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Everything posted by Kuya.6495

  1. Maybe I'm remembering this wrong but didn't anet poll us on what we preferred and the winning option was to compromise between full 5v5 queues and solo queue and we chose duo queue?
  2. Yes, I am a toxic zoom meta enjoyer (a zoomer if you will) and I hate bunker gameplay. And I don't consider someone that can be killed in a 1v1 a bunker. I call that a duelist or sidenodder.
  3. If your bunker can be killed in a 1v1, then it's not a bunker or they threw. Mobility allows you to outrotate bunkers so the winning strategy isn't to always sit on a point and babysit it, which is what we get when bunkers are too dominant.
  4. I'll do you one better. Dagger mirage. Now that's a real cc spammer.
  5. Does OP want all of us to be at the mercy of bunkers instead?
  6. Thank God for that then. Now just get rid of all the stealth on DE. Or even better! Make it so stealth doesn't make you completely invisible in pvp on all professions. Make it look like that The Predator outline so you can see the shimmer of someone moving around in stealth.
  7. With all the ports thief has access to, I just don't see why DE needed yet more stealth access or even a way to remove revealed. It just makes fighting an obnoxious spec (ranged and has ports) even more obnoxious (plus stealth). I get anet wanted a class fantasy by pairing stealth with DE but they really should have considered what fighting a ranged dps spec with stealth and ports is like. They should have made it so the DE can barely stealth at all by putting revealed debuff on almost everything they do, even if it doesn't do damage. Hell, ill even allow for giving deadeye more shadowsteps/teleports if it means they get no stealth at all.
  8. I hate thief builds, but I will never claim they are easy to play. I tried them and you die so fast when you make mistakes. I remember when I used to play core burn guard before HoT came out and I would always randomly find a thief being in downstate after they run out of stealth from me just casually dumping my burns on the enemy team. It's pretty funny. Stealth though, that really needs a rework.
  9. How does this one play differently from the fire/air build?
  10. Yesterday in ranked I got seemingly "one shot" by a weaver out of nowhere. Checking the log I saw plasma beam or w/e, lightning something and it was like 6 or something hits for 2k-3k each that seemingly occured within 2 seconds. I presume this a FA build? Anyway I'm not asking for a nerf. I just want the build so I can use it too. Ty in advance!
  11. Of course I abuse mobility. Do you really think I'm gonna stand there and let a zerg barge in on my roaming so they can drop siege on my dead body because they accomplished the difficult task of winning a 1v50? Nah, it's zoom time. I love it when zerglings get mad that they can't gank a roaming willbender.
  12. They won't stop complaining about mobility even if all professions had it. People who hate mobility tend to be condi bunker enjoyers.
  13. I find just not standing next to them when they are about to go into celestial avatar to be enough to avoid the stunlocks.
  14. I saw quite a few quality of life improvements for willbender coming next balance update but I didn't see any mention about this relic of peitha. Now I'm glad willbender finally can use offhand sword in a meta pve build but managing peitha is such a massive pain because: 1. Sometimes you can't see the icon above the enemies head to know whether the buff ran out. 2. Using another shadowstep does not refresh the buff so you have to wait for it to run out either by looking for the icon (gl with all those particle effects) or keeping a mental note of counting down 4 seconds every time you shadowstep. It would be great if anet removed the icd so you can a actually focus on what's going on in a battle instead of squinting to find the sword icon on the boss's head. If the torment is an issue with no icd, I would rather anet get rid of the torment and make a new relic for that effect or only put an icd on the torment only.
  15. Willbenders have few stunbreaks because: 1. One of your stunbreaks, judge's intervention, is used in your opener. 2. If you took virtues traitline (indomitable courage), you get another stunbreak on crashing courage, but Willbenders tend to use that to go on the offensive (stab+aegis when you attack enough times protects you from any counterattacks that aren't unblockables or boon rips). 3. The last stunbreak you have left and is usually saved for stunbreaks, is contemplation of purity which you have to choose whether to use up to clear conditions when you have 5+ conditions on you and only 1 or 0 charges of f2 or use it as a stunbreak. Most willbenders will not take a third/fourth stunbreak, such as stand your ground, and instead take whirling wrath to guarantee they have enough dps to get the kill, because ultimately willbenders need to get a kill quickly before they're forced to use renewed focus and basically announce to their opponent that they are on their last legs.
  16. Easily. This game's biggest drama queens
  17. I'm surprised OP didn't mention mirage and vindicator. The two elites that literally use dodges as their main mechanic.
  18. The high stability, aegis, resistance and prot uptime is literally a product of celestial stats.
  19. Why would you do cele core guard over cele willbender when willbender is an upgrade to old medi judge's intervention+whirling wrath core guard in every way? The frustrating part of the old core guard days and is even true with dragonhunters now is that once you spend your skills on your opening salvo, you are pretty much a sitting duck sans renewed focus. This is why you also always focus the guard in spvp. Now with willbender though, a guardian isn't doomed the moment they didn't kill their target on the opening strike because you're no longer reliant on meditations to carry the build (you also tended to use your meditations for your attack so the very thing you needed for sustain would be used up seconds into the fight). Not to mention guardian ability to stick to targets has always been garbage until willbender. Anyway I already mentioned why cele works well with willbender. Willbender has great synergy with radiance traitline (up to 40% crit chance+pulsing might) allowing you to do well even with a non glass build.
  20. Every time complaints keep being brought up about willbender it's generally: 1. Complaints about its mobility 2. Complaints about its damage 3. Complaints about its sustain (in terms of damage reduction and healing, not via its mobility) What's annoying about the Complaints is that all 3 are almost always brought up at the same time as if the willbenders with the highest spike damage (marauders) are the same ones with the massive sustain (celestial), so I think it's fair game to bring up celestial stats as a problem in willbender seeing as how it's a problem in so many other annoying builds too. And as a marauder willbender user, yes, celestial willbender is obnoxious to fight. Does more damage than it should for so little damage investment and it's carried by the damage modifiers from its traits coupled with celestial.
  21. Ah, longbow willbender. Haven't seen that in a while. Probably has the funniest response to another willbender fleeing: lb2+judge's intervention.
  22. Do people play guardian more because it's broken or because more people like the profession fantasy/style more? As a guard main I think it's the latter (it's why I chose guardian 11 years ago) but I suppose to the people keyboard turning while a willbender is on top of them it's the former.
  23. I know that I threw when i: 1. Lost a 1v1. 2. Went to a point to assist a teammate in a 2v1 and they were already dead and I get killed by the 2v1. 3. Get focused and die in seconds cause I didn't use my sustain/kite correctly. 4. Charge into an outnumbered fight while more than 1 of my team is on respawn.
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