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Everything posted by Kuya.6495

  1. Are you sure they're not talking to someone you blocked?
  2. Man that scourge rez meta was crazy. Glad that's gone.
  3. That's all this sub forum is for really. A place to vent for people who've had bad matches in pvp recently. But we appreciate your honesty!
  4. FB nerfs? Scourge nerfs? Rune of the trapper nerfs? Lich damage nerf? Blood magic nerfs? Guys I got a revolutionary concept. Maybe the issue isn't that Anet doesn't nerf guard or necro. Maybe the issue is core traitlines designed around the limitations of certain professions (guardian boon access/AOE effects vs low hp/low mobility, necro boon corruption/high hp vs low mobility/low stunbreaks) compound and break down when you add elite specializations that remove those limitations and leave little downsides (willbender and harbinger remove mobility handicaps but still get all the benefits from core traits meant to compensate for original weaknesses). It's not all a conspiracy against you guys and your win rates.
  5. Of course you should be reporting these people. But how effective Anet's response to these reports is the real question.
  6. It looks like your suggestion mostly just creates more incentive to do ATs. It also seems like your suggestion really isn't about getting rid of ranked, since you're essentially turning unranked into ranked in all by name. The only real difference is that you're removing visible ratings and badges and putting the tickets in ATs. Which, I will afford you, will decrease toxicity since people get mad about their rating. The biggest impact from your suggestion is a negative one, unfortunately. And it's not because you got rid of ranked. It's because you have split the game mode into multiple queues. You have a solo conquest queue and a team queue. And then you have a 2v2 and a 3v3 queue (would these queues also have a solo queue and a team queue each?). That's 4 separate queues with a potential 6 if you do solo and team queues for 2v2 and 3v3. With this many queues, wait times will go up exponentially. While you might have solved the problem with ranked toxicity by removing badges and visible ratings, you now have people no longer willing to pvp because the queue times are too big. Plus they can only get tickets in ATs now. Most casual pvp players would stop playing and what little population the game mode has left would shrink further. A for effort though!
  7. The good pvp discussions happen on the discords. Nowhere else.
  8. Tempest replacing core guard as new meta support? (due to harb counter) Double harb better than double willbender? d/d cata beats bunker vindi? Specter still meta? Warrior? Still unloved by meta? It may be more likely than you think 🤷‍♂️
  9. Sad but true. You can get away with complaining about guardian in pvp and you will get upvoted but that's just because the pve mains are angry at firebrand and they don't understand what you're complaining about.
  10. I dont know why you got a confused react. I've literally seen condi virtuosos stall 1v2 and 1v3 for ages lately and I've yet to figure out how it is they're accomplishing this. All I know is the virtuoso yells at us to stay away from far and I've learned to listen and leave them alone to do their thing 🤷‍♀️
  11. I have a vague hazy memory that frost bow was once upon a time meta to use but i'm not sure if that memory is real or just a fever dream
  12. Christ, someone really needs to start group therapy for warriors My post was in regards to the OP's insinuation that ele, ranger, mesmer and warrior have never been meta. Not about what warrior is like right now, so calm down.
  13. Someone clearly wasn't here when d/d cele ele, support tempest, hammer warrior, support druid or chronobunker was meta.
  14. It is so telling and explains a lot about this sub forum that its denizens think the top rated players in the game mode, the ones who make the content and produce the build and gameplay guides, are the "bottom feeders". Truly this forum should be renamed from PvP Forum to Crab Forum.
  15. This is what's crazy to me. The aegis and stability from f3 on willbender? It's been there from the start. Nobody cared before because willbenders weren't doing any damage and they couldn't stay on their targets until they got buffed this March. Even a cd reduction wouldn't have fixed the class without a damage buff. When willbender was revealed people were impressed with how much stab and aegis you could get when you cleaved multiple targets until most viewers understood that in spvp, you likely won't get the chance to cleave multiple targets like a dps golem. In hindsight though, I guess a lot of players in pvp do act like dps golems. And you keep bringing up the shadowstep. The animation for the shadowstep couldn't be more telegraphed. The telegraph on it is only beaten by heaven's palm which has you floating in the air even longer. Anyway the reason why I bolded "possible" is because you want to pretend that isn't a trade-off. Yes, not getting the boons from the f3 unless you hit something multiple times is a trade off vs getting the boons instantly regardless of whether you hit something or not. The only flaw here is that taking virtues negates this trade off by letting you get the boons without the need to go aggressive. That's where I would make the change. This however would not stop the regular pvp forum dweller from getting blasted by a valor willbender, looking at its boon bar, noticing it has 5 stacks of stability, and then coming unto the forums to complain about the willbender being awash in boons because they ate the entire whirling wrath by backpeddling away from it after the wb had casted f3.
  16. Guardian mains can't even discuss fixing bad abilities on their own profesion's sub forum without getting invaded by people with blue class envy 🤷‍♀️
  17. Yea and that's exactly my point. People complain about things that aren't even from the willbender traitline. It's from virtues line but most comments rarely ever bring that up. There's been like 3 posts at most who have suggested modifying how virtues traitline interacts with willbender (I'm one of the people who suggested making it so it doesn't give the boons to allies when using willbender).
  18. Stab on core guard f3 is instant and has no requirements. Stab on willbender f3 is every 5 hits after f3 is actived and lasts 6 seconds. There are trade-offs. I feel like most of these willbender complaints aren't understanding where the boons are actually coming from.
  19. Did a willbender make this thread?
  20. Speaaaaaaaaking of afk! Anyone see teapot's stream a few minutes ago with that match up? Lmao
  21. The problem with the stat of guardian representation is also that when when a team didn't play a willbender, there was always a core guard. In fact, i think the only time there wasn't a core guard was when a team went full dps and took no supports.
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