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Everything posted by Gotejjeken.1267

  1. Maybe in low gold or below this works. Anything higher it will not, as you cannot take all offense and expect to get super far with people who actually know how to play sPvP. Soulbeast - Sic 'Em Sniper - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds Sic 'Em Soulbeast Build (PvP) - Hardstuck Q.E.D
  2. Marks takes away either BM or WS and doesn't really replace either, so I wouldn't run marks on slb. Maybe Untamed, but not slb.
  3. I don't see how Dervish with integrated 'spirt pet' functionality is any worse than locking rangers to an attunement. If you want that, play elementalist. I mean, you literally allude to a Derv/Rit/spirit type deal here:
  4. Or they just release Dervish already, give us as scythe and let us channel our pets like ritualists / current revs do with legends...
  5. They need to address the mobility creep they introduced with mounts. I personally feel it's a big reason people bag on EoD so much, is because the entire jade bot / skiff masteries are pretty much skippable as you can just fly everywhere. Even if you don't have a Skyscale, the Skimmer replaces the skiff anyway (provided you don't want to fish). There's going to be problems no matter what now, because they either keep releasing expansions and get complaints, or release new single maps like they did with LWS4 and still get complaints. Cadence doesn't really bother me personally, as I'll just continue playing WvW and other games while awaiting new PvE stuff. It doesn't seem like its been a year since anything new--guess I was just busy completing legendaries and didn't really notice. For newer players I guess it can be jarring, especially since the norm now is 'season pass' where people expect a ton of new stuff (mostly fluff) every 2-3 months.
  6. Since this doesn't seem to be about Hybrid: For PvE: Poison; Condition Soulbeast Build (Instanced PvE) - Hardstuck For PvP: Bleeding (either immobeast or immob druid)
  7. Just wondering if it is on any roadmap anywhere to have a ring that interacts with Conflux the way the PvE ones do? As in, we can't look like a planetarium with Conflux equipped 🙁. If anything, can we get it so that the two of them show up instead of just the one? Need one more ring and holding out on making a second conflux as it is visually invisible...
  8. Some helpful tips: - Don't queue in the sPvP lobby - Don't play unranked - If your team gets salty on a loss in ranked, ignore the insults as they're inevitable in a competitive mode - If someone whispers you after, you can either engage if they are explaining a point of view, or block if they're just being stupid Should cut out at least 80-90% of the toxicity. Or has for me. Also, to add, this really only applies to 5v5 seasons. For 2v2/3v3 either best not to queue or understand what you are getting into, as its twice as bad due to the pure TDM nature.
  9. Both of these are showing why you probably should leave sPvP out of your debates. Anet fix sharpening stone plz.
  10. Seconding opinion that premade should be tournament only. Even at current for 5v5, duos can be a good or bad thing, they don't always mean a win. It is entirely possible you get matched with a terribad duo and lose everytime because you are missing a slot for a competent player.
  11. This makes some sense, but also needs to allow for the skilled that do not wish to run meta. I almost always havoc, never run meta, rarely die, but always stay out of EBG. On a ranger of all things. So often I'm invited to random tags if I'm not in a group, and it seems to work out. Siege wars is probably the closest to 'proper' WvW (not that I like or use siege myself). It's a weird misconception that people put elitism and 'skill' into WvW when it's a hybrid PvE mode with bloated stats like cele. Skill tests are for sPvP, or at least as close as we can get because sPvP operates on a much more defined ruleset. As for the toxic, they are also mostly simpletons. Just challenge them to a duel whether you expect win or lose, most times it ends the interaction there. Typically, if they do duel and you do lose it ends the 'skill' debate because they are placated and you gain some experience from it. If you win the duel, there's 99% chance they become friendly or block you--either way, no more toxic.
  12. Of course 'top 250' doesn't mean anything when you can be a forum warrior--may I ask what you placed last season in 5v5? And what you played? As stalling catas / spellbreaker bunkers on point is a little past 'some noobs that don't know what cleanses are'. Glad Paper Roll agrees though--maybe if any dev is reading this they'll actually listen now that someone linked a (somewhat) well known YT'er.
  13. Fixated, becuase that's the literal way you use the weapon--see the highest benchmark condi on snowcrows: Condition Untamed Build | Guild Wars 2 Ranger Builds | Snow Crows You use splitblade and sharp stone constantly, and cancel WD ASAP as it's a filler skill. I know, I know--but that's an Untamed! Well, here's the 10k less condi slb variant: Condition Soulbeast Build | Guild Wars 2 Ranger Builds | Snow Crows Which is...oh yeah, opening with poison volley then using dagger (and poison volley) on a loop while you share vulture stance with others. Since this is snowcrows and these are the highest raid benchmarks and the ideal situations to get the most stacks out of anything I'd think it's also the best debate reference we have for this. Competitive is a bit muddier (sometimes literally when it comes to ranger), but stacking poison damage there is a bit of a bold choice when either pure power (pvp) or hybrid/cele (wvw) is usually what I face/see recommended--and on those it's the power damage doing the killing, not poison stacks. Which I think also falls in line with what you are seeing with OWP as you'd want the power damage to run that skill, its not great for pure condi application when you can just entangle someone into viper's nest or something.
  14. Discussion is opening to condi druid now and not bleed druid, these are two very different things. As you simply don't take traps on bleed druid (outside of potentially healing spring), it's too wide of a focus to be effective. I'm also not just randomly talking here, I've roamed with pure bleed druid over the past two years in WvW in every tier, played it in 2v2/3v3 PvP seasons, and have gone top 250 this last season with it.
  15. Oh no, I know what I'm asking for, because right now the skill is utter trash. Not used in any build anywhere. Firstly, I don't know why you give two power attacks of an example of how to apply a condi burst, but ok. Your condi 'burst' skills on ranger are going to be either poison volley or split blade, if you are running rapid fire or whirling defense it's for the power damage and not for randomly applying poison. Also, the stacking figure is also extremely facetious as I'm guessing you've taken that number from the wiki based on Leader of the Pack sharing; you can't stack 36 with a single soulbeast and I'm trying to find a situation where even 24 is possible, since even on shortbow it doesn't double up the poison stacks when you use OWP. Also, since poison fields already apply weakness on combo I'm also not sure where you are getting 'bloat' from by adding weakness as a defensive component. Weakness is already found on axe 3 with chill and bleed, and on warhorn with daze, so your 'bloat' has been present for a long time on ranger, and is consistent with their balancing.
  16. Could make it a stack mechanic then. Vulture stance would proc 10 stacks of poison and AoE weakness, along with keeping might on hit at the interval. All I know is right now it's only taken in PvE, as there's no defensive component for it to be taken in competitive.
  17. Forgot about the Black Moa you say....
  18. Not really, sharpening stone is the literal 'burst' to bleed druid. Or was--I mean, still can do it but have to be far more careful now due to the CD penalty. I'm not super surprised people are confused at this though because bleed/immob has been higher skill for a while now. They've nerfed it many times and now must rely on knowing your pet / CC combos and staff to really even be effective. I just hate how some act like it never was a thing though when over time it's been complained about fiercely.
  19. Griffon is meme, yes. I can agree with Vulture Stance CD reduction, and (obviously) agree with Sharpening Stone CD reduction 😃. They also need to fix Vulture Stance so that spread attacks like splitblade give 5 stacks of poison / might and not one. It puts it in line with how sharpening stone works (i.e. sharpening stone + axe #2 you get 10 bleed stacks) and gives a good burst option. Not sure Vulture needs to break stun though. If anything, AoE weakness would go better with the poison theme and leave the stun breaking to Dolyak.
  20. I have to see this 1 hit death. I have I think 24k HP and 2.5k armor as a Druid and have never been one shot. Been close tho to nade engi, but that was more like 2-3 hits and I was at really critical HP.
  21. Basically. They don't want too many people dying to LB ranger so we can continue to have complaint threads about bunkers and thieves. Just like Signet of Renewal continuing to be useless in WvW as it just sucks the conditions from everything around the pet and yields nothing for the actual Ranger. I haven't really even tested the Empathic Bond changes because of this, as the F2s for me are also bugged to where they must be spammed. So I don't know if the 2 conditions have a range to be within or not--I just keep using WK. Agreed; they are being purposefully obtuse at this point.
  22. Defense should have rewards, wall/gate repair should not. Or at least should only reward during specific intervals (like every 5 min). Need to reward active fighting inside a structure.
  23. in4 'We have temporarily disabled PvP while we address an issue. We will update you once this is resolved.'
  24. Oh, no we've been public testers since game launch. They really should put a sticky PSA on this, but probably bad PR to say there is no test server for WvW as all tests depend on live players to see if they work (for some reason).
  25. I see I got the thief mains riled; which honestly isn't all that hard. I guess since ranger is the natural predator to thief? There's enough active defense / teleport spam going on now to safely avoid Sic' Em longbow most of the time though (assuming that's what easy kill ranged combo means). This goes for any class really.
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