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Everything posted by Kelly.7019

  1. i can't place anything around it because it is outside the border, deep below the waters surface. i know , but i keep asking because this stuff keeps happening! 😄
  2. the area isn't targetable as mentioned. It's way too deep. Whenever things accidentally get misclicked & go outside the border you can kiss them goodbye because there is no way to target them and undo buttons would fix that as you could just undo your last action. This often happens when i'm building beetle tracks in the sky and misclick at a weird angle and miss the floor at my level and it gets sent far far way to the deep watery depths or outside the wall borders.(some weird stuff happens) i can't even target or place things usually at these locations normally so how did it get there? Misclisks love to get stuck in odd places. The first challenge is just finding the misclicks! the 2nd is deleting it. 😞
  3. no undo button here and its "most" not "all"
  4. delete isn't the same thing as undo. Undo automatically removes your last action. Delete you have to target the item to delete it. I can't target this item i posted.
  5. no, there is only a nuclear "WIPE THE ENTIRE HALL" option aka "clear decorations"
  6. If we are going to keep decorating please add an undo button to guild hall decorating! Wiping the entire hall for retrieving 1 misclick is insane and that decoration will instead rest where ever it is most likely forever or until the guild moves halls. Having an undo button that undo's the last decoration placement can really help when building things and for that matter an undo/redo button. Also being able to decorate underwater or just retrieve misclicks under water would be a great addition! You can't always target items accidentally placed underwater below the waters surface as seen in picture nor can you use the decorating tools underwater so again, this decoration will stay unused forever in the deep watery depths. 😞 example: https://i.imgur.com/AJ1Urz5.jpghttps://imgur.com/AJ1Urz5 btw the rectangle is a long race track decoration in the photo
  7. In WvW the "block of Tofu" food item only lasts for 2 minutes though the tool tip says it lasts 30 minutes. Notice the tool tip time vs my clock in the top right corner. Only 2 minutes pass and already i'm malnourished. 😞 https://i.imgur.com/gGlT37g.jpg @10:46 https://i.imgur.com/MmEOsqA.jpg @10:48 https://i.imgur.com/L5VS4MN.jpg (nourishment 30m) its free food that comes outta those wvw chests but i noticed last week this occured as well.
  8. So tonight when i queued up some people got in others got a really high queue, but i got a queue of 3 which i thought was pretty good. Then people that got high queue numbers, there queues started to drop. Some who got numbers in the 60's started falling to the 30's then 20's in a matter of minutes while my number never budged. About 20 min later some of those high queues that were behind me in line, jumped over me and got in while i was still sitting at 3. Several others in my guild were also sitting at 3, never seeing it move. By now i'm debating is this a fake queue will it ever move or do i requeue and get thrown to the back of the line at 80+? 😞 Luckily i chose to stick with with because everyone who was in queue decided to go to Eotm and that was actually kind of fun*. Finally after about 34 minutes i noticed my number fall, so i guess it's not a fake queue just a massively broken one. https://i.imgur.com/FX4QSto.jpg @ reset https://i.imgur.com/Qb6DL2b.jpg 20mins later https://i.imgur.com/slAow9C.jpg 34mins later it moved! it's not a fake Q https://i.imgur.com/x5F1Akh.jpg 36min later Q popped I should also point out 36 minute wait isn't so bad, but when your number never moves and you think it's broken/ a fake queue or question if you should requeue then you'll most likely never get until everyone else logs off, all the while others around you have their numbers falling, yea that is a bad sign! *I wish in Eotm that you could get pips or have a separate map specifically for people in queue which i guess is what Eotm was for , but you should be able to get the same rewards as wvw maps while you wait, just the score doesn't matter.
  9. Someone mentioned this the other day and i forgot about it on reset night but maybe it would be nice if you get queued for wvw the option to join Eotm while you wait pops up. Now i guess i'm weary of leaving map cause i think it will mess with my Queue but maybe that is an old problem that has gotten fixed? NEways Eotm is a good reminder of something to do while you wait.
  10. true warclaw is also a problem i've noticed. I don't know why it can't be coded when you are using something like: warclaw, skiff or musical choir, that takes priority! Musical choir would be great if regardless of how you keybind, to default the binds upon entering the instance (or adding an option to save your binds like a template) and then the player can default them so the buttons line up with what is on screen. Then you can revert back when you leave the instance. Or better yet IT CAN BE CODED THAT WAY!!! (Muscle memory for attacks is one thing, trying to play the piano is something else.) 😄 PRIORITY of what you are using should be the dominant action and when you are not using it your normal binds take priority. Using 1-5 should not matter. Otherwise allowing players to keybind however they want causes hidden problems that apparently you ignore to fix! Keybinding 1-5 with the first 6 mounts (raptor, jackal, springer, skimmer, griffon, skyscale) doesn't break them or interfere in any way or break your weapon skill attacks, So why are warclaw and the skiff broken? How did the code change??? p.s. i agree with Warmth.7321 - i've grown so use to using 5,4 on the first 6 mounts that it's too hard to change that now. So the skiff and Warclaw Sniff are just gonna permanently have a dead keys until they fix it ._ .
  11. 1) I sort of wish they would change the rules for joining at reset or anytime. Log in, select which map or reset map you want to join, queue up and grab a number! So when reset happens the game fills the maps based on this line first. 2) There is no need for thousands of people to spam the gate at 10:03 and pray the anet gods let them into the game. It sucks that you can login 1hr - 30 mins before reset. Wait at the gate while you see more and more people show up. Score clears out, resets, gate opens & you hit the button to join and nothing happens, it glitches out for you and you get stuck in a 38 person queue. 3) If that's not bad enough, since its reset you get to wait an 1hr+. Slowly it ticks down you're sitting at number 4... maybe 30mins later and if the client dc's you from the game there is no saved seat for you when you logback in 5 seconds later and are thrown at the back of the line at number 33. There must be a way to detect if someone logs out vs getting interrupted/ dc'd. I mean the game gives you a message so they must know you didn't log off. It'd be nice if there was a small window/ saved seat if you can log back in quickly. (sort of like if you get dc'd from story you don't have to redo the entire thing/thrown at the back of the line)
  12. Wait, what is the queue bug people are referring to? being stuck in queue, que pops and being stuck in queue again? or the whole queue system having problems at every point or the queue system on joining @ reset and the system glitches out and does nothing when you hit the button and doesn't allow you to join and throws you and the back of the line after you've been waiting for 30mins to 1hr while you watched more and more people show up after you?
  13. 1) I sort of wish they would change the rules for joining at reset or anytime. Log in, select which map you want to join, queue up and grab a number! 2) There is no need for thousands of people to spam the gate at 10:03 and pray the anet gods let them into the game. It sucks that you can login 1hr - 30 mins before reset. Wait at the gate while you see more and more people show up. Score clears out, resets, gate opens & you hit the button to join and nothing happens, it glitches out for you and you get stuck in a 38 person queue. 3) If that's not bad enough, since its reset you get to wait an 1hr+. Slowly it ticks down you're sitting at number 4... maybe 30mins later and if the client dc's you from the game there is no saved seat for you when you logback in 5 seconds later and are thrown at the back of the line at number 33. There must be a way to detect if someone logs out vs getting interrupted/ dc'd. I mean the game gives you a message so they must know you didn't log off. It'd be nice if there was a small window/ saved seat if you can log back in quickly. (sort of like if you get dc'd from story you don't have to redo the entire thing/thrown at the back of the line)
  14. I sort of wish they would change the rules for joining at reset or anytime. Log in, select which map you want to join, queue up and grab a number! 1) There is no need for thousands of people to spam the gate at 10:03 and pray the anet gods let them into the game. It sucks that you can login 1hr - 30 mins before reset. Wait at the gate while you see more and more people show up. Score clears out, resets, gate opens & you hit the button to join and nothing happens, it glitches out for you and you get stuck in a 38 person queue. 2) If that's not bad enough, since its reset you get to wait an 1hr+. Slowly it ticks down you're sitting at number 4... maybe 30mins later and if the client dc's you from the game there is no saved seat for you when you logback in 5 seconds later and are thrown at the back of the line at number 33. There must be a way to detect if someone logs out vs getting interrupted/ dc'd. I mean the game gives you a message so they must know you didn't log off. It'd be nice if there was a small window/ saved seat if you can log back in quickly. (sort of like if you get dc'd from story you don't have to redo the entire thing/thrown at the back of the line)
  15. with the broken queue bug- maybe let people join the queue when they log on and grab a number so idk ten thousand-ish 😄 people aren't clicking join at reset at the same time?
  16. So still MASSIVE PROBLEMS with the queue bug that is STILL BROKEN?!?!?!?! This has been going on forever. You login 1hr - 30 mins before reset. Wait at the gate while you see more and more people show up. Score clears out, resets, gate opens & you hit the button to join and nothing happens, it glitches out for you and you get stuck in a 38 person queue. If that's not bad enough, since its reset you get to wait an 1hr+. Slowly it ticks down you're sitting at number 4... maybe 30mins later and if the client dc's you from the game there is no saved seat for you when you logback in 5 seconds later and are thrown at the back of the line at number 33. "words that i cant say"
  17. I forget who it is or where the list is but someone compiled a huge list of possible decorations based on assets already in game. Some of those were good ideas for decorations!
  18. Maybe- but those could be just guild hall decorations. Maybe housing decs would be a different system or category? but yer right it would be easier just to dup it all. Still for solo decorating [they would/ would they] have to reduce the mats required which means going back and reviewing every decoration, so... yea idk on that.
  19. this is why they really need an undo/redo button. The thing i do is try to remember the target line i was standing at and then look in the direction usually far down below where it might be and spam the area with the large delete button. (kind of like my own metal detector) Usually you can highlight the item to find it. IF i can't find it from where i'm at cause its too far then yea the hunt is on. Only other option is to wipe hall but i never do that for 1 dec and figure when we move halls for the next xpac we'll get it then. 😞
  20. it looks really close. that's kinda sad. same colors? it's definitely fishy. 😄
  21. The FO4W page (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Festival_of_the_Four_Winds_2022) lists 4 new decorations - Dock Crane 10 steel ingots, 20 Hard wood planks, master's Finishing Kit, 20 Zephyr Lanterns - Windmill Wheel 20 bolts of Linen, 20 Hard wood planks, master's Finishing Kit, 20 Zephyr Lanterns - Netted Crates 20 bolts of jute, 20 green wood planks, basic Finishing Kit, 10 Zephyr Lanterns Pulley Hook underwhelming decs imo. the windmill wheel might be fun, but i don't really want to build any of these to get a 3d look at them.
  22. I'm curious as to why people use these forums. I remember not even knowing they existed until years after i started playing the game. (Seeking information outside the game wasn't part of my game.) So what are your reasons coming here rather then going somewhere else?
  23. Ya we already have the concept somewhat with being able to decorate our toons. And look at the popularity and gemstore sales on that. Knowing how they roll, they could make money thru gemstore sales with a housing system too.
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