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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Trash attitude..worst ever behavior...elitism and the typical one fail=instant disband...all the elements that keep players away from raids and now you find those same elements even in EoTN. It's really a shame as I was having fun with strikes...sadly these days that 's what you get and find in this kind of modes
  2. If you want predefined builds..go play League of Legends, people didn't sign for a MOBA and this is NOT A MOBA..dunno why the people don't get it, this is a PvE based MMO with some PvP elements. The ezport "legends" should go and play a different game
  3. The prime focus of balance differ from game to game, if I'd want a single build for a "single hero" I'd play SMITE and not GW2 which is a MMO
  4. a long ranged spec to be balanced have to be bad at close range and/or unable to continuos disengaging, you have your oportunoty while you keep enemy at range, but if enemy can tank/dodge your dmg and get to your close range you are almost dead period... but ranger have gs that is a good weapon set not a bad one that only serves to capitalize the possible health advantage you get from your long range atack and DE have spam stealth and reset. Thats the problem not just being annoying There is no problem. There are only people who get annoyed by 1500 range, regardless of how much the thing sucks that's shooting at them with 1500 range. Deadeyes haven't been seen in any competitive AT team in years, and you don't see them in the top 100 anymore either. There are big reasons why concerning all of the direct nerfing it has received, along with how everything in the game now has reveals and instant cast teleports. Deadeye is right down in the bottom 3 least effective conquest specs to choose from. It's right there with Berserker and Druid. End of story.The 1500/1200 range shooting has never been the issue...nobody ever complained about range shooting when it's easy to neutralize it, you don't see people ever complaining about staff ele for a reason. Now when you have traits like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Silent_Scope - https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Binding_Shadow -https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Devourer_Venom
  5. again, scourge needed nerfs. they didn't need 60% nerfs for damage and support across the board lol 60% damage nerf and yet they will still do more damage than mesmers, thieves, rangers... etc.This is balancing, learn to live with it. Roamers =/= zerg specs also at this point the zerg immob soulbeast build will probably out damage scourge now fairly easily as it was pretty close before hand. Rev and Ele were above scourge to begin with. There is like 1 staff ele every 20 or so necros in a zerg........
  6. -Pyromancer Puissance is really good better than previous version-Persisting flames is...rather pve based ( only in pve enemies will ball that long in your fields) and staff weaver with lava font and pyroclastic blast Overall I give a 4/10 to this patch: -Obsidian flesh is a ridiculous change-Scepter ele is still dead and buried-Arcana GM are rather bad...you can play around them but nothing build defining, attunement CD and elemental attunements are the reason for me to go arcane-Staff ele ......too much after cast, gameplay requires future reading for maximum results The situation is not good.....and WvW with its stats customization is the only reason why I still give a damn about this game playing elementalist
  7. Cut the lies....... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/34293/the-most-faceroll-easy-class-for-a-wvw-noob Drop this self-sacrifice for the sake of the community facade...scourge..necro in general is popular because it's faceroll easy to get results with , you can turn it however you want, in the end any new player can jump in wvw on a necro and from scratch..that player will most likely enjoy his first time Necro players make it sounds like any Timmy can jump on ele with zero experience and meteor storm his way to victory , stop acting like you necros are in any position to lecture any ele player out there
  8. So you want to be top DPS on top of boon stripping and meta role with a tanky melee spec...just ask for a pocket tactical nuke at this point.....
  9. Ok, first you picked a support traitline and a healing grandmaster trait. Second, your full heal only work with allies around you. You will not fully heal if you are alone, far from it: 9230 + 1156 + 1156 + 136 * 6 = 12358 over 18k healthAliam gave us a showcase of a full heal without water traitline. With water: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGAEmAYqHA-e6494+1300+1302+1600 (soothing mist over 10s) = 10 696 over 12k health and with 2 buttons pressed, like warrior.A little less that warrior, but you have to factor recharge: glyph is 20s, shout is 30s. You can get 1302 every 10 seconds (8 if you took arcane) and soothing mist is more likely permanent. Warrior is largely behind if solo. In a group, warrior will be better.Now, how many warriors run tactics ? Exactly like how many ele run water : very few. Full heal? -He starts at 8k-He has barrier GM-He has arcana water dodge trait-He uses 2 blast finishers-He press several button for real overall 10k heal The warrior build would heal for more by pressing 3 buttons at most
  10. While there are some truth in your statments, you are clearly over exagerating !What are these "incredible" healing skills other classes seem to have ? Granted a few have very powerful one but not all professions and/or specializations. Our glyph is more than decent and comparable to most other profession healing skills. Our signet can be good too with some builds. Even the cantrip heal has some use in PVE, when fighting some champions that put out 25 stacks of poison, its exceptional condi clear and very low CD can serve at times. Talking about traits, elementalist has water which provides good party healing, and it can be very strong if you add some healing power. But even without healing power, water is still decent and definitly helps when more healing is needed.You can't be serious by saying other professions has incredible healing/life steal traitline... You even dare to say than Engineer can the same with 1 our 2 skills, that profession that need to combo as much as we do, and in some ways, sharing the same issues.@AliamRationem.5172 showed you a way to fully heal within 2 seconds using several skills and combos. Not easy to do at first, but you can become confortable with training. What profession can do the same? I play all of them, and for example, my warrior can't do that, he regenerates over time, but not fully in a few seconds. Same for most of my characters in fact. I strongly doubt you play all of them http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKAMWgdBOWTpA-e given the right set up ( which I have) you can heal to full using those trait lines on warrior...can do the same on a druid and guardian...so..you're wrong?...and yeah it takes like 1/10 of the effort on these other classes
  11. It's the methodology of this company that annoy people......They don't nerf ...they remove ; they don't fix the problem..they just cover it...they don't create build diversity...they destroy it
  12. This build is far easier and more productive/efficient
  13. The second druid becomes sort of viable...they will nerf it again so at this point I'd rather have the build stays in the niche position is now.....god forbid it starts to bother some TOP streamer Anet buddy...that would mean ..NEEERFFS
  14. Which is the thing that hurt the most...but I can't talk openly because of the heavy moderation but...people can guess what I may think now
  15. How can you give 60s to a weapon skill?......It defies logic....
  16. I guess reading it's not your thing Otherwise you'd understand comments more precisely 1) Reform"make changes in (something, especially an institution or practice) in order to improve it"L2R before going on with a childish rant 2)3)https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Random_ArenasIt has been done before! The matches requirement is there to teach the ropes to new players..it's not a form of punishment...it's called self taught process , drop your sense of entitlement already , furthermore ..."but but..Timmy is very good already and doesn't need training"....Timmy for how good may be, he's not the majority and that's what count...welcome to RL 4)Other people's time is not your personal luxury item, organize yourself better or pay the consequences..again welcome to RL 5)6)https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/u/Grabmytotem-dalaran/summary It's not a terrible idea at all, people more experienced in the field than me and you and those who "explained" ...agree with me in the end ....seriously..."your right to an opinion doesn't make it right"
  17. You were 1 ele too many in PvP...they had to nerf you bro!
  18. What the post really says You don't know anything, i was the first calling for CI nerfs and a rework to condi ambushes. I am a multiclass player and play Holo and Necro mostly for longer already, i could be happy but i want a skillful game not this braindead clownfiesta we have since years. And Anet literally buffs classes already op or nerf the wrong things like Rev teleports. If you are happy with current state and this balance plans you are the one happy with being carried.I can't speak openly but....those professions that keep getting buffed are played by well known individuals and..you're smart and you can figure it out the rest yourself, complaining at this point is completely meaningless
  19. I imagine weapon swap will be coming to Ele and Engi with the new elite spec By that time Obsidian flesh will be like 120s CD and 500s Cd for Mistform; ofc attunement swap Cd will be 30s CD for attunement and shared between weapon sets
  20. That would be easier to fix....we can start from stopping stealth acting like a de-facto stunbreak for example , increasing by 4x the CD of teleport skills like phase retreat etc etc etc...when all professions are on the same playing field...we'll see "who" doesn't get stunlocked 100% to 0% by a single player Basically nerf first all busted class designs..then we talk about the problems of stunlock...it's easy to say "never been stunlocked" when your class design is busted Oh yes, take away the tools to deal with getting stunlocked, because that would create a situation where everyone would suffer from the same problem and thats good because thats... bad? What?See? So the stunclock issue does exist....only because it doesn't exist for the class you like to play...doesn't mean it's not there and that was the point of my "crazy" suggestion
  21. When "individuals" cannot keep their emotions within the constraint of the setting...which is a videogame in this case...in that case moderation is required
  22. So a war Rampages you...then Bull's rush you...then shield bash you...then Disrupting stab you...then Full Counter you....and you don't get stunlocked by using "fragments of faith" and meanwhile you avoid "arcing slice"..sure my man ...whatever you say Now you tell me that you pushback the warrior with your longbow..ok I am done P.SPeople get "stunlocked" by a druid...but fully avoid a spellbreaker full counter wambo combo??????? ------___-------- ....honestly I wish I'd never started to play this game in the first place I mean, some people are good enough to play with a single stun break, some aren't. I guess since you're unable to imagine how anyone could avoid telegraphed warrior skills, there's not gonna be a lot we can say. it's an old game, and warrior is a basic class. I mean, the stability and 5 counts of aegis from that trap might even help you avoid multiple skills or something... The same people who complain about infuse light or get CCed by a condi rev or worst..get "CCed" by a druid or Tempest Shocking aura ( this takes the cherry on the cake )...those same people are saying they survive a quickness rampage CC spamming machine while using a nonsensical build.... On of the contrary of what all Gods of PvP on the forum say....warrior is the class that got nerfed and not rev or druid or tempest of scrapper hammer or any other thing mentioned on this forum except the real broken stuff ima have to diagnosis your 2020 warrior rampage complaints as a case of 'mad because bad' you can box kite the duration on side nodes easy, it's really not an issue as for your unrelated tirade about infuse light, druid, shocking aura etc- I don't complain about these things, nor do I care. however the scattered, emotional response was a major contributor to my diagnosis.Less time spent on the forum and more in game learning finally how to dodge would have solved the sustain "issues" for many warrior mains
  23. FirstYour facts are incorrect at max Carapace you get 300 toughness in PvP (anet nerfed it)And on power build you'll never cap Carapace unless you take spite line (Bitter Chill) and death magic line (Corrupter's Fervor) which make this build countered by condi builds and d if you know the meta now is condi making this build viable for gold league onlySecond the 9 crit is from berserker lich auto attack and you tell me you can kill a berserker necro My point was taken from a different thread that was entirely about balance in general based on a twitch chat comment from @CMC about general balance and that includes all game modes.
  24. So a war Rampages you...then Bull's rush you...then shield bash you...then Disrupting stab you...then Full Counter you....and you don't get stunlocked by using "fragments of faith" and meanwhile you avoid "arcing slice"..sure my man ...whatever you say Now you tell me that you pushback the warrior with your longbow..ok I am done P.SPeople get "stunlocked" by a druid...but fully avoid a spellbreaker full counter wambo combo??????? ------___-------- ....honestly I wish I'd never started to play this game in the first place I mean, some people are good enough to play with a single stun break, some aren't. I guess since you're unable to imagine how anyone could avoid telegraphed warrior skills, there's not gonna be a lot we can say. it's an old game, and warrior is a basic class. I mean, the stability and 5 counts of aegis from that trap might even help you avoid multiple skills or something...The same people who complain about infuse light or get CCed by a condi rev or worst..get "CCed" by a druid or Tempest Shocking aura ( this takes the cherry on the cake )...those same people are saying they survive a quickness rampage CC spamming machine while using a nonsensical build.... On of the contrary of what all Gods of PvP on the forum say....warrior is the class that got nerfed and not rev or druid or tempest of scrapper hammer or any other thing mentioned on this forum except the real broken stuff
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