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Everything posted by Frozey.8513

  1. There was a pretty cool idea of repurposing spearguns into crossbows, as fundamentally crossbow and speargun are very close to each others. Both shoot bolts, have stock in the back, bolt is released from a trigger, with only real difference being if bolts are shot from gun barrel rather than track by the bent limb and it's bowstring. Crossbows would be really neat addition to Ranger, and would allow optimal full on ranged bowbuilds without needing to swap between 2 bows of same kind with same skills.
  2. I hope it's going to be ranged power weapon, so you can pair it with longbow, and then later on with rifle when we eventually get that one. 😩
  3. On the GW2 launch Longbow was given to Warrior and Ranger, and on HoT Guardian got to be the latest class to gain access to it. I'm really hyped over the polearm/glaive style gameplay we might get with the landspears, but I'm dreading the fact that due to every class is getting a spear, it might mean that even after 10 years longbow on a new class still won't see light of day. 😞
  4. If it's power I would like the Spear being 900 ranged, but should it be condi then I'd rather have a melee weapon in polearm/glaive style like the wiki picture below: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Training/Warrior#/media/File:Physical_training.png
  5. I agree in the sense that Necro Warhorn's design basis seems to be all over the place. Skill 4 is decent yet short cone CC, but then on 5th skill you are only able to provide swiftness to yourself with around 66% uptime assuming no additional boon duration or Warhorn trait. At the same time however you do bring quite decent life siphoning to you and your allies unlike with the swiftness, but the downfall of it is very small siphoning range of 180, and very short duration of 7,5 seconds even with the Warhorn trait. Additinally Warhorn Major trait on Bloodmagic has to compete with Vampiric Presence, which gives you constant life siphoning on 600 range during combat, making Warhorn Major trait even harder to sell in it's current form. I think Warhorn should be changed either way to make you able to share the swiftness with your allies. Also increasing life siphoning duration and area of effect should be considered, as it would make it much more appealing to pick up the Warhorn trait on your build, in order to get a lot more than current 7,5 seconds of it with 180 range while still having 24 second cool down.
  6. Make a sylvari necro and you can roleplay as a rotting vegan! 😄
  7. Lighter armoured fighters would much rather pick up a shield should defense be their primary concern. Thieves tend to also play with their mobility and stealth, so blocking and riposting doesn't really thematically add up there. From game play perspective a bigger hitter burst weapon would also be more desirable. GW2 hasn't been fully ranged only combat friendly ever, so it wouldn't be an issue where weapon swapping, stacking up with allies, or even enemy coming right to one's face would all make melee ranged sword more than qualified. GW1 front line tank Assassin's did indeed use Critical Defenses for soaking up damage, yet they did not have access to mobility and stealth of GW2 thieves which in this game are their primary defensive tools. In PvP scenarios that skill would not even be used unless playing a very niche style of Assassin, whilst most Assassin's would optimise their kit for pure dps burst to quickly bring their prime target down.
  8. MH sword also gives quite nice 5 target cleave and access to chill. It is also possible trait Soul Reaping for Speed of Shadows, which can be fairly easily used to gain permanent swiftness, refresh-able every 10 seconds. Pairing that with Warhorn and Spectral walk gives one multiple sources of swiftness for the Relic of Speed to battle against boon rips. If swiftness is not one's cup of tea, there is always the Signet of Locust too for 25% increased movement speed, or maybe even the new Relic of the Wayfinder.
  9. You do also have Warhorn and Sword 3 leaps, and can nowadays even get the speed relic.
  10. Blocking and riposting is cool and all but doesn't really fit in the play style of a thief, so hopefully we'll just get the big hitter sword and then you can finally play GW1 Assassin in GW2.
  11. I will never forgive Charr what they did to Ascalon, nor will I ever forget it, thus I will never make a Charr. They might be on our side in GW2 but wait until GW3 for big human comeback! >:c
  12. That is why no other MMO is adding new races to spice things up and bring in new players. Oh wait, it's only GW2 that doesn't do that.. 🤣
  13. Yeah great idea! Let's just remove ability to type anything in GW2 all together and let's just use Discord instead. Since the API key thingy got implemented, maybe we can get Discord voice calls soon too, love me some LA map chat calls in the future! 😂
  14. Nice, but why none of their racial stuff or vegan technology utilize those though?
  15. Why would they want to use plants for their bodies? Touche. All the Vegan technology we have gotten in GW2 so far is purely plant-based, and if they had any desire to make things out of other materials they surely would have already done it.
  16. I would be very happy if we got Dwarves, but I suppose Tengu would be nice and fresh take on beast race compared to furry cows.
  17. There are sadly no Elves in GW2 at all, best alternative at the moment you can do is equip Elf ears on Human or Norn. Overall I think they did Human and Norns pretty well, but other races leave a lot to be desired: - Charr's tail swing animation is literally that of cows irl, same with their ears flopping. Very difficult to see them as anything other than furry cows cause of this. - Monster vegans are mediocre, but there are very little wooden equipment for them to use, making them look like aliens who migrated into a human society. - Asura is by far the worst of the pack, literally made by someone who watched Harry Potter and thought house elves should be their own race. They are small, ugly, arrogant and should honestly just be removed from the game all together.
  18. Many of the European languages can't be written with simply same characters as English, German, French and Spanish, yet letters from beyond them are still recognized in GW2. Just look at the Nordic languages for instance, it's not just a happy accident like you paint it to be.
  19. Of course it will require additional effort from Anet to implement, however under normal circumstances the amount of effort required to implement this shouldn't be too much. Then again mayhaps the foundations of GW2 spaghetti code are truly so flimsy that simply adding additional recognized characters would break the camel's back, which would explain why a lot of other similar QoL updates haven't ever been added.
  20. There are 24 official languages within Europe alone, thus I have hard time believing Anet would have people monitoring each and every language being used to the degree you paint it out to be. OP is only asking for Japanese language characters being able to be typed into the chat, no localization, no new servers for main region, just the individual symbols being able to be typed out in the chat.
  21. Last and only time Longbow as a weapon has been given to any of classes in GW2 was for Dragonhunter with Heart of Thorns release in 2015. Only three classes since then have had the pleasure of being able to use Longbow, namely Warrior, Ranger and Guardian. Why has it been so long since Longbow was last introduced to a class? Overall this brings a much larger issue with GW2, which is bows in general being pushed as backup weapons, rather than something that would reward you for staying at range. Latest addition for Engineer getting Shortbow is the only exception to this rule, but it does point out the issue of weapon swap being partially responsible for this. Due to bows often not having a meaningful ranged counterpart that would align with power/condi focus of the said bow, it drives the builds pair bows with melee weapons instead that do share their stats alignment. And in order to being able to use both of your weapons, you will be forced to stay on melee range due to your other weapon not having any range. On top of that none of the light armoured professions up to date have received any kind of bow in their weapon arsenal, yet all of them have now access to firearms. You would imagine that Elementalist with a bow could make all kinds of builds centered around either of the bows, or even Necromancer with ability to swap between Longbow and Staff or Shortbow and Axe would make fresh and fun builds to play with. Lastly coming from the original Guild Wars you would have imagined Ranger to be clear option for people who want ranged game play, but over the years it seems the class has been turned into a type of nature magician with focus on melee while having some ranged backup alternatives. Only meaningful ranged build on Ranger as of now is Shortbow with Axe which is really fun to play, but it leaves a lot to be desired for Ranger's Longbow. Instead of Ranger, the class with most ranged option these days instead seems to be Mesmer, with 5 ranged MH/2h options, and lot more ranged OH options. Thus I would very much hope that in the next expansion we will get some much needed love for the pew pew style game play in GW2.
  22. Double dagger with 450/600 range would be really cool, or perhaps more GW1 assassin style gaming with deadly arts. Nonetheless, as long as with next Revenant weapon/s we'll get full 5 weapon skills I will be happy. Even if it's going to be MH axe and OH mace.
  23. Try Celestial Axe/Pistol. I share similar experience with none of the other popular thief builds really clicking with me at all, feeling like there was a huge learning curve and large amounts of effort needed to get very little rewards out of them, but this one has really made me enjoy WvW roaming as a thief.
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