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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. It got EVERYTHING to do with pets, the ranger in his video was using 2 canine which both have access to kd soon after swap and the drake hound got immobilize F2 - furthermore with druid, pets get a -20% stats deficiency and this case getting rid of those 2 pets would have meant the difference between defeat or victory.Finally I have specified that in some instances scepter is recommended because the enemy lacks strong melee presence to do enough dmg and roaming on tempest is anything but Yikes..but to each his own I guess
  2. LoL @ damage over time with no burst and low defense. Just say what you mean: I hate condi and I don't want to deal with it in my meta at all. We know how you feel. Just say it!Ok so you think beign able to burst with condis+having the follow dot dmg from the insane stacks also last longer than the one second (what would be balanced for a burst condi spec) is balanced, my bad. And no i am not driven by any bias, i play all condi specs in the meta (Necro, Condirev etc.) i am just driven by simple logic. @"Arukayos.1798" said:Last I checked, hybrid builds do deal less damage than pure glass cannon - so I'm not sure what this thread is on about. Dire/Trailblazer will statistically deal less damage than Viper for example, in any situation, more so if Rune of Earth is taken into the equation. Valkyrie will always deal less damage than zerker. Does that mean it shouldn't blast your full glasscannon zerk one shot meme deadeye after you eat every AoE to the face? Of course it should, that's what makes your build fall into the "glass cannon" category. Seems like people here want to play high risk builds sans the high risk component. Which is kind of ironic, considering posts like these: Take two seconds to consider this post in a practical every-day scenario. A high risk build (let's say, power holo) meets an extremely low risk/low skill build (let's say condi rev). Who should be favored in this matchup if both players make a lot of mistakes? Obviously the low-risk build, that's the whole point of high risk - you're taking huge risks and get punished if things don't go your way. Which is why you'll see your average low-skilled power holos getting stomped on by your average low-skilled condi revs. However, when an insanely high-skilled power holo meets a condi rev, it's a whole different story and the holo can easily kite/kill the condi rev - in fact, it's a favored matchup for the holo. If anyone wants to take me up on this: I'll gladly fight their condi rev or any other "low-skill" class of their choice with a non-trailblazer, non-viper, non-condi, pure power based class which is supposedly underperforming (can do most power classes) - feel free to hit me up ingame. Don't QQ about low risk when you play high-risk and get obliterated for making mistakes really. That's the point of your choice, and your build. Lots of people in the community suffer from severe dunning krugger where they believe they're mechanical gods, play the most mechanically intensive builds in the game, and then cry when they're unable to pull it off despite the fact that it's the literal definition of "high risk". Just play low-risk/low-skill like everyone else then, you'll probably get better results. Or play glass cannon and then keep crying about your class being squishy when it's supposed to be squishy to everything in the game, including tanks ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Current Holo builds (like power explosive Holo) are far away from high risk builds, everything based on that assumption has a hard time to be right already. Holo is actually one of the prime examples for way too much dmg for the sustain/ resustain it has. Also you use risk and reward different to what i mean. What actually is true in GW2 is, that high risk builds have low reward even when played well. And even worse: Low skill requirement has too high reward even when played bad. For a high risk build it means when you make a mistake and you fail ofc you do not get the reward, that is part of the high risk and also you might die fast when doing mistakes in your defensive rotation, that is also part of the high risk but in GW2 it is like you hit everything perfect and also play with your defensive cds perfect and the low skill reqirement build/ low risk build simply can facetank 200 of its own player mistakes, still makes overall more dmg and still win the fight by doing 20 times more mistakes. That is the imbalance, i am not complaining that high risk builds have high risk lol. The whole meta is insanely noobfriendly also post patch, simply because the basic balance issues did not get solved at all. Sindrener and others will do a break for exactly those reasons. But i get that depending on the insane low average skill lvl we have in this game now ppl are happy with the facetank +still high spammable impact (dmg and cc) meta we have (actually since years) and arguing against that is like talking to a wall. And no squishy high dmg targets and tanky low dmg targets (which we do not have in Gw2 in meta, we only have tanky but still high dmg) should have the same chance of killing each other, what is not the case in GW2. The squishy target will eat way more dmg from the "bunker" (better say bruiser becasue we have no real bunker with low dmg in GW2) while the "bunker" can literally facetank most stuff. That is exactly the point. Sure a bunker can kill a squishy when he tries to facetank on point and plays bad but the bunker also should be able to die to the squishy the same way when doing mistakes and eating the burst. And the second point is not given atm. The game barely distinguish between very good, good, average and bad player. And a good player on a high risk high skill requirement build needs not only to play 2 times but 50 times better to win. I agree at 80% with this post because....there are no squishy high dmg targets in this game, sustain is not just heal burst, that's a convenient way to describe sustain in a MMO but the truth is that : blocks/evades/stealth/teleports/leaps offer the same opportunities to players as much as heal burst which is **to stay alive*** I know what you play so obviously you will disagree but the truth remains : you either are able to tank dmg or you get to avoid dmg altogether and in this case you get to try again and again till you succeed . Realistically : Side A should not be able to tank as much dmg and likewise Side B should not be able to avoid dmg as much as now, try to look at things from a different perspective : If I can't run away and can't eat as much dmg as now while you're free to avoid all my dmg while still able to run away ...where is the balance?
  3. Why? He's not in control of your fingers on a keyboard unless you got some weird science experiment going on there. There isn't actually much here to talk about. Without a video, picture, or even a build link for anything related to the incident I can't find much enthusiasm to care too. D: Really tho man?You've not encountered this build once?Lol edit: I actually did have a good video of it, but I delete clips I don't use periodically to save disk space and when I saw the agreement of most people in /map, /team, /guild I figured it was well known enough for it not to be necessary. That only covers the video clip. If a picture or a link to a build is a disk space issue too then I can't help you there. D: This is the fight in question we’ve been discussing in another thread... Sup im the ranger in question. yea rofl the build has a lot of immob eh. Im just playing this game for some causal fun so chill yea? You said you wanted to make a video about this via mail to me. Let me help you out i caught the whole thing on shadowplay. Side note yea this build is op, i made a lot of mistakes and i can get away with it lol. But why the siege throwing bm tho? Ty, this is actually the clip I was talking about earlier, from his perspective.I go out of combat to switch to fire weaver with antitoxin rune, a build with some of the most cleanse uptime in the entire game, and as you can see I'm basically autoattacked to death. I'm not insulting the player, it's just - as he said himself - an op build.1- Antitoxin runes are quite bad on ele I'd say and that's why I don't use them, I rely on Diamond skin alone to deal with condi builds, fire weaver DS no even cleansing sigil required. 2-Fire weaver s/f is quite bad against above average ranged players , you simply have bad MU against anything that can range pressure and kite well you, still not an issue with the build 3-You should have swapped to DPS tempest scepter/X ( I like warhorn) or scepter/focus weaver , both are perfect to deal with ranged enemies who lack oppressive melee presence like mesmers, those shortbow rangers or even deadeyes 4- It's a druid, kill the pets first if you find the player being above average..it's far easier than against all other ranger build, pressure the pet soon after swap 5-With the pet kd out of the picture, you just need to avoid concussion shot to negate AS, reason why I suggest DPS tempest , while not optimal against most common enemies like thieves, it's perfect in this scenario, plenty of reflects 6-They have a single stunbreak in that build and no access to stab ( if not running strength of the pack), they're easy to shut down Really why people complain about roaming encounters on the forum? People can come up with all sorts of builds out there, that's the best part about WvW, it's pointless and counterproductive to come and complain when you lose a single fight while winning many others
  4. only ele lives by this rule for some unknown reason This happens when somebody tries to reinvent the wheel...the GW1 version of elementalist was perfect in the every sense, you had one element for each role and you could balance them separately , now some amazing genius thought it'd be great to combine 4 elements into one gigantic mechanic from there logic dictates that several countermeasures must be implemented to avoid the class spiraling out of control. Innovation without factual knowledge is nothing more than wild imagination
  5. This is something which should have been done before launch and before the marketing campaign would start, the game has been sold with tag line " play the way you want" , now you can't expect to have anet go and say :" your class gonna be support only from now on"...yeah thx not, I would insta quit and the vast majority would follow
  6. The problem is that stats weren't born equal in GW2. On one hand you have physical damage, which to be maximized requires to invest stat points in power, critical chance and ferocity. On the other hand, you have condition damage, which requieres to spent points in condition damage (expertise will also enhance damage in PvE, but in PvP and WvW doesn't work that well due your foes will actively cleanse the conditions, so having ways to re-aply conditions has more value than having conditions that stay for longer). This means that you need to spent stat points in 3 stats to maximize physical damage, whereas for condition damage you only need to spent points in one or two stats, and due the max amount of points you can spent in a single stat is hard capped, condition builds can asign sparse stat points to vitality, thoughness, power healing or concentration, maximizing condition damage AND sustain at the same time. This is why in the current meta of low physical damage condition tanks acts like bruisers, performing great in terms of dps and sustain. And the problem (if you think that this is a problem, which I don't think) is difficult to solve because are simple mathematics. Condition damage is less stat intensive, to compensate how is easier to counter due stacks damage at slower pace (and easier to counter) than direct damage. But the numbers are off, giving the edge to condi stats in the current meta. You forget to mention : Vitality which is a huge factor that contributes to the viability of a build, right now it's impossible for eles/guardians to have power builds comparable to the rest, a 15k HP base is good enough...eles and guardians first have to reach 15k HP before even thinking of creating a power build with enough sustain to challenge the rest. It's not wonders that up to this moment, the only builds ele ever had in meta were all condi based starting form cele fire d/d to sage weaver, ele never had a meta power build played in top tournaments since launch A good starting point for balance would be to reduce the HP difference between professions, when one class starts at 11k and another at 15k-19kHP...there is really little room to spare
  7. This honestly reads like ur self reflecting on urself, good job :) That's something you don't do at all...instead prefer to keep feeding your own delusions... "One side that is biased AF but won't admit it ever, they will "invoke" the L2P argument at every turn to justify their distorted logic" Have a good day
  8. This whole thread is a farce, in the end you have : -One side that is biased AF but won't admit it ever, they will "invoke" the L2P argument at every turn to justify their distorted logic-One side is equally biased but openly admit it, they have their own arguments to counter the L2P crowd-One side simply doesn't care of anything and will jump on whichever train is the fastest after every major balance patch ( the true winners in the end) In the end there is only one truth : we have a game with 9 different professions and players acting like humans would act - ride the cart in their own direction and screw the rest, from the TOP to the BOTTOM , each player will favor a meta where his/her class of choice will have a vast majority of easy match ups against all other professions, the least effort to win those match ups the better, in that case the game is balanced and if you die to their class...it's ofc a L2P issue A doesn't want to die easy to B and B doesn't want to die easy to A We are all biased and nobody here is a game designer , "your" streamers...entertainers...youtubers....bloggers...jokers......are biased AF as much as you, the devs themselves can be biased even if only subconsciously when applying changes , one class they're not particularly fond of, may receive a 20s CD nerf instead than a more appropriate 15s and so on. The title of thread is misleading...it should be renamed : "Buff my main" and buffed it will be have no fears about that, before long you will go back facerolling across the keyboard and YES...when the first "Nerf profession X" will pop out on the forum, you will be here on the front line armed with all your L2P insults , anecdotal evidence to justify your unreasonable positioning and ofc...your fictional game designing experience
  9. Officially today I gave up on ele...it's just healbot again .....to do any sort of dmg you must be full glass cannon with paper armor and close to zero sustain..meanwhile you have professions who get to be tanks while dealing glass cannon damage I haven't got anymore the patience to go through all the circus parade to deal any sort of dmg, I'll stick to ranger/guardian and warrior...there I can 1v1 while watching youtube on my 2nd screen, I can press 3 buttons on my ranger build and will eat like 50% of your HP without even facing you and from distance... Had enough man...you go around with : 2200 power - 220 crit dmg and 42% crit chance, you go and face a reaper, your 25s CD something skill will deal 2-3k dmg on average...the reaper while having 2x more HP and armor than you does F1-5-4 and 70% of your health is gone....screw that , been doing this BS for the last 8 years now Your sustain doesn't come from the class mechanic....it comes from bunker stats and this asinine community thinks that's ok...like all other professions would not be tank if they'd go around with 800-1k healing power. P.S Yeah man I was ele in GW1 too, that was actually a great class to play : searing flame- invoke lightning - shockwave - winter embrace etc etc , that was an actual caster class with access to elemental magic....this one in gw2 is nothing more than a healbot with kitchen knives
  10. Elementalist is the only class that has to sacrifice sustain for damage and viceversa, once in a bluemoon we get a valid dps spec with sustain which allows eles to be competitive outside healbot role ( at which is not even the best outside the niche tournament 5vs5) , but that spec gets quickly nuked down with nerfs once enough people got invested in the game. It was DPS tempest-----nerf and then healbot-------s/d weaver-----nerf and back to healbot...you may as well give up, there is nothing out there that work 1v1 at equal skill level for elementalist right now...try as you may.....nothing works as dps, everybody else can pack sustain and damage in the same build. You go and play the piano, dodging, timing every single skill...only to deal as much dmg as the autoattack of a DPS guardian. You go full zerk on ele and you deal as much dmg as my ranger build while being 3-4x more tanky....waste of time really
  11. That's all that needed to be said in this thread, the rest is just noise
  12. Don't put words into my mouth thank you. Never hated mesmer but always hated low effort=huge rewards builds , never complained about power mesmer but I complained about condi mirage..not even bunker chrono bothered me that much and not surprisingly that's when you started to play mesmer...on a chrono bunker then jumped on condi mirage..and here you are complaining about mesmers...like you played mesmer since launch or even succeed with a power mesmer. Majority of people started hating on mesmer with the introduction of Condi mirage, which not surprisingly is what the vast majority of current mesmer can play effectively. Always bowed down in respect to a power mesmer, fought them with offensive builds always and it could go both ways...not like those clowns camping staff, hiding behind a column while the clones apply 3-4 condis for bounce. Oh and to add all classes but ur mains are OP or in a great state even when viewed otherwise by the majority of the community, am I wrong?You're not the majority....you and your marry go around band of vocalists are not the majority...you're deluding yourself in thinking otherwise
  13. Don't put words into my mouth thank you. Never hated mesmer but always hated low effort=huge rewards builds , never complained about power mesmer but I complained about condi mirage..not even bunker chrono bothered me that much and not surprisingly that's when you started to play mesmer...on a chrono bunker then jumped on condi mirage..and here you are complaining about mesmers...like you played mesmer since launch or even succeed with a power mesmer. Majority of people started hating on mesmer with the introduction of Condi mirage, which not surprisingly is what the vast majority of current mesmer can play effectively. Always bowed down in respect to a power mesmer, fought them with offensive builds always and it could go both ways...not like those clowns camping staff, hiding behind a column while the clones apply 3-4 condis for bounce. U complain about mesmers high dps for low effort but what's high effort to u cuz I remember u defending rangers in the days they could pop sic em and drop even bunkers with a rapid fire from 1500+ range. The only part of the post I can read ....I complained about the removal of unblockable at the time which was really important in that meta, after that I stated that it's is easy to negate a LB ranger burst by moving behind anything...a couple of dodges will do too, after that you're left facing a glass cannon build with 3 offensive traitlines and very minimal condi clear. I find that more fair to fight than a staff condi mirage and given how the same devs regarded that spec as "deplorable" ...I don't have anything else to say to you
  14. Don't put words into my mouth thank you. Never hated mesmer but always hated low effort=huge rewards builds , never complained about power mesmer but I complained about condi mirage..not even bunker chrono bothered me that much and not surprisingly that's when you started to play mesmer...on a chrono bunker then jumped on condi mirage..and here you are complaining about mesmers...like you played mesmer since launch or even succeed with a power mesmer. Majority of people started hating on mesmer with the introduction of Condi mirage, which not surprisingly is what the vast majority of current mesmer can play effectively. Always bowed down in respect to a power mesmer, fought them with offensive builds always and it could go both ways...not like those clowns camping staff, hiding behind a column while the clones apply 3-4 condis for bounce.
  15. Your desire to have GW2 be a game of "If you chain attacks 1a, 2a, 7h, 12c, 92q, 5u in this exact order in under 3.5 seconds you might get a lucky crit and do 15% of your opponent's health and if any part of that hoes wrong they'll remain at 100% health for 20 seconds until your cooldowns are up and you can try again" the way you want it is terrible design. This is not what a good competitive game looks like. And what is good design? 1) "I have failed my burst..let me sit in stealth and let me try again and again"2) "I can keep attacking while the game sustain itself for me, I don't even need to dodge"3) "My l33t burst failed...it's ok I have infinite evade/block or can use my 2nd health bar and tank everything" I tell you what is good design : Huge burst on others= easy death for you and none of the builds seen before the patch were indication of it, that's what upset me there shouldn't be any High reward= low risk kitten in this game! But there is still and it was getting abused to no end before the huge patch , we had specs doing way too much dmg for the sustain they had. If Anet would stop with their mantra : "instant gratification builds" Maybe we would get somewhere....... Funny that you bring up fighting games. And this video also showcases the kinds of mind games and combat flow that GW2's pre-megabalance patch was significantly closer to. Of course you'd probably scream "OMG that one attack did 25% health that's OP!" and "OMG The OTHER player did 33% of the other player's health in ONE SECOND?! NERF!" This breakdown of a few ways a fight can play out explains a lot of what makes competitive games fun and why GW2's PvP was significantly more fun before the megabalance patch. Attacks mean something. Any attack landing has immediate ramifications on the rest of the fight. Any attack missing can have immediate ramifications on the flow of combat, especially if you whiff and you get punished. And regardless of who landed their attack the fight is progressing towards an actual victor. Here's the thing. GW2's actual mechanics are pretty simple. Every weapon kit has an autoattack of varying damage and utility based on a variety of factors such as range and the mechanical purpose of the kit. The rest of their kit tend to have a 1-2 very serious damage dealing skills, and then a mix of defensive, mobility, ranged and crowd control skills. Everything typically does a bit of damage but it's your main damage skills that are, well, your main source of damage. And all of them are just one keybind away. GW2 doesn't make you do Forward Quarter Circle, or Forward, Down, Down-Forward, or Quarter Circle Half Circle Back to use skills, let alone perform One Frame Links. Sure, you could Arcing Slice someone for 6k-10k damage. But it was never as simple just "oh I press button and haha big damage go brrrrrr." It was a dance between "Okay I can Arcing Slice this guardian but they have Shield of Wrath up which will negate my attack and if I'm close to him and don't manage to break his shield it'll suffer huge damage, so I'm going to stay out of his range until it explodes and then try and bait their last dodge with a Blade Trail into Whirlwind Blade, I do need to be careful though because if they use Zealot's Blade while I try to Blade Trail it'll just destroy my attack, and if I can get him to spend his last dodge I can land Arcing Slice." GW2's combat more closely resembled the way fights played out in a fighting game. High stakes, fast paced, and a mind game of positioning and working to land your high value skills while trying to use positioning, your dodges, and your defensive cooldowns to avoid their high damage skills because if it lands it will end the fight while they do the same. It was about knowing your enemy's potential and knowing what is punishable, knowing when they whiff a skill or poorly waste a defensive skill you've seriously shifted the outcome of the fight. GW2's combat now is like if they tried to import the worst aspects of competitive RTS games into GW2; Fights can take half an hour before they can end. There isn't any real decisive blow or impressive kill shot, but about performing thousands of low value actions over those 30 minutes. Skills are no longer akin to actually attacking someone, but more akin to making a worker at your base and carry the same level of excitement. Even MOBAs have significantly faster and more exciting combat than the current state of GW2's combat. Sure a MOBA match can last for a half hour but there's tons of individual fights and fights between champions can end in under five seconds. Even if the next balance patch perfectly balanced the game where every class and spec can perform equally well competitively, the environment post megabalance will never be good. It will never be anything more than a boring, slushy, slow, slog of a game. So it's fine if say a warrior deal 10k dmg on say an ele ok......so because ele by design is more squishy it should deal 2x that dmg and on the same CD of 6-8s and from range being a caster class after all am I right? Because the Elementalist could see the Arcing Slice wind up, avoid it, and then counter with a Fire Sword 2+Glyph of Elemental Power+Primordial Stance combo now that the warrior's main damage dealing attack is spent and they're safe to go on the offense and could potentially win the fight right there depending on the Warrior's remaining defensive options. You've basically dodged the entire point of my post to get into weeds about specific builds. There's always too strong builds that should be nerfed. There's always too weak builds that should see buffs. But regardless of balance the principal of combat and the flow of gameplay were significantly more sound than they are now. Even if next balance patch perfectly balanced everything, combat is such a slow, boring, slushy slog that it will still not be good. We are all 2015 Cele Eles now. You accuse me of dodging question and going into specific builds while you use specific builds to "justify" your idea of balance. Stop trying to act smart and answer my question I want to know the reasoning why a warrior should deal that much damage.....just say it, don't use builds to justify your ideas! My example was a realistic breakdown of the push and poll of a fight between two popular builds before the megabalance. But if you want a general breakdown on why that skill hit as hard as it used to? Unless we're talking about dedicated support fighting a dedicated support all builds should be able to kill each other across every tier of play.Arcing Slice is a burst skill, requiring the build up and spending of adrenaline, which means the value of the skill should be among the highest in the Warrior's repertoire alongside other burst skills.Arcing Slice is a melee skill, and the increased risk of going into melee range and opening yourself up to damage as well as the increased requirement of getting in range vs a range opponent justifies the skill being higher value. Arcing Slice has an execute mechanic, and only does the more higher end values of it's damage potential when the target is below 50% health meaning you if you can avoid being below 50% health when they're trying to use the attack the attack will do significantly less damage than it's higher end potential. Arcing Slice has a very clear and visible wind up animation giving clear indication that that skill is arcing slice and has an animation that barring extreme lag most people can react to and avoid. Arcing Slice could only get that level of damage with Peak Performance as well as a large amount of Might, requiring set up. Again, you've derailed the argument and dragged things out into the weeds. The game shouldn't be "You need to outskill your opponent by 32.78599181% or you two will be in perpetual stalemate" which is where it's been since the MegaBalance. It should be "The more skilled player wins the fight." It's pointless keep using the word "derail" .....you're just randomly using the word. I'm using derail because you're derailing from my overall point that the game is more sound competitively with high impact skills, that are avoidable, with clear tells, that fights should always inevitably end with a victor, and that the PvP game mode is at it's most exciting when every offensive and defensive skill on both sides of the fight and how they are used have serious ramifications for the fight going forward. And you're derailing it for some petty class vendetta against Warrior. And yet even with that era Ele had a build that could go toe to toe with and was significantly favored against Spellbreaker in the form of Fire Weaver. Lol. If anything GW2 is merciful in how limited it actually has been to truly one shot a player compared to basically every other MMORPG that has ever existed. I don't think builds should be able to just one shot anything they look at. But you should die if you miss the wrong dodge at the wrong time. Again you're using builds to justify your argument , I used a hypothetical, like the way Core-A-Gaming walked through a potential Zangief vs Ryu match up and the interplay of mindgames and predicting what your opponent is going to do and maneuvering around each other, and wasn't commenting on the specific power or how balanced the two fighters are in relation to each other and the game as a whole. It's funny you have such a weird vendetta against Warrior and Spellbreaker considering multiple threads and multiple polls across PoF's entire life warrior and spellbreaker consistently won as the most fun and fair class to fight. "You die as fast as you kill" but Spellbreaker DID die easy when caught off guard, especially once they moved away from Defense Spec onto Strength. It DID die easy when you baited defensive cooldowns. They had high melee damage, excellent active defenses, but bad self healing that's a serious double edged sword with how it's 100% gradual. A warrior running Healing Signet, even with Might Makes Right and Magebane Tether, had very little capacity to make a comeback from a fight going poorly. They couldn't just snap from 20% to 100% health the way Engineers could and still can.There is no vendetta here, simply putting it effort = reward if at any time effort<reward...I will complain because I won't be happy .About the "lack" of heal burst, I made the calculation with "might makes me right" countless times already that proves how wrong you are at least before the Feb25th patch, before that a warrior spellbreaker could heal up to 4300 every 20s at least with "for greater justice" or by using ="Frenzy" + might sigils +runes...before the patch that trait was 133 point for might stack...you do the math now
  16. Your desire to have GW2 be a game of "If you chain attacks 1a, 2a, 7h, 12c, 92q, 5u in this exact order in under 3.5 seconds you might get a lucky crit and do 15% of your opponent's health and if any part of that hoes wrong they'll remain at 100% health for 20 seconds until your cooldowns are up and you can try again" the way you want it is terrible design. This is not what a good competitive game looks like. And what is good design? 1) "I have failed my burst..let me sit in stealth and let me try again and again"2) "I can keep attacking while the game sustain itself for me, I don't even need to dodge"3) "My l33t burst failed...it's ok I have infinite evade/block or can use my 2nd health bar and tank everything" I tell you what is good design : Huge burst on others= easy death for you and none of the builds seen before the patch were indication of it, that's what upset me there shouldn't be any High reward= low risk kitten in this game! But there is still and it was getting abused to no end before the huge patch , we had specs doing way too much dmg for the sustain they had. If Anet would stop with their mantra : "instant gratification builds" Maybe we would get somewhere....... Funny that you bring up fighting games. And this video also showcases the kinds of mind games and combat flow that GW2's pre-megabalance patch was significantly closer to. Of course you'd probably scream "OMG that one attack did 25% health that's OP!" and "OMG The OTHER player did 33% of the other player's health in ONE SECOND?! NERF!" This breakdown of a few ways a fight can play out explains a lot of what makes competitive games fun and why GW2's PvP was significantly more fun before the megabalance patch. Attacks mean something. Any attack landing has immediate ramifications on the rest of the fight. Any attack missing can have immediate ramifications on the flow of combat, especially if you whiff and you get punished. And regardless of who landed their attack the fight is progressing towards an actual victor. Here's the thing. GW2's actual mechanics are pretty simple. Every weapon kit has an autoattack of varying damage and utility based on a variety of factors such as range and the mechanical purpose of the kit. The rest of their kit tend to have a 1-2 very serious damage dealing skills, and then a mix of defensive, mobility, ranged and crowd control skills. Everything typically does a bit of damage but it's your main damage skills that are, well, your main source of damage. And all of them are just one keybind away. GW2 doesn't make you do Forward Quarter Circle, or Forward, Down, Down-Forward, or Quarter Circle Half Circle Back to use skills, let alone perform One Frame Links. Sure, you could Arcing Slice someone for 6k-10k damage. But it was never as simple just "oh I press button and haha big damage go brrrrrr." It was a dance between "Okay I can Arcing Slice this guardian but they have Shield of Wrath up which will negate my attack and if I'm close to him and don't manage to break his shield it'll suffer huge damage, so I'm going to stay out of his range until it explodes and then try and bait their last dodge with a Blade Trail into Whirlwind Blade, I do need to be careful though because if they use Zealot's Blade while I try to Blade Trail it'll just destroy my attack, and if I can get him to spend his last dodge I can land Arcing Slice." GW2's combat more closely resembled the way fights played out in a fighting game. High stakes, fast paced, and a mind game of positioning and working to land your high value skills while trying to use positioning, your dodges, and your defensive cooldowns to avoid their high damage skills because if it lands it will end the fight while they do the same. It was about knowing your enemy's potential and knowing what is punishable, knowing when they whiff a skill or poorly waste a defensive skill you've seriously shifted the outcome of the fight. GW2's combat now is like if they tried to import the worst aspects of competitive RTS games into GW2; Fights can take half an hour before they can end. There isn't any real decisive blow or impressive kill shot, but about performing thousands of low value actions over those 30 minutes. Skills are no longer akin to actually attacking someone, but more akin to making a worker at your base and carry the same level of excitement. Even MOBAs have significantly faster and more exciting combat than the current state of GW2's combat. Sure a MOBA match can last for a half hour but there's tons of individual fights and fights between champions can end in under five seconds. Even if the next balance patch perfectly balanced the game where every class and spec can perform equally well competitively, the environment post megabalance will never be good. It will never be anything more than a boring, slushy, slow, slog of a game. So it's fine if say a warrior deal 10k dmg on say an ele ok......so because ele by design is more squishy it should deal 2x that dmg and on the same CD of 6-8s and from range being a caster class after all am I right? Because the Elementalist could see the Arcing Slice wind up, avoid it, and then counter with a Fire Sword 2+Glyph of Elemental Power+Primordial Stance combo now that the warrior's main damage dealing attack is spent and they're safe to go on the offense and could potentially win the fight right there depending on the Warrior's remaining defensive options. You've basically dodged the entire point of my post to get into weeds about specific builds. There's always too strong builds that should be nerfed. There's always too weak builds that should see buffs. But regardless of balance the principal of combat and the flow of gameplay were significantly more sound than they are now. Even if next balance patch perfectly balanced everything, combat is such a slow, boring, slushy slog that it will still not be good. We are all 2015 Cele Eles now. You accuse me of dodging question and going into specific builds while you use specific builds to "justify" your idea of balance. Stop trying to act smart and answer my question I want to know the reasoning why a warrior should deal that much damage.....just say it, don't use builds to justify your ideas! My example was a realistic breakdown of the push and poll of a fight between two popular builds before the megabalance. But if you want a general breakdown on why that skill hit as hard as it used to? Unless we're talking about dedicated support fighting a dedicated support all builds should be able to kill each other across every tier of play.Arcing Slice is a burst skill, requiring the build up and spending of adrenaline, which means the value of the skill should be among the highest in the Warrior's repertoire alongside other burst skills.Arcing Slice is a melee skill, and the increased risk of going into melee range and opening yourself up to damage as well as the increased requirement of getting in range vs a range opponent justifies the skill being higher value. Arcing Slice has an execute mechanic, and only does the more higher end values of it's damage potential when the target is below 50% health meaning you if you can avoid being below 50% health when they're trying to use the attack the attack will do significantly less damage than it's higher end potential. Arcing Slice has a very clear and visible wind up animation giving clear indication that that skill is arcing slice and has an animation that barring extreme lag most people can react to and avoid. Arcing Slice could only get that level of damage with Peak Performance as well as a large amount of Might, requiring set up. Again, you've derailed the argument and dragged things out into the weeds. The game shouldn't be "You need to outskill your opponent by 32.78599181% or you two will be in perpetual stalemate" which is where it's been since the MegaBalance. It should be "The more skilled player wins the fight." It's pointless keep using the word "derail" .....you're just randomly using the word. I'm using derail because you're derailing from my overall point that the game is more sound competitively with high impact skills, that are avoidable, with clear tells, that fights should always inevitably end with a victor, and that the PvP game mode is at it's most exciting when every offensive and defensive skill on both sides of the fight and how they are used have serious ramifications for the fight going forward. And you're derailing it for some petty class vendetta against Warrior. And yet even with that era Ele had a build that could go toe to toe with and was significantly favored against Spellbreaker in the form of Fire Weaver. Lol. If anything GW2 is merciful in how limited it actually has been to truly one shot a player compared to basically every other MMORPG that has ever existed. I don't think builds should be able to just one shot anything they look at. But you should die if you miss the wrong dodge at the wrong time. Again you're using builds to justify your argument , I should not be forced to play bunker in order to play the game....why don't add a stats check to pvp at this point? It won't allow people to use certain classes in pvp unless they reach a certain level of healing power/toughness/vitality...else they become a detriment for the team. I think people bought GW2 because it wasn't like other MMOs and if that's what you want..then go play there
  17. Honestly speaking....you complained about damage and sustain on other professions even before Feb25th....yet you call other biased...maybe it's time for you to learn something more than bull's rush/Rampage spellbreaker you still havent explain why you prefer a less skilled meta So huge damage is skilled meta...the lockdown builds were skilled... wait so landing huge damage is less skilled then no damage passive faceroll tanks? isnt there more lockdown builds now then before feb 25thyou are not making sense and contradict yourself so much If landing huge damage is always skilled...I don't know why people were complaining about specs like Fresh air and Lightning rod, the same people who claim there is not enough dmg...are the same who asked for LR nerfs not long ago....that is a contradiction but it's easy to see the reason : it wasn't their class doing the dmg. In the end landing huge dmg is skilled...as long as it's your class doing it..otherwise nerf it . Now stop going in circles with your charade, unless you can explain why you were asking for nerfs on LR while here you ask for dmg to be reverted i can easily 1v1 warrior on fresh air pre feb 25th, it was so easy, only thing that made fresh air unviable is rev/thief/mesbuilds in the same big damage category doesn't mean they require equal skill. because firebrand and tempest and bunker soulbeast and condi rev all require the same effort to play, use the tiny brain of yours, dude. Speaking of which Did you check the date of the video before posting it? Here a relevant thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/23586/air-scepter-burst-ele-weaver-too-much-damage-in-a-too-short-amount-of-time/p1 There is one thing that you miss from your arguments : risk=reward ratio, which was the focal point of the last balance patch ; some specs were capable of way too much damage for the level of sustain they had and one of those builds were indeed warrior among others. The rule should be : "you die as fast as you kill" which has always been true for an offensive ele that wears marauder amulet, the FA dmg was more than justified given how easy you could die on it...meanwhile warriors were wearing demolisher amulet and were doing even more damage......
  18. Your desire to have GW2 be a game of "If you chain attacks 1a, 2a, 7h, 12c, 92q, 5u in this exact order in under 3.5 seconds you might get a lucky crit and do 15% of your opponent's health and if any part of that hoes wrong they'll remain at 100% health for 20 seconds until your cooldowns are up and you can try again" the way you want it is terrible design. This is not what a good competitive game looks like. And what is good design? 1) "I have failed my burst..let me sit in stealth and let me try again and again"2) "I can keep attacking while the game sustain itself for me, I don't even need to dodge"3) "My l33t burst failed...it's ok I have infinite evade/block or can use my 2nd health bar and tank everything" I tell you what is good design : Huge burst on others= easy death for you and none of the builds seen before the patch were indication of it, that's what upset me there shouldn't be any High reward= low risk kitten in this game! But there is still and it was getting abused to no end before the huge patch , we had specs doing way too much dmg for the sustain they had. If Anet would stop with their mantra : "instant gratification builds" Maybe we would get somewhere....... Funny that you bring up fighting games. And this video also showcases the kinds of mind games and combat flow that GW2's pre-megabalance patch was significantly closer to. Of course you'd probably scream "OMG that one attack did 25% health that's OP!" and "OMG The OTHER player did 33% of the other player's health in ONE SECOND?! NERF!" This breakdown of a few ways a fight can play out explains a lot of what makes competitive games fun and why GW2's PvP was significantly more fun before the megabalance patch. Attacks mean something. Any attack landing has immediate ramifications on the rest of the fight. Any attack missing can have immediate ramifications on the flow of combat, especially if you whiff and you get punished. And regardless of who landed their attack the fight is progressing towards an actual victor. Here's the thing. GW2's actual mechanics are pretty simple. Every weapon kit has an autoattack of varying damage and utility based on a variety of factors such as range and the mechanical purpose of the kit. The rest of their kit tend to have a 1-2 very serious damage dealing skills, and then a mix of defensive, mobility, ranged and crowd control skills. Everything typically does a bit of damage but it's your main damage skills that are, well, your main source of damage. And all of them are just one keybind away. GW2 doesn't make you do Forward Quarter Circle, or Forward, Down, Down-Forward, or Quarter Circle Half Circle Back to use skills, let alone perform One Frame Links. Sure, you could Arcing Slice someone for 6k-10k damage. But it was never as simple just "oh I press button and haha big damage go brrrrrr." It was a dance between "Okay I can Arcing Slice this guardian but they have Shield of Wrath up which will negate my attack and if I'm close to him and don't manage to break his shield it'll suffer huge damage, so I'm going to stay out of his range until it explodes and then try and bait their last dodge with a Blade Trail into Whirlwind Blade, I do need to be careful though because if they use Zealot's Blade while I try to Blade Trail it'll just destroy my attack, and if I can get him to spend his last dodge I can land Arcing Slice." GW2's combat more closely resembled the way fights played out in a fighting game. High stakes, fast paced, and a mind game of positioning and working to land your high value skills while trying to use positioning, your dodges, and your defensive cooldowns to avoid their high damage skills because if it lands it will end the fight while they do the same. It was about knowing your enemy's potential and knowing what is punishable, knowing when they whiff a skill or poorly waste a defensive skill you've seriously shifted the outcome of the fight. GW2's combat now is like if they tried to import the worst aspects of competitive RTS games into GW2; Fights can take half an hour before they can end. There isn't any real decisive blow or impressive kill shot, but about performing thousands of low value actions over those 30 minutes. Skills are no longer akin to actually attacking someone, but more akin to making a worker at your base and carry the same level of excitement. Even MOBAs have significantly faster and more exciting combat than the current state of GW2's combat. Sure a MOBA match can last for a half hour but there's tons of individual fights and fights between champions can end in under five seconds. Even if the next balance patch perfectly balanced the game where every class and spec can perform equally well competitively, the environment post megabalance will never be good. It will never be anything more than a boring, slushy, slow, slog of a game. So it's fine if say a warrior deal 10k dmg on say an ele ok......so because ele by design is more squishy it should deal 2x that dmg and on the same CD of 6-8s and from range being a caster class after all am I right? Because the Elementalist could see the Arcing Slice wind up, avoid it, and then counter with a Fire Sword 2+Glyph of Elemental Power+Primordial Stance combo now that the warrior's main damage dealing attack is spent and they're safe to go on the offense and could potentially win the fight right there depending on the Warrior's remaining defensive options. You've basically dodged the entire point of my post to get into weeds about specific builds. There's always too strong builds that should be nerfed. There's always too weak builds that should see buffs. But regardless of balance the principal of combat and the flow of gameplay were significantly more sound than they are now. Even if next balance patch perfectly balanced everything, combat is such a slow, boring, slushy slog that it will still not be good. We are all 2015 Cele Eles now. You accuse me of dodging question and going into specific builds while you use specific builds to "justify" your idea of balance. Stop trying to act smart and answer my question I want to know the reasoning why a warrior should deal that much damage.....just say it, don't use builds to justify your ideas! My example was a realistic breakdown of the push and poll of a fight between two popular builds before the megabalance. But if you want a general breakdown on why that skill hit as hard as it used to? Unless we're talking about dedicated support fighting a dedicated support all builds should be able to kill each other across every tier of play.Arcing Slice is a burst skill, requiring the build up and spending of adrenaline, which means the value of the skill should be among the highest in the Warrior's repertoire alongside other burst skills.Arcing Slice is a melee skill, and the increased risk of going into melee range and opening yourself up to damage as well as the increased requirement of getting in range vs a range opponent justifies the skill being higher value. Arcing Slice has an execute mechanic, and only does the more higher end values of it's damage potential when the target is below 50% health meaning you if you can avoid being below 50% health when they're trying to use the attack the attack will do significantly less damage than it's higher end potential. Arcing Slice has a very clear and visible wind up animation giving clear indication that that skill is arcing slice and has an animation that barring extreme lag most people can react to and avoid. Arcing Slice could only get that level of damage with Peak Performance as well as a large amount of Might, requiring set up. Again, you've derailed the argument and dragged things out into the weeds. The game shouldn't be "You need to outskill your opponent by 32.78599181% or you two will be in perpetual stalemate" which is where it's been since the MegaBalance. It should be "The more skilled player wins the fight."It's pointless keep using the word "derail" .....you're just randomly using the word. Your logic is flawed, you have not explained why a class should be allowed to deal so much dmg worth over 90% of another class health , I don't give a donkey kong what it required for that dmg to happen , even if the warrior player must dance Tic Tac Toe for 10m before anything...I still wouldn't care. There is nothing to justify that damage other than class bias, ofc I don't agree with perma stalemate but neither I will ever accept a "one shot" meta where you die if you miss one dodge...it's stupid, it's ill designed, it's not for a MMO
  19. Honestly speaking....you complained about damage and sustain on other professions even before Feb25th....yet you call other biased...maybe it's time for you to learn something more than bull's rush/Rampage spellbreaker you still havent explain why you prefer a less skilled meta So huge damage is skilled meta...the lockdown builds were skilled... wait so landing huge damage is less skilled then no damage passive faceroll tanks? isnt there more lockdown builds now then before feb 25thyou are not making sense and contradict yourself so much If landing huge damage is always skilled...I don't know why people were complaining about specs like Fresh air and Lightning rod, the same people who claim there is not enough dmg...are the same who asked for LR nerfs not long ago....that is a contradiction but it's easy to see the reason : it wasn't their class doing the dmg. In the end landing huge dmg is skilled...as long as it's your class doing it..otherwise nerf it . Now stop going in circles with your charade, unless you can explain why you were asking for nerfs on LR while here you ask for dmg to be reverted i can easily 1v1 warrior on fresh air pre feb 25th, it was so easy, only thing that made fresh air unviable is rev/thief/mesbuilds in the same big damage category doesn't mean they require equal skill. because firebrand and tempest and bunker soulbeast and condi rev all require the same effort to play, use the tiny brain of yours, dude. I don't lower myself by insulting people with derogatory comments, I don't consider you anymore worth of a response or consideration yes dude, that's good, stop posting in my thread, so we can finally see some constructive arguments going with basic sense and logic.Nothing here is yours..not even the character that you play...don't post on any forum if you can't handle "human" interactions
  20. Honestly speaking....you complained about damage and sustain on other professions even before Feb25th....yet you call other biased...maybe it's time for you to learn something more than bull's rush/Rampage spellbreaker you still havent explain why you prefer a less skilled meta So huge damage is skilled meta...the lockdown builds were skilled... wait so landing huge damage is less skilled then no damage passive faceroll tanks? isnt there more lockdown builds now then before feb 25thyou are not making sense and contradict yourself so much If landing huge damage is always skilled...I don't know why people were complaining about specs like Fresh air and Lightning rod, the same people who claim there is not enough dmg...are the same who asked for LR nerfs not long ago....that is a contradiction but it's easy to see the reason : it wasn't their class doing the dmg. In the end landing huge dmg is skilled...as long as it's your class doing it..otherwise nerf it . Now stop going in circles with your charade, unless you can explain why you were asking for nerfs on LR while here you ask for dmg to be reverted i can easily 1v1 warrior on fresh air pre feb 25th, it was so easy, only thing that made fresh air unviable is rev/thief/mesbuilds in the same big damage category doesn't mean they require equal skill. because firebrand and tempest and bunker soulbeast and condi rev all require the same effort to play, use the tiny brain of yours, dude.I don't lower myself by insulting people with derogatory comments, I don't consider you anymore worth of a response or consideration
  21. Your desire to have GW2 be a game of "If you chain attacks 1a, 2a, 7h, 12c, 92q, 5u in this exact order in under 3.5 seconds you might get a lucky crit and do 15% of your opponent's health and if any part of that hoes wrong they'll remain at 100% health for 20 seconds until your cooldowns are up and you can try again" the way you want it is terrible design. This is not what a good competitive game looks like. And what is good design? 1) "I have failed my burst..let me sit in stealth and let me try again and again"2) "I can keep attacking while the game sustain itself for me, I don't even need to dodge"3) "My l33t burst failed...it's ok I have infinite evade/block or can use my 2nd health bar and tank everything" I tell you what is good design : Huge burst on others= easy death for you and none of the builds seen before the patch were indication of it, that's what upset me there shouldn't be any High reward= low risk kitten in this game! But there is still and it was getting abused to no end before the huge patch , we had specs doing way too much dmg for the sustain they had. If Anet would stop with their mantra : "instant gratification builds" Maybe we would get somewhere....... Funny that you bring up fighting games. And this video also showcases the kinds of mind games and combat flow that GW2's pre-megabalance patch was significantly closer to. Of course you'd probably scream "OMG that one attack did 25% health that's OP!" and "OMG The OTHER player did 33% of the other player's health in ONE SECOND?! NERF!" This breakdown of a few ways a fight can play out explains a lot of what makes competitive games fun and why GW2's PvP was significantly more fun before the megabalance patch. Attacks mean something. Any attack landing has immediate ramifications on the rest of the fight. Any attack missing can have immediate ramifications on the flow of combat, especially if you whiff and you get punished. And regardless of who landed their attack the fight is progressing towards an actual victor. Here's the thing. GW2's actual mechanics are pretty simple. Every weapon kit has an autoattack of varying damage and utility based on a variety of factors such as range and the mechanical purpose of the kit. The rest of their kit tend to have a 1-2 very serious damage dealing skills, and then a mix of defensive, mobility, ranged and crowd control skills. Everything typically does a bit of damage but it's your main damage skills that are, well, your main source of damage. And all of them are just one keybind away. GW2 doesn't make you do Forward Quarter Circle, or Forward, Down, Down-Forward, or Quarter Circle Half Circle Back to use skills, let alone perform One Frame Links. Sure, you could Arcing Slice someone for 6k-10k damage. But it was never as simple just "oh I press button and haha big damage go brrrrrr." It was a dance between "Okay I can Arcing Slice this guardian but they have Shield of Wrath up which will negate my attack and if I'm close to him and don't manage to break his shield it'll suffer huge damage, so I'm going to stay out of his range until it explodes and then try and bait their last dodge with a Blade Trail into Whirlwind Blade, I do need to be careful though because if they use Zealot's Blade while I try to Blade Trail it'll just destroy my attack, and if I can get him to spend his last dodge I can land Arcing Slice." GW2's combat more closely resembled the way fights played out in a fighting game. High stakes, fast paced, and a mind game of positioning and working to land your high value skills while trying to use positioning, your dodges, and your defensive cooldowns to avoid their high damage skills because if it lands it will end the fight while they do the same. It was about knowing your enemy's potential and knowing what is punishable, knowing when they whiff a skill or poorly waste a defensive skill you've seriously shifted the outcome of the fight. GW2's combat now is like if they tried to import the worst aspects of competitive RTS games into GW2; Fights can take half an hour before they can end. There isn't any real decisive blow or impressive kill shot, but about performing thousands of low value actions over those 30 minutes. Skills are no longer akin to actually attacking someone, but more akin to making a worker at your base and carry the same level of excitement. Even MOBAs have significantly faster and more exciting combat than the current state of GW2's combat. Sure a MOBA match can last for a half hour but there's tons of individual fights and fights between champions can end in under five seconds. Even if the next balance patch perfectly balanced the game where every class and spec can perform equally well competitively, the environment post megabalance will never be good. It will never be anything more than a boring, slushy, slow, slog of a game. So it's fine if say a warrior deal 10k dmg on say an ele ok......so because ele by design is more squishy it should deal 2x that dmg and on the same CD of 6-8s and from range being a caster class after all am I right? Because the Elementalist could see the Arcing Slice wind up, avoid it, and then counter with a Fire Sword 2+Glyph of Elemental Power+Primordial Stance combo now that the warrior's main damage dealing attack is spent and they're safe to go on the offense and could potentially win the fight right there depending on the Warrior's remaining defensive options. You've basically dodged the entire point of my post to get into weeds about specific builds. There's always too strong builds that should be nerfed. There's always too weak builds that should see buffs. But regardless of balance the principal of combat and the flow of gameplay were significantly more sound than they are now. Even if next balance patch perfectly balanced everything, combat is such a slow, boring, slushy slog that it will still not be good. We are all 2015 Cele Eles now. You accuse me of dodging question and going into specific builds while you use specific builds to "justify" your idea of balance. Stop trying to act smart and answer my question I want to know the reasoning why a warrior should deal that much damage.....just say it, don't use builds to justify your ideas! You states that a warrior should deal 10k with a single skill than expect every ele player to use a bunker spec in order to play the damn game, do you even read what you write?
  22. Your desire to have GW2 be a game of "If you chain attacks 1a, 2a, 7h, 12c, 92q, 5u in this exact order in under 3.5 seconds you might get a lucky crit and do 15% of your opponent's health and if any part of that hoes wrong they'll remain at 100% health for 20 seconds until your cooldowns are up and you can try again" the way you want it is terrible design. This is not what a good competitive game looks like. And what is good design? 1) "I have failed my burst..let me sit in stealth and let me try again and again"2) "I can keep attacking while the game sustain itself for me, I don't even need to dodge"3) "My l33t burst failed...it's ok I have infinite evade/block or can use my 2nd health bar and tank everything" I tell you what is good design : Huge burst on others= easy death for you and none of the builds seen before the patch were indication of it, that's what upset me there shouldn't be any High reward= low risk kitten in this game! But there is still and it was getting abused to no end before the huge patch , we had specs doing way too much dmg for the sustain they had. If Anet would stop with their mantra : "instant gratification builds" Maybe we would get somewhere....... Funny that you bring up fighting games. And this video also showcases the kinds of mind games and combat flow that GW2's pre-megabalance patch was significantly closer to. Of course you'd probably scream "OMG that one attack did 25% health that's OP!" and "OMG The OTHER player did 33% of the other player's health in ONE SECOND?! NERF!" This breakdown of a few ways a fight can play out explains a lot of what makes competitive games fun and why GW2's PvP was significantly more fun before the megabalance patch. Attacks mean something. Any attack landing has immediate ramifications on the rest of the fight. Any attack missing can have immediate ramifications on the flow of combat, especially if you whiff and you get punished. And regardless of who landed their attack the fight is progressing towards an actual victor. Here's the thing. GW2's actual mechanics are pretty simple. Every weapon kit has an autoattack of varying damage and utility based on a variety of factors such as range and the mechanical purpose of the kit. The rest of their kit tend to have a 1-2 very serious damage dealing skills, and then a mix of defensive, mobility, ranged and crowd control skills. Everything typically does a bit of damage but it's your main damage skills that are, well, your main source of damage. And all of them are just one keybind away. GW2 doesn't make you do Forward Quarter Circle, or Forward, Down, Down-Forward, or Quarter Circle Half Circle Back to use skills, let alone perform One Frame Links. Sure, you could Arcing Slice someone for 6k-10k damage. But it was never as simple just "oh I press button and haha big damage go brrrrrr." It was a dance between "Okay I can Arcing Slice this guardian but they have Shield of Wrath up which will negate my attack and if I'm close to him and don't manage to break his shield it'll suffer huge damage, so I'm going to stay out of his range until it explodes and then try and bait their last dodge with a Blade Trail into Whirlwind Blade, I do need to be careful though because if they use Zealot's Blade while I try to Blade Trail it'll just destroy my attack, and if I can get him to spend his last dodge I can land Arcing Slice." GW2's combat more closely resembled the way fights played out in a fighting game. High stakes, fast paced, and a mind game of positioning and working to land your high value skills while trying to use positioning, your dodges, and your defensive cooldowns to avoid their high damage skills because if it lands it will end the fight while they do the same. It was about knowing your enemy's potential and knowing what is punishable, knowing when they whiff a skill or poorly waste a defensive skill you've seriously shifted the outcome of the fight. GW2's combat now is like if they tried to import the worst aspects of competitive RTS games into GW2; Fights can take half an hour before they can end. There isn't any real decisive blow or impressive kill shot, but about performing thousands of low value actions over those 30 minutes. Skills are no longer akin to actually attacking someone, but more akin to making a worker at your base and carry the same level of excitement. Even MOBAs have significantly faster and more exciting combat than the current state of GW2's combat. Sure a MOBA match can last for a half hour but there's tons of individual fights and fights between champions can end in under five seconds. Even if the next balance patch perfectly balanced the game where every class and spec can perform equally well competitively, the environment post megabalance will never be good. It will never be anything more than a boring, slushy, slow, slog of a game.So it's fine if say a warrior deal 10k dmg on say an ele ok......so because ele by design is more squishy it should deal 2x that dmg and on the same CD of 6-8s and from range being a caster class after all am I right?
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