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Everything posted by Kuya.6495

  1. Oh, is vindicator the next mole we're looking to whack?
  2. I agree with the problem, not the proposed solutions. I instead think there should be a beginner queue where only accounts new to pvp or who have been gone from pvp for a long time can enter so it provides an easier environment to practice without getting farmed. Wouldn't prevent someone who is a vet from buying a new account and griefing though. This mode should not progress dailies nor reward tracks to demotivate farming from vets making new accounts. Pvp also needs a tutorial mode that teaches the basics of: 1. Rotating 2. Roles (team fighter, support, side nodder, decapper, etc) 3. Secondary objectives And it needs pre-made equipment/traits beginners can use that allow them to not kitten themselves. There's a lot more people need to learn that I'm not sure how the game can teach effectively without a very in depth tutorial though, such as: 1. Juking 2. No-port spots 3. Kiting 4. Stunbreaks vs cc 5. Boons 6. Conditions 7. Power vs condition damage 8. Line of sight 9. Shadowsteps vs teleports vs mobility skills (and how to use them to disengage) And the problem is a lot of this stuff players are supposed to learn in pve but gw2 pve doesn't even teach the basics of its own combat system. This means players come into spvp not even understanding what each boon does or what a stunbreak even is. That leads to some severe disparity in skill level.
  3. You have to be pretty awful to have issues with wb, dh, mesmers or thieves on staff spellbreaker, yea
  4. I like having the option to farm rank without feeling rushed before the season is over.
  5. In pve, on both willbender and firebrand, mainhand pistol and offhand pistol are both meta, so feel free to use either. I personally prefer willbender.
  6. Hello! We're Malicious and Dangerous [MAD], an old guild that is casual but we do weekly instanced content (raids, strikes, etc). What should you know about us? Timezones? We're mostly EST/PST, with a few and Oceanic players. What events do we do and when do we do them? -Dungeons: Monday 7pm est -EoD/SoTO strikes: Wednesday 7pm est -Raids: Thursday 7pm est & Saturday 8pm est -Guild Missions: Friday 7pm est Fractals: Saturday 10pm est Discord? Yes, We use it for event signs ups and voice coms for event coordination. Discord use is not mandatory but members who hop into voice chat (speaking not mandatory) for events have their attendance counted, which makes you eligible for rank promotions. Repping? Not mandatory, and neither is event attendance. Attending events and repping just makes you eligible for rank promotion. How many in the guild? We have about 50 active members with about 20 logging in consistently on weekends. Nominally we have 300+ but that's mostly because don't usually kick for inactivity until you've been gone for 6+ plus months (unless you stay in contact via discord or let us know ahead of time how long your break is). Who are we looking for and what is the environment in the guild? We're looking for new/returning/veteran players who are casual about the game but still want to do instanced content and are willing to learn/ask questions. But event attendance is not mandatory. You can just use the guild to socialize and chat. If you are relatively new to raids/fractals/strikes and want to learn how to do them, then we're a good fit for you, even moreso if you want a friendly and tight-knit group of guild members to chat with. Voice chat can get rowdy, but politics/religion topics are not allowed. We have lots of LGBTQ+ members so this is a safe space. Most members speak English and a few speak Spanish (some are from South America/Puerto Rico). Guild Hall? Yes, we have a level 65 guild hall and it has all the enhancements and harvesting nodes. "I want to join!" You can message me in-game (Kuya.6495) for an invite. You can also message some of our senior members in game for an invite (smuffy.3492, axaressa.4612 or sivalsival.8629). If you have questions about our guild or our rules, feel free to ask. See you in-game!
  7. The problem with getting more people into spvp, even if you add more rewards is that they don't stay for very long when they try it out. Those who have tried get scared away. The most common reasons I hear for not going back to spvp are: 1. People flipping out in chat at the slightest provocation/afking out of spite. 2. Not performing well/not understanding how to play spvp. So while rewards are good, if you want those new players to stay you need better moderation of unsportsmanlike behavior and a better tutorial system for spvp.
  8. Baby, just play cele vindicator. No need to worry about power damage when you have: -33% strike damage reduction from protection, -15% strike damage reduction from unyielding devotion and -10% strike damage reduction from determined resolution. And all that without even accounting for -10% damage reduction food. Enjoy Edit: oh and if you take close quarters there's yet another (lmao) -10% strike damage reduction to damage beyond 360 range.
  9. You'll have to forgive me. Considering the willbender complaints here are: high mobility, high damage spikes, high boon output, it seems most people here seem to think a cele willbender and a power willbender are the same thing. With that said, running cele willbender (and by extension Phoenix protocol) is garbage. Power willbender is where the real gaming is at (and also what produces the most rage quits from people around here when they die instantly and don't understand why they died on their camp flipping pve builds). But don't be mad that I'm calling cele willbender garbage though. All cele builds are garbage and should be deleted from the game. But if you are gonna play cele, play a better cele build like harb, cata/tempest or vindicator instead of CeLe WiLlbEnDeR. If you are dying to Cele willbender, please, just play a better build.
  10. What can I say but that if you're beating deadeyes and daredevils in a clean 1v1 on willbender then they just weren't good deadeyes/daredevils. 🤷
  11. I don't see it as an anti-thief build. In fact willbender has a notoriously difficult time against daredevils and deadeyes because a lot of wb ports rely on a target and thief has enough stealth access to break targeting. Willbender can do similar things to thief but it still pales in comparison largely because willbender cannot stealth and it does not have tools to bring a thief out of stealth. .Edit: maybe the fact willbender still gets complained about even without stealth should show anet that thief can work without stealth. Or at least that anet should rework stealth so there is more counterplay to it without fear of crippling thief.
  12. That's more of a cc vs no cc example (they dont change the daze for something else in pvp) but you're right, there are some examples of non number splits. Still I don't think they'll do a knockdown vs knockback split between gamemodes. But it would be nice.
  13. I don't think they do those kinds of splits. They do numbers splits but having the skill do two different kinds of cc between gamemodes? HMMMM
  14. As in, you're dying to willbenders running Phoenix Protocol instead of Tyrant's Momentum? Is that what you mean?
  15. Alacrity? On a willbender roamer??
  16. I'd prefer a knockdown or stun tbh so it's not annoying in pve.
  17. Bonus points if you stall a 2v1 at far and they still wipe at mid and accuse you of throwing for going far. I was shook from the audacity
  18. I honestly want to know why OP chose wb out of all the professions/specializations running around. Surely he can't be getting aped by willbenders that regularly to warrant a thread. Right? Maybe it's just Saiyan who's been killing him over and over again.
  19. It takes a certain level of bitter and resentful to point the finger at builds that aren't even meta when discussing staff spellbreaker.
  20. Now to find out if this is a willbender or dragonhunter complaint thread
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