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Maria Murtor.7253

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Everything posted by Maria Murtor.7253

  1. I remember when the devs said, that defending structures in WvW should be more rewarding. Yet, what is less rewarding than getting a little participation price? Right: Getting nothing. Defending structures is literally a gamble. Repairing doesn't count anymore. Healing people doesn't count. Attacking enemies doesn't count. And even if (and that's a big-kitten if for ya) you manage to take an enemy out, there's still a chance that it doesn't count to the defending event. I was literally standing at a arrow cart for more than five minutes, defending a T3 keep and taking out multiple enemies in the process (and yes: I got WvW EXP while these enemies were standing INSIDE the keep, which is already a ridiculous requirement). I was (successfully) participating in at least 15 defending events this week – and all I got was 8 times of participation. It's the second week of me (probably) not being able of getting the Astral reward for defending 10 structures in WvW, because of the simple fact, that it is too much time consuming for a random chance. And it's freaking frustrating and infuriating. It. Is. No. Fun. Or let's say: It destroys the fun aspect, if your goal is to simply complete your agenda. I know, WvW is more or less the abandoned child at this point. And I see a tiny little point in removing the participation in repairing structures. Which would be bothersome acceptable, if, and only if, the basic system would properly. Which means: - Killing an enemy which was invading the structure in any shape of form during the timer gives participation, regardless of the enemy still being in the vicinity of said structure (escaping); - healing or supporting allies; - fighting enemies and dealing a good chunk of damage (as some sort of requirement, like 20k? I dunno); - and yes: REPAIRING walls and gates should also count. Let's be real here. The amount of people abusing this system is significantly lower than the amount of afk-farmers. "Ich habe fertig!" - Giovanni Trapattoni
  2. Forget about Epach, forget about the Kryptis. The true enemy of this campaign is the red border. It baffles me how this slipped through the testing phase.
  3. Good enough for me. I still have a Rancher, which can join the Vigil. The second skill should make it a nice tool to semi-afk the achievement, while playing something different (I refuse to grind such an achievement with a for healing/support designed weapon. So, semi-afk it is for me.) Can you be more specific, @Shadowmoon.7986? I'm curious.
  4. If I remember correctly, people farmed this Vigil mission in the Lion's Arch sewers with the infinite spawning rats. Isn't this a thing anymore (in theory)?
  5. Also to mention, that the actually instanced story content is repetitive as hell. While playing the new content yesterday, I said to myself: "This is so boring." It felt like playing some sort of looter shooter: Fight another wave of enemies.
  6. Same here. I encountered this game for the first time today.
  7. They are like William Afton. They always come back.
  8. After over 11 years it would be nice if this vanilla event chain could get a long, long, long overdue fix to it getting stucked. I would start by simply disable the Ebon Vanguard event chain, because by "losing" Captain Gregory this event chain gets stuck. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Captain_Gregory It would be more appropriate to simply fix the whole Ebon Vanguard assault by maybe making all the NPC's invincible or something like that. But, well: After 11 years and probably hundrets of bug reports I would gladly take anything at this point to solve this mess.
  9. We at Drakkar Lake got the displeasure to "play" against WSR. They are literally holding two servers hostage at the same time for almost the entire week, while spawn camping the home servers and EB. I don't even know why this server has a link.
  10. Usually joining a Tangled Depths meta map between five or ten minutes before the event starts and waiting for the mushroom. I decide which lane I join/which lane needs people after. Going for the Tarir Meta next (again: deciding on which lane to join after), and finishing the run off with Verdant Brink. I don't care anymore with Dragon's Stand. I simply don't have time to do that each and every day. On topic: It's a shame that not a single meta achieved the fun and reward aspect of the HoT meta events. Someone mentioned the same thing in another thread: They all play differently and provide great rewards. And it's true. Even after so many years these meta events (at least Tarir and Chak and probably Dragon's Stand as well) are always crowded. Nothing which came after (including EoD) can compete with that. I think Alsandar has a fair point: Other parts of the game provide better content than EoD. Daily Strike -> that's pretty much all EoD can offer me.
  11. Meanwhile I'm waiting ten minutes for the 3,528th Treasure Mushroom in the Heart of Thorns expansion to drop a box of nothingness. Super compelling gameplay!
  12. You're describing a way to ease the pain, not how to cure the illness. The problem remains, also from a game-wide perspective.
  13. The Beacon's Flame event is another good example how the event system of this game is flawed and unfair. This event requires players to carry a flame (buff) from the very south of Inner Nayos to the very top. The flame effect has a time limit and can be refreshed during the journey. It's not a hard event. Nevertheless, it still requires a bit of time to do so. It's already one of the events many, many people do not care about, because it's simply an exhausting experience. To make matters worse, if you take too long for your trip, you will classified as inactive for this event. This can easily happen if your buff runs out and you have to start over. Or while waiting the 90 seconds after the gauge is filled. I understand, that there has to be a way to "punish" event leechers. But this is not the way.
  14. I'm in a guild which has EU and NA players in it. All I can say is: It's frustrating, considering we're living in a time and age where accessibility is moving more and more into the focus.
  15. As someone who made a ton of RP screenshots in the past, I can assure you: It has nothing to do with just one Miniature. Working with NPC's in this game is the worst in this game. Your Ranger pet runs around like a freaking moron and Miniatures stop their animations from time to time (restarting the game helps).
  16. My Revenant in the Fractal hub. Pretty much portrayed 1 to 1 from a screenshot.
  17. Spending a whole development cycle to create the perfect recipe for potato salad and the epic questline to unlock it.
  18. The Charr are in a state where even the vanilla /sit emote causes tail clipping (and not just a little. Like 20 % of the tail disappears in the ground). As a Charr player and at this point I'm happy to get some breadcrumbs from the richly laid table.
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