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  1. the entrance to the training arena in arborstone is the same as strikes. you have 2 options to select with the npc. one is to open eod strikes and the other one goes to the training arena. fun fact, arborstone training arena entrance still require a squad to enter, while aerodrome and LA do not. why anet missed arborstone entrance when making the change to remove squad as requirement is beyond me.
  2. It wount help me at all. I made Eternity back in 2013. long before 2nd gen or armory were even a thing. with the current solution im stuck with 1 legendary greatsword. overall its not a big deal but it feels weird they make a solution to unlock eternity for ppl owning the 2 gs, but not for those who already made eternity.
  3. why would it change? it took them years to make the current load outs. probably going to take them years for the legendary armory. best case it comes with the expansion, if not it will be long after.
  4. story and easy mode is not going to change anything. you need to put time and effort into it to get into raids. the start is always the hardest.Biggest example that it wount work is strikes. they made strikes as a go between to get into raids but ppl dont go into raids after. they stick to easy content where 5 ppl can carry if need be.Anet themselves said there is a large gap between the average casual player and the people in the end game content like fractal cms and raids.it all comes down to the will to do it and putting some time and effort into it and you will progress. too many just dont want to.
  5. play the game to get ingame gold, use gold to buy gems and then gems to buy whatever you want. simple, easy and cheap.
  6. I think you are wrong. as a new player to raids and new to the game as well, you cant start off at the top with the hardest content in the game after watching a few videos and think you will have an easy time. Every raider have gone trough the motions of starting with no experience and having to spend time learning and failing. After this point they raid for different reasons like fun, relaxing, having a challenge, legendary gear or other reasons. they might have a few hours a day to play due to family, work, school etc and dont want to keep failing by taking new and inexperienced players. this is why raid training guilds exists. new players have to either go to them or find like minded people to raid with to get the initial experience. There is not elitism or toxicity about it. like many other games its also the reasons for requirements for the group and raid content, they want like minded people with the same experience to raid with.Not everyone is good at teaching either. I will not add more to how to get into raiding and break down OP post as that has been done by a few people here who also included a lot of useful stuff.
  7. Can we get consumables back into fractals and dungeons? Big quality of life change with this.People who play dungeons and fractals dont know what skills do cc or how to use them. it would be so much better if one or more can help out with cc consumables to cover for them to make the run so much better and fun,.
  8. worst update this year by far.Anet really dont want us to have fun. In dungeons you have more people who dont know what their cc skills is or how to use them. In fractals its great to use consumables in case some people dont use their cc skills or is on cooldown. its been so helpful for years and by simply removing them will just make it more annoying overall.And to be fair, fractal cms have way too high cc bar to begin with. should at least balance it out a bit more since they simply removed all consumables.
  9. I used the tp after the rollback (1-2h ago or so from writing this) and placed a 2g exotic for sale that I dropped. after I listed it for sale, it was literally gone. its not listed in my transactions at all. I put it 1c below previous seller and when I didnt see it in my transaction I went back to look at the listing for said exotic and nothing at the price I listed it as. its simply gone.I recommend using low value items to see if the tp is working fine again or not before you list anything of high value.
  10. So there are tournaments which you can enroll for in the PVP menu. Can you just enroll and you will get into the match?For example if I am playing in Silver and try to get into a tournament - will everyone be in silver or how exactly does this work ? no. you wount meet just silver players. you meet any and all ranks from bronze to legend. usually there is a majority of ppl who actually enjoy and play pvp regularly that enter tournaments. so in general its a lot harder to win matches in tournaments then its in ranked games. although its suggested by lots of gold making guides to enter tournaments at odd hours to be able to get gold for participating regardless of win/loss results.you easily spend an hour for each tournament with no guarantee to win even one game. making it take anywhere from 5 hours to 100s of hours to get those 20 tournament match wins.as for the 120 wins in ranked, its a pain. I dont enjoy pvp but im not great but im also not bad either. yet I struggle to get more then 50% win in the games I play. majority of the games is either you stomp the other team or they stomp you. even within the same rating its actually rare to get an even match. its not just for me but a lot of ppl i have spoken too have the same issue. which means you need 240 games to get close to that 120 wins. including waiting for matchmaking, ppl to click ready, map selection and ingame ready as well as the match itself I average a game to be 15min at least. that makes 240 games take 60 hours of pvp. which is insane compared to the wvw ring which takes a couple of hours at most for the achievements. who in their right mind came up with the number of 120 wins??? worst employee of the decade imo. one could argue wvw takes a lot longer as well since you need wvw tickets which have a weekly cap, the same can be said about the pvp amulet as it too need pvp limited currency. most ppl play a little wvw to get gift of battle and maybe dailys to have enough or close to enough after a long time of doing so. compared to the other legendary trinkets and even the new wvw ring, the pvp amulet requirements is insanely high and extremely unreasonable.
  11. what they need to nerf is the insane amount if wins needed for the amulet. its crazy how wvw with 100 player kills and 100 captures is done in a couple of hours at best while pvp takes 60 hours to do ( with a 50% win rate). which is most likely more as many ppl like me who dont normally play pvp and hate playing pvp in gw2.
  12. it certainly dont help that anet force everyone who want legendary amulet to get 120 ranked wins and 20 tournament match wins when they simply hate the game mode like me. forced to play ( aka grind) through the insane amount of wins when wvw is easy as f.
  13. I wonder how this legendary templates will work with racial armor.I have a norn using my legendary heavy armor and im using racial armor for the looks. if I have this same armor go to my human warrior, will I get a warning saying its not possible or will the armor work perfectly fine and have different skins when its on different characters? if the characters all have to share the same look, then its kinda useless with this as the convenience with ascended armor is that you can have different outfits on different stats of gear/builds. I dont want all my characters using shared legendary to look the same....
  14. the ascended food should last 2h at least. 1h is way too short.I dont see ppl using ascended food when the cost of food with the same stats is available for a fraction of the cost. at the same time two of the normal food is still less expensive then ascended. given that you can give food to more ppl does not help much when different classes need different food/stats. which makes ascended pretty much useless in raids and fractals.
  15. Toxic players will be toxic, idiots will be idiots and players in games behaves like shit regardless of arc dos or not. Blaming shitty behavior on arc is the most stupid thing I have heard all year. That says a lot when u hear all that bs coming from trump.Ppl have been behaving the same way since the start of online gaming and will not change
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