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Kranlor Greyhelm.8417

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Everything posted by Kranlor Greyhelm.8417

  1. Stupidest mechanic ever put into a game. They don't even need to be able to see you, they can pull you from a mile away, over a wall, straight into the middle of a group that will kill you before the GCD comes off your cc immunity. All pulls should put a 3s cc immunity and damage immunity on the player being pulled. Make it so players a least have a chance to react after one of these stupid pulls. Or better still, just take them out of the game. Or at least make it so you actually need line of sight to be able to do them. As it stands it's gameplay designed by trolls, for trolls.
  2. It isn't the only acceptable answer, and if they didn't realise they'd need to do it for the expansion, it may not be technically possible in the timeframe. As an alternative, they could give access to a new vendor providing ALL relics at no cost to anyone that has 6/7 legendary runes. Anyone that doesn't have them would be able to see/buy anything. Not as elegant as a legendary relic, but it might be an option to bridge the gap to when a legendary relic is ready.
  3. What the hell is going on with the price of this recently? Dropping significantly, to the point where there is no difference between the buy and sell prices. Have the bots found a new farming spot that ANET haven't got around to fixing yet? Is something else going on I'm unaware of? Information would be appreciated.
  4. None of the above. Because server balance is the single most important thing in the entire game. Everything you've mentioned above is tinkering at the edges. If the fights aren't fair, nothing else really matters that much. Who cares if you have improved defensive mechanisms if you're still getting rolled over by teams with double your manpower? The other thing I'd say is giving players a chance to pick their level. As a player with below average skills, I don't want to spend all my time going up against very skillful players. I'd happily play in a tier with lesser rewards where players are either learning or have reached their skill cap.
  5. Nobody mentioning the underwater breather? We need a wvw legendary version of that. I'm tired of missing one kitten slot on all my toons.
  6. I've posted elsewhere that there is a simple way to partially fix this issue. The game is already tracking who is going to get credit for capture, because you can get that even if you're miles away when the capture happens. So all you need to do is give defence credit for anyone that contributes to a kill of anyone that has capture credit pending. It won't solve all the issues, but at least it means if you're killing those guys with catas/trebs that aren't close to the tower/keep/castle you can get defender credit. And because it's using existing processes, it should be pretty easy to code.
  7. This is your second post of random whining about FoW without any indication of what you think the actual problem is. Tell us what you think is wrong, because your posts are useless otherwise. And stop sending me childish insults on PM because I point this out to you.
  8. Wow, more insults via PMs. Still no details of what his problem is. I will let everyone know if he stops using bad words and explains himself. But I'm not holding out much hope. He seems very angry about something.
  9. Did anyone get what the OP was moaning about? I did ask, but all I got were insults via PM. I'm assuming he got some body part handed to him and decided that the best response was a pram based toy delivery system that Santa would have been proud of. But without any details, I'm just guessing.
  10. You're going to have to use your words if we're going to have a conversation here. What exactly are you complaining about? Show us on the dolly where the nasty server touched you.
  11. Once the aura is up, it will keep refreshing. Because people on catas will still be hitting the walls, resetting their aura and passing that onto the people around them. So as long as they are attacking the objective in a group, they get the aura. Same with the lord. Actively playing as you attack gets the aura, players around that can't actively attack get it passively. Attacking any other players defending the keep would do the same thing. I'd suggest reading and understanding a post before suggesting it's a "crock".
  12. Anyone attacking a guard, lord, wall or gate gets an aura for that location that lasts a certain amount of time. Anyone within a certain short range of a person with that aura gets the aura as well. The aura drops off after 30 seconds or so. Anyone who participates in a kill of anyone with that aura gets a defensive credit for that location. Regardless of whether the kill takes place in the immediate vicinity of the location or not. So if they are using catas from distance and you kill them, you get defensive credit. I'd still want them to sort out giving credit for repairs, building defensive siege etc, but that's a whole other story.
  13. I literally finished my days WvW at 5 minutes past 5pm. I kitten near got the last tick I wanted before we were kicked out, but just missed it. So I quickly hopped back on to get that last tick and call it a day. I knew they'd implemented the new rewards system, but I figured I'd check it out the next day. Looked later in the evening and there was a huge queue for EBG, which was certainly odd. But I didn't think much of it. Now it turns out I missed the chance to generate a bit of gold and a LOT of WXP. Bugger. Hopefully this will still be worth doing when they reinstate it; I'd love the chance to generate some extra Grandmaster Marks, since I've still got one weight class of legendary armour to do. It does at least show that they are recognising the need to buff rewards in the WvW space. Even if they misjudged just how much they were buffing it by.
  14. If you want to have a "weekly" then the obvious solution is to have one (or more) of the festival style weekly achievements. Effectively a bar to fill with normal WvW activity that provides an additional set of rewards. Killing players fills it, capturing fills it, defending fills it. Hell, completing one of the dailies fills it. Then you play WvW your normal way, and progress regardless. Nobody gets locked out of certain parts because of matchup balance. Nobody can't get the capture SM one because your side (or the other) holds it for the week. You don't get the ridiculous situation of one side deliberately losing SM to let people get their weekly. Using it as a tool to try and get people to play in a particular way isn't going to work. As we've seen already.
  15. The only way that gets on the radar of PvE players is if you can do the weeklys in an hour or so. Then 50g becomes at least tempting. If it takes them 2 hours, they probably wouldn't bother. In which case WvW would get swamped with PvE players immediately after reset for a few hours, then they'd never been seen again until the next week. That doesn't fix anything, and in fact just creates queues getting in the way of genuine WvW players for a while. And almost certainly damages the gameplay while they are all there looking to get their weeklys done as quickly as possible. If you want to fix WvW properly, you need to improve the rewards for playing regularly and normally. There are ways to do that, but buffing the weekly reward isn't one of them.
  16. The thing is, when the activity is nothing to do with the general WvW, there is sportsmanship. If it's the veteran daily, most people won't touch opposition players waiting at the spawn point. If there is obvious duelling going on, people will leave you to it (though you can't always know, of course, especially when it's happening where you don't expect it). But the monuments are part of the core WvW gameplay. They have an impact on things (not much admittedly, and only when they control changes hands). So you've got to expect the opposition to stop you. If it's one on one, great. But if three of them happen to turn up and you are on your own? Sorry, but you make the choice at that point; stand and fight, or run. If you die, you call for backup. Who knows, maybe some actual PvP breaks out. You can't complain about competitive action in a competitive mode. There's a whole wide world on cooperative PvE out there if that's more your bag.
  17. So your entire argument is based on your interpretation of what the phrase "create balanced teams" means. And anyone that disagrees with your specific interpretation is "wrong" in your eyes? Which is all completely irrelevant. The fact is the group I was on was outnumbered from the first minute to the last. So even if your narrow belief about what this beta was trying to achieve is correct.....it still didn't manage to achieve it. You've been arguing semantics while ignoring that we're driving towards a wall...."well technically we aren't driving towards it, because I stopped pressing the gas and it's our momentum that's taking us towards it".
  18. You say this, then the part of your original post that you quote says: "1. Create balanced teams" So you appear to be arguing against yourself. The aim of this beta was to produce balanced teams, which is the critical part of the match making process. And the experience of a lot of people in this beta is that what appears to be the primary purpose of the beta has failed miserably.
  19. Are you psychic? Just wondering how you know that I don't scout and don't help with siege? Actually I do my best, in terms of fighting. I'm old, my reflexes are not great. I'm basically not a great game player. I'll roam and flip as much as I can. I'll assist with defending and I'll run with a group if they are around and I'm there. And I'll call out what I see as I roam, and assist as much as I can. None of that helps when the team we're up against constantly has twice our numbers. Especially when their roamers seem to be of a much higher standard than I generally experience down the WvW ranks. Nobody wants to face getting flattened continually. And nobody that isn't a sociopath wants to spend their time punching down. Which is my point. Either this beta isn't testing the match making aspects at all. Or it is testing them, and it's proving that they are still very, very broken.
  20. That kind of backs up the point of my post then. Because if pretty much the main thrust of this beta is creating balanced teams, then this has been a disaster. Either they've decided to have a beta without anything approaching a mechanism for creating balanced teams, or they think they have one and have been proven to be hilariously wrong. Either way, it wouldn't be a good look if this was their first beta. The fact this is after so much development effort and a number of previous betas makes me worried about the whole roadmap.
  21. So apparently passive agressive posturing is your only option for posting. Thanks for "contributing" to the discussion. You have a real nice day too.
  22. I'm a software engineer with 40 years of experience. But thanks for the "lesson" in how these things work. Care to share your background so we can judge if you are in a position to make this post? Maybe instead of the passive aggressive posturing, you could point us towards all these detailed posts about what they're trying to achieve, what their next steps are, etc? Some of us spend time in game, rather than searching the web to get this background. So the only thing we get to experience is the actual gameplay of the beta. Which appears to be getting worse with each iteration.
  23. If it's trying to improve the matchmaking, I've got to say it doesn't seem to be working too well. Every one I've been in so far has felt less balanced than a normal server matchup. This latest one is hilariously bad, we were wildly outnumbered from minute one, and it has got worse as the week has gone on (presumably because people have been driven away by the disparity in numbers). The other issue I have is what this is trying to do for levels of play. I'm not a very good player, I aspire to mediocre on a good day. This isn't a case of "git good" because I'm too old and limited to manage that these days. My skills are where they are, which is fine for the normal level of WvW I play in. Now suddenly I'm in a fight against roamers that kill in a literal second. I try and take a camp, if one turns up I might as well give up. I'm just hoping enough teammates show up that we have a chance, but did I mention we're outnumbered? Who is this good for? Competitive higher players don't want to play against people like me, that represent no challenge. Players like me will be driven away. The only people happy with this will be high skill players that take pleasure from punching down. Do you have enough trolls playing WvW to keep the game alive if they drive out all the below average players? I would have thought by now, with this many betas under your belt, that the matchmaking would be starting to take shape. That we'd be getting matchups that were balanced with some progress on matching skill levels. But nothing. Are you purely testing the mechanics of building the matchups, after all this time? I'm very worried for what these changes are going to do to my enjoyment of this part of the game.
  24. I decided to craft all the remaining underwater ascended weapons I needed. So I checked on GW2EFFICIENCY to figure out what was missing on my characters, and added up the spears, harpoons and tridents I needed. Crafted them all, then started dishing them out to all my characters. Realised pretty quickly that I had more harpoons than I needed, and fewer spears. Ended up with 3 harpoons I didn't need, and missing 3 spears. It turns out that there is a bug in GW2EFFICIENCY where it shows you that a spear is a harpoon, and vice versa. So I figured I would ask support if there was anything they could do. They said "sure" and after some discussions they gave me back the materials I'd used to make the harpoons. But not the raw materials, the rifle stocks and harpoons. Which at this point were completely useless. My fault for not realising that support can only undo one level of crafting, not all of them. Which is pretty useless, when you think how many levels you have to go through to make some crafted items. I've got all my weapons now, but it cost me a fair few gold to make up for my mistake. And those rifle stocks and harpoons are still in my bags. Maybe one day I'll have extra characters that need them!
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