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Neo Mortem.3627

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  1. How long does it take for an email containing the codes for SOTO to send? There's no purchase history on the site to verify if I've purchased the content and the window with the codes was closed out.
  2. I'll take a look at my email then. Hopefully at some point today it'll let me log into my ArenaNet account because it's been saying that something went wrong and to try again in a few minutes when i try to log in.
  3. I pre-purchased the xpac last night. The money is being taken out of the account, or pending. None of my accounts show that I bought it, and I never got the pre-order rewards for it. However, I also cant contact support either, so what do I do?
  4. Only problem with new races is that ANet cant even make armor fit the races that they have currently. Armor only fits humans and norn, which is probably the only two races they really test armor on. Armor for the other races just doesnt fit the models, not even sylvari since the Warlord set clips on itself. So they're have to make all the old/current armor fit the new race they made, and they will never put in that sort of effort.
  5. i made the mistake of buying the lure and realizing it was per character, and ironically shares the same price tag as a new character slot as well. Least if you buy a new character slot, you theoretically get more added to the account (another character to hold useless stuff) but ugh... I feel cheated.
  6. Seems to me like a couple classes suffer from this, mainly Harbinger and Vindicator come to mind. Granted, the Vindicator gets the gloves, but for some reason there's a new type of eye-covering not in the game that they're seen wearing. I would have preferred this over the gloves Vindicator got. Specter seems to have two as well (the gloves and half oni mask/mouth) but only gets the gloves. Untamed, overall, looks like a vague imagery of what could be a complete full set, but undetailed for a reason. Mechanist got their gloves. Actually, now that I think about it... Why did 6/9 elite specs get gloves? One got shoulders (Willbender) and two got headpieces (Catalyst and Untamed). I dunno, seems like very little thought was really put into these elites in terms of names, designs, and the armor piece dedicated to them.
  7. It was suggested or highly possible that Taimi could have died due to her illness. I thought she would. If Taimi died, then at least her line about "not having enough time" and "not everyone making it" would have had a much more emotional impact. For Marjory, she was supposed to die to Scarlet, but ANet scrapped the original ending to keep the lesbian lovers together cause supposedly Marjory was a favorite character or they didn't want to remove the lesbian pairing from the cast (???), which was a mistake since they don't offer anything when they're together: they just have lovey dovey honeymoon cliche dialogue nobody actually says out loud to each other and have no character growth or struggle. Braham should have died, or at least been physically damaged, but because of the "plot armour" the sibling Spirits of the Wild gave him, he was left unscathed physically. As it stands now, ANet enjoys killing off newer characters they just introduce (Blish and Ankka), or returning characters they don't care to fully flesh out the arcs to get the ending they really deserve, because they don't want to deal with the old stuff (Joko, Jormag, Primordus, Lazarus, Saul, Mai-Trin, Soo-Won).
  8. I'd like to also point out that you have to do the story just to make the Legendaries because you have to buy the recipes with the Tales of Adventures, an item only given with completion of a story chapter. I'm personally not in a rush for these weapons anyway seeing how most of my characters are still in the Personal Story despite being level 80 (maybe I shouldn't max level them right away anymore lol...).
  9. Second Playthrough: I still stand by my previous post where the wokeness agenda is tiresome and drags down the potential of great characters and a wonderful story, but I think in this post I'll focus more on some observations made about the characters we interact with in the story, buit breifly considering it's like 3 AM for me and my brain is so fried... It would take forever for me to write this out in a more coherant post, or perhaps just impossible because my thoughts are everywhere, just like this story. Mai Trin: Being a character I've never met until now, I actually kind of enjoyed Mai Trin. She was one character that didn't need someone else to give her a pep-talk to try to be better or think she was worthy of something. In fact, everyone hates her. The people around her, including the Commander, don't believe she is capable of change or a second chance despite having characters like Canach (former criminal), Gorrick (former Inquest), Zafirah (Zaishen/Balthazar Follower), or Valette Wi (former White Mantle). Each of these character has some sort of connection to either a past of horrible deeds or association with some "evil" organization. She wanted to be better, but nobody allowed her because why? She had to serve her time? You don't think traveling the Mists and killing herself, or even watching herself die over and over and over isn't punishment enough? It's a shame she went out the way she did honestly... I wanted more of her. Ankaa: She's really just a boring villain with depression or suicidal death wish. Started out interesting, ended up being cut too short with little meat to her character and goals. Kasmeer: Ah... the useless lesbian mesmer... Only now she has some use, but now complains about her duties and expects you, the Commander, to not embarrass her and Kryta. Forget everything you, the Commander, has ever done for her without complaining.... Did the Commander complain about picking up her slack after she froze before Balthazar? No. Did the Commander complain about her being the one to speak to Kormir despite her being absent and uninvolved through our campaign across the Crystal Desert? Even if you were a follower of Kormir? No. So, shut up Kasmeer and do your dang job. Gorrick: Annoying, honestly. He's only really used for comedic relief in this expansion, which I don't know if that's supposed to be insulting or not given the fact he's supposed to be a smart Asura or because of his voice actor. He ruins the moment of Mai Trin's death, and his voice just rings in my ears... Rama: Favorite new character introduced in the expansion. He's more down to earth and relatable. Reminds me a bit of Canach, though not as harsh. It's like he's just tired of people being stupid or not thinking things through before asking. Li: Ahh.... the fascist, racist bigot... The evil man known as "White Falcon"... He shouldn't have been so stupid to expose himself as he did considering we didn't even suspect him, nor were we after him. We just needed his help to get in contact with Joon, and what does he do? Attack us, exposes himself, loses, and gets arrested. Like why? It doesn't make any sense. Joon: The "strong, independent woman". Oh boy... More like teenager throwing a tantrum and ignoring reality. We don't want her near Aurene because we don't trust her, but she goes there anyway without our consent? Hypocrite considering what happens later. We tried to go for her to help, but she ignores us. Even after explaining our story, she accepts our innocence and then tries to kill us? Yet she's somehow better than Li, the man who tried to kill us not too long ago? Taimi has to give her a pep-talk about how underestimated they are because they're smart, how it's so hard for people like them and blah blah blah..... Seriously? Boring, and ultimately just stokes her ego even more apparently cause she still thinks there's no possible way she could ever be wrong, or her inventions could ever fail... It's so unrealistic and annoying to deal with that she comes across as one of the most unlikable characters despite ANet trying to make it seem like we're supposed to like her because she's a woman, smart, or because she alone came up with an idea to make her country so great (incorrect because it all came from Soo-Won anyway). Yao: Not even relevant. For somebody put into so much promotional material for your expansion, shouldn't this character have had as much screen-time as Rama, the detective you paired him with? Nope. One map, one meta, and you are only around the character depending on which lane you choose for the meta. This character also isn't even a fighter, which was why he wasn't there for Soo-Won, but could fight Jade Bots? Talk about inconsistent. Navan: Wasn't expecting her. I'm not angry, but I don't feel moved by her. there really isn't much to say seeing as how more could have been done. Taimi: Still dying from her disease, but at least she feels no pain. We have no need to worry about her dying, and we shall continue to keep getting foolproof, last minute solutions to our problems. Great... Rytlock: A charr being put in his place by a female charr... That really doesn't sound like Rytlock. Since when did he care? He did what he wanted without the approval of anyone else, and now he needs his lady's permission? Get out of here with that crap. Braham: From emo boy to PTSD norn needing shrinks... Is he really a norn at this point? I just don't get him anymore, and he should have died in Dragon Storm. Least then he'd be spared the guilt and trauma... oh, and it would have made more sense seeing as his Legend would be sung throughout the Shiverpeaks for saving the world, ending Jormag at the cost of his own life. Even better than he would have helped kill Primordus too. But nah... too Norn for ANet. Soo-Won: You expect me to care about this Elder Dragon because Aurene does, but you don't give us time to connect with her or even learn more about her. Really don't care... and really wished she was done better for me to care.
  10. If we didn't have the story completion, we'd have to craft like one or two expensive weapons, do a meta for a rare drop on a weapon or try to buy said weapon for a high price on the TP.
  11. Engineers and Elementalists have their weapon swaps disabled while in-combat. I'm never seeing myself playing Bladesworn (seeing as how it's strongest attack requires you to be still to even use it...), but even if I did, I don't think I'd be bothered. Honestly, Warrior EoD Elite should have been a support with staff this time around, not another Burst DPS which we already have.
  12. Story: So the story took me about four or five days to complete by mixing in some events and map completion. Each day was about 6-8 hours. It had it's moments where it's good, but, like other people have been pointing out, the wokeness or politics was... eye-rolling. I don't care about a dead character I never met or interacted with was gay and had a kid, I don't care about what your gender is, or whatever. Who are YOU? If a character only revolves around their sexuality or race, then you're flat and boring and have nothing to offer outside of that, which means no character growth or conflict. That's why Kasmeer and Marjory are so annoying cause they have little to offer individually 90% of the time and when they're together, it's only about them being super sappy with dialogue that doesn't even feel natural. That's why Taimi is annoying because she's only known for her genius and always has solutions. These character don't really struggle and any conflict they face, either with other characters or through environment, is quickly swept under the rug. If you have story steps and dialogue using words such as "fascist" or "bigot" like... why? And literally every character seems to be bisexual or have some sort of intimate relationship with others that I couldn't tell if that was the point or if it was really that kind of relationship. Why are the lines blurred? Character deaths? None that mattered. One dark moment where I thought, "Dang, stuff's about to get real..." only to find out that you aren't committed to actually killing off characters that would actually impact your consumers/audience. We have not had a death of a character close to us since Trahearne in HoT. You just kill of a new character or a returning character to not have to worry about old plots and tie the thread of stuff you don't want to deal with anymore. Where are the stakes? Where's the actual loss? And the swearing... Nice, okay, but either don't do it or grow up about it. What kind of story are you telling: a children's story some mediocre PG-13? I can't tell. Let's not forget the men are mostly side-lined by a cast that's female, and we get a stuck up, close-minded, female character that thinks she's the only person that has the right answers and solutions in the world and can't mess up. And when met with failure, she thinks it's impossible like she's some perfect being. The finale post credit.... You wasted time on that? Seriously? I don't care!!! They could have done that off-screen, it was obvious they were gonna do it anyway, but why have it such a focal point to the end of a trilogy, the end of dragons? Maps/Metas: Pretty good. I've noticed issues with objects clipping through each other and some annoying bits like bamboo not having collision (it's weird), but I'm happy about the maps. The metas I like as well, if they work. The final map is something I want to touch on because I've seen so many people whining about it being too difficult, but it's not garbage. Sure, it's a bit difficult and requires coordination, but it's not some brain dead meta where screwing up doesn't matter and you can just brainlessly DPS because you couldn't properly CC or do mechanics. People need to pay attention, people need to cc at the right times. Ppl need to pay attention to mechanics. If you cant do that, you're gonna fail, and that's part of life. Learn from it, don't beg for it to be easier because you don't want to learn. Elites: PoF has the best elites in terms of design and differentiating themselves from their previous forms. EoD only does that for two or three classes (most notably the Specter, Mechanist, and Virtuoso with maybe Vindicator imo). Catalyst? Core elementalist with hammer and a new AoE field (Should have been a Spellslinger with mid-long range pistol/pistol or bow using Arcane Magic). Gunsaber: Warrior greatsword 2.0 (Should have been support with melee staff. I mean you made a bunch of staffs with blades on them and not a single EoD class uses melee staff. Only two classes uses melee staff and that's Daredevil and Revenant.) Masteries: I like them, but there's one major problem: only one keybind can be used. This makes using the skills more of a hassle. Why didn't you treat it like mounts? Heck, I think even novelties can each have their own keybind. Also, why do we have to have all of the green bar in the yellow? Why not the more that's in the zone, the faster/more your fill up the bar? Kind of bugs me when it looks like all of the bar is in the zone but im still losing energy or whatever it is. Music: Great. Final boss song is incredible, but I don't know if it surpasses Kralk's Thunderhead music, and Fear Not This Night just can't be beat. Armor/Skins: We getting more Canthan armor? Feels a little lackluster in the armor department, and not all of them are super great...? I'm hoping there'll be more. Character Creation: WHY NO HUMAN FACE MARKINGS?!?!?!
  13. Why can't there be a vendor in the raid lobby/aerodrome to buy the raid wing weapons/rewards instead of going into each individual wing to get them?
  14. The front still matches the skin... why?! Why was this a good decision?
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