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Everything posted by schokelmei.8271

  1. Without morning ppt there wouldn't be a single German server out of tier 5, but that would be fun to see when they dodge each others karma train from 5am to 10am.
  2. No one is winning, but the other person does? No, it's the opposite. The thief won, because even if he f##d up, he still can run away. When you kitten up on say Necromancer, you can't run and die and the other person won. This thief logic isn't working really.
  3. Alt accounts shouldn't be a thing really, but as long as win trading happens and selling boosts and botting because Anet doesn't care the statement: "PvP is kitten" is correct.
  4. The bias towards guardian you mean? The only profession in the game that has all elite specs viable in all game modes? :D
  5. The matchmaking has to be flawed. The whole ELO system is based on putting you on ~50% win rate. The lower the number of players the harder it gets for the system to find suitable partners and opponents for you. With this few players in the system it's impossible to create fair matches (with the bot problem it even gets worse) and you end up losing points where you shouldn't and sometimes gain none or too few when winning.
  6. It's not even the salty environment. I was playing all morning and meanwhile I know all the bots by name. I'm not even giving a kitten about rating right now. I lost 23 points in the last match that we lost 83:502 (while I had most kills and caps on thief) while the rest of my team couldn't win a 4v2 on mid vs 2 core guardian bots. The easy solution to stop that kitten the majority of this is to lock all pvp rewards behind rating or take them out and make f2p accounts not able to get into ranked. These bots and players are there because Anet gives a ton of gold and loot for being afk/botting in competitive pvp. Sure, they never reach gold or above, but they reach 100g, tons of exotics and materials. If I'd play this for competition I had rage-quit after my first ten matches.
  7. So, it's different when this conversation is in English? It won't change ever as most Spanish, French or German players won't ever stick to English on "their" language servers. It's not rare reading Norwegians or Russians in /t too. Gotta live with it.
  8. After not stepping into pvp since season 8 and now trying I really believe everything. It's impossible to have a "half way" useful team on the lower rankings. It feels 50% of the players are bots or not sure what else. And I really can't blame them when Anet stuffs pvp'ers pockets with gold for chests (compared to WvW rewards) and the completely useless ELO-system that can't work with a low player base like that. That gold must be compensation for the salt mines players have to go through while trying to rank up.
  9. I'll be happy when the next Deso salt mines are open after not getting a link.
  10. Imagine doing something and not thinking it's cool from a later perspective?
  11. Too bad I didn't make the video on the last bot I found. He attacked a player that seemed to have timed out. Sitting on his mount on a sentry, but not disappearing. The bot jumped around him and attacked without hitting. This is another mystery btw. How do those time-outs work? It's happening to me quite often that I see players on mounts that I can target but not attack because they seem to be on another spot.
  12. The worst part is the terrible contact form Anet has for this. Yes, I can report a player, but for reporting two or more I have to fill out several forms and load up several videos. Can we get some good tools here? :(
  13. Í followed a nice little group (not grouped, but walking around as five) bots now through two borderlands. It's fun to see that the accounts are either really new as in 1600 achievement points or really high 28.000 achievement points or higher. I guess Anet gets a nice little video and i really hope those accounts are gone soon.
  14. Due to the public holiday on this monday and me getting up early I joined into WvW on the AG/RoS server. After getting ganked by a group of two and three people from my side running by without interfering to "capture a sentry" I got suspicious. What happened. They all mounted up the same time, ran the same path with the same "weird left to right movement" and ignored the two gankers completely. They went on the sentry even as the sentry guard was far away from them and tried to cap the point. As soon as the sentry came in range they turned 180° and started attacking. After the sentry cap they went on their mounts and started the same mounted path behaviour to the next sentry (Garrison SW). They took the sentry, ignored both caravans even after they were attacked and ran into NW camp. Took it, ran back to the SW sentry they capped before and waited. After one minute a group of green came and killed them. Met them back at the border wp and the same "Mounting up, running to sentry - action" started. I did a lot of bot hunting and even tried botting myself in WoW and I know how this works, and I really hope Anet bans those guys before we are on the same level as WoW is on that. Next question: Where to send video proof of that these days? And what can we as community do to end this before it gets totally out of hand?
  15. I think neither Ashes nor this New World will be competition for GW2. To be competition you have to make things better and I totally don't see that. Even the "GW2 is dead" people still log in and play regulary enough. That's the same with "WoW is dead". And after seeing "content" in both of these wannabee competitors I don't believe in competition. Maybe in 2025 when there should be a playable version of Camelot Unchained.
  16. Funny. I think the opposite. WvW is the only thing GW2 does better than any competitor and it shines here the most. GW2 pvp isn't better than WoW pvp, even worse if you ask the majority of pvp'ers.
  17. "Great at roaming" like Scourge over a year ago was "great at zerging" is a nice way to say "it's completely broken". Stealth is a broken mechanic for almost 9 years now and with the toolkit of thieves it makes it a broken class. And the majority knows that for years, most are just tired arguing with people that like you, because it's worthless. Still doesn't mean it shouldn't be nerfed.
  18. Only because you don't enjoy 50v50 doesn't mean that it's ok there is your niché that doesn't need balancing. And thieves still need balancing. And if you don't log in anyway, why do you care discussing?
  19. The fact about this whole discussion is that you want to play a ranger without having to deal with the "negative aspects" of the pet. You really don't expect a great and enlightening discussion, do you? I mean the whole ranger class is designed around having and making use of the pet. Soulbeast is the "mostly" pet-free version of the class. If that doesn't fit into the zerg style, maybe zerg style is the wrong place for a pet class - similar to minion mancer.
  20. But ranger, with soulbeast as an exception, is a class with a pet. You either use it, or you play soulbeast. You have enough options to swap it, stow it, retreat it. Or if you want to be cool Legolas go Soulbeast or Deadeye.
  21. Why not learn to pet management? It's not that ranger is hard to play or so has many buttons to press. I'd prefer "if your pet is dead, you deal 50% less damage overall" as a ranger buff.
  22. Merging changes nothing. What do you want to achieve with that?
  23. The solution for those imbalances are easy. Lock people out of all wvw rewards (no rank, no pip, no reward tracks, no loot drops) after transfering for at least 4 weeks. Linked servers are as expensive to transfer to as the main server is. So you are linked to very high, you pay for very high If after a re-link everyone bandwagons, re-link again. Reward people for sticking to their server. Get more rewards the longer you are on your server and even more if your server is medium.
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