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Everything posted by Kuya.6495

  1. I like how most of the complaining in this thread is coming from non guard mains whining about their profession not getting good stuff.
  2. Those boon blobbers must have been tapping the boon button so furiously as this was happening 😔 Rip 🙏
  3. Yea, this is also why boonballs want wb nerfed.
  4. Rip I've run into: 1 power daredevil and 1 cele vindicator with shortbow. You try to catch the thief to kill them first, he goes stealth. You try to kill the vindi, you can't, he's immortal. You try to run, you can't, the thief catches you and keeps you in combat so the vindicator can catch up and shortbow you to death. That's what hell looks like tbh.
  5. Check out Spudzie's shortbow cele vindicator build on YouTube. I modified the build by changing Shiro for ventari and invocation for retribution. I also changed gs for staff but gs has its advantages.
  6. This game is very meta reliant. If there is a relic that counters stealth, people will use stealth less and will use some other annoying thing that makes people make threads here. Then people will change their builds to counter that and eventually some people notice you can troll with stealth again since people stopped using the anti-stealth relic to counter the new thing. And repeat.
  7. I wondered that too. My only conclusion is because the build isn't on metabattle. I had to do some digging to find it after I encountered it while roaming as marauder wb.
  8. Honestly the best solution to the whining about willbender is for every willbender roamer to change to cele vindicator and let the people complaining about willbender enjoy fighting that instead. I know I already switched and it's great! Only problem I've run into with cele vindicator is other vindicators and elementalists. It's always a stalemate. But you pretty much farm everything else. Tip: if you run into cele harb, just drop a ventari bubble and lol at them. Cele/marauder willbenders are pretty much irrelevant to you. And thieves and mesmers can't do anything to you.
  9. This right here is the problem with reading things off metabattle and then thinking you understand how a build works without playing it first.
  10. Sword 5 is a dash. It only triggers a teleport at the end of the dash if the target is in range. The range of the port isn't 750. Protection and resolution are only added if you take vanguard tactics in the willbender traitline and the trait only triggers if the target is close enough for the port on sword 5 to activate. Resolution only gives 10% damage and 25% crit chance if you take retribution and righteous instincts in the radiance traitline. Sword 5 is a set up tool. It is used to immobilize for either sword 4, f1 or gs2. I'm not sure if you're misinformed or you're intentionally being misleading.
  11. Hello! We're Malicious and Dangerous [MAD], an old guild (2012) that is casual in spirit but we regularly do instanced content. What should you know about us? Timezones? We're mostly EST, with a few PST and Oceanic players. What events do we do and when do we do them? -Dungeons: Monday 7pm est -Semi-weekly legendary bounty trains: Tuesday 8pm est -Semi-weekly rift hunts: Tuesday 8pm est -EoD strikes: Wednesday 8pm est -Raids: Thursday & Saturday 8pm est -CM raids static: you have to have run normal raids with us for at least a month before requesting to join. Static meets twice a month, usually Saturdays at 8pm est. -Guild Missions: Friday 7pm est -IBS strikes: Friday 9pm est -Fractals: Sunday 9pm est (T1-T4 depending on demand) Discord? Yes, We use it for event signs ups and voice coms for event coordination. Discord use is not mandatory but members who hop into voice chat (speaking not mandatory) for events have their attendance counted, which makes you eligible for rank promotions. Repping? Not mandatory, and neither is event attendance. Attending events and repping just makes you eligible for rank promotion. How many in the guild? We have about 50 active members with about 20 logging in consistently on weekends. Nominally we have 300+ but that's mostly because don't usually kick for inactivity until you've been gone for 6+ plus months (unless you stay in contact via discord or let us know ahead of time how long your break is). Who are we looking for and what is the environment in the guild? We're looking for new/returning/veteran players who are casual about the game but still want to do instanced content and are willing to learn/ask questions or for feedback. But event attendance is not mandatory. You can just use the guild to socialize and chat. If you are relatively new to raids/fractals/strikes and want to learn how to do them, then we're a good fit for you, even moreso if you want a friendly and tight-knit group of guild members to chat with. Voice chat can get rowdy, but politics/religion topics are not allowed. We have lots of LGBTQ+ members so this is a safe space. Most members speak English and a few speak Spanish (some are from South America/Puerto Rico). Guild Hall? Yes, we have a level 65 guild hall and it has all the enhancements and harvesting nodes. "I want to join!" You can message me in-game (Kuya.6495). You can also message some of our senior members in game for an invite (sivalsival.8629 or axaressa.4612). If you have questions about our guild or our rules, feel free to ask. See you in-game!
  12. They told us strikes are meant to replace raids and we're only getting 2 strikes a year now. It really isn't ok that they're delivering strike CMs that can be one shot on pug groups on day 1 and that are full of bugs.
  13. I actually like the idea. Would be nice to have like a beta week (kinda like wvw betas) to test drive this and see how well it works before permanently implementing it.
  14. I think the sad thing is that instead of wb getting buffs for pvp, anet may just nerf it in wvw due to the constant complaints from roamers about willbender there. Much like what happened in spvp.
  15. Guardian downstate heal has saved many conjured amalgamate near wipes.
  16. True when facing a cele harb and maybe a cele cata, but not vs a cele vindicator unfortunately
  17. I just want to not have to use f2 to give alac anymore 😩 Is that so much to ask? 😭
  18. Zergs are running willbenders for boons now?
  19. What does willbender's survability look like? As in what are they using to survive?
  20. That's a good point. I had thought it could just be left as is as this creates an incentive for those who already cleared the wing to seek out those who have not to get their dailies done therefore making it valuable to find openers but I can see that pissing off people who don't want to bother to find an opener and just want to get their dailies done asap. Aside from that I'm not sure what change anet could make in the backend to make a raid wing reset for dailies, aside from having the wing automatically reset on daily reset if it's the designated daily for that day.
  21. Can we get raid dailies like there are fractal and strike dailies? Fractals and strikes have weekly rewards but they also get daily rotations which I think is a good idea. Having raid dailies, like say today it's wing 1 and tomorrow's daily is wing 2, gives people an incentive to do raids more than once a week and gives people who can't log in on Mondays a chance to still get some raiding done throughout the week. It might even fill up the raid lfg on NA! If raids are abandoned content I don't see a reason not to do this. I will leave it up to others and Anet to suggest what the daily rewards for raids should be. I would rather be complaining about raid daily rewards being bad than not having raid dailies at all.
  22. I was watching the movie The Patriot and it reminded me about the blob vs cloud thing. In the movie, the British didn't think it was honorable that the American colonials wouldn't fight in a line infantry formation like they did. Which also reminded me of a friend who is in a wvw guild on another server that said her guild didn't like fighting mag because mag clouds and they don't find fighting clouds fun. So to me it just sounds like the "problem" is clouding and the other accusations against maguuma are just dressing. Kind of like when you already hate a person, everything they do, regardless of if it's the reason you hated them in the first place, makes you mad.
  23. I think the reason why willbender gets singled out a lot here despite cele harb, cele vindi and cele cata existing is because willbender isn't just good for exploding afk pve camp flippers, but it's also good for nuking boon blobs (if you have a lot of willbenders running marauder in a cloud). So you got two different crowds of people getting their willies bended and they are not too happy about it. 😞
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