, implicit in the discussion is the idea that there's something bad about having items that can't be easily purchased. I think it's awkward, but I think it also adds spice & novelty to the items. I don't think there should be a lot of such items, but we literally have only 2: the chak egg sac and the confetti infusion (and all their stat variants, which are made from one of those originals). I think the game can handle that without raising the cap.
  9. I use embiggening on asura a lot, especially with new healers for e.g. fractals (easier for them to find me). Side benefit: I can finally see the shiny weapons I spent so much time to earn! I hardly ever use the shrinking one. And I don't use tonics all the time, because it's one more thing to micromanage. Be fun if there was a tonic slot that would auto-enable it out-of-combat, but I doubt that's in the cards.
  10. If you want to comment on the quality and frequency of communication, please start a new thread with that as the topic.
  11. As @Danikat.8537 says, there are definitely some missing outfits in the Bank wardrobe tab. Of course, the OP is right: it would be better if all skins showed up, regardless of availability. Ideally, you could right-click to get the wiki article or the gem shop page (if available to purchase). I can't imagine anyone being against at least having all skins present. On the other hand, we don't know why some outfits are missing. It might turn out to be something with the underlying mechanics of the system that turns out to be really costly to fix. If so, I can live with the inconsistency (even though that sort of thing drives me nutso).
  12. Actually, they stated that the fix has been ready for a week now, but it won't be patched until the next big patch upon release of the new LW episode.Where did you see that? I went by the two most recent dev comments on the forums and the lack of any official post about it on reddit 4 June 8 June
  13. It's a known bug. There's an existing (merged) thread about it, and it's mentioned in the Known Issue Tracker.Short story: they have a fix that they are testing out, hope to have it with next patch, i.e. maybe it will be fixed on Tuesday
  14. Reminder: 900 gems is the normal price for 10 BLC keys bought 5 at-a-time.i.e. good deal for those who regularly buy a few keys, nothing special for those who don't
  15. It's neither urgent nor particularly important. It's just annoying since there's been so little "new" stuff to do besides this. Hotfixes are expensive and are generally reserved for game-breaking issues. Except that if the theory that the next LS chapter is UNDERWATER then it would be highly important if that is to launch as Anet planned, with players having had the chance to get speed boosts for it.Notice that the comment to which I was responding was implicitly asking for a hot fix, meaning: why wasn't it already patched. And again, because last week and today, it is not urgent nor important. There isn't any underwater content of critical importance to the game for which swim infusions matter that much. And even if it were, the price of swim infusions has dropped substantially. The only thing that this bug gates for us is either a little gold (if we were to sell the infusions at market prices) or the ability to farm our own special breather skins. And both those things will get addressed whenever it's fixed, whether today or next year. tl;dr it's still not urgent nor very important.(and if next Tuesday's patch changes that, we can be reasonably sure that the fix will be implemented by then)
  16. It's neither urgent nor particularly important. It's just annoying since there's been so little "new" stuff to do besides this. Hotfixes are expensive and are generally reserved for game-breaking issues.
  17. What would you like for them to do? Given that they goofed on not having enough depth of support to handle sudden interest... they are hiring more staff and changing some policies to streamline their processing time. The only other thing they could do is spend less time on each ticket, which means: saying no more often, making more mistakes, and/or being less helpful in other ways. If we grant that increasing the size of the team is the way to go, then we have to accept that takes 3-6 months for us players to notice. (Hiring the right people isn't easy, especially for the typical salary of support teams. Plus they have to be trained, and observed/mentored. And then not every hire will work out. Some will leave, some won't be good etc.) tl;dr the amount of time we're waiting is clearly below most reasonable people's definition of "timely." But there's not all that much that ANet can do in the short term to fix it.
  18. Join one of the organized groups. There are EU and NA guilds that schedule this.(Also: it's not any more difficult than Chak Gherent, it's just that not as many people know what they are supposed to do or when.) I think the main reason that more folks haven't learned how to do it is that the rewards are anemic for the effort. And it's always going to compete with other, better-known events with rewards that are generally believe to be superior. In other words, it's not the difficulty, it's that there's a perception that it's not worth the time. tl;dr it's not broken, it's just still new to most peopleUse LFG (and/or Reddit, Discord) to find an organized effort.
  19. Add as much detail as you can about how you acquired the account, when you played, what characters you had, or whatever you can do to help them validate your ownership.
  20. Generally speaking, foes that don't yield loot or XP sometimes don't count for achievements of any sort (weapon mastery, 1000 foe kills, etc.). These are typically foes included for scaling up events or to slow down completion, which is done to give more players a chance to contribute (or return from doing related pre-events). Whatever ANet has done to make them "non loot bearing" appears to frequently affect achievements. However, the vast majority of Krait do count: all the ones in NE Caledon, the ones in the Aquatic Fractal, the ones throughout Kryta and Southern Shiverpeaks (including those in/around Blood Witch events).
  21. There's a presumption that some of us know better than ANet what is or what isn't important to the health of the game. Since they have run a successful game studio for 10 years producing popular MMOs, I think I'll give them the benefit of the doubt over any of us to know what works and what doesn't. To convince them that their policies need changing, it's going to take more than repeating the same things, especially if it's nothing more than, "I don't like what other people are doing, make them stop."
  22. What was posted was: In other words: attention can wander, as long as it doesn't wander for long.
  23. But there is good evidence (and even quotes from ANet) that support that specific active farms do impact the economy. The most easily demonstrated (and the one that ANet themselves have commented upon): AB multi-loot. That dropped ecto prices by an enormous amount. Another major example, also easy-enough-to-demonstrate is the combination of unidentified gear plus Istan (multi-loot, but even non-multi); ANet has been less forthcoming about this one, but they recently nerfed the ecto drop rate for the first time in the game's history in response.
  24. What's more efficient? Outright banning the practice, or having to waste man-hours testing their behaviour manually?That's easy: spending a few staff hours testing behavior. Because if it really mattered to the game, they would change the policy and the policing methods. It does have an impact on players and Arena Net has shown time and time again that it doesn't matter that much to them if it has an impact on players as long as it's not overly impacting their bottom line. Just repeating that it has an important impact doesn't mean that it does. The biggest impact is psychological: some people get really irked that people earn gold in the game while watching TV at the same time. But Istani active farming and Silverwastes affect the economy far more. (That's simply to establish based on how prices changed when AB multiloot became a thing, when it was announced that it was nerfed, and when it was actually nerfed — the economy changed in easily measurable ways. In contrast, people have always farmed inattentively; it hasn't had an impact on anything close to that scale.) But that has nothing whatsoever to do with inattentive farming: there is nothing against the rules, no matter how interpreted, that prohibits inattentive farming. In fact, ANet explicitly allows it. tl;dr some people don't like inattentive farming, but that doesn't make it bad for the game.update: fixed major typo (thanks @SlippyCheeze.5483 )
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