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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Who the hell plays core ele? Maybe we should put a huge target icon on ele and remove all skills while reducing HP to 100...that would make people finally say :" ele is balanced" as ele is considered balanced when it can be killed even by a hamster on a wheel
  2. Believe what others in game tell you about weaver...the elementalist is back more or less to pre PoF status where the only "competitive" spec was a supportish Tempest which it is now no thx to buffs...but nerfs to overall dmg. Weaver in general : they gutted Twist of fate by slapping a 75s CD - increased CD on Riptide and Earthen vortex and other dual skills, basically killing what weaver was good for compared to core ele and that's say it all already Fire weaver - they nerfed Burning Rage and Primordial stance so you have no burst to kill anything but some bronze lord/hotjoin hero who will claim otherwise after spending 5m trying to hug the ele AA him Air Weaver - they nerfed LR dmg, FA doesn't exist so any hope of direct dmg melee weaver gone forever...any donkey can facetank your dmg now, just take your dog and let him use your keyboard with his paws while using a necro and he will do better than you on LR weaver Do not believe otherwise and if you don't believe me, you can jump in game...you won't find any sword weaver from PvP to WvW and finally PvE, once in a blue moon you may find a LR dagger/focus weaver that won't impress you and finally the occasional staff weaver in WvW among the never ending sea of necros-guardians and engis Epilogue : All dmg gutted and sustain mostly gone...you literally can't kill anything with any resemblance of brain activity, the remaining eles are all playing Tempest both in PvP and WvW , for now at least before they nerf it ( yeah nerfing Tempest for like the 12th time xd ) because some hot join hero dies to Air overload from a mender tempest ..yeah it's that sad Yes...there will be always the try hard using some sort of offensive ele but....why put so much effort in a stupid videogame when you here to relax/have fun? Just play a guardian, a ranger or necro or engi.....
  3. Ha! Thought it was taboo to speak about stealth/evade uptime on this forum...else the thief brigade will come to get you...you're a brave one indeed, watch your back..the thief police is after you
  4. "As long as I do it..it's fine and balanced"....biased player at his finest, I don't even know why the discussion still going, I made my point clear dozen of times now : I want to put as much effort as the next guy for the same results...why the hell some professions should have an uphill battle when fighting others? who the heck decided that? If you want to do dmg while have sustain..then everybody should be able to do the same, don't go around whining about other professions not dying to your "l33t" combo!You whine about weaver not being balanced...which parts of mirage and chrono were to be considered balanced? Oh yeah, you bunch of armchair developers get to decide what is balanced and what is not, typically what you play is balanced am I right? You get to have sustain while doing damage...if anybody else does the same...it's OP and must be nerfed My question is really simple : Why the heck you expect other people to put 3-4x more effort than you in this game to accomplish anything? The reason we have this kind of discussion is because players are extremely biased and selfish by default, I can recognize my faults...you lot can't recognize yours and for as long as you keep asking for crippling nerfs on other professions so that players using those professions put it 3x more effort than you....I will keep asking for nerfs on others in return Weaver is OP because he can do dmg while having sustain?..OK then let's remove it..along side : all ranger builds-all engi builds - s/d thief/deadeye -PU mesmers/mirage-core necro -reaper -all guardian builds etc etc how does that sound?...No pls spare me all the "L2P" BS, had enough of it My efforts=your efforts and if you can't accept that neither will I so you can stop with your pointless arguments...tired of them Its funny that you compare LR to CI, where you know, they are equally toxic and one of them was removed from the game entirely, while the other still remains and is still toxic, waiting to be OP again in the future.there was another similar trait called Lost Time. It was WORSE version of LR, also removed from the game for good, you see a pattern here? It was never about efforts, you are claimng things that are untrue and people are calling you out on it.You said that ele was perfectly balanced around the fact that it needs to slot sustain to sustain, but in the end it doesnt matter since weaver was broken OP strongest sidenoder with 0 counters, and its not me being salty about it, its just what it was. I like you...you defeat your own arguments thank you for that. Now Imagine a spec that doesn't need to invest in sustain to have it and be free to slot as much dmg as they can...how that would be considered?You hate to admit it that I am right : nobody should get a free pass on sustain investment because that leads to OP gameplay, ofc because of your bias against eles you only see weaver and "conveniently" don't see the rest of the professions like : ranger, guardians ( I play both ), engineer, revenant etc etc ; in the rest of the game you have sustain+dmg in the same build and if that not allowed on ele...don't know why you'd imagine I'd let that happen on other professions. Because you only barely know how to play mesmer and never tried other professions in PvP/WvW for hundreds of hours...like me , you make claims like : " tempest is more survivable than Firebrand"...everybody I spoke with in game has been laughing his/her socks off for days . I don't know why you hate eles this much xd....anything I can do on ele...I can do on few other profession = 3x faster and 3x easier, guess what then...those who play ele right now are those who have been playing it since launch through blood and tears, your half-kitten crusade against ele is dead in the water...the class is just fun to play at this point, nothing else. I see broken, I call it out. Back in CI I advocated for it to get ICD since it kitten over people ( mostly necros )and you my friend are are definition of biased.Warrior used to go full damage and get sustain, that is correct.Weaver used to go full sustain and get the damge, that is also correct.Its irrelevant how much you "slot" for something, it doesnt mean jack kitten.Weaver was STRONGER then warrior that "got sustain for free"Well said!Now there are other professions to nerf...the patch was a good step in the right direction...before long your mesmer will be viable the way you want..and no buffs will be necessary
  5. "As long as I do it..it's fine and balanced"....biased player at his finest, I don't even know why the discussion still going, I made my point clear dozen of times now : I want to put as much effort as the next guy for the same results...why the hell some professions should have an uphill battle when fighting others? who the heck decided that? If you want to do dmg while have sustain..then everybody should be able to do the same, don't go around whining about other professions not dying to your "l33t" combo!You whine about weaver not being balanced...which parts of mirage and chrono were to be considered balanced? Oh yeah, you bunch of armchair developers get to decide what is balanced and what is not, typically what you play is balanced am I right? You get to have sustain while doing damage...if anybody else does the same...it's OP and must be nerfed My question is really simple : Why the heck you expect other people to put 3-4x more effort than you in this game to accomplish anything? The reason we have this kind of discussion is because players are extremely biased and selfish by default, I can recognize my faults...you lot can't recognize yours and for as long as you keep asking for crippling nerfs on other professions so that players using those professions put it 3x more effort than you....I will keep asking for nerfs on others in return Weaver is OP because he can do dmg while having sustain?..OK then let's remove it..along side : all ranger builds-all engi builds - s/d thief/deadeye -PU mesmers/mirage-core necro -reaper -all guardian builds etc etc how does that sound?...No pls spare me all the "L2P" BS, had enough of it My efforts=your efforts and if you can't accept that neither will I so you can stop with your pointless arguments...tired of them Its funny that you compare LR to CI, where you know, they are equally toxic and one of them was removed from the game entirely, while the other still remains and is still toxic, waiting to be OP again in the future.there was another similar trait called Lost Time. It was WORSE version of LR, also removed from the game for good, you see a pattern here? It was never about efforts, you are claimng things that are untrue and people are calling you out on it.You said that ele was perfectly balanced around the fact that it needs to slot sustain to sustain, but in the end it doesnt matter since weaver was broken OP strongest sidenoder with 0 counters, and its not me being salty about it, its just what it was.I like you...you defeat your own arguments thank you for that. Now Imagine a spec that doesn't need to invest in sustain to have it and be free to slot as much dmg as they can...how that would be considered?You hate to admit it that I am right : nobody should get a free pass on sustain investment because that leads to OP gameplay, ofc because of your bias against eles you only see weaver and "conveniently" don't see the rest of the professions like : ranger, guardians ( I play both ), engineer, revenant etc etc ; in the rest of the game you have sustain+dmg in the same build and if that not allowed on ele...don't know why you'd imagine I'd let that happen on other professions. Because you only barely know how to play mesmer and never tried other professions in PvP/WvW for hundreds of hours...like me , you make claims like : " tempest is more survivable than Firebrand"...everybody I spoke with in game has been laughing his/her socks off for days . I don't know why you hate eles this much xd....anything I can do on ele...I can do on few other profession = 3x faster and 3x easier, guess what then...those who play ele right now are those who have been playing it since launch through blood and tears, your half-arsed crusade against ele is dead in the water...the class is just fun to play at this point, nothing else.
  6. LR was so strong that only 3-4 eles were sitting top 250 and they were all tournament players.. nobody was using LR outside PvP in WvW for example given its lack of sustain and skill requirement...by comparison we had builds like Mantra of Distraction with immobilize before nerfs....easy spammable braindead gameplay followed quickly by staff campers condi mirage abusing same strategy..hence called degenerate gameplay by the same devs who created the class. I don't lament the disappearance of LR....I am pointing out the obvious bias by you lot, playing faceroll builds up to this moment while claiming other build were faceroll "As long as I do it..it's fine and balanced"....biased player at his finest, I don't even know why the discussion still going, I made my point clear dozen of times now : I want to put as much effort as the next guy for the same results...why the hell some professions should have an uphill battle when fighting others? who the heck decided that? If you want to do dmg while have sustain..then everybody should be able to do the same, don't go around whining about other professions not dying to your "l33t" combo!You whine about weaver not being balanced...which parts of mirage and chrono were to be considered balanced? Oh yeah, you bunch of armchair developers get to decide what is balanced and what is not, typically what you play is balanced am I right? You get to have sustain while doing damage...if anybody else does the same...it's OP and must be nerfed My question is really simple : Why the heck you expect other people to put 3-4x more effort than you in this game to accomplish anything? The reason we have this kind of discussion is because players are extremely biased and selfish by default, I can recognize my faults...you lot can't recognize yours and for as long as you keep asking for crippling nerfs on other professions so that players using those professions put it 3x more effort than you....I will keep asking for nerfs on others in return Weaver is OP because he can do dmg while having sustain?..OK then let's remove it..along side : all ranger builds-all engi builds - s/d thief/deadeye -PU mesmers/mirage-core necro -reaper -all guardian builds etc etc how does that sound?...No pls spare me all the "L2P" BS, had enough of it My efforts=your efforts and if you can't accept that neither will I so you can stop with your pointless arguments...tired of them
  7. Your desire to have GW2 be a game of "If you chain attacks 1a, 2a, 7h, 12c, 92q, 5u in this exact order in under 3.5 seconds you might get a lucky crit and do 15% of your opponent's health and if any part of that hoes wrong they'll remain at 100% health for 20 seconds until your cooldowns are up and you can try again" the way you want it is terrible design. This is not what a good competitive game looks like. And what is good design? 1) "I have failed my burst..let me sit in stealth and let me try again and again"2) "I can keep attacking while the game sustain itself for me, I don't even need to dodge"3) "My l33t burst failed...it's ok I have infinite evade/block or can use my 2nd health bar and tank everything" I tell you what is good design : Huge burst on others= easy death for you and none of the builds seen before the patch were indication of it, that's what upset me there shouldn't be any High reward= low risk crap in this game! But there is still and it was getting abused to no end before the huge patch , we had specs doing way too much dmg for the sustain they had. If Anet would stop with their mantra : "instant gratification builds" Maybe we would get somewhere.......
  8. Honestly speaking....you complained about damage and sustain on other professions even before Feb25th....yet you call other biased...maybe it's time for you to learn something more than bull's rush/Rampage spellbreaker you still havent explain why you prefer a less skilled meta So huge damage is skilled meta...the lockdown builds were skilled... wait so landing huge damage is less skilled then no damage passive faceroll tanks? isnt there more lockdown builds now then before feb 25thyou are not making sense and contradict yourself so much If landing huge damage is always skilled...I don't know why people were complaining about specs like Fresh air and Lightning rod, the same people who claim there is not enough dmg...are the same who asked for LR nerfs not long ago....that is a contradiction but it's easy to see the reason : it wasn't their class doing the dmg. In the end landing huge dmg is skilled...as long as it's your class doing it..otherwise nerf it . Now stop going in circles with your charade, unless you can explain why you were asking for nerfs on LR while here you ask for dmg to be reverted I don't think many people complained about fresh air ele/weaver at all. I recall myself and most other people thinking the Plasma Beam nerf came out of left field when it happened and felt unnecessary because while the build could take you to top 25 it was still pretty rare and wasn't running over the meta at large.People did complain...hence it was nerfed to the ground, you must have read the comments of some low denominator players......the damage coming from a fresh air has always been considered "unfair"...heck you can watch some of the old videos of @"Vallun.2071" where he profess of being happy for the unplayable status of FA ele, that's an ideology that will always irritate me . For me elementalist remains the true beacon of balance in this game simply because when you want to do dmg...you forfait all kind of sustain, most of it at least, likewise when you want sustain..you need to invest in healing power and the cost of damage. "High damage-lowest sustain and High sustain=lowest damage" a principle that got applied to elementalist since launch and never to other professions...see ranger and engineer for a typical example of damage and sustain packed together nicely in the same build with everything included even good amount of condi clear. FA ele was doing insta/untelegraphated dmg yes...but it was also super glass and only few could play it perfectly in PvP to get just a little above average results ; LR weaver was almost the same yes..but at the cost of great sustain and any condi clear and not be that easy to play being forced at melee range for most of the fights. "You die as fast as you kill"...this was the mantra of REAL Top players back in the days....not this clown fiesta version in this super casual MMO. Let me tell you what I remember from the meta back before Feb25th: a 25 perma might spellbreaker with demolisher amulet = the issue is not the 25 might itself but the immense passive sustain it could generate thx to "might makes me right" sitting at 133 healing point for each stack of might not capped after reaching the limit ; between swap sigil-shield blocks-rune-shout-magebane and a warrior was generating around 15 might for action during a fight and that equals to 133x15= 1995+ . The warrior was healing as much as a full mender ele invested in survival..while having 3x more base HP and 5x more dmg. These are numbers anybody can see...I am not making them up.What about rangers, engineers and revs?......sustain and damage married together nicely and comfy ...Thieves and mesmers? Get to do dmg while sitting atop unpunishable defensive mechanicsI love the Feb25th patch because it gave a wake up call to many :" you are not half as good as you think to be.....simply you were getting carried by spec", cut the passive sustain....the free damage.....the CC/dmg cheese fiesta...and most people find themselves unable to accomplish anything as it should be
  9. Honestly speaking....you complained about damage and sustain on other professions even before Feb25th....yet you call other biased...maybe it's time for you to learn something more than bull's rush/Rampage spellbreaker you still havent explain why you prefer a less skilled meta So huge damage is skilled meta...the lockdown builds were skilled... wait so landing huge damage is less skilled then no damage passive faceroll tanks? isnt there more lockdown builds now then before feb 25thyou are not making sense and contradict yourself so muchIf landing huge damage is always skilled...I don't know why people were complaining about specs like Fresh air and Lightning rod, the same people who claim there is not enough dmg...are the same who asked for LR nerfs not long ago....that is a contradiction but it's easy to see the reason : it wasn't their class doing the dmg. In the end landing huge dmg is skilled...as long as it's your class doing it..otherwise nerf it . Now stop going in circles with your charade, unless you can explain why you were asking for nerfs on LR while here you ask for dmg to be reverted
  10. Wow such jealousy lol Yeah I can see sind now reading such comments broken hearted sitting next to his smoke show wife and cute asf new born haha, sure he gives 2 $hits about such things in the end. Arheund really dislikes some players for such a casual game lolz.Basically your whole post is pure real life jealousy ...don't include me in it ty, I care not about anybody RL here.....you sound desperate now
  11. Honestly speaking....you complained about damage and sustain on other professions even before Feb25th....yet you call other biased...maybe it's time for you to learn something more than bull's rush/Rampage spellbreaker you still havent explain why you prefer a less skilled metaSo huge damage is skilled meta...the lockdown builds were skilled...cool then I see no reason why people were crying blood tears about Plasma burst or Fresh Air or arcane skills or rapid fire or Winter's bite or...any other thing you cried about in the past. I should have all that dmg back too don't you agree?
  12. Such honesty on the forum is always welcome, you embrace your bias as everybody should bias? when is it not bias? seeing the classes in every single team at least once, while the one I play wasnt even picked once for anything other then comic relief?I think you are projecting here buddyEverybody been there buddy! When PoF launched..nobody was using weaver in pvp, at PoF release and people were saying : " you can still play mender tempest somehow in low gold...ele is decent"....people were asking for nerfs on LR when nobody even used LR weaver during tournaments where we had 3 rev teams winning Projecting ? lol....you lot are biased af
  13. Such honesty on the forum is always welcome, you embrace your bias as everybody should
  14. Honestly speaking....you complained about damage and sustain on other professions even before Feb25th....yet you call other biased...maybe it's time for you to learn something more than bull's rush/Rampage spellbreaker
  15. tempest had no use in NA since they all play FB, and I bet all of those FBs have no or very little exp in tempest, its better to play a worse class that you know then to play stronger class that you cant play for kitten.Just look at some of the matches and how much impact glyph alone from tempest has, even if you dont land it the fact you have it means its much harder to down someone, and tempest himself is much harder to focus down then FB. What NA runs is a basically a "glass" FB with zero self-sustain : no meditations heal - no "valor" traitline - no mace or focus and by comparison the Tempest is running with focus-mist form -water traitline and dagger...you can't get more defensive than that on ele. No kitten the tempest survive longer under focus.... Tempest stronger than Firebrand...are we even playing the same game? Please take a step outside your comfort zone on the forum...nobody will ask for a tempest outside of it, talking like anyone of you can even get close to play tempest as high as @Crann.1342 ...at best you get farmed like @"Misha misha got farmed on fb and switched to tempest for that reason.Oh now from Lightning rod..you start crying about Tempest , what after that?...They won't give you back your staff camper condi mirage , no matter how many nerfs you keep asking on the forum
  16. Misha was playing FB the mAT before mota. If anything it only shows the skill level of people starting on mesmer than trying other professions....we can lump Sindrener in the same group...no stealth = no chance it seems for many of you
  17. tempest had no use in NA since they all play FB, and I bet all of those FBs have no or very little exp in tempest, its better to play a worse class that you know then to play stronger class that you cant play for kitten.Just look at some of the matches and how much impact glyph alone from tempest has, even if you dont land it the fact you have it means its much harder to down someone, and tempest himself is much harder to focus down then FB. What NA runs is a basically a "glass" FB with zero self-sustain : no meditations heal - no "valor" traitline - no mace or focus and by comparison the Tempest is running with focus-mist form -water traitline and dagger...you can't get more defensive than that on ele. No kitten the tempest survive longer under focus.... Tempest stronger than Firebrand...are we even playing the same game? Please take a step outside your comfort zone on the forum...nobody will ask for a tempest outside of it, talking like anyone of you can even get close to play tempest as high as @Crann.1342 ...at best you get farmed like @"Misha misha got farmed on fb and switched to tempest for that reason.LMAO Misha was tempest from the beginning are you blind? .....Misha get farmed on tempest because he's used to play cheese mode with mesmer so no wonders he get farmed on ele, got more clips of Misha getting demolished while playing ele....no stealth, no distortion...sad faceI just don't get it...most of you can play a single spec on a single class....yet you talk like you won some major tournament in the past...just stop it already
  18. tempest had no use in NA since they all play FB, and I bet all of those FBs have no or very little exp in tempest, its better to play a worse class that you know then to play stronger class that you cant play for kitten.Just look at some of the matches and how much impact glyph alone from tempest has, even if you dont land it the fact you have it means its much harder to down someone, and tempest himself is much harder to focus down then FB.What NA runs is a basically a "glass" FB with zero self-sustain : no meditations heal - no "valor" traitline - no mace or focus and by comparison the Tempest is running with focus-mist form -water traitline and dagger...you can't get more defensive than that on ele. No shit the tempest survive longer under focus.... Tempest stronger than Firebrand...are we even playing the same game? Please take a step outside your comfort zone on the forum...nobody will ask for a tempest outside of it, talking like anyone of you can even get close to play tempest as high as @Crann.1342 ...at best you get farmed like @"Misha You should try to learn something else other than mesmer...you'd more easily figure out the builds used in tournaments and their actual usability outside of it :https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Symbolbrand ...if you say tempest survives more than FB....I have no words
  19. I find it hilarious that the same people who are now crying about this supposed bunker meta ( exist mostly in their mind ) were asking for nerfs on Lightning rod and sic'em rangers ..not that much time ago. Ha I get it! It wasn't their class doing the big dmg so it had to be nerfed. What about FA weaver? Hammer core guardians? We can pretty much see who is calling for nerfs and why...we can pretty much see the professions played by those who make threads like this or others, asking for damage buffs when few months ago ..those same people were asking for damage nerfs on other professions Can I have FA dmg back? Plasma burst? arcane skills? Lighting rod? Lighting bolt? Phoenix?Can I have "Righteous Instinct" back? Glacial Heart? Mighty blow?Can I have back rapid fire dmg back? Winter's bite? pet dmg ? Crippling Talon?Whirling defense? Let's no start any sustain talk though...if it was up to me I would nerf every single one of you down to ele levels where you have 0 sustain unless you invest in healing power
  20. Get a grip already...this Sindrener is just a mono class biased thief and ofc he will yell and ask for nerfs in order to get a meta more favorable for thieves! The last thing I would expect is to see a thief main considering skillfull a ranger meta...any meta! He has been crying for years while sitting on his thief and promoting trash like pistol whip, vault spam etc etc etc etc...calling a trash player anybody who would die to PW spammers. A thief asking for warrior meta ...yeah ofc...sword/dagger evade spam says HI, ofc .....here a list of things this hero of yours has been crying up to now : -fire weaver-lightning rod weaver-all ranger meta builds and off meta builds, ranger in general-core guardian burst , symbolbrand, dragonhunter-holosmith Having the nerve to cry about current MOTA meta now look at eles : 0 weavers and just the same support tempest build, the class back to pre PoF status and people like this @Sindrener have been crying non stop to see weavers and any build that would challenge his thief, out of this game. ..For somebody who has got "the ear" of the devs, the bias is extremely strong, it's 2020 and thieves still ask for balance....the thief class has been ruining GW2 since launch alongside necro..asking for any subjective fun balance in this game while two class designs exist....yeah gl. These two professions have access to a set of cheesy and unfun to play against gameplay options , it's not fun to fight stealth heroes or insta aoe condi spam on low CD
  21. This^ games should be be renamed to carry wars 2 the spammageddon. But you're still here...there must be something out there to satisfy PRO online gamers , ok we're all kitten and you're God's gift to mankind when it comes to online gaming...why are you still here? There are dozen of PvP centered MOBA out there and this is a MMO...A MMO with a PvP element, a sandbox MMO with a PvP element and that's what I want to play, that's what many want to play! We are not here to play Call of Duty fantasy online! Haha yeah 2 maybe 3 matches a week but still here, just find the gw2 forums entertaining, more so than the game to be honest. Yes though after so many years it's hard to drop outright.Not sure where ur call of duty arguement and what that had to do with wanting a more skillful pvp in gw2? I don't like one shots as much as the next guy but is the ability to just spam ur skills or run ur head across the keyboard to kill some one in 2 sec's via condi's like some builds currently can much better than one shots? Not in my eyes, or having a small select builds being able to do as said above but not the rest of the roster, sounds balanced and healthy. Why does wanting burst skills to burst, tank builds to hit for less and not be able to spam condis killing quickly as stated above or wanting condis to do DOT damage over time like their sopose to mean that they prefer cod type playstyle? Are you watching MOTA? Haven't seen such close games in years and the previous meta was nothing but aoe spam condi and super sustain bruiser on the side nodes...literally a snooze fiesta where even the casters had a hard time identifying who killed who with what...Now we have detailed analysis after every match, close matches, visible tactics ...nothing of that aoe zerg spamm moving from point A to point B causing epilepsy I much prefer now than the scourge/boonbeast/immortal FB kitten Why would I care about a tournament where exploits are openly allowed?https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/663499079803863071/718688444012036116/unknown.pngDo you realize what is happening ?....The druid is playing knockback immobilize build..the rev cover his back with the cart to avoid the knockback and negat the immobilize...hence the "exploit"...it was a figurative sense...........
  22. This^ games should be be renamed to carry wars 2 the spammageddon. But you're still here...there must be something out there to satisfy PRO online gamers , ok we're all kitten and you're God's gift to mankind when it comes to online gaming...why are you still here? There are dozen of PvP centered MOBA out there and this is a MMO...A MMO with a PvP element, a sandbox MMO with a PvP element and that's what I want to play, that's what many want to play! We are not here to play Call of Duty fantasy online! Haha yeah 2 maybe 3 matches a week but still here, just find the gw2 forums entertaining, more so than the game to be honest. Yes though after so many years it's hard to drop outright.Not sure where ur call of duty arguement and what that had to do with wanting a more skillful pvp in gw2? I don't like one shots as much as the next guy but is the ability to just spam ur skills or run ur head across the keyboard to kill some one in 2 sec's via condi's like some builds currently can much better than one shots? Not in my eyes, or having a small select builds being able to do as said above but not the rest of the roster, sounds balanced and healthy. Why does wanting burst skills to burst, tank builds to hit for less and not be able to spam condis killing quickly as stated above or wanting condis to do DOT damage over time like their sopose to mean that they prefer cod type playstyle? Are you watching MOTA? Haven't seen such close games in years and the previous meta was nothing but aoe spam condi and super sustain bruiser on the side nodes...literally a snooze fiesta where even the casters had a hard time identifying who killed who with what...Now we have detailed analysis after every match, close matches, visible tactics ...nothing of that aoe zerg spamm moving from point A to point B causing epilepsy I much prefer now than the scourge/boonbeast/immortal FB kitten Yeah the warrior game play, u know the class u argue are in a fine spot were the most fun to watch. Yeah yeah weird a ranger/ele player loves the balance right now lol, doesnt matter that as a whole the balance is in fact gbage and the epodomy if zero skill spam. But each their own eh :)Nobody enjoyed rampage spam except those whose ability to use warrior was limited to that single elite and main reason they started to use warrior in the first place given one of the lowest skill floor in the game along with necro , ranger and guardian. Despite the sustain/dmg nerfs some players still manage to succeed on ele, ranger, mesmer etc etc..... Take away the faceroll portion and FOTMers can't use warrior ....you're still welcome to jump on ele and try to best me on warrior, despite all the claims...I see players like @Phantaram , @Grimjack and @Crann easily jump on other professions and somehow do decent...on the other side we have "pro" like @bluri.2653 who just play thief and still whine about balance The point is can you even play half-decently other classes before calling for buffs/nerfs?....
  23. This^ games should be be renamed to carry wars 2 the spammageddon. But you're still here...there must be something out there to satisfy PRO online gamers , ok we're all kitten and you're God's gift to mankind when it comes to online gaming...why are you still here? There are dozen of PvP centered MOBA out there and this is a MMO...A MMO with a PvP element, a sandbox MMO with a PvP element and that's what I want to play, that's what many want to play! We are not here to play Call of Duty fantasy online! Haha yeah 2 maybe 3 matches a week but still here, just find the gw2 forums entertaining, more so than the game to be honest. Yes though after so many years it's hard to drop outright.Not sure where ur call of duty arguement and what that had to do with wanting a more skillful pvp in gw2? I don't like one shots as much as the next guy but is the ability to just spam ur skills or run ur head across the keyboard to kill some one in 2 sec's via condi's like some builds currently can much better than one shots? Not in my eyes, or having a small select builds being able to do as said above but not the rest of the roster, sounds balanced and healthy. Why does wanting burst skills to burst, tank builds to hit for less and not be able to spam condis killing quickly as stated above or wanting condis to do DOT damage over time like their sopose to mean that they prefer cod type playstyle?Are you watching MOTA? Haven't seen such close games in years and the previous meta was nothing but aoe spam condi and super sustain bruiser on the side nodes...literally a snooze fiesta where even the casters had a hard time identifying who killed who with what...Now we have detailed analysis after every match, close matches, visible tactics ...nothing of that aoe zerg spamm moving from point A to point B causing epilepsy I much prefer now than the scourge/boonbeast/immortal FB crap
  24. R55 just lost...@Misha on tempest was getting CCed to hell, he wasn't able to fire a single glyph ress...@Fly on s/d literally camped him, so your analysis is 100% spot on
  25. This^ games should be be renamed to carry wars 2 the spammageddon. But you're still here...there must be something out there to satisfy PRO online gamers , ok we're all crap and you're God's gift to mankind when it comes to online gaming...why are you still here? There are dozen of PvP centered MOBA out there and this is a MMO...A MMO with a PvP element, a sandbox MMO with a PvP element and that's what I want to play, that's what many want to play! We are not here to play Call of Duty fantasy online!
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