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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. You think its a short road turning a 1shot shooting game into an mmorpg pvp experience?? I'd rather have fast paced combat vs. a game built around boomer speed reflexes. Bunker meta is awful.Surprise surprise...you are a thief main , I tell you what..we remove : infiltrator arrow ,shadow step , we reduce the range of stealth/infiltrator return to 600 range and infiltrator strike also reduced to 600 range......also we curbstomp stealth to bare min like 3s every 20-30s max... Ok now..let's play your "fast paced combat" and let's see if you like it
  2. I want a DPS meta where everybody plays a zerker core ele...no stealth...no 1500 pewpew.....no pet....no clones....no teleports.....no chain blocks etc etc....let's see how many would love "DPS meta" in that case. I call it BS when people say to love DPS meta when playing a class with several in built defense mechanisms, I'd take all these people ..put them into an arena and force them to play core zerk FA ele. -A mesmer-thief-ranger main : " I love DPS meta"....yeah great kitten effort in saying that
  3. If I take away all stealth and teleports from you...I am sure you'd have not so much fun playing a "100 to 0" power build, if I take away all safeguards from this game...I am 100% sure that people would be much less "power burst" loving
  4. The loud voices on the forum...do not speak for the entirety of the community
  5. More bad opinions from Vallun. I guess CMC's opinions are bad as well, because when I asked him about it on the dev livestream he showed almost the same opinion as me. https://clips.twitch.tv/EnticingBombasticBunnyPeoplesChamp You can watch the clip yourself and see Ah yes one of the devs that made PvP into the hellscape that it is agreed with you about how hey guys the current cancer condi meta totally takes skill. It's totally worth the recourse to authority. I wonder how many AAA MMO games you have helped design or balance or maintain...ha yes...none I have never served in any government position either but that doesn't mean I'm unqualified to vote. I bet you never produced any wine in your life but doesn't that mean you should not be allowed to drink any?I can vote..and hope for the best and I can drink wine..but I won't be able to really discern a good one from a great one as I lack the practical experience to do so, do you get my point?
  6. More bad opinions from Vallun. I guess CMC's opinions are bad as well, because when I asked him about it on the dev livestream he showed almost the same opinion as me. https://clips.twitch.tv/EnticingBombasticBunnyPeoplesChamp You can watch the clip yourself and see Ah yes one of the devs that made PvP into the hellscape that it is agreed with you about how hey guys the current cancer condi meta totally takes skill. It's totally worth the recourse to authority.I wonder how many AAA MMO games you have helped design or balance or maintain...ha yes...none
  7. Ah yes, power thief builds(you know, actual thief builds)being weak are completely fine because a braindead overtuned condi burst build exists. Power thief is fine...if you want more, we gut : shadow step - infiltrator return and infiltrator arrow...under no circumstances you should believe to keep your busted mobility on top of excellent dueling abilities, this is a MMO with 8 other professions....it's not Assassin Creed and nerf threads will remain as a remainder of that
  8. The only people who shouted "thief is garbage" were all..thieves, extremely biased individuals...everybody else already knew the truth
  9. This is the sort of warrior they want these players : https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/89565/instant-25-might-warrior-tactics-do-tests-before-releasing-patches#latest I would be more inclined to agree with any buff suggestions if they were reasonable......but these wars main expect to load 3 offensive traitlines and still the have the sustain of a bruiser while having 0 investment in healing power, basically dmg and free sustain. They keep crying about rangers...when all rangers run WS+MM for a +1 burst role or WS+NM for a bruiser role..either way they invest in defensive traitlines they don't get free sustain! These wars mains now come and want to use : strength - discipline + spellbreaker....do uber dmg plus the sustain to facetank builds that not only invest in healing power but also defensive traitlines....that sheer arrogance
  10. wow amazing, full signet axe/axe what is this 2012? better nerf. ...what kind of answer is this? The dmg doesn't count because axe and signet and not 2012?You could have picked a low hanging fruit and at least say that it's pvp subforum, not a wvw one, but instead you chose to show you have no response to a video I guess. :x I give you the answer they can't give : they can't play anything on warrior outside the 25 perma might passive sustain mender/burst "never dodge/face tank" powercreep which was nerfed couple of mega patches ago. You can't really blame them though... For years , around 80% of wars mains have been carried by Healing signet so never learnt to use active heal skills so...less decision making plus their passive sustain was so high that never needed to dodge anything , you basically would face these wars that not a single time during the fight..would press the dodge button...not once, just pure facetanking. Unless now they bring that back...they wouldn't know what to do with warrior...bull's charge in and things must die...if not..the sky is falling
  11. I do have to admit I find your ability to swap between 2 contradicting positions ("condi is fine even though it does ridiculous damage instantly with no tell, but not if thief is using it because its thief") without even so much as stumbling rather impressive, but please do stick to one of them. Either condi is a problem, or it, including condi thief, is not. All condi builds operate the same way, after all. Since when does one build overperforming indicate that it's time to start from scratch on an entire damage type? It's complete nonsense. You're so triggered by condi. Just take a break already... Ignoring that its not one but 3, the problem is again not balance. Its design. Condi in its current state is poorly designed, and all the issues that condi thief has, apply to every single condi build. It needs to be started from scratch because the current version is unworkable. As long as it exists it will be binary, and it will suffocate build choice. I feel you make a poor argument and I disagree. Condi is fine. Let's keep it! Im not saying remove conditions. We need something that deals with high armour targets in theory. Im saying make conditions less binary. Remove the ability to cleanse them and then retune and retool them around that. Lower burst damage, make conditions as avoidable as power (so no more on-X traits, instant cast abilities apply almost no damaging conditions, make abilities that apply a lot of conditions have actual telegraphs, and significantly weaken pulsing fields). Yes, I've heard your position before and I still disagree with it. It feels to me like reinventing the wheel for questionable gain. I think I would prefer they not take a shot in the dark at this one. The gain is that build diversity is opened up a bit, and condi builds become more engaging for both sides. Right now its just "do you have enough cleanses? If no, you lose. If yes, you win". Binary, and uninteresting.You make loads of assumptions based on armchair "development"
  12. "Paper is fine...rock is broken OP.....by scissor" That's how you can summarize the vast majority of threads on this forum, the guy who started this thread is a warrior and the ones advocating in favor of it ...are thieves, both have strong counters against direct dmg applications, so strong that unless perfectly applied, that direct dmg can be "ignored". Warriors could very easily tank their way through any direct dmg application if so they'd want and likewise thieves can simply shadow steap out/infiltrator return at a whim then come back fully refreshed like nothing happened. Basically anyone using a spec with strong countermeasure against direct damage will always ask for nerfs on the very thing that makes their presence that much less unbearable for the rest of the game : condition damage. I would never play a GW2 without strong condition application of some sort at this point , it would become basically impossible to deal with tanks and thieves generally....
  13. Another veiled "nerf ranger" thread by a notorious necro main from wvw...it's basically the only class that still stand chance against that ranged bunker condi abomination when played a bit above the potato level of skill overall required to play it..to start with
  14. So my question to people who say warrior should spec into sustain lines is where is the trade off for being a melee class? You yourself say the weapons are clunky. The ranged options are bad and I think purposely so. Warrior has no teleports, no vertical mobility, very little defensive boon generation, and competitive builds are always double melee by design of the class. The trade off should be enough sustain to justify the limitations of the class with the option to run defense as a more bunker focused alternative. "competitive builds are always double melee by design of the class."..........it has not been always at all "The ranged options are bad and I think purposely so"........who says so? Simple indications that ranged options are not bad or required in every MU but extremely useful in some nevertheless. Now warrior is not the only class forced at melee range , all other specs that ever played meta have always used at least 1 defensive traitline and bruiser amulet ( up to personal choice really ) and it's for that very reason why I can't accept this idea of "free sustain" simply because your name is "warrior". A more sensible request would be "easier ways" to achieve sustain when traiting in Defense or tactics or both, that something I would have no problems with , ofc warriors like every other class , should be playable as bruiser if using the correct build. But without doubt , whichever the class : if you want sustain you must pay for it, no but and no if Now what I have problem with is people asking to slot 3 offensive traitlines and expect the same sustain or say a mender ele....like it was pre-patch with pre-nerf "might makes me right" and "mending might"....a warrior with 0 healing power had more sustain than a full support ele with 1k healing power..absurd. If wars mains think there is class with full dps build and too much sustain for the investment...ask for nerfs, likewise if you think a bruiser is dealing too much dmg for the sustain they have..ask for nerfs. Once again I repeat my personal mantra: -High dmg = low sustain-Medium dmg= medium sustain-High sustain= low dmg If you want to show me a working ranged build that fills warrior's 1v1 niche I would be glad to 1v1 you and be proven wrong.Spend less time on the forum complaining and more in game experimenting what works for you and you should be able to figure that out by yourself
  15. Excellent points..but wrong numerical analysisAt 0 healing power-https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Healing_Signet-https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Restoration -https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Troll_Unguent-https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22To_the_Limit!%22 -https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mending-https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22We_Heal_As_One!%22 During matches I end with over 250k healing while using a demolisher amulet, let's not forget that everybody seen its sustain and damage nerfed not only warrior, about the rest sure...ask for reworks like every other profession, nothing to complain there
  16. So my question to people who say warrior should spec into sustain lines is where is the trade off for being a melee class? You yourself say the weapons are clunky. The ranged options are bad and I think purposely so. Warrior has no teleports, no vertical mobility, very little defensive boon generation, and competitive builds are always double melee by design of the class. The trade off should be enough sustain to justify the limitations of the class with the option to run defense as a more bunker focused alternative. "competitive builds are always double melee by design of the class."..........it has not been always at all "The ranged options are bad and I think purposely so"........who says so? Simple indications that ranged options are not bad or required in every MU but extremely useful in some nevertheless. Now warrior is not the only class forced at melee range , all other specs that ever played meta have always used at least 1 defensive traitline and bruiser amulet ( up to personal choice really ) and it's for that very reason why I can't accept this idea of "free sustain" simply because your name is "warrior". A more sensible request would be "easier ways" to achieve sustain when traiting in Defense or tactics or both, that something I would have no problems with , ofc warriors like every other class , should be playable as bruiser if using the correct build. But without doubt , whichever the class : if you want sustain you must pay for it, no but and no if Now what I have problem with is people asking to slot 3 offensive traitlines and expect the same sustain or say a mender ele....like it was pre-patch with pre-nerf "might makes me right" and "mending might"....a warrior with 0 healing power had more sustain than a full support ele with 1k healing power..absurd. If wars mains think there is class with full dps build and too much sustain for the investment...ask for nerfs, likewise if you think a bruiser is dealing too much dmg for the sustain they have..ask for nerfs. Once again I repeat my personal mantra: -High dmg = low sustain-Medium dmg= medium sustain-High sustain= low dmg
  17. Every Tom and Jerry runs what Archibald shout about on the forum....monkey see monkey does
  18. I show what I play...what you believe is none of my concerns and neither is the scope of your posts which do nothing but add insults and provocations , I have used facts no anecdotal evidence, I have numbers while you have nothing but your bias, the discussion is over and I am right while you and "your tribe" are clearly wrong. They removed faceroll powercreep for the betterment of the game and the detriment of abusers and I'd like to keep it that way , in the end of the days I am FACTS and you are just bias . You keep mentioning "beloved ranger"....I DARE YOU to go through my post history and link the pre Feb patch nerf thread I made about ranger in the ranger forum going against dozen of angry ranger players...I asked for the removal of Boonbeast, druid bunker and other OP traits among other things I say what it must be said for the betterment of the game! Facerolling never need to use dodge button warriors had to go ...I made nerf threads about every single class, do you have the guts to link every single one of them here or you can just talk biased QQ buff my thief?! Either way I have said what needed to be said...I won't risk anything
  19. Man ur right about war and rev being different roles but as someone that plays both rev is better at wars role than war is so... war is not fine and in time its lack of presence in high tier games or tourny's will show. Unless a round of nerfs are coming for a handful of classes war is probobly getting some buffs sooner or later. Then again this is anet so. No bro...it's simply because wars don't want to invest in sustain lines...but still expect to have same sustain as those specs treated for self-support also wars refuse to use ranged options when dealing with heavy melee aoe fights . Yes longbow is not greatsword...like sword ele is not staff ele or shield guardian is not focus guardian etc etc.... Warriors ranged options suck. Of course Warrior doesnt use them. Thats like complaining that core necros refuse to use melee options. Also, Warrior already uses Spellbreaker, which is as much survivability as most classes use them. Its not "dont want". Its "cant". Do you seriously think that if fixing Warriors issues was as easy as swapping a single traitline, people wouldnt have done that? Turns out that thats wrong. They just cant. Swap to Defense or Tactics, and you do no damage while being as tanky as other builds. Warrior already runs more defensive utilities than the standard build does. Your beloved Ranger tends to run 1-ish. If you count Reflexes. Warrior runs 2. Almost no class builds 2. And again, you seem to be under the mistaken belief that Warrior can afford to switch to Tactics. Its also funny that you dont realise that core warrior already runs Tactics, and its bad. Alchemy is a great traitline, but Id argue its less of a defensive one than Discipline. Shadow Arts is less than Discipline. Most ele builds dont use water. Warrior still doesnt "refuse to use them". It cant use them. Stop using this derogatory assumption : "your beloved ranger" , on the contrary of you and many others I invest time in learning professions and try not to waste time parroting on the forum trying to win some discussion with others, I play as much warrior as ranger as ele and guardian...I duel on all 4 of them from pvp to wvw so you can keep that "slow burning" to yourself About warrior : Strength is not a sustain line under no circumstances this traitline can compete with the defensive lines of other professions and war mains always use : Strength -Discipline -Stunbreak ...where the hell is the sustain here?? Do you even know how to use Longbow on warrior which was the main weapon up to HoT when every "pro" decided to copy paste double mele spec because that guy won the tournie with it..so it must be the holy gospel well...did it ever occurred to you or other "pro" on this forum that meta battle are designed for teamplay? If you want to play huge dmg...then stick to it and don't expect to have the sustain of a ranger or another who actually bloody invest in sustain lines! And.."ele build don't use water"...you simply don't know what you are talking about and now I fully realize that I laugh when I see ur name in any warrior thread. Every single time ur in a warrior thread ur arguing their fine or need nerfs lmao, ur to obvious in ur biased against them. Ur prob a ranger main or such that loves warrior being weak in the side node roll for once. It's clear by ur post u dont play warrior much if at all, sry and all. I couldn't care less if you laugh or not...what does it change? I multiclass ..where you cannot...I learn where you refuse to do so...I win where you will always lose because I don't limit myself to a single class or two Buff warrior...Buff thief...that's all you ever do, you basically want something that makes up for your lack of awareness Naw u don't multi, u play a couple classes and go around joining threads on classes u dislike or don't want to be in a strong spot to cause u challenge and state that u play the class while stating it's fine etc and the people that actually do play it that are saying it's not fine just need to get good lol.Literally all ur post are nerf post accept for a couple which I'm sure are the classes u play. Sure I don't multiclass.....do you see anything else in your crystal ball?
  20. Man ur right about war and rev being different roles but as someone that plays both rev is better at wars role than war is so... war is not fine and in time its lack of presence in high tier games or tourny's will show. Unless a round of nerfs are coming for a handful of classes war is probobly getting some buffs sooner or later. Then again this is anet so. No bro...it's simply because wars don't want to invest in sustain lines...but still expect to have same sustain as those specs treated for self-support also wars refuse to use ranged options when dealing with heavy melee aoe fights . Yes longbow is not greatsword...like sword ele is not staff ele or shield guardian is not focus guardian etc etc.... Warriors ranged options suck. Of course Warrior doesnt use them. Thats like complaining that core necros refuse to use melee options. Also, Warrior already uses Spellbreaker, which is as much survivability as most classes use them. Its not "dont want". Its "cant". Do you seriously think that if fixing Warriors issues was as easy as swapping a single traitline, people wouldnt have done that? Turns out that thats wrong. They just cant. Swap to Defense or Tactics, and you do no damage while being as tanky as other builds. Warrior already runs more defensive utilities than the standard build does. Your beloved Ranger tends to run 1-ish. If you count Reflexes. Warrior runs 2. Almost no class builds 2. And again, you seem to be under the mistaken belief that Warrior can afford to switch to Tactics. Its also funny that you dont realise that core warrior already runs Tactics, and its bad. Alchemy is a great traitline, but Id argue its less of a defensive one than Discipline. Shadow Arts is less than Discipline. Most ele builds dont use water. Warrior still doesnt "refuse to use them". It cant use them. Stop using this derogatory assumption : "your beloved ranger" , on the contrary of you and many others I invest time in learning professions and try not to waste time parroting on the forum trying to win some discussion with others, I play as much warrior as ranger as ele and guardian...I duel on all 4 of them from pvp to wvw so you can keep that "slow burning" to yourself About warrior : Strength is not a sustain line under no circumstances this traitline can compete with the defensive lines of other professions and war mains always use : Strength -Discipline -Stunbreak ...where the hell is the sustain here?? Do you even know how to use Longbow on warrior which was the main weapon up to HoT when every "pro" decided to copy paste double mele spec because that guy won the tournie with it..so it must be the holy gospel well...did it ever occurred to you or other "pro" on this forum that meta battle are designed for teamplay? If you want to play huge dmg...then stick to it and don't expect to have the sustain of a ranger or another who actually bloody invest in sustain lines! And.."ele build don't use water"...you simply don't know what you are talking about and now I fully realize that I laugh when I see ur name in any warrior thread. Every single time ur in a warrior thread ur arguing their fine or need nerfs lmao, ur to obvious in ur biased against them. Ur prob a ranger main or such that loves warrior being weak in the side node roll for once. It's clear by ur post u dont play warrior much if at all, sry and all.I couldn't care less if you laugh or not...what does it change? I multiclass ..where you cannot...I learn where you refuse to do so...I win where you will always lose because I don't limit myself to a single class or two Buff warrior...Buff thief...that's all you ever do, you basically want something that makes up for your lack of awareness
  21. Man ur right about war and rev being different roles but as someone that plays both rev is better at wars role than war is so... war is not fine and in time its lack of presence in high tier games or tourny's will show. Unless a round of nerfs are coming for a handful of classes war is probobly getting some buffs sooner or later. Then again this is anet so. No bro...it's simply because wars don't want to invest in sustain lines...but still expect to have same sustain as those specs treated for self-support also wars refuse to use ranged options when dealing with heavy melee aoe fights . Yes longbow is not greatsword...like sword ele is not staff ele or shield guardian is not focus guardian etc etc.... Warriors ranged options suck. Of course Warrior doesnt use them. Thats like complaining that core necros refuse to use melee options. Also, Warrior already uses Spellbreaker, which is as much survivability as most classes use them. Its not "dont want". Its "cant". Do you seriously think that if fixing Warriors issues was as easy as swapping a single traitline, people wouldnt have done that? Turns out that thats wrong. They just cant. Swap to Defense or Tactics, and you do no damage while being as tanky as other builds. Warrior already runs more defensive utilities than the standard build does. Your beloved Ranger tends to run 1-ish. If you count Reflexes. Warrior runs 2. Almost no class builds 2. And again, you seem to be under the mistaken belief that Warrior can afford to switch to Tactics. Its also funny that you dont realise that core warrior already runs Tactics, and its bad. Alchemy is a great traitline, but Id argue its less of a defensive one than Discipline. Shadow Arts is less than Discipline. Most ele builds dont use water. Warrior still doesnt "refuse to use them". It cant use them.Stop using this derogatory assumption : "your beloved ranger" , on the contrary of you and many others I invest time in learning professions and try not to waste time parroting on the forum trying to win some discussion with others, I play as much warrior as ranger as ele and guardian...I duel on all 4 of them from pvp to wvw so you can keep that "slow burning" to yourself About warrior : Strength is not a sustain line under no circumstances this traitline can compete with the defensive lines of other professions and war mains always use : Strength -Discipline -Stunbreak ...where the hell is the sustain here?? Do you even know how to use Longbow on warrior which was the main weapon up to HoT when every "pro" decided to copy paste double mele spec because that guy won the tournie with it..so it must be the holy gospel well...did it ever occurred to you or other "pro" on this forum that meta battle are designed for teamplay? If you want to play huge dmg...then stick to it and don't expect to have the sustain of a ranger or another who actually bloody invest in sustain lines! And.."ele build don't use water"...you simply don't know what you are talking about and now I fully realize that P.S The rangers you so like to hate run WS for condi clear where typical "core war" runs tactics/discipline/strength which again lack condi clear traits like Cleansing Ire
  22. Staff 1 auto hits like a CC skill that was nerfed to .01 coefficient, except it doesn't actually have a CC tied into it. The Staff is actually so bad that it couldn't hurt to toss it a few pick me ups such as:Staff 1 - Turn the damage up a little bit.Staff 2 - Keep it the same but add a 2 stacks of 1s of burn vs. the enemy that is tagged with the skill.Staff 3 - Give it the kitten evade frame back.Staff 4 - Rather than removing immob from yourself with the vines, the vines should bleed/poison/torment/immob for 1s each.Staff 5 - This can stay the same. ^ Even with changes like that, Shortbow stays the superior condi weapon and Dagger/Torch the superior condi swap. The Staff is primarily a survival tool and it doesn't need a ton of added damage, but it does need some damage added. Right now the Staff's damage output is so negligent that it may as well not have damage at all. It's almost as if .... It's designed to not do damage. But having a focus around support, mobility and mitigation. Kinda like Guardian staff. Honestly, I wouldn't hate to see Druid become decent again if the grandmasters all weren't complete cancer to play against. It's either blind spam or pulsing immob, neither is fun to play vs. Full cleanses and stealth reset was also peak gameplay. Agreed, I said it before in another thread, the problem is all supports in this game don't have niches or clear advantages and disadvantages vs each other. Druid should be a fast rotating focused healer/buffer/debuffer.Tempest a slow moving AoE healer and cleanse bot.Firebrand less healing than Tempest, slightly less AoE but brings more boons and active damage mitigation, also slow moving. It'd be hard balancing the latter 2 but Druid should be easy enough. Agree on the idea, but if you read the link in my signature, you'll see why that isn't going to ever happen for competitive modes. They would need to do a complete overhaul & rework from the ground up on Druid, if it was to be able to keep up with FB or Tempest as a viable combat support. The suggestions made in my signature are the closest thing you're going to find that would work, to turn Druid into fast rotating focused healer/buffer/debuffer. This is what I mean though, about Druid suggestions coming from players who do not play Druid. Everyone throws these philosophical based suggestions around the idea of "Making Druid the support it was supposed to be" and that's great but there is an incredible lack of understanding of how Druid actually works in those kinds of suggestions. It's kind of like if someone said: "I want a Thief that plays like a Necromancer" which for that to work, would require an entirely new specialization line with a lot of very weird utilities & weapon added, or a complete rework/overhaul from the ground up on one of the existing elite specs. So if Arenanet is not willing to overhaul the entire elite spec, it's time to accept what Druid is, and that is a 1v1 duelist or side node bunker. If you notice, all of the Druid players are looking at this differently than non Druid players. For the most part, Druid players are looking at it for what it is, and simply requesting that it is buffed out of the current state of complete ineptitude that Arenanet has left it in. An overhaul would be cool, but at this point Druid players are tired of wasting time with theorcraft reworks, and are settling on asking for well deserved buffing in small areas. It's almost as if the first iterations of most elite specs were janky and all over the place and missed their mark completely. If you think saying "druid should be the healer it was supposed to be" is in any way comparable to saying "I want a Thief that plays like a Necromancer" it only shows your complete lack of understand about mechanics. You cannot make a thief into a necro easily because of the mechanical difference between the two (stealth, mobility, 2nd health bar to name just a few blatantly obvious ones), you can however make a ranger into a healer, in fact you can make most classes into healers as it's a much broader category. Ranger already has great mobility, CA already heals with every skill it has, gut the disgusting parts that no-one enjoys and make it not able to 1v1 without losing like all other supports. Staff needs a tune up and the problem of "Invest into pet and self healing" to generate CA needs addressing but you don't shy away from the right choice because it's hard Mr Boyer, that's what cowards do. The problem with listening to Druid suggestions from ranger players is their AI isn't coded very well and gets stuck a lot. On the contrary, that is what I meant in my original response to you. Having hopeful thoughts of the Druid becoming a team support competitively isn't possible because it shares the same kinds of problems that a Thief has trying to be like a Necromancer. You aren't understanding that the mechanics of Core Ranger and how Druid is currently designed, doesn't work out for competitive mode support play. If you haven't taken the 3 minutes to read through "why" in my signature link, you should. It explains everything, which is why I wrote it, for the event of someone wanting to discuss this exact topic. So instead of taking the apathic route and continuing to argue with everything the Druid mains say as a non Druid player, you should take the time to read that link. You'll understand where I'm coming from and what Druid mains are saying when they are trying to point out that Druid needs slight buffing in small areas, not a huge massive overhaul. Most Druid mains are fine with the way the class works mechanically/functionally. Some of us LIKE the way it works and do not want any overhauls. When we suggest small buffs, we are suggesting the idea of keeping Druid the same but making it viable again for what it is. Discussing class overhauls is another issue entirely. Some of us would love to see a major rework, but that is in the immediate, not what Druid mains are asking for. We are simply asking for small buffs in the immediate, so the class can work again. Two separate discussions, buffs vs. overhauls. This thread was a discussion about buffs not overhauls. Kind of important to point that out. Why would I click your link which no doubt contains some 2,000 word explanation when I already think most of your replies aren't worth reading and skim through if I need to for context? You don't have any insights that I consider worthwhile looking at like how you were making claims about ranger vs necro which were outright wrong which for a ranger main and memeber of the "enlightened community" only reinforces that idea. Druid mains like it now but who else likes druid and has ever liked fighting druid? AngelLovesFredrik.6741 said it best with "Honestly, I wouldn't hate to see Druid become decent again if the grandmasters all weren't complete cancer to play against. It's either blind spam or pulsing immob, neither is fun to play vs. Full cleanses and stealth reset was also peak gameplay." Which is the problem, druid has always been unfun, first it was insta rez with SaR, then reset every 10s with CA and CS and immob spam from AS until it was nerfed hard enough but the traits still remain ready to be unfun again. Funny the title says "Pokes Devs Can we help druid out?" I don't see anything that precludes reworks, yet again you miss the mark and reinforce what I said. Just remove Ancient Seed and celestial shadow..done, no ranger will miss them because Druid was supposed to be a support spec and it's not 100% viable atm, would that suffice ? Yeah that is a quick fix, you'd also need to increase the radius of cosmic ray a bit, thinking 180 then see if it needs to be a little bigger as it's hard to hit anything moving with it. I'd also increase the healing coefficients a little on cosmic ray and seeds of life. Staff needs a bit of polish too on the auto if not redesigning tbh as it's good for raids where people stack but not much else. More than anything Tempest and FB need to have a clear disadvantage vs druid otherwise it will always be a budget support, I'd love to see druid be a meta pick in a heavy rotational comp which doesn't really team fight. Pure support builds don't belong in this game. FBs and tempests do fairly respectable damage and I would consider their meta builds to be hybrid. That's what I want the druid to be. Buffing healing won't do anything at allWe start by removing Ancient Seeds and Celestial Shadow, then we do something for the pets while using druid : I seen suggestions to turn pets into spirits/wisps sort of support tools at the cost of any dmg potential and at the same time it would remove the need to have any sort of stats deficiency . Once removed AS and CS, reworked the pet system for druid, we can then add something to give Druid some more...."punch" but not something that strong to compete with a core ranger or sb when it comes to 1v1
  23. Man ur right about war and rev being different roles but as someone that plays both rev is better at wars role than war is so... war is not fine and in time its lack of presence in high tier games or tourny's will show. Unless a round of nerfs are coming for a handful of classes war is probobly getting some buffs sooner or later. Then again this is anet so. No bro...it's simply because wars don't want to invest in sustain lines...but still expect to have same sustain as those specs treated for self-support also wars refuse to use ranged options when dealing with heavy melee aoe fights . Yes longbow is not greatsword...like sword ele is not staff ele or shield guardian is not focus guardian etc etc.... You have Defense and tactics and don't want to use them...but still want sustain so make it so I can run fire/air ele and have save sustain as water ele or zeal/radiance/virtue guardian or markmanship/skirmisher ranger etc etc; if war mains think they should not be forced to invest in sustain to have it...then I want the same on other professions too You have defensive utilities..but you all want to run "Bull's rush" ......you don't want to make any sacrifice in your build and still have demands , people like @Virdo.1540 are completely right. Every class got 2 sustain lines but none of the builds wars keep using has a single sustain line in it. I would strongly advocate for warrior buffs if traiting defense and tactics would not bring me on the same level as other bruisers but it's not the case!, which classes you want to see nerfed?-Ranger? - they use Wilderness survival and sometimes Nature magic-Necro? - they use Death magic and rarely blood magic-Guardian? - always using Valor and sometimes Honor-Thief? - don't you use Shadow arts?-Ele? - do you see any meta build without Water?-Mesmer? - I see the usage of Chaos line at least-Engineer? - ...always Alchemy? Rev is a special case, difficult to identify, they have sustain all over the place in small packets, but I have no major concerns about them...which leave us with Warrior..who refuse to use defensive lines but somehow still expect to have the same sustain as others, you either play burst...or bruiser
  24. Might Makes Right 64 to 80Healing Signet 230 to 245Rework stance traitsEvicerate damage buff and give it 3 might stacks.Magebane Tether back to 2 stacks of might per tic.Slight buff to Breaching Strike damageBerserk CD 15 to 10 With the nerf of might duration, stacks, the amount of healing MMR has, longer shield stance CD, combined with damage nerfs and 0 damage cc added on top put warrior into a bit of a kerfuffle. The problem with prepatch warrior's might stacks was more a symptom of Rune of Strength than 2 might stacks per tic being overpowered. Presently it's 1 might stack for 6 seconds over 8 seconds meaning by the end of the duration you're at 6 stacks of might assuming no other factors. Combined with the 50% nerf to MMR healing pre patch Magebane went from 2128/32 endurance over 8 seconds to 512/16 endurance over 8 seconds. So I can already guess what a few of you will say "If you want survivability you should have to trait into defense/tactics." And I have two rebuttals. By sheer class design warrior has to take damage to deal damage and deal damage to take damage. This is due to warrior more or less a melee class outside of a few meme builds and it's class mechanics revolving around landing burst skills. It has to have a sustain line to be competitive and it has to deal damage to be competitive. It's why arms and tactics got ignored for so long. Tactics got sustain and now it sees use. Arms is great for buffing preexisting damage the line is terrible by itself especially since you would have to trade off sustain. Spellbreaker is a utility tree and compliments Strength by giving it consistent sustain. Defense/Spellbreaker can't kill Jack all because it's got no damage it's just a subpar bunker at that point. So to reiterate because of the limitations of warrior it cannot give up damage or sustain without making the class useless it has to have both or any other class is better. The trade off for having both sustain and damage is that the class is melee, has animations, a weakness to conditions, and is highly predictable. If you have to ask why I only mention 2 lines changing and not 3 you don't play warrior. Then buff berserker and I would be happy to.Do remember that Spellbreaker hasn't got a trade off despite not losing access to F1 burst, it's unwise to ask for a return of Warrior 2.0 with Magebane buff requests
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