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Everything posted by Loke.1429

  1. The way they nerfed signets instead of the trait will hurt many other specs that were already underperforming (which is annoying). I guess it was a catch 22 for them, keep trait and nerf other things (e.g. signets), or roll back an interesting mechanical change (i.e. hard to make mechanical changes without this result). I mean I want them to keep making changes, and that means builds will get affected, some for the better some for the worse. I just wish they would pay attention to staff, or make pistol 1200-1500 range. It's like they want ele to be support or melee bubble brawler, but I dont want either. Game has way too much damage avoidance mechanics, so it is not something I want to see more of. I simply want the ranged mage-esque damage dealer that I chose when I started this game ages ago during beta. You can make things "interesting" all you want, with weird squishy brawlers, but dont make that the majority of the options, thats way too skewed into a very specific taste that will not please the majority of the potential playerbase. We need an interesting take on mages, not a bait-and-switch ward/monk/"magic warrior".
  2. @Cal Cohen.2358 a penny for your thoughts. Like I need to know if ranged ele is a pipedream going forward. Meteor, lava font etc. is nerfed to kitten based on pve balance, autos and duals are crawl speed slow, damage is lackluster accross the board for staff, etc. E.g. in wvw there are classes that can stand still without reflect and still tank full bers staff (not even dropping in hp really). Its a joke how neutered dps is.
  3. Agree with OP, since I only play for wvw. Fair to add that some other changes have been impactful since HoTthough, but yeah mostly small stuff
  4. Some poor shmuck spammed very many of my previous posts with negative emote after this. So I guess this suggestion must be amazing! 🤣😂😅 I was happy to see that my fair suggestion unintentionally trigged a moa-troll, since it would nerf toxic gameplay. The reaction made my day. ... On a serious note, maybe it could be 3-600range with 1,5s cooldown, instead of suggestion quoted.
  5. Also Mesmer "Signet of Humility" should get a 3-5second cast time in wvw
  6. Stealth nerfed spectacular sphere in pvp and wvw. Is this an oversight or sneaky patch notes? Also buff ele staff skills in wvw, surprised they werent touched after years of continuous biased pve-based nerfs in wvw. Also no elite signet or similar, or powerup elite skills feels bad man. Staff autos are also painfully slow
  7. Arent these ratings more informative? https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/na/wvw Rating column, not rank
  8. +1 for gunflame nerf, was crit for 22k yesterday
  9. the only broken part about it is that some skills dont have a Line-of-Sight restriction, so that in combination with snap to target is a bug since launch in my opinion
  10. last one: underperforming specs/builds*
  11. catalyst celestial, scepter focus (unblockable knockdown), auraspam, class stacking is unhealthy. Ive seen unkillable trios of catalysts and similar recently. Like 3v6 etc and still unkillable. I agree that there are worse things, but its quite high up there in my opinion. But anyway I shouldnt be saying this, because they will just nerf core and fk me over as well on my staff build.
  12. for wvw staff damage is rather kitten right now on aggressive stats like berserker, and it seems they want it to be like that
  13. and not adjusting wvw because that makes sense... i guess they will nerf core in all game modes now so they can make me hate weaver even more
  14. Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that could prevent the story from progressing during the Air of Mystery chapter of “What Lies Beneath” if the player exited the map while dialogue was playing 2h into eu reset? speechless...
  15. probably third, but at least it is a challenge to dodge that manure 😰 second must be the builds with op defensive mechanics built in, so they can play really annoyingly and spec their stats aggresively, like short bow condi thief or any other thief with elite specs, any ranger elite specs, etc.
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