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Everything posted by Kuya.6495

  1. The high stability, aegis, resistance and prot uptime is literally a product of celestial stats.
  2. Why would you do cele core guard over cele willbender when willbender is an upgrade to old medi judge's intervention+whirling wrath core guard in every way? The frustrating part of the old core guard days and is even true with dragonhunters now is that once you spend your skills on your opening salvo, you are pretty much a sitting duck sans renewed focus. This is why you also always focus the guard in spvp. Now with willbender though, a guardian isn't doomed the moment they didn't kill their target on the opening strike because you're no longer reliant on meditations to carry the build (you also tended to use your meditations for your attack so the very thing you needed for sustain would be used up seconds into the fight). Not to mention guardian ability to stick to targets has always been garbage until willbender. Anyway I already mentioned why cele works well with willbender. Willbender has great synergy with radiance traitline (up to 40% crit chance+pulsing might) allowing you to do well even with a non glass build.
  3. Every time complaints keep being brought up about willbender it's generally: 1. Complaints about its mobility 2. Complaints about its damage 3. Complaints about its sustain (in terms of damage reduction and healing, not via its mobility) What's annoying about the Complaints is that all 3 are almost always brought up at the same time as if the willbenders with the highest spike damage (marauders) are the same ones with the massive sustain (celestial), so I think it's fair game to bring up celestial stats as a problem in willbender seeing as how it's a problem in so many other annoying builds too. And as a marauder willbender user, yes, celestial willbender is obnoxious to fight. Does more damage than it should for so little damage investment and it's carried by the damage modifiers from its traits coupled with celestial.
  4. Ah, longbow willbender. Haven't seen that in a while. Probably has the funniest response to another willbender fleeing: lb2+judge's intervention.
  5. Do people play guardian more because it's broken or because more people like the profession fantasy/style more? As a guard main I think it's the latter (it's why I chose guardian 11 years ago) but I suppose to the people keyboard turning while a willbender is on top of them it's the former.
  6. I know that I threw when i: 1. Lost a 1v1. 2. Went to a point to assist a teammate in a 2v1 and they were already dead and I get killed by the 2v1. 3. Get focused and die in seconds cause I didn't use my sustain/kite correctly. 4. Charge into an outnumbered fight while more than 1 of my team is on respawn.
  7. It's mystifying to me really. But maybe it's cause I use power willbender and I HAVE to dodge attacks to survive that biases me. I don't have the luxury of face tanking hits like a dragonhunter, a cele willbender, a cele vindicator, a warrior or a cele harbinger. Maybe roaming and fighting thieves, mesmers, other willbenders, eles and warriors has just taught me to actually, recognize the burst window, dodge the bursts and not face tank things you shouldn't be face tanking. 🤷
  8. So when a willbender ports in, do you guys just like sit there and eat the whole combo or what?
  9. Yea, never keep playing a losing streak past the 2-3 lost game in a row. You're just begging to get tilted and keep the losing streak going.
  10. Don't you know? Guardian is anet's favorite child? So our complaints are meaningless because we "already have everything".
  11. Sure but it's a bit disingenuous to focus on the fact that judge's intervention allows you to cast other skills as if the other non-los ports don't have other benefits that JI doesn't. Illusionary ambush, because it's an ambush, gives you mirage cloak and breaks targeting. Phase traversal is itself a damage spike that is unblockable, gives unblockable stacks and gives quickness. It's easy to claim Judge's intervention is broken when you ignore all the other benefits other ports have that JI doesn't. It's also not as if people don't have complaints about IA and PT either. Who likes having to deal with a mirage breaking targeting, in between going invisible, and attacking you while you can't hit them? Who likes getting hit out of nowhere with an attack that can't be blocked and allows the revenant to follow it up with another unblockable attack? So why pretend JI is special or unique in its ability to annoy people on the receiving end of it?
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't illusionary ambush and phase traversal also ports that don't need los?
  13. On a scale of 1 to 100, how mad would guardian mains be if they couldn't use whirling wrath with judge's intervention anymore?
  14. I fought two condi soulsbeasts that were giving me lots of trouble yesterday meanwhile druids aren't an issue for me. Should I be asking for anet to nerf soulbeast then?
  15. You just complained about 6 different professions and you mentioned 9 different elite specializations. Meanwhile back in core, the meta was 5 core eles. So OP is right
  16. Sometimes I've seen a competent thief slip through a spawn camp and decap their far and mid only for them to fruitlessly watch his team continue to feed and then get tilted and afk at spawn. Sad thief noises
  17. On the flip side, if the whole team goes to camp their spawn point, the enemy team will never get any points. As long as your team fights remain vastly superior to theirs.
  18. Summary: change restorative virtues so the vigor from flowing resolve is shared with allies and not just yourself. Justification: currently heal alac willbender is in a relatively good spot but it does lack one important boon to share: vigor. Now I know anet wants supports to have trade offs but by putting vigor share in restorative virtues, a support willbender has to choose between might share from holy reckoning or vigor share via restorative virtues and therefore creating a tradeoff. That or make a relic that gives allies vigor on shadowsteps or something.
  19. Does this only apply to guardian or does it apply to every single shadowstep/teleport in the game? Because if you're not aware, guardian is not the only profession with instant shadowsteps/teleports.
  20. Immediately after they will come to the forums to make a thread about matchmaking or whichever profession triggered them the most.
  21. I'm more partial to getting rid of chill of death trait.
  22. Nobody likes dealing with traits that activate randomly messing up your rotations in pve and especially nobody likes being on the receiving end of random trait procs in pvp. Could we get a rework to most of those passive damage/debuff traits to make them into ammo skills/flip over skills/or traits that change weapon skills (think Glacial heart in virtues on guardian)? It would be a simultaneous improvement for both pvp and pve.
  23. If by fun you mean a build carried by passive traits that proc on conditions applied, yes. Reapers are not allowed this fun. The build isn't even a condi build but the proc traits are just too good and have no tells.
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