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Kranlor Greyhelm.8417

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Everything posted by Kranlor Greyhelm.8417

  1. Because all their devs are now working on their next annual cash grab. Can't be fixing the rubbish they gave us last time, where's the profit in that?
  2. So moving from a monthly pipeline for MCs, where everyone got them at different points leading to a steady supply, to a "season" pipeline where all the MCs get front loaded leading to a shortage for 3 months has caused a problem? Who could possibly have predicted that? Apart from anyone with a functioning brain, of course. So either ANET wanted to produce this situation, where a critical part of the end game economy is basically messed up. Which begs the question, why the hell would they want to do that? Or they didn't realise what their changes were going to do. Which suggests a lack of critical thinking that is worrying for the future of the game. If ANET thinks too many MCs are coming into the economy, then address that by all means. But don't skew the MC generation process so they all come in at once. That's absurd. The obvious solution would be to move to weekly "drops" of the key resources in the WV. Make it so you can purchase, let's say 1 clover and 5 MCs a week. That would be closer to what we used to get with the old system, and would even out the availability, avoiding this kind of inflation.
  3. I know, that's why I made the legendary runes. Be nice to know ahead of time what I'm going to need to remake the thing I've already made. You know, the 6th rune set benefit that they ripped off runes and shoehorned into relics? They've made a mess out of this from the start of this expansion. Be nice if they behaved a bit better as they try and sort it out. If for no other reason than to try and regain some of the trust they've lost.
  4. Why? Why is that reasonable? Why is the counter to a boonball another boonball? Why shouldn't a boonball be beaten by 10 spread groups of 5? Why shouldn't 10 groups of 5 be beaten by a cloud? Why shouldn't a cloud then be beaten by a boonball? If you don't have some kind of choice, some kind of balance, something that encourages reactive, adaptable play, then ANET is basically saying "get in a boonball or kitten you". I don't want to play in a boonball, I don't find that fun. If ANET persists with the "boonball or die" philosophy, eventually players like me will get the message and abandon WvW entirely.
  5. Boonball is 40 one legged people roped together, telling themselves they're brilliant at kitten kicking. The only counter is another boonball. Just make it so everyone has a debuff aura that reduces movement speed, damage and damage reduction by 1% for everyone around them. Make that stack to 50. So if you want to run a boonball, you will move slower, do less damage and take more damage than solo players or small groups. That might level the playing field a bit, and create some varied gameplay. Suddenly a boonball is weak against half a dozen 5 man groups zipping around them.
  6. 4 months isn't equal to 4 28 day cycles, for starters. You are missing out the 9-12 additional days in your calculations. Which makes the coin and clover comparison even worse. Now sure, the laurel situation is improved due to the weekly (which I'd forgotten about). But given what this whole change has done to the market, losing ~10 clovers and ~28 coins is going to take a pretty big chunk out of the gold gain of ~120 laurels. Especially if you want T6, which means converting the more valuable T4/T3 to T6 takes a chunk of that profit. And remember; the whole driver for this was ANET wanting to rewards active players MORE. Sure, you can do that by giving them more gold, but what happens to the economy when everyone gets more gold, but resources get scarcer? We are likely to see the prices of materials going up more and more as we get further into this window, won't need to go much further for the MC price to eat up the whole of that theoretical laurel profit. [Edit] Realised I misread the numbers, it was 170 not 130 as the starting point for the laurels difference. Otherwise the point still stands.
  7. Wow, that's great. Look at all those ways to get clovers that the WV has given us access to. Oh wait, they were all there before WV, apart from the Lyhr one. So we had means of doing all of this without the WV. And we were just talking about the comparison between the WV and the old daily login process, which means all of this is irrelevant to the discussion. Thanks for playing,. Maybe understand what the discussion is about before you jump in with your sarcastic "gotchas" next time?
  8. Sigh. I do love it when people don't read what you wrote, don't understand what you wrote, then respond to what you didn't say with indignation that you'd be so stupid as to say that thing that you didn't say. I don't care about 90% of what the WV is offering as rewards. At this point in my GW2 journey, I'm focused on clovers, mystic coins, laurels and gold. That's basically it. If the old system was still here for the next WV period, instead of the WV, I'd be ending that period with more clovers, more coins, more laurels and if I could be bothered to work it out, probably more gold. For a system that ANET assured us would be more rewarding for the people that played the game. The fact it has a bunch of rewards that the old system didn't have isn't relevant to me. Most of it is tat and as far as I'm concerned, pointless. Not so much of a "blatant lie" after all, eh?
  9. I'm old, so I would want a /groan emote automatically when getting into or out of a chair.
  10. But it's over a longer period? Remember when they told us they wanted the new WV to provide MORE rewards than the old login system? Pepperidge kittening farm remembers. By the time we get to the end of this season, I would have got more clovers under the old system, more mystic coins. Probably more laurels (I haven't done the maths on that). All the things that we were expecting to get more of under a system that requires you to play rather than just login. Sure, the WV has a bunch of skins I don't really want and a bunch of other "rewards" that aren't worth buying. But are we really any better off in terms of rewards we actually want? Doesn't feel like it.
  11. They effectively nerfed the amount of clovers, laurels and everything else, while also nerfing the amount of resource you can generate by reducing the number of specials and reducing the resource they provide. Made the whole thing feel more pointless, and more of a slog. So much for rewarding active play. All leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  12. Expect everyone else to keep banging their head against the invincible boonball and give them bags, you mean. It's Matthew Broderick time, from where I'm sitting. The only way to win is not to play.
  13. I'm getting a ton of crashes in the game now, and I'm not even using Nvidea. kitten annoying though, just crashed in the morning convergence and of course you can't get back in when you do. So that's 20 minutes of my life wasted.
  14. Amazing as it seems, ANET appears to have made it worse. The meta now is literally just a small ball of every kittening player on a map, which is utterly immune to everything other than another ball with a better set of classes or better players. Utterly kittening pointless to even play at the moment. You either get your own boonball, or sit aside while they do whatever the kitten they like, or try and do something and die repeatedly while they farm you. We either need something from ANET acknowledging that they've got it wrong and explaining how they plan to fix this, or people are just going to give up completely. Because this is pathetic.
  15. If you want the essences. If like me you don't care about them, the loot is terrible. What's the hourly rate for the standard loot? 5-6g if you include the 2g reward for the event?
  16. Rifts and convergences. Or at least so little reward that it barely notices.
  17. I'd be happy if the kittening things just stacked. Creating new items like this that don't stack is a perfect example of the lack of thought and care that have gone into this "expansion". Sigils stack. Runes stack. What thinking was involved when it was decided that relics wouldn't stack? Or did it just happen and your developers and testers didn't even realise?
  18. I've done enough of these now to be certain. This isn't very good content, and it won't keep people doing it. The rewards for nearly half an hour of time are woeful if you don't want the essences. I've not added up the sprinkling of mats you tend to get from the chests, but if you break a single gold you've been lucky. The tiny chance of a rune of holding (I've not seen one yet) doesn't offset that. It doesn't require any form or organisation, really. It would have been better if they'd stripped out the multiple layers of "kill this champion, then that champion, then this final champion" and replaced it with 4 generals that all need to die at the same time. While Zojja needs to be defended in the middle, and while she would die if the siege engines aren't dealt with. But chances are that would have been too much for a public event to cope with. I'd trim it down somehow. Get it to a tight 15-20 minutes, make it more regular (every 3 hours is too long). Make it so the whole thing feels more frantic and threatening. Make it feel like a fight for your life and a race. If you need to tone down the essences for that, so be it. And have it so that it drops 1-4 runes of holding once a week, guaranteed. Solve the issue of their availability and give everyone (including those people that already have legendary armour) a reason for doing it. As it stands I can see this dying pretty quickly. Especially if the experienced players start avoiding it, and the pugs start failing more regularly. I think we may already be starting to see that.
  19. A "patch" that you can finish in a fraction of the evening that it drops? Story and map? Sorry, but this is pathetic. If this had been part of the initial expansion, then maybe that would have started to feel like an actual expansion. Instead we're scraping the butter across the bread so thinly that it's barely visible. If this is how ANET intend to release content in the future, then they've seen the last of my money. I was happy to throw cash in their direction regularly when it felt like they still had an intent to deliver. That intent feels like it has gone. What they are delivering isn't good enough, in terms of breadth or quality. If they don't seem to be bothered about the game, why should I be?
  20. Well, I wanted the answer to whether I would open my wallet for ANET again, after stopping spending money on the game after the lackluster initial launch of this "expansion". I certainly got it, and it's a resounding "no". This is what we waited three months for? A progression of the story that barely hits an hour and consists of mainly talking and walking around, with occasionally killing kryptis. A map that is dull and not that large? A meta that has a final boss that looks like someone said "take a chunk out of the junkyard boss, reskin it and make it simpler. That'll keep them quiet for a bit". Then we need to talk about the WV. It was literally telling us that the weeklies would run out yesterday. So I, like many others, did them ahead of the patch, only to discover that the patch did NOT reset weeklies, and I was locked out of a good chunk of my headstart on the new purchases. At which point I checked the specials, and realised that rather than the 4, for between 3 and 5 hundred each, we had 2 for a total of 400. Presumably they've done this to offset the 1300 carried over? Which makes the carry over pretty bloody pointless. You could have cleared it and just given us the regular 4 specials. Unless of course the specials have been nerfed, because we were getting through the available items too quickly? We won't know that until the next set of specials drops, because god forbid ANET actually tell us what they're doing. All in all, pretty pathetic. If this is what passes for content moving forward, it might be time to wave goodbye for a while.
  21. They do. It's under Living World: Icebrood Saga, sub heading Champions. Usually find groups in there when the DRM are the icebrood daily.
  22. Everything about this expansion screams that it was designed by people that did not have enough game design experience to make sensible decisions, or to think through the ramifications of their design choices. From the relic fiasco, to the dailies. To the terrible rewards for the metas. This "fix" to the daily problem just backs that up; it doesn't solve anything, and adding extra AA to the additional daily just means we STILL have to do them all or leave some of a capped resource on the table. This can be fixed, and we could have a solid front end to a decent back end (the WV itself). But they need to understand the issues in order to be able to solve them properly. I'm seeing nothing to give me confidence. The "balance" patch is going to be interesting, if this is the quality to expect moving forward. Anyone got the over/under on how many things they will break without realising it until it goes live?
  23. Why lie about this? Do you think that the dozens and dozens of people that play WvW don't know how to play? That NONE of them understand how the defence process works? Actually, who am I kidding. We don't know how it works. Because sometimes we do things that should clearly give credit, and it just doesn't. It's broken as kitten, and if you are genuinely trying to say that you get them every time, without fail, then you are at the far, far end of a bell curve, and should consider buying a lottery ticket. I do diamond every week. I usually get the tower defence weekly to 1 or 2 out of 8. I've had times when I KNOW for a fact that I've done enough to get credit, and nothing. I've had to drop the WvW dailies, because I can't trust that even playing for an hour or two a day in WvW that I'll be able to do them. It's a joke.
  24. So "buy something for 100 that you MAY NOT ACTUALLY WANT" is a solution? Forcing people to work around an issue that only exists because you haven't set the cap sensibly? Jesus, GW2 players have been trained to work around ANETs bug and design issues so well, they can't even register them as actual problems any more. This problem DOES exist. The fact that it needs a workaround to avoid it pretty much proves that, doesn't it?
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