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Everything posted by Kuya.6495

  1. I think the sad thing is that instead of wb getting buffs for pvp, anet may just nerf it in wvw due to the constant complaints from roamers about willbender there. Much like what happened in spvp.
  2. Guardian downstate heal has saved many conjured amalgamate near wipes.
  3. True when facing a cele harb and maybe a cele cata, but not vs a cele vindicator unfortunately
  4. I just want to not have to use f2 to give alac anymore 😩 Is that so much to ask? 😭
  5. Zergs are running willbenders for boons now?
  6. What does willbender's survability look like? As in what are they using to survive?
  7. That's a good point. I had thought it could just be left as is as this creates an incentive for those who already cleared the wing to seek out those who have not to get their dailies done therefore making it valuable to find openers but I can see that pissing off people who don't want to bother to find an opener and just want to get their dailies done asap. Aside from that I'm not sure what change anet could make in the backend to make a raid wing reset for dailies, aside from having the wing automatically reset on daily reset if it's the designated daily for that day.
  8. Can we get raid dailies like there are fractal and strike dailies? Fractals and strikes have weekly rewards but they also get daily rotations which I think is a good idea. Having raid dailies, like say today it's wing 1 and tomorrow's daily is wing 2, gives people an incentive to do raids more than once a week and gives people who can't log in on Mondays a chance to still get some raiding done throughout the week. It might even fill up the raid lfg on NA! If raids are abandoned content I don't see a reason not to do this. I will leave it up to others and Anet to suggest what the daily rewards for raids should be. I would rather be complaining about raid daily rewards being bad than not having raid dailies at all.
  9. I was watching the movie The Patriot and it reminded me about the blob vs cloud thing. In the movie, the British didn't think it was honorable that the American colonials wouldn't fight in a line infantry formation like they did. Which also reminded me of a friend who is in a wvw guild on another server that said her guild didn't like fighting mag because mag clouds and they don't find fighting clouds fun. So to me it just sounds like the "problem" is clouding and the other accusations against maguuma are just dressing. Kind of like when you already hate a person, everything they do, regardless of if it's the reason you hated them in the first place, makes you mad.
  10. I think the reason why willbender gets singled out a lot here despite cele harb, cele vindi and cele cata existing is because willbender isn't just good for exploding afk pve camp flippers, but it's also good for nuking boon blobs (if you have a lot of willbenders running marauder in a cloud). So you got two different crowds of people getting their willies bended and they are not too happy about it. 😞
  11. Thanks! Then I'm even more confused about people accusing/complaining maguuma of blobbing but also clouding. 🤷‍♂️
  12. What does "blob" mean in the context of wvw and how is it different from "clouding"? I presume neither of these things are the dreaded "boon ball" but I don't understand what is meant by blob and cloud (or if these terms mean the same thing).
  13. Well if people want DH to be the dps spec, then it needs buffs because WB benches higher on both condi and power dps. And also has alac. 🤷‍♂️
  14. They do, as well as their mobility, as has always been the case with offensive guardian builds in pvp (same things they use to attack, are the same things they need for defense).
  15. If it's protection, sure. I'm game for removing stability from crashing courage in exchange for protection. Actually, while we're at it. This might be an opportunity to actually make deathless courage useful. Let's put the stability on deathless courage so willbenders might be coaxed from taking something other than tyrants momentum (if they don't take tyrant's momentum they lose about 5% damage at max stacks of lethal tempo).
  16. You mean the stability that only activates when you hit 3 times or the stability from the virtues traitline?
  17. Willbender is pretty OP until you run into a cele renegade or cele vindicator and start hitting like a wet noodle despite running full glass while they shortbow you to death.
  18. Because those two classes have defenses that allow them not to get nuked immediately by thieves (until cooldowns are down that is).
  19. I dunno. It seems to be the common denominator between all the builds people complain about except possibly thief. There's a very resilient vindi build that effectively uses shortbow to kill people and it's only really possible because of celestial stats.
  20. So assuming you think celestial stats are a problem in WvW (and I do), how do you balance it? I thought anet can just remove that stat combo from WvW but it occurred to me that WvW is literally just the exact same equipment as PvE so I don't see how anet can prevent you from bringing celestial because of this, unless anet deletes the stat combo from pve too. I don't see anet doing that. Another option is to just reduce overall celestial stats to be less than more specialized stat combos, but again, that would also nerf celestial in pve, unless anet has the tech to be able to transform celestial stats between pve and wvw like they do for traits and skills. If you think celestial stats are a problem in WvW, how would you address it?
  21. Super niche, I know, but perhaps Anet can consider that one way of addressing complaints about stealth is to add a relic that applies revealed. I'll leave it to anet to decide how long the revealed and how long the cooldown should be, but it would go a long way to addressing how unfun it is to fight stealth builds at times. Putting revealed on a relic would essentially balance itself out as taking a relic just for revealed denies you the opportunity to use other relics that could be more effective for zergs/other builds. Anyway I think something like a relic that makes it so 'your next few attacks apply revealed after you use your elite skill' might be cool.
  22. I'm pretty sure I said this already but I think it's worth repeating: I think dragonhunter should be the guardian spec that gives alac and not willbender. Here are my top 6 reasons why this is a good idea: 1. Thematically, WB is portrayed as a selfish guardian elite. While DH isn't much of a support either, it least fits the theme better than WB does. 2. WB is higher dps than DH in both power and condi. You could buff power damage on DH and nerf it on WB, but you'd only be dropping the people who play alac wb to 0 as the high dps is the only reason you might consider an alac WB. So if WB is higher dps, why would you choose to take DH if you need to bring dps to a group? 3. Giving DH alac means WB will no longer have to suffer the pain of ever using f2 for anything other than dodging mechanics in pve. Anyone who's played alac wb can attest that using f2 for alac is clunky and inneficient. Giving DH alac skips the trouble of having to rework f2 on WB. 4. No more having to take two unrelated trait lines for arbitrary reasons to give alac. 5. It will give DH mains something to do while they wait for lb5 and lb2 to finish casting. 6. It will free up one of my build/equipment templates. I realize that anet would probably still have to give DH more boon access to make sure it competes with other alac providers. But I feel it's easier, design wise, for anet to give DH more access to party wide fury and might than it would be for WB.
  23. I got to fight something other than stealth gank thieves and tanky condi builds. I almost couldn't believe my eyes! In my opinion long queues in ebg are worth once again experiencing the thrill of fighting builds that aren't metastatic carcinoma.
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