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Everything posted by Kelly.7019

  1. nothing special just what it looks like, thought a video would be easier:
  2. what are your computer specs- just curious, your images look amazing, are you using any special shaders or mods? max graphics?? curious what i need to do to improve my images. ๐Ÿ˜„
  3. Revamp scribbing into solo thing hear me out! As a Beetle track enthusiast โ€“ what if you could build tracks across multiple maps? I first started thinking about this like how it use to be with every new xpac we got a new guild hall. Sure some only used it for conveniences but I always looked forward to decorating new areas, people could decorate parts of it for their homes or what not, Iโ€™m sure other decorators liked that to a degree but even more so as mounts came out in PoF and we got to relook at GH +LP for new ways to move through it. IoR gave us new opportunities to build more tracks. Too bad we didnโ€™t get one with Soto. The logic probably is people donโ€™t use guild halls much anymore, but I think the gods are thinking of it the wrong way. What if they made these guild hall maps purchasable with gems and gold? Now this goes back into my housing idea in part - apartments, 1 โ€“ 2 bedroom homes, small houses, and large houses mansion maps. These mansion maps could also vary in size small to large. Ya know the space around the home. That space you could build massive tracks in. Some of these maps could be bought with gold and gems, maybe some only with gems. Now keep in mind you donโ€™t wanna price out solo players/ small guilds so having some massive mansion maps purchasable with gold would be good. And obviously solving the only X number of people in an instance thing should be worked on as well. Another bonus to solo vs guild would be to have it not party based, meaning anyone in your friends list or in your guilds for instance could have access to visiting your house even if you arenโ€™t online. For track designers this would be great or just anyone that likes to decorate- letting other view your work is always fun. Just the idea of switching maps to build new tracks seems appealing to me. Current method of having to retake a guild hall after youโ€™ve already claimed it once before and switching and then switching back and having to claim it again kinda sucks, and the 100g price tag each times is already there. The difference in solo is once you buy it you have it forever. 100g for mansion maps also already has precedent if the gods wanna go that route. I currently have IoR and am wanting to go back to WH with all the track pieces we now have that I wasnโ€™t able to use before our guild moved out of it, but imagining the ability to move to even more maps and build more tracks is just super appealing to me. ๐Ÿ˜„ p.s. often times in the comment sections of beetle track builders videos you see many who wish they could ride their tracks. Could be possible if the gods deem it so.
  4. "Really I wouldnt worry. It will take you a looot of time and content before you might feel the content drought some that are playing for years are experiencing. And you can always take a pause and come back without losing ground on other players because of how the game is designed." if anet implemented a solo housing xpac that could offset the lack of content people might experience by opening a door to a massive vault of player created content that could be endless.
  5. "One thing that also is, somewhat, worrisome is that apparently Arenanet has chosen the path for mini expansions because they are working on a new game built in Unreal Engine. " so wait. guild wars 3 is coming???? hmmmm >:)
  6. EoD felt like a trial run for the new xpac format. I thought we were gonna get at least a 2nd year of new maps, so disappointed we don't get to go to more areas in cantha. They should have released more maps!
  7. i think a lot of people have their pubs decorated exactly like this https://imgur.com/kpDdPaC. mine is pretty close . i was like hey that's mine oh wait no... its just close ๐Ÿ˜„
  8. garden plots makes sense to a degree- being inside a structure, i'd hope we get a more garden like outdoors growing area (kudzou) if we had solo homes inside an instance. I don't care for the pong aspect of fishing, This is how anet designs things- the opposite direction time and time again of where i want it to go. If you believe in Fashion Wars - housing is just an extension of that arm. Decorate your house the way you decorate you toon, personalize it, make it your own. So many possibilities here, though i'm betting the direction will again be in the opposite way of what i thought.
  9. There is a massive void when it comes to solo scribbing endeavors. So much possibility but anet refuses to go there. Back before HoT launched MANY were excited about decorating. I'd say that number sharply decreased after the realization the gods misled everyone about it and the problems with it at launch, which most of those problems still exist today and the gods say its tied to the limits of the game, but i'm not so sure. Though i would like to hear a more indepth explanation of how other games decorate. I am limited to the knowledge of ESO (instanced) and Archeage (open world) I think building off the already existing instanced approach with gw2 would work best. (though i always wished we'd have a more archage approach with gardening/ growing plants outside your house - rather then the garden plots we got. But this is an example of how anet would do something other games do. a direction i don't like. Even though if you have the Legendary Long Bow Kudzu you do have access to a garden in Mount Malestrom- so this Archeage like idea was clearly possible in gw2.)
  10. Wow i first read this as 66% of the community like this then a half second later i realized only 6 people voted. ๐Ÿ˜ž
  11. I wonder if you polled all the guilds in the game how many of them get donations from their player base for decs or if they even do decorations. I wager once most saw how expensive it was a lot gave up hope or bothered with decorations. Still obviously some do it, but again from what i see it's mostly dedicated interior designers/ architects that decorate and its mostly them doing it for themselves. And from my understanding the reason its super expensive is because they purposefully don't want a bunch of decorations clogging up peoples computer making them run slow when they load into the guild halls (too bad that already happens). I just wish they'd add some kind of solo decoration into the game, but i'm also sure if they did that it would be in the opposite direction (like everything else) of where i want it to go... so blah blah snore...
  12. cheap... WRONG!!! 3 of them are for BIG GUILDS (or whales) Scarred Ice Monolith - 100 snowpiles - 118g (snowflakes alone) Scarred Ice Sheet - 80 snowpiles - 94.40g Scarred Ice Spike - 80 snowpiles -94.40g in fact all four are for big guilds Springer Rental Post - 250 snowpiles -312.50g +/- gold for snowflakes alone (if my bad math is right- big if :D) ๐Ÿ˜ž ๐Ÿ˜ž ๐Ÿ˜ž - there are a lot of solo / small guild decorators from what i can tell, this is too much. - every time i see 50+ of a token that's the gods saying don't make more then 1 (if you can) or 2 of these things...
  13. Story: length fine but yea unspectacular - 0.5 Map: cool look, but way too tiny - 0.5 Meta: feels boring - 0 Convergences: more fun than Rift Hunting, but rewards could be better - 1 New Relics: didn't notice, don't care much though they don't seem to do much- 0 Wurm's Enrichment: fun! isn't a hidden cheevo and much easier to obtain then Otter's Blessing - 1 Cosmic Observatory CM: didn't bother, don't care - 0 Fishing: haven't bothered, don't care, you ruined fishing - 0 Legendary Armor: 3rd map currency grind -meh- begins now - 0 Wizard's Vault: barely anything new. 1-2 new thing i think. meh - 0 Decorations - there are new decoration items, but zero decs as rewards. massive grind for account bound map mats to craft decorations and u need on avg (2-5) sometimes more. 1 wall u need (20), what are you going to do with only 1 wall? (for ref i only have 35 map meta chests from amnytas. that means it will take me several months just to make a few decorations after i save what i need for legendaries. ๐Ÿ˜  - 0 | p.s. i don't decorate with a few things. i fill the hall! 3/11 = bad
  14. You know what might be fun and solos would h8 having to roam a map with a group or be at risk of getting killed by the mobs. ๐Ÿ˜„ sorta like zergs in wvw or that section of the vabbi map where the ground hates you! I still say monsters that surpirse attack you might be fun. ๐Ÿ˜„ especially if yer swimming out alone in the ocean by yer self.
  15. my real answer would be neither yes or no but sort of. Initially i wished it was an open world meta or something like rifts that you could farm. but after running it twice failing once. i guess its ok, not what i'd prefer though as i hardly do the other public squad instances as well.
  16. What are the new decorations we are suppose to of gotten?? Oh i read this wrong --> "Many new rewards: minis, guild decorations, armor, weapons, infusions, and more!" so guild decs are rewards??? from where??? (You don't get them from twitch, you cant buy them from vendors, cant buy them with acclaim. seems like ZERO decs as rewards and only can be obtained from grinding inner nayos for map currencies aka NOT REWARDS!!! you still have to craft them yourself.)((shoulda replaced "rewards" with "items" to be more accurate)) After a quick partial scan i only noticed Kryptis Stairs came here to make my life easier finding them, guess i gotta check out the wiki dec page, since i see nothing here. okay so after another quick look found a few more i see about 8 Kyrptis named things https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Decoration/Architecture oh but all the decs need multiples of "Clot of Congealed Screams" which you only can acquire from Inner Nayos: Hero's Choice Chest (choice) which can also be bought for 250 calcified gasp (just for reference i only have 35 of the Amnytas hero reward chests) and both the clots and gasps are account bound ๐Ÿ˜ž So clearly they don't want you to make too many of these decorations ๐Ÿ˜ž ๐Ÿ˜ž Kryptis Stair Kryptis Bush Kryptis Door (tall and Wide) Kryptis Goo Plane Kryptis Pillar Kryptis Platform Kryptis Square Kryptis Wall ========================================================================================================== honestly this feels like a minor update (self edit: probably cause i only care about a few things) and the things i like about gw2 isn't the direction they are going ๐Ÿ˜• instanced convergences every 3 hours??? -yes it's like those other public/squad instanced things i guess, kinda wished it was open world though. wiz vault doesn't seem like much of an update, the legendary box has 2 of the same possible weps in it as last time. mastery track seems like filler not a fan of story Inner Nayos map seems tiny (someone in map chat said its only 1/3rd of map, but can't find anything to confirm this) relics - i could care less about, it doesn't feel like they do much. (Only using 1 relic at the moment that seems fun, maybe that because i can actually see the effects) challenge mode- nope don't care. (i accept its a thing but, blah blah snore) the armors in the wiz vault - nope don't seem worth it at all to get. What new things am i doing in this release?? just gotta add convergences to the rotation, and grind inner nayos though i really dont want too. that's it pretty much. I'm already tired of the new map unlike at this time with Amnytas and Skyland I had more things to do in them. ๐Ÿ˜ž
  17. I don't see how rotating form a horizontal plane to a vertical plane would be that hard.
  18. they really need to make these 3 changes most of all, plus several others mentioned way back when it was released with HoT rotate objects on all axes -x-axis, y-axis, z-axis (being able to turn decs upside down would be great!) ((For the devs thinking about and designing the 3D aspect, all sides of a decoration - for the player would be great fun to see how players use it in their creations and give a lot more options to peoples creativity!!!)) be able to scale decorations (smaller and larger) be able to sink objects into the floor My first idea with decorating was an underwater sea cave in Gilded Hollow. I was soooooooooo disappointed when i realized i couldn't place decs underwater, after i had maxed scribbing for that specific purpose. That was my first Welcome to gw2 decorating! It just went downhill from there. ๐Ÿ˜ž
  19. i can't helps it i love decorating, it had so much potential, i'm sorry but... You see in game these assests that are big and kinda cool looking, then you notice we got them as new decs and yer excited, then you go to craft them and they are smaller then they should be, plus the amount of gold they cost to make! WHAT!!! (Reaching Twisted Dead Tree, Writhing Twisted Dead Tree)= they are big in the labby and tiny in the guild hall ๐Ÿ˜  or the opposite happens. You see cool decos that are great for rp or interior decorating things you would assume are small, look them up on the wiki and the items are freaking huge, it's just totally random what you are going to get. do different people make the decos everytime? there seems to be no structure to it. ((or the stucture is 2 crappy decs, 1 cool dec and a mount sign - ๐Ÿ˜„ )) plus as a bonus which may be good/bad it seems like they are making decs no one is asking for. I've wanted those different sized candy corn displays all around LA forever and keep getting random things instead. I mean we got a crane and a bunch of netted crates one time for the zepher um fest four winds? Maybe if it was a part of a pack of a lot of other decorations(30ish) that might be okay but as the main 4 decs for a festival u get that??? No serious attention is being put into decorations clearly. "What is the least amount of work we can do- to give em something"- feels like their direction. Yes, sometimes its cool and we get some really fun things, (and everyone has different perspectives on what those are) but that's a rarity.
  20. as usual. they clearly aren't putting real effort into it (raptor sign post- they just shuffling thru all the mounts now), so why are they still bothering. either #1 make cool decs each cycle that decorators want #2 revamp scribbing (real effort) either with a big update or used in anew way in a new xpac(which would probs be a better fit for even attempting this) #3 stop it, just stop it already (i was cool with the final death of it all with soto until i realized it didn't stop and they are just stringing us along for what?)
  21. yea my old keyboard above was almost dead, it was obvious...
  22. What are they this year? "New Halloween-themed guild decorations have been added." I see... Reaching Twisted Tree https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reaching_Twisted_Tree Writhing Twisted Tree https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Writhing_Twisted_Tree anything else?
  23. true true, but i like all the deep water you can play in, make skiff races, make yer own islands out beyond the invisible borders, massive beetle tracks way out in those areas [which btw high up some of those invisible border disappear] it's a much bigger hall once you realize where the invisible doors are. [mine for instance] and laying those djinn portals on the edge of invisible walls work great!
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