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Kranlor Greyhelm.8417

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Everything posted by Kranlor Greyhelm.8417

  1. Honestly, this may not even be a homestead issue. It may be purely down to the speed of gathering breaking some kind of internal limitation. It just happens to be the auto collecting within the homestead that's triggering it.
  2. Just tested this out by collecting the ore first, then the timber, then the plants. Ore was fine, timber was fine. Plants left two uncollected! This is with a full homestead, all plants/wood/ore nodes in place. So it's down to how many collections you are trying to make in a short period of time, not specific to ore. Hopefully this helps the Devs figure out the solution.
  3. I have had one day where it got all of them. But usually it misses one, two and sometimes even 3 nodes. I'm using volatile glyphs with all the nodes. Very weird that not everyone is seeing this.
  4. They fixed the volatile magic amounts from plants. But the bug preventing all of the ore nodes from being auto collected is still there. I'm having to manually collect 1-3 nodes every day (one of which is partially done). I think they tried to fix the ore, I did have one day where they all worked. Then it reverted.
  5. When the changes were originally made to runes and sigils, I bought up thousands and thousands of them that were on the TP for vendor price. Filled two whole mule guilds with it all. Then, once the prices had settled on what they were worth in the new world, I sold them. For 10-15 times the purchase price. Understanding what changes like that are going to mean to the economy is an art in itself. You just need to work out the implications, and get in fast before everyone else catches up.
  6. It's different ones each time as well. I've seen one, two or three nodes that are either not mined or only partially mined. Makes a joke of the "collect all" feature, since you have to tidy up manually.
  7. Walk me through how you ensure a good selection of boon supports in a group of 50 players randomly thrown together. In a game that teaches you close to sod all about that in open world content. You're talking as if this is an organised group. Hell, you've admitted that despite your ability this is failing at a 33% rate for you. Doesn't that bother you? Why is this so much tougher than the other random options you can get on this map? Doesn't that disparity indicate a problem? I don't know why I bothered even writing anything on this forum. The confused emojis were almost instant, followed by people replying that just want to ignore the problem and, as I said, tell people to "git gud". You've got plenty of content available for people like you; a LOT more than your portion of the player base should get, if it were pro-rata. Demanding that randoms just improve, magically, rather than accepting there is an issue in the tailoring of the content to the audience, is part of the problem. This is normal mode. Random people grouped together. No organisation beyond what is done on the map. With a lot of players who may think games are things that you pick up and play, rather than requiring reading sessions on multiple websites and practice on golems. Throwing this kind of content at them isn't going to make them step up; it will make them step away.
  8. Can you please just sort the tuning of this boss out for normal. The amount of stuff going on is ridiculous, the damage being done to Zojja is insane. Keep your difficulty for organised groups and CMs, STOP making content that is this hard for groups that are going into public events. Twice I've tried to do this today, and twice we've failed on Umbriel. That's an hour of my playing time wasted because someone in your design team thinks 20 different kinds of moving kitten on the ground is good content. Oh, and we were healing her as much as we can. When you get a ton of spammed damage all around and indeed on her, it gets a bit tricky to get that precious residue to her. Especially when you lose it if you get downed. Yes, I'm angry. No, it isn't about "git gud". It's about ANET recognising what content is designed for which group of people. And public instances should be an appropriate level. Which is not this.
  9. What gets me is that they jumped in so quickly to fix this, but the bug leaving ore nodes ungathered is still there. And the harvesting with the volatile glyph STILL isn't giving the correct amounts. How come certain "fixes" seem to get prioritised so much, and others are just left to rot?
  10. Even the cheese approach of using the Sylvari story to get the weapon mastery is a pain for shields. The best you can get is killing 5 spiders at a time on a 20 second cooldown. Sucks. Need Necro to get shields so it gets easy.
  11. I mean that the SOTO metas will be played about as much as the POF ones are now. Because the SOTO metas have terrible rewards for the time investments if you aren't going for legendary armour. Even adding the chance of the bag upgrades to the convergences doesn't make them worth it. They drop so infrequently that they don't move the needle much.
  12. We'll see what happens when the next expansion drops, shall we? My prediction is that the SOTO metas will be closer to the POF ones than they are the HOT ones. A LOT closer. As for ignoring people that thought SOTO was kitten? They can obviously do that if they want, but I don't think it will turn out well for the game if they do. I suspect for a lot of people the new expansion is going to be ANETs last chance.
  13. "Don't base your opinion on an MMO on how it plays with other people" is certainly a take. Not sure it's a great one.
  14. Want to walk us all through how you managed to break a bar 20 times on your "first time" when even before the power creep got out of hand you'd only see it 3 or 4 times a fight? I'm certainly intrigued.
  15. You are relying on a LOT of people in an open world boss fight knowing what CC is and actually using it. Realistically, it's going to be very rare to even get this once, never mind 20 times. I've given up on ever finishing this, been stuck at 11/20 for a long time now. Maybe if they revamp the fight, the way they did with behemoth and the like?
  16. Even that would still be contradictory. If it said "to your account wide bonus" it would at least make sense, I guess. But what if your account bonus is +20 and you equip a +21. What happens then? Does it go down to +20? Does it ignore the account number? Once again ANET have designed something unnecessarily convoluted and contradictory. What's happened with their design team recently?
  17. So why does the tooltip for the +15% infusion say "raises swim speed by 15% PLUS the account wide bonus"? That would suggest that if you've got the 20% and you equp a 15% infusion, you get 35% increased swim speed. But the 20% account upgrade says "raises your swim speed to 20%" They can't both be right, so which one did they mess up?
  18. I used to be able to do my dailies in WvW if I wanted to. Or in the open world. Or even do PvP, if the mood took me. These days? I'm PvE only, because otherwise I have to bounce around different game modes to get the dailies completed. I'm happy that it requires active gameplay, rather than passively logging in. But they could have achieved that without changing the system to one that removes choice. It's objectively worse than the system it replaced.
  19. What I'm lamenting is that Anet decided to use apparently scarce resources (if the last "patch" is to be believed) producing something that is worse than facilities already in the game. I dislike seeing waste at the best of times, seeing waste that makes things worse makes my teeth grate.
  20. Wizard vault was one of the major parts of the last expansion, if ANET are to be believed. A major rework of the rewards system, they sold it as. But really, was it? They could have added the new currency, added that currency to a bunch of daily/weekly/one off achievements, and given us a vendor that sold the rewards. The exact thing that they've done for every major patch in the last 11 years. We wouldn't have had all the issues about "picking" what type of activities you wanted to include, we could have carried on doing what we used to do and choose which ones we wanted on any given day. We wouldn't have had the issue with only being able to pick 1 or 5 of each reward, leading to the farcical waste of time clicking it again and again. The "fill the bar" style activity would provide the cap on the rewards. If they'd just used a vendor, we would have had a system that worked BETTER than the one we now have, without the effort wasted on a shiny new UI/UX that is functionally worse and offers no benefits. It was produced purely so they'd have something to hold up as a "feature" of the new expansion. Is this the way they are operating now? Smoke and mirrors to give the appearance of content? If it is, then how confident can we be that the homestead is going to be good? Or are they going to take some of the features of our home instance, rework it and end up giving us something that is functionally worse? Except with a chance to scatter chairs around it? Are they really making something new in gameplay terms? I want to be optimistic, I really do. But this expansion has made me very nervous. I think I need to see a LOT more to believe that this isn't just going to be more of the same. I'm holding off pre-ordering for now, because I need to be sold on this; not just the high level "vision" but the nuts and bolts of it. I need to be sure that ANET has genuinely turned a corner and isn't still making questionable design decisions. Anyone else feel this way?
  21. With our recent experience of ANETs ability to create UI/UX, if they did do this they'd make it clunky and borderline unusable. This is the organisation that thought that buying things only singly or in groups of 5 was the perfect way to set up the WV. I'd be delighted to be proven wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.
  22. Exactly. And I think they've recognised this and are taking steps to correct it for the next expansion. But who knows? This entire expansion should have been a relatively low-key introduction to the new characters, places and politics. Get to know them, get to understand their motivations. Maybe the expansion could have been based around the Wizard's Tower being old and crumbling, and was in danger of failing. So we spend our time working with our new friends, getting to understand them. Helping them to shore up the building while there are just notes and teases about the Kryptis popping up. Then, right at the end of things, we get a full scale Kryptis invasion happens. Maybe there someone important dies. And it all sets things up for the second expansion, which is war with the Kryptis. That goes on (and goes badly) for the ENTIRE second expansion, with a nice cliff hanger ending where we're on the edge. Then expansion three comes in with the fight back, and a noble (and meaningful) sacrifice that wins the war for us. But no, we got this rushed nonsense instead. Did nobody at any point say that this was too much to cram into one expansion? Did they really only recognise this when they've finished?
  23. This is what gets me. When SOTO dropped and it was small, with a ton of reused assets and precious little gameplay, we were told to stop complaining, because the "expansion" was actually going to be 4 separate drops of content. We'd get what we wanted, we just weren't going to get it all at once. Now we've seen what little there is to these additional content drops, and if anything it's worse than we feared. This is going to be more of a wasteland than POF once the dust settles. Because why would anyone go back to this content, apart from getting the legendary armour? Sub-par metas. Rifts that are brainless and painful. Convergences that offer virtually no rewards for the time investment. Personally I'll be glad to see the back of it, even if the next expansion is likely to be more of the same. This is the delivery timetable that ANET wanted, don't forget. We didn't ask for this, they said this is what they would do. They either need to change tack from this point on, or they need to get more resources working on it. Because all they are doing at the moment is alienating large chunks of their players.
  24. And companies like Larian have shown that it's possible to focus on the gamers, and producing a top quality game, and STILL produce a profit for the company. If you focus on making a good product, the profits will follow. If you focus on making a profit at the same time as producing a good game, you'll get the profits but you're taking a chance. Because if you focus on making a profit and don't really care if the game suffers as a result, eventually you'll stop making money. Because your customers would have taken their money somewhere else.
  25. ANET decided to move to annual "expansions". ANET decided to have 3 monthly "patches". Blaming all of this on people who expect one of those "patches" to include slightly more than an hour of story is laughable. If they don't have enough staff to provide reasonable amounts of content on top of the next expansion, they should have hired more. After all, the intent of annual expansions was to provide more regular income. I guess it depends on whether that income is being directed to actually developing content for the game players are paying for, or if it's being directed to dividends and manager bonuses. Or possibly to whatever else the company is working on at the moment. None of this is the fault of the players. Our expectations are based on the model that they've sold to us. Our disappointment is based on their inability to work within the constraints of that model and provide enough actual gameplay. I'd also add that none of this is the fault of the developers. They didn't decide the delivery cycle, and they aren't responsible for not having resources to provide it. They are doing the best they can in a kitten framework that management have built around them.
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