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Everything posted by AquaBR.9250

  1. This idea of the well design maps being "bad" or "painful" to navigate is from people that don't like to explore at all and prefer plane bland horizontal 2d maps where you just walk straigh everywhere you want, might as well put some mail quests where the objective is just talking to another npc, so you have no challenge at all
  2. No is the total opposite, the flaw of this game is killing ancient god-like dragons and they not leaving they destruction in the world, damm Primordus could rip half of Tyria open in a giant volcano just by walking to the surface, would be a hella cool concept of map/boss, just a giant crater the size of divinity's reach just popping in a random core tyria map, just like the tower of nightmares changed kessex hills forever, a story element changing the enviorement forever, that was the most awsome thing i've ever seen in a MMO.
  3. Thats you, this food would not be for you, don't use it, simple, i at my best literally have not a single challenge in single player open world content nor in story content, and even some group content, THERES NO FUN FOR ME TO JUST DESTROY MOBS WITH ONE SKILL, food that debuffs me and gives me a bonus for that would be cool, if they are not balancing PvE content at least give us that
  4. Thats more a problem of mob scaling, it happens (not as badly) in core game 80 maps too, and even in drizzlewood cost champs die in 20 seconds, freaking Mordremoth an world boss and elder dragon is killed within one burn
  5. The most annoying thing i faced in this game is having to find a single item in 13 characters, and the thing that its always in the last one i look, so its 13 load screens +1 do go back to the one im playing, pls help
  6. With fishing, new ingredients and food are confirmed, so, since open world after season 3 got full on easy mode and veteran players need to have a stroke to die in some open world situations i suggest a type of food that puts the game on hard mode, the way it work is simple: Instead of increasing stats, it reduces, you can choose if you have damage and condition damage reduced, increased incoming damage and soo on, or have literally everything reduced! This food can come with a HUGE magic find and gold and karma gain bonus like 50% +, so if im playing an easy content like path of fire a starting area with a friend i can turn hard mode on for me and have my outgoing damage reduced by 100% and my incoming damage increased by 100% (since not even the level downscaling and taking my acessories out make so i don't blow veterans with 2 skills) while also getting rewarded a bit more for it. Btw make it usable only outside of combat or people can abuse it by eating this food right before getting a drop after fighting with normal food.
  7. I think 5 ppl alac may be useless, since the new content is all 10 player based i think everyone will choose a 10 person alac class over this one in most if not all comps. The mecha keeps running around when i walk and its annoying, good thing i can unsummon it and call it back where i want. Again, give us skins for the mech, people will really buy with gems. You DON'T have to make the jade dyable, is jadetech, its supposed to have jade, but allow us to dye the metal parts, that can solve some things
  8. BTW what using the wiki to get the boring colleting achievments has to do with my XP bar filling up in minutes???????
  9. If the problem is the first mastery tier that is required to continue the story just keep the first mastery from the line the way it is and increase the required XP for the following ones, done, simple. Good for the casuals who wanna do the story and for the veterans who wanna actually do the one and only progression system in the game for more than 3 weeks every 3 years, and for 2 days every 3 months.
  10. Yeah i'll spend an entire week running around the map looking for something the size of my thumb that is in a invisible hole somewere, the way you speak appears to me that you never tried it yourself, try Token Collector from ember bay
  11. Just giving my feedback about the mastery system and how i feel playing Guild Wars 2 I really enjoy leveling up masteries, more that i would enjoy just getting my character a level stronger like it is in other MMOs, but i'll go straight to the point: Is a experience i only get for 3 weeks every 3 years, and for 2 days every 3 months. As getting mastery points is very challenging, getting the required XP to level it only take some hours, and im talking about 3 or so, given the latest expansions and EoD will only have like 20 or less masteries to level, that will be a fast experience. Taking an egg going around the map following a wiki is a boring grind, collecting coins around the map looking at a wiki is a boring grind, leveling and exploring in Guild Wars 2 is NOT a boring grind. The time consuming events you put around the maps are boring for one main reason: i'll spend my next 20 minutes defending this cow for 200 karma and 3 silver, only that, since after you level a mastery GW2 becomes one of the few (if not the only) MMOs where XP is useless. So basically i spend 4 hours defending cows for what? A S P I R I T S H A R D So basically, i finish leveling all my masteries before i finish even half of the expansion's content. HoT was kinda okay because we had TONS of masteries to level, 27 masteries to unlock PoF we had 17 masteries, 20 with griffon, like 10 less than HoT Icebrood saga is the winner with 30 masteries! By the looks of it, EoD will have 20 But the main problem is, the XP bar is too easy to fill, Xandrii said something about it "Leveling in this game is so cool, i just wish it was not so fast, i wanna do it more.". Leveling masteries is not even an effort, is something you do naturally while doing any kind of content you'd like, it just makes the experience more rewarding, and with a sense of progress while doing it. Now, in my opinion you could increase the bar for 5 times and still would not feel like a tiresome job, maybe will give some use to the 20 xp boosts i have laying around, and having something other than S P I R I T S H A R D S would also helps for when you finish everything, maybe some kind of reward tracks for PvE, some living world maps don't even award map currency for events, bunch of cool content that the game gives me no reason to do.
  12. The jade is the ONLY pretty thing about this expansion, GW2 still have outdated light and shaders that makes every texture and object appear like its a PS2 game
  13. Partying with people is cool tho, the first true interaction i had in years playing this game, its not just the casual LFG: party up do stuff "TY" and leave
  14. Any vehicle in this game is not that usefull since the game is not truly open world, if they took out the borders or make so we can travel to other maps using the entire border as a portal, and made a point to do it, like some item to delivery for a mission from EoD to lions arch that you can't do just by using waypoints, while also making events by the sea for you to fight while in your skiff or ship, that would be the most awsome content this game has ever seen since core game's dynamic events.
  15. The slam in water is pretty useless since you can only hit creature in the sea floor, even tho you fall slamming a swimming creature nothing happens, it should be able to hit all creature while it is falling down, no discusion about that. The movement is very nice, in water tho, it could be just a bit faster.
  16. I played on cannon seat, i think the shot should have a cooldown between shots, when i enter combat i just dump all five shots in 1 second and then i have to wait for one charge and shot it, wait for one charge and shot, again and again, it should have a casting time or a cooldown, and then it recharges as i shot so im shooting stuff all the time instead of just sitting and waiting for it to charge, in the time i take to shot 2 times should recharge 1,5 charges. The 5 skill is also very cool but i would make a mastery that reduces the cooldown, its just a small speed boost and make the turtle easier to control for the pilot should be with the mastery like 10 seconds but with a reduced duration, so you use more times The cannon seat should have its own mastery line for things like that, also one that increases the damage, i feel like sabotaging the open world meta events using this mount it deals like less than 1/3 of my dps. Theres just not enough masteries in EoD, i'll get everything in one month and then what? XP becomes useless again simple things like reduced cooldown on turtle skills will already get me willing to level up.
  17. I feel like i have to give my positive feedback too since people only talk about what they don't like and you end up changing things i like: -So, dagger is so much fun (but the damage is too much i guess) -I love how i can use both F1 and F2 for both power and condi builds and it will still do a decent damage -The trade off of sustain for damage is cool and really makes me having to really build something instead of just damage -I think you fixed the bladesong animation sliding while walking because of no aftercast, thank you I don't know about benchmarks, but in open world PvE i think the damage is too much, everything is just so easy to kill and im not even trying, i didn't even made a build!
  18. You acting like i'm asking Specter to be a full power based spec, all i asked is for ONE power trait, if they reworked ONE trait to be power based you'd still have 8 traits for support, literally having one or two power trait won't change anything for the support builds, will only allow for more build diversity, why are you acting up?
  19. Boy, literally daredevil and deadeye both have condi builds and traits, kittening condi deadeye is the meta deadeye dps build, why can't specter have one power build?
  20. A invisible siege turtle following me around? i would notice a giant turtle with cannons
  21. This F2 is the most boring lame and lazy mechanic ever, is like having two endurance bars but you have to press an extra button to use it, it should do a different thing for every legend, like giving Resolution while in Demon, Quickness while in Assassin etc As i said in the last beta, it feels like the Herald F2 at launch, it was so basic, but after some time you guys made it unique for every legend
  22. I don't know about benchmarks, but in open world PvE i think the damage is too much, everything is just so easy to kill and im not even trying, i didn't even made a build!
  23. Why did you make a new skill category because no one was fit to those utility skills when you have Gadgets? anyway... Pistol: We don't need another full melee weapon for warrior, increase 5's range to 350 and it will feel way better, will feel like a unique weapon, a medium range weapon, i'm tired of missing it by not being glued to the target THE F2 SHOULD NOT BE AVAIBLE ONLY WHILE WITH THE GUNSABER EQUIPED If im using my normal weapons and want to use my profession mechanic i should be able to just press F2 and use it, is dumb having to press F1 and THEN F2 to enter the mode 5 seconds for full dragontrigger may be too much time, but 2.5 second is too fast, make it 3.5 or 4 or else this will be too OP for open world We need a stow/draw for the gunsaber when this comes out
  24. The potions are cool now but one of the main problems still persists: i spend 95% of the time in shroud, and im not even building any life force generation, so whats the point of giving us a new weapon if we just use it for 8 seconds while shroud is in cooldown? Now that the potions are improved the pistol is a bit lame, not very problematic now, but i'll get bored fast with a pew pew pew damage skill and a single shot stun, pistol could use some mechanics Speaking of fashion wars, you did it with the untamed, now do it with this one, the blight effects are too much and too green, it will ruin my character's black and white theme, make it more subtle
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