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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Thanks for these. Your comments about pets also reminded me of another key thing I've learned, which is to ummerge (I've been running soulbeast mostly) when I don't need or can't use the merge skills. Like when I want to pressure people breaking LoS, to tag downs when I'm too vulnerable to close, or when I just need to counter pressure while focusing my attention on avoiding their pressure. Fair points about ele. I don't know them well, but I appreciate their big tells. I tend to range fire attuned eles, while preferring to melee air eles. Speed Runes is one of the things I've been experimenting with, which has helped my mobility a lot. Haven't come across solid eles since I started playing with Durability Runes though. It is a good thread because in the end of the day Elementalist and Thief are currently the hardest professions to read for a ranger regardless of the experience, those are same of the highest skill ceiling professions in the game, meaning they can can have several attack patterns at their disposal when mastered , the good players of those can switch between attack plans with little to no delay and it's hard for a ranger to keep up...because by contrast ranger is far more predictable.
  2. If you really want to look at reaper full kit vs the sicem slb kit it is not even a contest. The ratio defense / offense of reaper puts anything slb can do to shame and is far more reliable. Everyone has their favorits and thats that. I tend to stick around most on ele forums and nec forums. I have played ranger in pvp not much but some i dueled. I didn't play soulbeast i play core ranger because from what i heard druid spec right now is about spamming immob and being group support healer. There is always going to be bias towards classes. A ranger main who's main is ranger will think of good of what ranger is.Honestly i don't think core is necessarily op now. As for your question: Classes which can burst hard and have lots of CC can counter reaper. Ranger has fairly good mobility and reaper has 17 sec cd. You have tools like stealth axe has good CC. CC the nec with cripples and run away when they are in reaper form. Reaper shroud isn't meant to be tanked, otherwise it defeats the purpose of big scary mode.Also nec outside reaper shroud are more vulnerable due to not having extra health from lifeforce. Play smart and should they be dumb and run out of spectral walks and wurm ports, they are unable to get away very easily anymore. There are some high burst classes still its just that some classes are in a very rough spot. Mes for instance is in a pretty rough spot at the moment and they get nerfed Warr i don't even understand and thief which is the most mobile class gets continuously nerfed now that the damage was nerfed they are targetting the mobility.If we keept his up, we might as well give everyone sticks and just fight clicking hit. That does not answer my question at all. I ask you “Can you think of a single soulbeast build that has the same damage / sustain as reaper?” and you answer me “But you can 1V1 them!”. Before the February patch (and the following nerfs to power ranger) you would not see sicem in teams because it was easy to shut down and you could counter its mechanics. But people were dropping fast so you could play it in ranked. Since the patch: It still suffers from the same weaknesses. It is very predictable, the sustain is low and a lot of builds can deal with the damage. Something I like from the patch but helped to kill sicem is that supports came back (and they have a lot of tools to counter the damage sources). Instant burst? Stuns or aegis. Range burst? Reflects or projectile denial. (you can add healing to the mixt as for any damage build) Let me say it again, reaper defense and offense is far, far better than anything soulbeast can bring. (edit : and slb has no synergy with supports in teamfights) If we talk about damage : Reaper damage is high enough to scare away any build not using a defensive amulet, its cleave is great and can destroy teamfights. Slb has a higher burst (making it better if you can kill someone in less than 5s), almost no cleave and is very predictable because you need sicem or owp. Why would you pick slb over reaper?If we talk about sustain : Slb sustain is really low. You can pick survival for some defense and condi dispell but will lose a ton of damage (vuln, remorseless, fury) or pick marksmanship and have to spend a lot of time running as soon as you are the focus. Reaper has the shroud baseline (hp, damage reduction) multiple stunbreaks and probably a weaker or similar amount of dispell (depends which sicem is played). You mentioned cc but sicem is not any better against them. (I would even say it is worst) Well i mean Soulbeast used to have fairly high dmg. Last time i played core ranger just to do 5-6k dmg i needed multiple procs off just to get good hits, because average hits were doing 1.5-2k dmg. And soulbeast with fusion has a buncha abilities. I don't have access to soulbeast but i've seen videos of what it used to be like and gameplay. I also played ranger and dueled in arena of mists to get an idea how to play and even if i'm bad, good players i'm sure can kite nec. It may not hit as harad as reaper or hit as hard as lich average, but you can do high as prob 5-6k if you proc right get some of the other abilities . I also found that some specific classes on ranger gave me trouble, one being revenant. Those aoes and the speed were hard to deal with, but like i said: I don't have the most experience on ranger, but i've seen what kind of damage is capable. I also know that axe used to be able to dish out some nice damage too and GS too. Some of the issues relating to nerfing lich is this: Lich is locked out from abilities, it has 120 sec cd a slow moving particle that magnetic aura in theory should work against blocked invulned against and possibly outrun. Lich because of being locked out of abilities while using is vulnerable to being beat down. It has counters to it, even if its damage is really high.eir attacks that are avoidable and risky do the most damage, so they have counterplay.It is wrong and unwise to keep defending the current Lich Form, this time should be spent in proposing changes to the benefits of necro : -We could turn Lich Form into an invulnerable, teleporting mobile "fortress" on a 60-70s CD, doing very low dmg but allowing necros to escape otherwise doomed situations-A pulsing stability form increasing movement speed, adding dmg mitigation against power and condi on a 90s CD I am just throwing idea out there but it would be a start, better than try to defend the current iteration...I mean it's the only elite which can turns the table on the victor during a fight and that itself means IWIN utility.....Rampage was exactly like that
  3. Ranger and thief are professions that play more and more effectively....the lower you go down on the skill ladder partaking the enemy
  4. Vast majority of those asking for nerfs on the WvW forum are zerglings who get killed on their way back to the zerg so yeah...they neither know how to play a thief or how to play against one....the vast majority of them that is it.
  5. Thieves and rangers are the easiest professions to counter hands down , anectodal evidence of getting oneshot by something hiding in a tower means nothing Plenty of drama and bias on this forum , do you really think that your class whatever it is goes unnoticed? Want to talk about "easy to play?" Guardian? I can't bother to constantly link videos to prove fallacies in arguments Its easy to find some unskilled thieves and rangers and make some vids and then say " I can't bother to constantly link videos to prove fallacies in arguments". Guess we all know that most of them play these classes because they arent skilled enough to play other ones, it doesnt mean that rangers and thieves dont need to be nerfed. And btw, this guardian is great but I win like 90%+ of my duels vs them and I'm good but not god... so its not by showing a very skilled guardian that u prove anything.It easy for me to deal with thieves and rangers because I am an ele main who can play/roam on other professions at the press of an esc button. Those who ask for nerfs tend to be able to play a single class barely ....imagine an ele complaining about immobilize or lb ranger....tears start forming at the corners of my eyes...from laughing too much Thief? ....boy...I faced top thieves in the past and it's wasn't a joy ride but luckily for you, most of them don't play anymore and if you on ele lose to what is left....It says everything about your skill level...I would worry about that rather than questioning others if I'd be you In 2021 an ele asking for nerfs on thief...and you think to be good...deluded
  6. Yeah..they try to apply realism to where it's convenient to them...maybe the OP and others like him should explain to me how they can outrun a trained tiger, cheetah, wolf, an eagle or hawk in real life given how they invoke realism......
  7. You may want to check your "sources" because power and acceleration are directly propotional : an object's kinetic energy increases as the square of its speed hence you're 100% wrong You may want to check your "sources" because there is something like "Gravity and air friction" on Earth which will reduce the velocity of said projectile meaning the energy will drop as well, which makes OPs statement correct, what was the point of your post again?You're not wrong, but you're also wrong, could you tell me how you accomplished that?I mean E= 1/2mv^2 is correct, but stating that OP is wrong is incorrect.@OPDon't expect anything, A-net is consistent with being inconsistent. Sometimes they'll make stuff "correct and reflecting real world" and other times you question their reasoning.Did you also check the material and mass of the arrow ? what about the wind velocity? is there enough visiblity?You people are being borderline ridiculous for the sake of it , wanna bring real physic in the game? Sure why not then ....meteor storm there I win the whole freaking MU 'cause I wipe everything on the map Let's be real here then! A single lightning strike should fry you inside out no problem and a Tornado should be immune to anything, how can you condi bomb a freaking tornado? But hey let's stick to facts about ranger dude! How can you outrun a damn tiger or wolf, or an eagle sweeping over your head? , if I axe throw you...explain how can you walk off after..... If start applying real life laws to a game...people like you won't be staying for long
  8. You may want to check your "sources" because power and acceleration are directly propotional : an object's kinetic energy increases as the square of its speed hence you're 100% wrong
  9. do you honestly believe roamers are only out to kill you specifically? lmao. we run builds made for fighting 1-5 people at a time. zerg builds are different. everyone will take a free kill when they walk by, same goes for blobs. every day i get ganked by a blob full of necros and fbs outnumbering me 10-1, am i supposed to cry about it? and honestly i give props to vallun for doing his part in keeping gw2 content and community alive somewhat, but he isn’t the best player in the game. i know plenty people who have killed him repeatedly in 1v1, 2v2, 3v3. myself included. i’m not saying he isn’t good, i’m just saying he’s not the divine word of balance. just because vallun dies to something doesn’t mean what he dies to is OP, since clearly he is the best, right? no. Edit: i forgot the most important part which is the talk about bunkers. you try killing a minstrel tempest on thief or soulbeast who runs the trait on earth that makes you not take crit damage while attuned to earth. they literally will not die. they are impossible to kill. fb is the same pretty much, although not quite as bad. they can very easily kite and never die. 90% of the time if you pit pure glass damage spec of any class vs pure bunker minstrel, the bunker will survive, but more importantly they will not even come CLOSE to dying. this is awful game design. There is bias on both side of the spectrum, there aren't any super roamers killing everything in sight from orbit range and neither we have super bunkers surviving nuclear strikes. Even with the earth trait, it's not like you take 0 dmg and as I play a ranger myself I can easily say that your statements are over exagerations for most part, a minstrel bunker may survive a good deal of initial burst but to say "unkillable" is way out of proportions. GW2 in general should play more than one profession to see things from different perspectives, both tempest or a FB can't kite a sb in a million years at all, a full heal tempest or fb will eventually die. It's very easy for both thief and soulbeast to draw defenses from bunkers with constant poison application forcing CD and bad rotations
  10. Thieves and rangers are the easiest professions to counter hands down , anectodal evidence of getting oneshot by something hiding in a tower means nothing Plenty of drama and bias on this forum , do you really think that your class whatever it is goes unnoticed? Want to talk about "easy to play?" Guardian? I can't bother to constantly link videos to prove fallacies in arguments
  11. Indeed. I've been watching some videos about them, especially the one from Vallun's helpful series, "How to fight _____" to identify common opening behavior and build tells that will help me a counter them better. Positioning myself on or near their port circles (where they'll return), better estimating when they'll steal (daredevils have to be closer), moving through them in melee to mess up their pistol attacks (like how they mess up our ranged attacks), standing on spaces they can't port to, putting terrain to my back, keeping distance from condi thieves (they need to come in close to do much burst, and they have mobility contraints), have all helped a bunch. A couple ranger specific things I've picked up include not using Sic Em and rapid fire at the same time unless it seems like an inexperienced thief or one that's blown some defenses. Instead, it's better to use rapid fire when they're about to stealth so it tracks through it (may need to precast stab in case they try to interrupt you as defense) and then use sic em afterwards to further limit their stealth time. I've also found s+a more useful than gs against them in melee. I just slotted durability runes, and that helps take some of the bite out of the initial burst too. (Nature Magic would do the same, I guess, but I'm not running it). That all said, it's still a learning curve, and also dependent in the skill of the thieves I'm fighting. Since we're on the subject of things that give/gave me trouble, eles are less of a problem now. Picking up on FrownyClown's advice above (and Vallun's video about them), I save my burst for when they're attuned to fire or air, especially if they just left water. Though I haven't tried it, if I was duelling or dealing with an especially annoying ele, I might slot Signet of the Hunt and/or warhorn to ruin their reflects. Fresh Air eles remain the exciting challenge they should be, and I don't mind a bit if they roast me because I know they're taking risks to get that damage, and I can (and have) make them pay for it if I play well. There are far worst ele builds to face than FA scepter : LR d/f , Burning s/f and some tanky burning core d/d ( and I use all 3 of them ) -LR weavers can easily keep up with superspeed, CC you in lockdown with ranged CC( gale which is unblockable and comet ) once in place LR weaver can quickly rotate earth/air - air/air -fire/air -air/air-air/water and back to earth or water for massive CC dmg and good ones can keep swirling winds+magnetic wave off CD plus stability/barrier/block uptime depending on the utilities used-Fire weavers will just burn you to death by just being close to you and at range some will have Signet of Fire at 1/2 cast and sword offers plenty of counterplay vs rangers-Bunker weaver water..well this is the ele version of boonbeast so.....-Core ele(my variant) has fire/water/earth with cantrips and can stack up to 10k burning dmg with drake's breath alone on top of all other sources of burning/bleed/chill; the earth trait line will make them a nightmare to fight. -Don't worry roaming eles are extremely rare...you may meet 2-3 good ones in a year time if unlucky, in that case you'll most likely lose if trying to play fair and square ( which I don't in those cases where I use my power staff druid) Then against thieves really your best bet when dealing with pro thieves is core ranger as you rely on pets more than with soulbeast or druid to set up nasty combos, the one I suggest is fairly well known, unlikely used but more than a match for typical soulbeast not invested in boon generation : MM-WS-BM GS/LB with gazelle and bristleback or smokescale or tiger.The gazelle is your life saver vs good thieves when using BM line, the insta knockdown when they get close and personal will set up either a juicy combo for you or put the thief on the back door , forcing him in defense mode...allowing you to choose between LB burst/bristleback in case he retreats back or depending on what other pet you use General suggestions against SA thieves when they try to play the long game : 1)Use LB 3 on close AI or enemies , against good thieves always use LB 3 in this way2)Do not ever try to use your heal when low while not being stealthed, good thieves will wait it out to interrupt you, at 50% HP use the tip in point 1 then the heal3)When they starts stealthing around, start to leg it in the opposite direction, this will force thieves to chase you , that can turn the situation around for you4)Count to 3 everytime they stealth depending on the distance from you...then dodge5)Watch for basilisk venom, when you it up, count to 3 again and dodge...some times in works and you're fast enough to dodge their steal I am not saying you will be able to kill all thieves because in the end you can't kill a thief determined to kite/run all the times but...you can make so they won't kill you either on their own or they may well die if they try, that's how I play in WvW and how my builds are structured: I'll either kill you or I will deny you the kill
  12. For the most part, condis don't cause me too much grief mostly due to damage pressure and mobility. If my heal (which drops 4 condis and can be precast to counter condi damage for a time) and switching to/from beastmode (drops another 2) isn't cutting it, I can stack protection and dolyaks to get -66% condi damage for a time. The latter is really the main play, because it increases the window to apply damage pressure, which puts people on the back foot and reduces pressure on me. Keep in mind that I'm (solo) roaming around most of the time, so if I need to cut and run I will. As bigo noted, I still have stealth from lb3, plenty of dodges, and a block/evade from gs4, plus I have decent cc. That combined with the mobility, pressure, and cc, I can handle condi heavy builds of most types through careful planning. Thieves still cause trouble, though. I tried something like it last night but couldn't make it work as well as my earlier build. Just couldn't get the burst where I wanted it (may need more tweaking), and the loss of mobility and other perks was hard to get past. May be the build I cooked up, or may be that I just don't know how to play it well yet. I might go back to it, but I've got another build idea that will still use lb plus sword with either warhorn or axe in the offhand. It's even weaker to condis, but it's fun to just explore these things. Thieves are always an issue when mastered due to the unblockable nature of some of its attacks plus basilisk venom elite which can make thieves that much more annoying to fight, some others use dagger storm to apply pressure and recover defenses, all in all fighting thieves is never a joy ride. They have plenty of ways to screw you up while you have very few to punish them in case they do a set of mistakes
  13. Lear to play issue... AT win live on stream by full menders comp And? We had all sorts of comps win ATs throughout the years. Shall we remove every single amulet for you to be happy? Full mender comp ... lad full mender just lol ... worms just showed what is wrong with the game ... but to be honest it isnt any amu. it is more or less the community Comps like the WURM is allowed because what used to keep in check revs and renegade got gradually nerfed out of the game , this community always gets what they deserve
  14. Bruh, you don't even need to elite transform to do 10 - 15k crits with Soulbeast. Maul, Worldly Impact, Merged Porcine Maul, "Sic 'Em!" Rapid Fire, Winter's Bite... Various attacks that two shot most builds. Same could be said of DH with its 10k+ Trap ticks or True Shot. I've said more than once that I agree with people who say Lich Form damage is too high. But I also don't think it needs to be nerfed because the duration already has been and ANet clearly sees it the same way that I do-offense is Necro's ( and Lichs' ) defense. It needs to do damage that nothing else can trade with or it's useless. If anything can facetank Lich or pop a reflect the Necro will near instantly leave the transformation because it's not worth it for the Necro to trade. Same reason anything that can trade with a Reaper pretty well hard counters it. Drop Lich autos to 2k and suddenly no one's going to use it because literally everything in the game would be able to CC it to death or facetank the autos and force the Necro out of the transformation in 2seconds. Kite the kitten thing, or if you have the option to do it use some reflects, Blinds, a Block, etc.I understand a good Necro will wait/bait out those things, but you can make this argument about anything. Expect that they are going to Lich on you and have a defensive option ready to deal with it. You literally only have to LOS for TEN SECONDS if you don't have any cooldowns left, against something that moves at walking pace. The only reason I aggressively defend this as a Necro main isn't because I don't want to lose "OP" thing. It's because I know ANet is unlikely to give Lich Form anything in return if they nerf the damage, and it will be useless afterward.If they increased the duration to 20seconds and reduced the recharge on all Lich Form skills, but nerfed the damage, okay. I might be happy with that. Otherwise, no, you can't gut the damage and give it nothing back because it is already so easy to counter and offers little else outside of that damage. Going Lich is like saying "if you don't get away from me you'll die. If I don't make you run, I die." Not, "LOL, I win." ????? Not talking about possible bursts classes can do im talking about auto's which are spamnable, if ranger was able to pop a skill than spam lb or gs auto attacks for 5k+ damage ideas that whatever allowed them to do so would be grossly op as well. OWP + GS autos is pretty kitten near 5k autos. Which is more of a fair comparison given it's an elite. Necros can defend themselves, problem is that when you combine classes like soulbeast which use worldly strike and mobilitty and sustain it becomes a unfair fight. I honestly don't want nec to be destroyed in pvp as well, but it wouldn't be right if we play favoritisms either. Maybe they could try lowering the cd as mentioned and increasing duration while in the form or something after nerfing the dmg or replacing it as others have said. Prob better for the game too, since i really don't like lich form.> @Leonidrex.5649 said: Bruh, you don't even need to elite transform to do 10 - 15k crits with Soulbeast. Maul, Worldly Impact, Merged Porcine Maul, "Sic 'Em!" Rapid Fire, Winter's Bite... Various attacks that two shot most builds. Same could be said of DH with its 10k+ Trap ticks or True Shot. I've said more than once that I agree with people who say Lich Form damage is too high. But I also don't think it needs to be nerfed because the duration already has been and ANet clearly sees it the same way that I do-offense is Necro's ( and Lichs' ) defense. It needs to do damage that nothing else can trade with or it's useless. If anything can facetank Lich or pop a reflect the Necro will near instantly leave the transformation because it's not worth it for the Necro to trade. Same reason anything that can trade with a Reaper pretty well hard counters it. Drop Lich autos to 2k and suddenly no one's going to use it because literally everything in the game would be able to CC it to death or facetank the autos and force the Necro out of the transformation in 2seconds. Kite the kitten thing, or if you have the option to do it use some reflects, Blinds, a Block, etc.I understand a good Necro will wait/bait out those things, but you can make this argument about anything. Expect that they are going to Lich on you and have a defensive option ready to deal with it. You literally only have to LOS for TEN SECONDS if you don't have any cooldowns left, against something that moves at walking pace. The only reason I aggressively defend this as a Necro main isn't because I don't want to lose "OP" thing. It's because I know ANet is unlikely to give Lich Form anything in return if they nerf the damage, and it will be useless afterward.If they increased the duration to 20seconds and reduced the recharge on all Lich Form skills, but nerfed the damage, okay. I might be happy with that. Otherwise, no, you can't gut the damage and give it nothing back because it is already so easy to counter and offers little else outside of that damage. Going Lich is like saying "if you don't get away from me you'll die. If I don't make you run, I die." Not, "LOL, I win." ah yes, the 10k-15k winters bites. my favourite.most of the listed skills cant hit those numbers, the fact that you landed 10k maul once while at 12 might from warrior against light target with 25vulnerability doesnt mean every maul lands for 10k. meanwhile reaper booms reliably 7k+ on every shot100% crit chance, just look at trevor's video. 4,5k dmg every time against target with protection. 0 might, 0 vulnerability, no outside buffs/debuffs, no chill nothing.just bam bam bam bam bam bam.Nobody is asking for 80% dmg nerfs, and heck. If lich form was the only thing that gets nerfed things would get worse, but there simply should no be 2.3 coof auto-attacks in the game. The reason people try to prevent changes, is for fear it gets smiter booned with nother in return, and when ANET nerfs things they don't always go back and it always always takes a long LOONG time to fix things. Smiter booning reaper dmg and lich will just make every nec fan angry and quit and cause more losses of subs and playerbase and create another circle jerk of nerfs that will result in more degradation of the game, somewhat like some circle jerk nerfs that happened to ele that prob shouldn't have. Should have meteor been nerfed? maybe, but i think it shold be really solid in AOE for pve and sueful for WVW in my opinion. Heck let tempest or core take over AOE jobs and let weave take single target and BAAM you got 1 for each raid type in pve and useful for spvp and WVW.Because seeing things being smiter booned out of existence is what this community always wants when it comes to other professions but their own and when is's their profession turn to get smither booned..that's when all the L2P arguments start, it'd be great if this community would actually talk about balance without being charged with emotion :"No I hate to lose to XX, I want it deleted so I don't lose anymore" Should I symphatize with necros at this point?...Different community and different game I would but....not too long ago necros were up in arms to get tornado removed, nerfed because... The necro community is not any better than the rest when it comes to whine for nerfs on others, do you know how many times I got killed while using tornado and being bombarded with condis?...so the whole argument of necros about Lich Form really falls flat
  15. Once the governing body starts indulging with the cancel culture ...it's there the whole structure starts to collapse because the demands won't stop coming once answered in the first place
  16. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/m59bx8/it_would_be_cool_if_elementalists_got_a_dedicated/ Be it a Longbow or a Greatsword, the consensus seems clear to me at least that the elementalist community is expecting a ranged elite from EoD, anything different will disappoint many it seems
  17. Thus far can we all agree on the fact that next elite must be ranged and not melee centered? The implementation is up to Anet but at 100% the next elite must be 1200 range focused we can all agree on that right?
  18. Raids are the least played game mode by far, next to sPvP. Not sure why Anet insist on ignoring everything else and balancing only for the top 10% of raiders. Basically making a class useless in most modes of play so they can satisfy a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase. And tbh, I doubt that they are satisfied either, because at this point ele is a hassle even for such players. In fractals, ele has been falling out of the meta even for top players. If anyone could make this class work, it is them and even they have started struggling to justify running it. For anyone below this tier of player the class is basically worthless, because the performance falls off harder than any other class. At this point of PoF's life ele excels at nothing, and has huge weaknesses across the board. It used to be that at least it had its niche as a top dps under perfect conditions, but even that is not realistic anymore. So the weak performance in most other areas of the game is not justified in any way. Sadly, nothing will be fixed anytime soon. You have to wait for the pre-EoD balance and for the new elite specs. That is the only hope that ele has right now. We all know that the EoD elite will be nerfed down to same level of the rest of the class after only few months from release, this "community" not used to fight eles on daily basis like say...necro and rev or ranger even so, the moment ele becomes popular again...they will hard nerf it soon after release...once you happily buy the expansion.
  19. For WvW nothing changed...in PvP well yeah, the only usable spec is weaver at best as duellist, Core ele is completely unviable in PvP
  20. The answer to your question is that ANet reduced damage, sustain and boon duration for some professions in competitive mode in the patch that nerfed those stances. It was merely in line with what they did. NB.: While ranger's support isn't optimal in organized squad, it's not in any way "lacking" (it's just not what's perceived as needed support in WvW atm). It's not difficult for a ranger (druid) to keep up prot, regen, vigor, fury and swiftness on 10 allies, all while healing and farting might stacks right and left. Soulbeast and it's stances is slightly less effective on boons and heal but benefit from different advantages (like group evade, groupe stunbreak, group stability... etc.). Fixed it for you : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98220/game-update-notes-february-25-2020#latest , this is not all professions, all I see is the obvious elementalist which doesn't get couple of patches without received nerfs , ranger which just get dumbed down whenever they become optimal for competitive gameplay at the top Revenants, guardians and holosmiths have not been touched at all in WvW for the last 1.5 year , holosmith is still the 2019 version for at least 80% of it, condi heralds basically unnerfed and so on That's simply not true. All classes got nerfed with that patch. No exceptions. And neither ranger nor ele are in a nearly as bad state as pretty much all your posts might suggest. "No bias", sure ... The meta videos, websites say otherwise...AT final matches say otherwise...WvW commanding say otherwise, everything points toward my truth which is still backed up by hard facts...meanwhile forum goers say : "nah you're biased" .... Please tell me more about how rangers and eles are fine atm compared to the rest....by fine I mean competitive at the high level..no pve zerging[...] First you talk about WvW, now PvP. Maybe make clear what you are actually talking about, because there are pretty significant differences between game modes (and even within game modes, especially in WvW) Anyway, you just linked videos showcasing weaver winning monthly tournaments (by a player who is not known to be a weaver main, so you can't argue he is only playing the class because he likes it so much). Ofc weaver isn't (and shouldn't be - nothing should) on the same lvl as rev right now, but neither are the other classes. So what was your point again? Ranger is indeed lacking when it comes to competitive PvP, and never has been great for WvW zerging (which i believe is intentional design), but it is absolutely fine for WvW roaming. Weaver is also a solid roamer, tempest is meta for "tryhard" small scale grps and both specs also have decent zerg builds. There are also other classes that have fallen out of PvP meta, yet i don't see you crying about those. Why could that be? Fixed it for you : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98220/game-update-notes-february-25-2020#latest , this is not all professions, all I see is the obvious elementalist which doesn't get couple of patches without received nerfs , ranger which just get dumbed down whenever they become optimal for competitive gameplay at the top Revenants, guardians and holosmiths have not been touched at all in WvW for the last 1.5 year , holosmith is still the 2019 version for at least 80% of it, condi heralds basically unnerfed and so on Does your "claims" invalidate in any way the fact that the stance nerfs came along a global reduction of damage, sustain and boon duration in competitive modes for all professions? Yes! because they nerfed the sustain of some profession while others can still facetank damage when the skill cap is reached...or you missed the part with triple rev teams winning tournaments?..I don't know how that sit with your claim of global sustain/dmg nerf, if that would be true..you would not see such degree of stacking You should read again the patch note then because the patch note clearly and objectively prove you wrong. I read them multiple times and all I see is actual nerfs to some professions and "literal slap on the wrist" for others....when is about elementalist, KABLAM! a 50% CD increase out of the hat from the start, complete removal or 50% decrease in coefficient......then you pick a class like revenant : "might reduced from 3s to 1s" ...such massive nerf..what about jalis nerfs?shortbow ?...nothing of it touched and teams still running triple rev like nobody business. You can read the patches too, just explain how exactly I am the one biased here! Reducing duration from 3 to 1 is a 66% nerf and 66 >50. Just saying ...Yeah reducing might in GW2 2021 is considered a nerf....are you actually serious? The rest of the team is just "farting" might and you think a little uptime nerf can change anything?...The current meta doesn't think so but people on the forum think otherwise...good for you guys I guess I am including both PvP and WvW because in the grand scheme of things the "devs" only "slapped a little" professions like revenant and holosmith in PvP only when they can still go around with 2019 raid boss status in WvW where by contrast both ele and ranger have seen nerfs being extended from PvP For better or for worst I am facing top 100 players in both game modes...and it's not funny or entertaining and they're all playing some version of revenant and holosayan . Gods...barons...they're all running the same broken crap permaboon 25 might berseker burst Raid boss mode but people on the forum try to tell me that reducing might on a renegade from 3s to 1s constitute a nerf....ok I think I'll rest my case now..honestly
  21. I read them multiple times and all I see is actual nerfs to some professions and "literal slap on the wrist" for others....when is about elementalist, KABLAM! a 50% CD increase out of the hat from the start, complete removal or 50% decrease in coefficient......then you pick a class like revenant : "might reduced from 3s to 1s" ...such massive nerf..what about jalis nerfs?shortbow ?...nothing of it touched and teams still running triple rev like nobody business. You can read the patches too, just explain how exactly I am the one biased here! You might have missed it:Short BowShattershot: Reduced power coefficient from 0.65 to 0.44. Increased bleeding duration from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.Bloodbane Path: Increased cooldown from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.Scorchrazor: Reduced power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.01. Reduced burning duration from 4 seconds to 1 second. Anyway, some of the weapons skills of the rev have their CD increased by 150% (since you like the big number), some energy cost are increased, most might source are reduced to 6 second duration down from 8/10s... etc. There is also a whole rework of 2 of the revenant's core traitline in this patch, retribution's sustain is reduced by at least 1/3rd, Salvation sustain take an even harder hit, invocation and herald's sustain also take significant hits... etc. Jalis didn't take a nerf? Is there even anything worth nerfing on Jalis? Want the road to deal less damage? You are biased because you only look at thing subjectively not objectively. Nothing more nothing else. The elementalist wasn't hit more or harder than other professions, neither was the ranger. Neither the ranger nor the elementalist were some kind of martyrs sacrified on the altar of the gods of tyria for the sake of the other professions' growth in strength in this patch. Every profession got the equal rough treatment, their share of kicks in the kitten. You're the one not being objective here despite all the video evidence provided, nerfing down a hydrogen bomb down to tactical nuke ...mean jack at the end of the day, we still have a weapon of mass destruction at our hands. Slaps on the wrist are slaps on the wrist and will never be considered actual nerfs , two of the videos here are after the so called nerfing patch for rev and they are teams winning with triple rev still for a total cound of 4-5 revs in a tournament final. You can keep calling me biased all you want, the evidence still points in my direction for being right and you're being...objectively wrong! The difference between an actual nerf and a slap on the wrist is that things stop being used at the top as it's always in ele case where the "meta" changes every so patches...so spare me the "you're main bias" discussion
  22. NA and Eu teams win tournament finals while using triple revenant...meanwhile the GW2 forum :" Nerf Jacaranda is too OP"...what an absolute joke of an environment is this forum
  23. Fixed it for you : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98220/game-update-notes-february-25-2020#latest , this is not all professions, all I see is the obvious elementalist which doesn't get couple of patches without received nerfs , ranger which just get dumbed down whenever they become optimal for competitive gameplay at the top Revenants, guardians and holosmiths have not been touched at all in WvW for the last 1.5 year , holosmith is still the 2019 version for at least 80% of it, condi heralds basically unnerfed and so on Does your "claims" invalidate in any way the fact that the stance nerfs came along a global reduction of damage, sustain and boon duration in competitive modes for all professions? Yes! because they nerfed the sustain of some profession while others can still facetank damage when the skill cap is reached...or you missed the part with triple rev teams winning tournaments?..I don't know how that sit with your claim of global sustain/dmg nerf, if that would be true..you would not see such degree of stacking You should read again the patch note then because the patch note clearly and objectively prove you wrong.I read them multiple times and all I see is actual nerfs to some professions and "literal slap on the wrist" for others....when is about elementalist, KABLAM! a 50% CD increase out of the hat from the start, complete removal or 50% decrease in coefficient......then you pick a class like revenant : "might reduced from 3s to 1s" ...such massive nerf..what about jalis nerfs?shortbow ?...nothing of it touched and teams still running triple rev like nobody business. You can read the patches too, just explain how exactly I am the one biased here!
  24. Fixed it for you : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98220/game-update-notes-february-25-2020#latest , this is not all professions, all I see is the obvious elementalist which doesn't get couple of patches without received nerfs , ranger which just get dumbed down whenever they become optimal for competitive gameplay at the top Revenants, guardians and holosmiths have not been touched at all in WvW for the last 1.5 year , holosmith is still the 2019 version for at least 80% of it, condi heralds basically unnerfed and so on Does your "claims" invalidate in any way the fact that the stance nerfs came along a global reduction of damage, sustain and boon duration in competitive modes for all professions?Yes! because they nerfed the sustain of some profession while others can still facetank damage when the skill cap is reached...or you missed the part with triple rev teams winning tournaments?..I don't know how that sit with your claim of global sustain/dmg nerf, if that would be true..you would not see such degree of stacking
  25. The answer to your question is that ANet reduced damage, sustain and boon duration for some professions in competitive mode in the patch that nerfed those stances. It was merely in line with what they did. NB.: While ranger's support isn't optimal in organized squad, it's not in any way "lacking" (it's just not what's perceived as needed support in WvW atm). It's not difficult for a ranger (druid) to keep up prot, regen, vigor, fury and swiftness on 10 allies, all while healing and farting might stacks right and left. Soulbeast and it's stances is slightly less effective on boons and heal but benefit from different advantages (like group evade, groupe stunbreak, group stability... etc.). Fixed it for you : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/98220/game-update-notes-february-25-2020#latest , this is not all professions, all I see is the obvious elementalist which doesn't get couple of patches without received nerfs , ranger which just get dumbed down whenever they become optimal for competitive gameplay at the top Revenants, guardians and holosmiths have not been touched at all in WvW for the last 1.5 year , holosmith is still the 2019 version for at least 80% of it, condi heralds basically unnerfed and so on That's simply not true. All classes got nerfed with that patch. No exceptions. And neither ranger nor ele are in a nearly as bad state as pretty much all your posts might suggest. "No bias", sure ...The meta videos, websites say otherwise...AT final matches say otherwise...WvW commanding say otherwise, everything points toward my truth which is still backed up by hard facts...meanwhile forum goers say : "nah you're biased" .... Please tell me more about how rangers and eles are fine atm compared to the rest....by fine I mean competitive at the high level..no pve zerging All you need is to have a single bloody ele in a final..and few weeks later they nerf an utility .....meanwhile EU and NA teams go around winning tournaments with triple revenant But hey..I am surely biased, you can see all rangers and eles here...I surely don't know what I am talking about People should stop putting words into my mouth as I have never stated that ele is completely unplayable, an uphill battle yes..but you can still get some mileage out if if you log in for medium calibre gameplay
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