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Everything posted by ChronosCosmos.9450

  1. Instant "Sell All" button for the Trading Post. What do you guys think?
  2. It's harder to change people, so it is better to improve yourself. I never said that it was ok. You misconceived what I was trying to say. Some people have different values as I said. Some want to be jerks so the best that you can do is to improve yourself.
  3. WvW doesn't make people toxic. WvW shows us the person that we hide. In your case, it is anger. Try to find the true reason for your anger without directing your blame. I hope that this helps. For me, the reason that I got angry was because when I lost a fight, people would taunt me. The root cause of the my anger was because they were against my values. I respect everyone and they were against it. Once I figured that out, I accepted that we had different viewpoints. Hope that this helps.
  4. Please do not add them in an explorable area like Kamadan! Little changes like these make all of the difference. Kamadan being an explorable area took away from the nostagia of it being a city! Cantha must have some main cities!
  5. In my opinion, Cyberpunk doesn't fit Cantha lore. That's a huge problem. Cantha is more traditional. I just can't see the Emperor or Togo in a cyberpunk setting.
  6. That's never going to happen. You will have to invest in different gear. If you are passionate about the game mode, you will have to work for it.
  7. Guild Wars 1 had some of the most fun and interesting missions and lore. Visions of the Past has potential to bring back some classic GW1 missions. This is just an idea and hopefully it helps the development team. I appreciate the change that ArenaNet is pursuing this year. I wish you guys the best of luck with health and finance. Thank you for your efforts in making such a fantastic game.
  8. The reward track is a bonus and the Eternal Ice you get from it is extra -- it is still better than zero.It terms of opportunity cost, it's better to go with a different reward track. All of the reward tracks are better than zero. According to Wiki, they actually increase the Ice Shard reward quantity by doubling the amount from Raven's Gift (tier 3 and tier 5).That's different than the Icebrood Saga Reward Track. The Bjora Reward Track can only be done once while the Icebrood Saga Track is a repeatable.
  9. The reward track is a bonus and the Eternal Ice you get from it is extra -- it is still better than zero.In terms of opportunity cost, it's better to go with a different reward track. All of the reward tracks are better than zero.
  10. It's useless now since Eternal Ice trade-ins got nerfed. You get around 25 Eternal Ice from the reward track. You can't even get 3 currency with that now. Don't do the reward track. The end Saga Material won't even get you 2 map currency.
  11. That is true. GW1 Trilogy was what made it good.
  12. Oh Missed the discussion as I just came back. Yes GW1 Classic with some QoL items would be so great.
  13. GW2 is in a healthy state and there is no need for a sequel. With that being said, this is only for discussion. Would you play GW1 Classic or Remake? Why and why not? Thank you and enjoy your day!
  14. Every time that there is a patch WvW gets deleted from the game that day. Everything is focused onto the PvE patch while WvW is the dumping ground for bugs and glitches. It's something that we should get use too. ArenaNet has stopped supporting WvW for a while now. It's in maintenance mode. In WvW you get nothing for winning. It's just a side mode that you play once in a while for dailies with your friends. Infact you get rewarded more for losing because of the outnumbered buff and extra pips. Also ArenaNet determines who wins by linking and locking servers until everyone on that server migrates to a different game.
  15. You guys asked for WvW content and Anet delivered.
  16. No no no, let them focus solely on alliances. The game is in need of a competitive structure with an incentive before we get new maps. Let ArenaNet focus solely on Alliances. They have limited resources and if they focus on short term outer appearances, it will only deviate from what drives WvW, competition. Let them focus on the core issue. The rest can come later.
  17. Classes that can kill you in less than 3 seconds, yet get away from 5-10 players are over-powered in WvW. No class should have such mobility, range and damage. You should only be able to utilize 2 of the 3. For example, mobility + damage or range + mobility. If one class can utilize all three, it is unfair to classes which can only utilize two.
  18. What guilds what server? More info would be appreciated. I mean they already left for good right so no harm. We are facing FA this week and it looks like its just dead there. Haven't seen RED in like 2 weeks now... DIE had their last raid few days ago. I believe Fire/PYRO leaving as well? Not sure about KnT but haven't seen them around this week yet. I was told KEK was also done.Also I think from FC its PMA and SIN no longer play? I do hope I'm wrong, but nonetheless, wvw is becoming a ghost town even in T2...Same here. It's quite sad really. Even in Blackgate, we usually get 60-70 on discord during NA prime. Now we can barely get 30. Our OCX is non-existent and SEA is 1/2 the size. EU we are lucky to get 10 players on discord. That's why we have such low ppt now. You know that it's bad when the server used as the "full server" benchmark loses this many people.
  19. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wild_Magic_Backpack_(skin) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_Quiver_Backpack
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