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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. Please...we've been with Anet for like 8 years now..the balance patch will be exactly the same as always: 1)Nerf to the ground for those specs, people created 5+ pages nerf thread2)Buff to the sky to those classes , people created 5+ pages buff thread3)Tooltip changes/fix4)The same people who cry the loudest atm on the forum will be the same ones crying after the patch..and the one after...and the one following..
  2. Ah yes, stab for how long was it? Had to wait like 20s so ranger would be finally "vulnerable" to cc? Evasion on GS AA was nice as well with that stow, really love these exploits <3 Looked like a fight against new player that jumped on Powercreep class, I say he was doing fine being carried by broken spec. If you call that "fun" then lmao. People really have very low standards for fun these days I guess.Btw. I usually go and play single player games and use cheat engine to have this kind of "fun"(ez access to everything at any given time, luv it). Oh wow would you look at that? Even when the game was "powercreeped" I was able to fit in two entire fights in under 3 minutes. In the current meta, I'm lucky if I have ONE fight that ends over the course of 15 minutes. Maybe you should count how many times I used the GS auto evade trick in both fights (the answer is, "Once!") Using it at any other point asides from the one time I did would have been a misplay. Judging by the fact that you seem to believe a bunker meta is fun, and having fights where top tier players just /dance in tournaments because there is absolutely no risk in either of them dying, your standard for fun must be nonexistent. ^^ You can't 1vsX unless your spec is busted because no matter how great people may think to be , X number of opponents should be able to down you in no time. Now the situation change when your spec is busted because maybe you can chain evades/blocks/stealth in a short amount of time or you have access to long lasting resilience boons or stealth jumping or else....yeah you can 1vsX there, because your spec is busted Also your clips show two so called "TOP tier" individuals stalling each other, going by logic alone we believe that what should happen in every situation where both parties display same range of possibilities , both players are playing two specs designed for stalling side nodes, playing them at the "maximum" capacity Good players were able to win 1vX because their builds had enough damage to actually down people in a reasonable timeframe and have enough cleave to pressure the rez on the downs. Nowadays, that's not the case anymore. It's not like all of those top players who could 1vX dropped off suddenly after the feb patch. People who couldn't keep up with the pace of the game like it more because the current meta takes 0 skill to play in which they're accustomed to. Either way, are you seriously attempting to justify two people in a tournament /dancing as healthy gameplay? LOLAnd all those good players "happen" to play : ranger -holosmith -spellbreaker-condi mirage and similar....I see the pattern here : " able to win 1vX because their builds had enough damage" and the sustain to last vsX fights , you forgot to mention this in your statement. We're not talking about a full zerker FA ele 1vsX players in Pvp at which point we could say.."oh wow"...I would have never said the same watching a boonbeast/core ranger or holosmith or condi mirage or spellbreaker etc etc doing the same and exactly because of the build they were playing. The same people who crusaded for the removal of celestial d/d ele saying that no build should be able to fight multiple opponents...those same people are now saying that specs able to fight multiple opponents are balanced...amazing. In reality what a balanced game looks like is close to what we have now : -sustain sidenoder VS sustain sidenoder = stalling unless a +1 occurs, not enough dmg to match the sustain-dmg roamer used to +1-tank with no dmg Before we had sustain sidenoder with the dmg of a burst roamer...yeah that's broken AF in my book but "TOP" players consider that a balanced state of the game..because their class can do that. I am not justifying anything ...I am stating facts. We had @Phantaram or @Wakkey on ele , two TOP players who won tournaments and on ele they were able to 1vsX.....then everybody and his mom complained on the forum for months saying that ele was OP for doing that Those same people now used to do the same thing on holosmith or ranger or spellbreaker..and suddenly that's TOP gameplay from skilled individual ....give me a break already for real! Hypocritical community
  3. Ah yes, stab for how long was it? Had to wait like 20s so ranger would be finally "vulnerable" to cc? Evasion on GS AA was nice as well with that stow, really love these exploits <3 Looked like a fight against new player that jumped on Powercreep class, I say he was doing fine being carried by broken spec. If you call that "fun" then lmao. People really have very low standards for fun these days I guess.Btw. I usually go and play single player games and use cheat engine to have this kind of "fun"(ez access to everything at any given time, luv it). Oh wow would you look at that? Even when the game was "powercreeped" I was able to fit in two entire fights in under 3 minutes. In the current meta, I'm lucky if I have ONE fight that ends over the course of 15 minutes. Maybe you should count how many times I used the GS auto evade trick in both fights (the answer is, "Once!") Using it at any other point asides from the one time I did would have been a misplay. Judging by the fact that you seem to believe a bunker meta is fun, and having fights where top tier players just /dance in tournaments because there is absolutely no risk in either of them dying, your standard for fun must be nonexistent. ^^You can't 1vsX unless your spec is busted because no matter how great people may think to be , X number of opponents should be able to down you in no time. Now the situation change when your spec is busted because maybe you can chain evades/blocks/stealth in a short amount of time or you have access to long lasting resilience boons or stealth jumping or else....yeah you can 1vsX there, because your spec is busted Also your clips show two so called "TOP tier" individuals stalling each other, going by logic alone we believe that what should happen in every situation where both parties display same range of possibilities , both players are playing two specs designed for stalling side nodes, playing them at the "maximum" capacity
  4. Any argument made by thief mains would make more sense, their requests for more infighting ability would hold a point but as it stands now...any buff request from thieves will be always met with fierce opposition from the community and for good reason. A sneak attacks that deals huge dmg almost killing the target makes absolutely sense what doesn't make sense is a sneak attack that can be repeated over and over again till it lands ,no consequences for failure other than minor inconvenience. You managed to avoid a "backstab" ..great but...the thief still stealthed and will simply try again or he gets revealed and he will simply try again or whatever..he is still trying again and again till he succeed ; you avoid a "death judgement"..so?..the DE will try again and again. In a a balanced game, once the element of surprise is lost...it's lost and cannot be regained unless a quick retreat unfold soon after
  5. The main problem with Anet is that they keep nerfing the symptoms of a problem never actually solving it, basically going for the easier solution to attract temporary praises on the forum, they tend also to favor "low risk=high gameplay" above everything else and that not only harbor bad habits for the playerbase but also makes that balancing job that much more difficult. "high risk=high reward" gameplay tends to be shot down at every turn and the meta seems to be filled up always with low risk=high reward builds, been so since 2013 I'd say , when they for example nerfedscepter/dagger burst ele in favor of valkyrie d/d ele or when they semi removed the weakness of mesmers by transforming clones into "walking turrets" from simple distracting gameplay. Professions used to have actual weaknesses and that didn't sit too well with "wannabe Rambos" who wanted to be one man army during a pvp match, we can all pretty much agree that the game was at its best before the Trait line reshuffling when you were forced to assign trait points then...everything was changed in the mess we have now.
  6. Why the blocks and stealth application keep getting a free pass from this company? When there is talk of sustain reduction I already know what happen, they always go for "heal burst", specifically targeting certain professions over and over and over again (elementalist for example) . But what about : boons/blocks and stealth? Always getting a free pass or at worst a slap on the wrist and we end up in situations where professions without any stat investment gain more sustain than the professions using heal burst which comes from heavy healing power investment. The situation has become even more apparent after the reduction of direct damage coefficients, the only way to pass through this "barrage" of blocks/evades and "rapid stealth re-application" is to heavily invest in condition damage , which not surprisingly is the current nerf target on the forum. There is not enough direct damage to punish stealth/blocks users when that short window of opportunity appear, heck there is not enough direct dmg to punish boon tanks etc etc. There is one concept in videogames called too much active sustain , when a profession can chain blocks or evade or stealth in rapid succession , it can leave the opponent with a sense of hopelessness, the window of opportunity to retaliate comes briefly and now there is not enough direct damage to capitalize on that opportunity Condition pressure is now the only thing left to counter this..oversaturation of defensive abilities which absurdly are not considered a form of sustain by anet, when they are in other MMO. I pray Anet will be wiser when the times of nerf comes again...
  7. Glad to see I am not the only one noticing it....it has become impossible to deal with thieves using power builds alone, not enough burst even using sic em builds, not enough dmg to count between one stealth jump and another
  8. loooooooolUNOwen, the new Genius ! Im always amused by people who find the truth funny. Do they just find everything funny? Is the truth something they see so rarely they cant help but laugh when they see it? Oh, no no, we're amused by you and other poeple that believe that "old meta was high-skill" thingie, it's hilarious to say the least.Thank you for giving me such entertainment with your biased posts, it's really fun to read them and others, though sadly I don't have enough popcorn.You people have an akward belief that 'High damage' that was shoved through our throats was "intended and healthy for the game", which is a lie, because giving such big boost to damage/sustain to a lot of skills promoted spamming and cheese mentality into oblivion.True, it falsely made the game "fast paced", but in reality it dumbed down skill required to be effective, because every skill was hitting for a lot of damage, even defensive ones were overstacked with effects, which even more dumbed down combat. In my case, thanks to powercreep I've got worse compared to core, since I've stopped caring about a lot of stuff around me and even I was falling asleep from boredom while playing certain classes at any given time.Another thing, this game is not Osu! or Muse Dash or any high-reaction time required game, it's a MMORPG, meaning internet connection is important factor in the outcome of battles as well. Before big patch there were instances when you could go 100-0 from stealth before enemy model even rendered on the screen, high burst from stealth still happens, but not to this degree.Another thingie: High Damage Skill = Big Shiny Animation Effect + Cast time(atleast >1s) = minimum 10~20s cd; otherwise if high damage skills have almost none animatio n or it's below 1s cast time, it's cooldown should be minimum of 40s atleast. You should work for your kill, it shouldn't be given for free because you facerolled on keyboard like that was the case on pre-balance.P.S. Currently sustain and few outliners need a shaves here and there. Competitive modes should be a matter of "The better player wins." You and your misguided ilk have this nonsense view that is ACTUALLY toxic and dumbed down that "You need to out skill your opponent by 57.8976885% or the fight should be a perpetual and that's fair and what good PvP looks like." Good PvP games do not look like the state GW2 is in now. Not even mediocre PvP games do not look like the state GW2 is in. This is some of the most hideous this game's PvP had ever been, only truly outdone by Chronomancer's Era and the Era where a team of five Cele Eles, while maybe not the full on meta comp, could get you in like the top 2% in PvP. And yet despite this so called "better balance". Despite 2v2s and 3v3s introducing much demanded game modes, the population continues to precipitously decline. Masters of the Arena got a fraction of the viewership Mist Challengers did. NA's top 250 is frequently getting dangerously close to hitting gold 2, which is the median meaning top 250 is close to being 50% of the population. Your superior "work for your kill" perma bunker meta isn't saving the game mode and it's still dying. You write "better player wins" and then complain about that I want "You need to outskill your opponent...". XD I can't.In other words, you want a free kill without enemy being able to fight back, right? XD In other, better PvP games the fight always ends in a victor. You don't have this problem where builds can endlessly reset to full HP over and over again. You send two complete noobs into a fight, the fight will end in a victor. You send two master professional player into a fight the fight eventually ends in a victor. They have offensive characters, defensive characters ranged kiting characters, even healing characters and they still don't consistent rot plaguing they game mode where there's tons of stuff that just cannot die without getting dog piled by multiple opponents at once because by design their self healing is superior to any one player's damage output.Other PvP games have also better counterplay options in general and far less passive sustain like here...those are the reasons why you are here and not there
  9. What a bunch..... January : "Nerf A and buff B"February :" Nerf B and buff A"March: ""Nerf A and buff B".............. I don't envy those people paid to read through this pile of Horse Manure
  10. Do you realize that the class in the video can hit upward of 9k dmg with a single skill?..by comparison the hardest hitting skill on power rev is deathstrike...so much that you can duel a mediocre power herald on a core ele, not that I play revenant or care about anymore about forum drama but shove comes to shove if there is one class right now I want to see nerfed above anything else and with absolutely urgency....it would be necromancer
  11. Honest truth?Power herald is 100 times more balanced than necro! They do 2-3 mistakes and you negate the Glint heal and 60-70% of heralds are done...meanwhile anybody can faceroll pressing F1-5-4 and do more dmg and survive more than they should
  12. There is no roaming for eles in wvw, you simply can't win against the pro while using this class..too many drawbacks to count, you can try if you want but you won't get far I promise you. If you love ranged gameplay then go for staff weaver and follow zergs or scepter/warhorn for small group fights. Other than that you can only play support tempest on ele Which tends to be better? Staff weaver or scepter/warhorn? I disagree with the blanket statement that there is "no roaming" for eles. However, I can't say I see a lot of staff/scepter roamers. I think your best bet for that is going to be some sort of scepter/x build with fresh air or lightning rod, but it probably doesn't work as well as it once did or I'd see more of it, right? I can't say for certain as I only play sword weaver, which honestly seems just fine for roaming/PvP. It isn't meta and would probably struggle in high end, organized group play, but I've held my own in duels with it against some of the "pros" and feel comfortable enough solo roaming with it. I guess it depends on your comfort level, but I definitely wouldn't say that you are wasting your time roaming with ele if that's your thing! You can roam on anything if it's just to have fun but as dedicated roamer no..the class is simply bad at it , look at this thread for example from 2 years ago and it was before any major nerfs to sword weaver https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62523/wvw-roaming-class-standings I am not lying or being overly dramatic, just stating the truth That thread is from two years ago and it's talking about water weaver. Here's some actual gameplay footage since 2/25 on fire weaver. I really don't see how this class is "simply bad". Not meta? Yeah. But again, it's fine. Here's a 1v4 against some people: Here's a 1v1 duel that I lost against Hobo from vT, one of the better roamers out there: Here's a little informal arena 1v1 against the #2 finisher in the 3v3 season that just ended: No disrespect but all I see is you fighting some random warrior and a bunch of pve heroes hugging a fire weaver...but the vast majority of real roaming is you against kiting/ranged DE, condi thieves, soulbeast or perma boon holos/scrappers or core burst mesmers or some TOP reaper/core necro roamer...which always miss from ele "roaming" videos. Again I am not questioning your skill level, I am questioning the class which is at best a niche duellist against specific builds and that's a recipe for disaster more times than not Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry I deluded myself into believing that sharing actual video of me dueling against some of the best players in the game could ever compete with your 2 year old forum thread of some randos discussing a different weaver build. What was I thinking? Of course you're right. You can't play fire weaver in WvW. It's auto lose...I believe I am free to my own opinion as you are, I think ele in general is subpar and ofc they will be people enjoying it, there are people out there who enjoy using a smoke signal or a pigeon to contact somebody instead than using a smartphone..hey to each his own
  13. There is no roaming for eles in wvw, you simply can't win against the pro while using this class..too many drawbacks to count, you can try if you want but you won't get far I promise you. If you love ranged gameplay then go for staff weaver and follow zergs or scepter/warhorn for small group fights. Other than that you can only play support tempest on ele Which tends to be better? Staff weaver or scepter/warhorn? I disagree with the blanket statement that there is "no roaming" for eles. However, I can't say I see a lot of staff/scepter roamers. I think your best bet for that is going to be some sort of scepter/x build with fresh air or lightning rod, but it probably doesn't work as well as it once did or I'd see more of it, right? I can't say for certain as I only play sword weaver, which honestly seems just fine for roaming/PvP. It isn't meta and would probably struggle in high end, organized group play, but I've held my own in duels with it against some of the "pros" and feel comfortable enough solo roaming with it. I guess it depends on your comfort level, but I definitely wouldn't say that you are wasting your time roaming with ele if that's your thing! You can roam on anything if it's just to have fun but as dedicated roamer no..the class is simply bad at it , look at this thread for example from 2 years ago and it was before any major nerfs to sword weaver https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62523/wvw-roaming-class-standings I am not lying or being overly dramatic, just stating the truth That thread is from two years ago and it's talking about water weaver. Here's some actual gameplay footage since 2/25 on fire weaver. I really don't see how this class is "simply bad". Not meta? Yeah. But again, it's fine. Here's a 1v4 against some people: Here's a 1v1 duel that I lost against Hobo from vT, one of the better roamers out there: Here's a little informal arena 1v1 against the #2 finisher in the 3v3 season that just ended: No disrespect but all I see is you fighting some random warrior and a bunch of pve heroes hugging a fire weaver...but the vast majority of real roaming is you against kiting/ranged DE, condi thieves, soulbeast or perma boon holos/scrappers or core burst mesmers or some TOP reaper/core necro roamer...which always miss from ele "roaming" videos. Again I am not questioning your skill level, I am questioning the class which is at best a niche duellist against specific builds and that's a recipe for disaster more times than not We never gonna get anywhere with this class if you lot just get "satisfied" by killing some random once in a while who plays by your rules
  14. There is no roaming for eles in wvw, you simply can't win against the pro while using this class..too many drawbacks to count, you can try if you want but you won't get far I promise you. If you love ranged gameplay then go for staff weaver and follow zergs or scepter/warhorn for small group fights. Other than that you can only play support tempest on ele Which tends to be better? Staff weaver or scepter/warhorn? @SlitheSlivier.1908 said: There is no roaming for eles in wvw, you simply can't win against the pro while using this class..too many drawbacks to count, you can try if you want but you won't get far I promise you. If you love ranged gameplay then go for staff weaver and follow zergs or scepter/warhorn for small group fights. Other than that you can only play support tempest on ele Which tends to be better? Staff weaver or scepter/warhorn?Staff weaver for zerg fights is your best bet, scepter/warhorn is strictly a DPS support for non organized small group fights so very niche
  15. There is no roaming for eles in wvw, you simply can't win against the pro while using this class..too many drawbacks to count, you can try if you want but you won't get far I promise you. If you love ranged gameplay then go for staff weaver and follow zergs or scepter/warhorn for small group fights. Other than that you can only play support tempest on ele Which tends to be better? Staff weaver or scepter/warhorn? I disagree with the blanket statement that there is "no roaming" for eles. However, I can't say I see a lot of staff/scepter roamers. I think your best bet for that is going to be some sort of scepter/x build with fresh air or lightning rod, but it probably doesn't work as well as it once did or I'd see more of it, right? I can't say for certain as I only play sword weaver, which honestly seems just fine for roaming/PvP. It isn't meta and would probably struggle in high end, organized group play, but I've held my own in duels with it against some of the "pros" and feel comfortable enough solo roaming with it. I guess it depends on your comfort level, but I definitely wouldn't say that you are wasting your time roaming with ele if that's your thing!You can roam on anything if it's just to have fun but as dedicated roamer no..the class is simply bad at it , look at this thread for example from 2 years ago and it was before any major nerfs to sword weaver https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/62523/wvw-roaming-class-standings I am not lying or being overly dramatic, just stating the truth
  16. There is no roaming for eles in wvw, you simply can't win against the pro while using this class..too many drawbacks to count, you can try if you want but you won't get far I promise you. If you love ranged gameplay then go for staff weaver and follow zergs or scepter/warhorn for small group fights. Other than that you can only play support tempest on ele
  17. And only if they nerf every single instance of stealth from the game, after that curb to the ground the evasion spam of those build living on dodges
  18. It does not matter. No other weapon in the game has this much utility. Couple this with the recently changed protect me. A skill that breaks stuns, grants protection and a barrier of 3,973 on top of it. It becomes ridiculously difficult to take down a ranger. The ranger GS and the protect me skills transforms a DPS ranger into a tank with DPS. Not a good thing! The game should separate DPS and sustain builds not merge them into one. Say that to necro will ya? Or engineer? or revenant? or guardian with FB? Why won't you say that to the rest of the game?? Biased much? The only class which can't tank and DPS is elementalist since launch, the rest get a free pass on sustain...especially necro These classes do not have an escape that the ranger gets with gs swoop. Swoop, block, barrier, then with longbow or smokescale it can even go into stealth. That is insane. Don't derail my post thank you very much.... This is what my post referring to , don't change the subject, you are talking about DPS+sustain and I have listed almost all specs that are included in that category. You're talking about that now...no longbow/gs+smokescale build
  19. It does not matter. No other weapon in the game has this much utility. Couple this with the recently changed protect me. A skill that breaks stuns, grants protection and a barrier of 3,973 on top of it. It becomes ridiculously difficult to take down a ranger. The ranger GS and the protect me skills transforms a DPS ranger into a tank with DPS. Not a good thing! The game should separate DPS and sustain builds not merge them into one. Say that to necro will ya? Or engineer? or revenant? or guardian with FB? Why won't you say that to the rest of the game?? Biased much? The only class which can't tank and DPS is elementalist since launch, the rest get a free pass on sustain...especially necro
  20. Why thieves are hated? 1-Dagger/pistol2-Deadeye3- Sword/dagger4- Plethora of stunbreaks, steal acting as a stunbreak5- Broken mobility6- Stealth camping7-Abusive behavior of players using thief8- Griefing class design Really the reasons why people hate thieves are too numerous to count, nobody would miss thief if it would get deleted tomorrow from the game...nobody except those playing it
  21. LoL @ damage over time with no burst and low defense. Just say what you mean: I hate condi and I don't want to deal with it in my meta at all. We know how you feel. Just say it!Ok so you think beign able to burst with condis+having the follow dot dmg from the insane stacks also last longer than the one second (what would be balanced for a burst condi spec) is balanced, my bad. And no i am not driven by any bias, i play all condi specs in the meta (Necro, Condirev etc.) i am just driven by simple logic. @"Arukayos.1798" said:Last I checked, hybrid builds do deal less damage than pure glass cannon - so I'm not sure what this thread is on about. Dire/Trailblazer will statistically deal less damage than Viper for example, in any situation, more so if Rune of Earth is taken into the equation. Valkyrie will always deal less damage than zerker. Does that mean it shouldn't blast your full glasscannon zerk one shot meme deadeye after you eat every AoE to the face? Of course it should, that's what makes your build fall into the "glass cannon" category. Seems like people here want to play high risk builds sans the high risk component. Which is kind of ironic, considering posts like these: Take two seconds to consider this post in a practical every-day scenario. A high risk build (let's say, power holo) meets an extremely low risk/low skill build (let's say condi rev). Who should be favored in this matchup if both players make a lot of mistakes? Obviously the low-risk build, that's the whole point of high risk - you're taking huge risks and get punished if things don't go your way. Which is why you'll see your average low-skilled power holos getting stomped on by your average low-skilled condi revs. However, when an insanely high-skilled power holo meets a condi rev, it's a whole different story and the holo can easily kite/kill the condi rev - in fact, it's a favored matchup for the holo. If anyone wants to take me up on this: I'll gladly fight their condi rev or any other "low-skill" class of their choice with a non-trailblazer, non-viper, non-condi, pure power based class which is supposedly underperforming (can do most power classes) - feel free to hit me up ingame. Don't QQ about low risk when you play high-risk and get obliterated for making mistakes really. That's the point of your choice, and your build. Lots of people in the community suffer from severe dunning krugger where they believe they're mechanical gods, play the most mechanically intensive builds in the game, and then cry when they're unable to pull it off despite the fact that it's the literal definition of "high risk". Just play low-risk/low-skill like everyone else then, you'll probably get better results. Or play glass cannon and then keep crying about your class being squishy when it's supposed to be squishy to everything in the game, including tanks ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Current Holo builds (like power explosive Holo) are far away from high risk builds, everything based on that assumption has a hard time to be right already. Holo is actually one of the prime examples for way too much dmg for the sustain/ resustain it has. Also you use risk and reward different to what i mean. What actually is true in GW2 is, that high risk builds have low reward even when played well. And even worse: Low skill requirement has too high reward even when played bad. For a high risk build it means when you make a mistake and you fail ofc you do not get the reward, that is part of the high risk and also you might die fast when doing mistakes in your defensive rotation, that is also part of the high risk but in GW2 it is like you hit everything perfect and also play with your defensive cds perfect and the low skill reqirement build/ low risk build simply can facetank 200 of its own player mistakes, still makes overall more dmg and still win the fight by doing 20 times more mistakes. That is the imbalance, i am not complaining that high risk builds have high risk lol. The whole meta is insanely noobfriendly also post patch, simply because the basic balance issues did not get solved at all. Sindrener and others will do a break for exactly those reasons. But i get that depending on the insane low average skill lvl we have in this game now ppl are happy with the facetank +still high spammable impact (dmg and cc) meta we have (actually since years) and arguing against that is like talking to a wall. And no squishy high dmg targets and tanky low dmg targets (which we do not have in Gw2 in meta, we only have tanky but still high dmg) should have the same chance of killing each other, what is not the case in GW2. The squishy target will eat way more dmg from the "bunker" (better say bruiser becasue we have no real bunker with low dmg in GW2) while the "bunker" can literally facetank most stuff. That is exactly the point. Sure a bunker can kill a squishy when he tries to facetank on point and plays bad but the bunker also should be able to die to the squishy the same way when doing mistakes and eating the burst. And the second point is not given atm. The game barely distinguish between very good, good, average and bad player. And a good player on a high risk high skill requirement build needs not only to play 2 times but 50 times better to win. I agree at 80% with this post because....there are no squishy high dmg targets in this game, sustain is not just heal burst, that's a convenient way to describe sustain in a MMO but the truth is that : blocks/evades/stealth/teleports/leaps offer the same opportunities to players as much as heal burst which is **to stay alive*** I know what you play so obviously you will disagree but the truth remains : you either are able to tank dmg or you get to avoid dmg altogether and in this case you get to try again and again till you succeed . Realistically : Side A should not be able to tank as much dmg and likewise Side B should not be able to avoid dmg as much as now, try to look at things from a different perspective : If I can't run away and can't eat as much dmg as now while you're free to avoid all my dmg while still able to run away ...where is the balance? There is a difference between active sustain and mistake friendly facetank sustain. Second one is still too high while ofc also some classes have too low cd spammable active sustain. There are also big differences between skill requirements, where higher skill requirement do not lead into decent higher reward when played well. Those are gamewide balance issues and not linked to a specific class. And i am multiclass player btw, i have no main, i am not biased towards classes i try to get a game with all classes being skillful to play. A game where bad players die fast and good player do not die fast, also not to low counterplay non reactive and with that also low skill requirement gimmick oneshot builds out of stealth. The active sustain of some professions is too high atm to try and take a more risky approach, doing that would lead to nothing but frustration , this is a base design issue and got nothing to do with balance. Some professions have been led down a specific path since launch and no matter the skill level of the player behind it...they all end up playing the same thing in the end because other options are simply not viable. You have/had ESL level players for the professions you may consider low risk and when it matters to win, they all end up playing those specs you may consider low risk, most times players want to play something else that what they end up being forced to play if they love the profession The professions you call "facetank sustain" don't have access to rollback stunbreaks , low CD evades/blocks, stealth and "get out of jail" insta movement utilities so in the end you need to extend that "active sustain" to all professions and reduce/remove any sort of "facetank sustain" only then you'd see a version of balanced MU I would call fair
  22. So why things like holo exist?It has literally everything in their kit. I understand what the OP means and it has a point, of course you cannot give necro a 3 seconds block duration like ranger, everything in their kit is just damage spam, maybe lose some hard hitting skill to gain a self defense skill, maybe a 1-2 second block incoming attacks on dagger5, I don't think everyone would run that and become crazy overtuned and unfair to play against. When you see things like condi rev and holosmith, you literally can even ask to make Necro fly in my opinion lol. What do you want me to say? I surely can't blame you for thinking that way and neither can't say you're wrong, after 8 years..I am too financially invested into this game, spent too much to call it quit, this is not what I signed for ...but this is what we have
  23. We all know which are the garbage core specs already, even the devs know exactly that : S-RangerRevenantNecro AGuardianThief BWarriorEngi CMesmerEle A core only season would be just rangers, necros, revenants with the occasional guardian and core engi, I would not even expect core war to show up....maybe just maybe couple of one shot mesmers once in a blue moon and definitely 0 core eles
  24. When I see this kind of requests.....why not ask for stealth on necro too at this point?
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