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Maria Murtor.7253

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Everything posted by Maria Murtor.7253

  1. I only play with nice people in fractals and guild members. So, I don't really care about that. Yet, I have my own doubts. I see the cooldown on Heat the Soul, which makes quickness uptime rough (almost no buffer). Or am I imagining things?
  2. It kinda sounds, as if you have second thoughts. Is it not really good at this state of the game?
  3. I'm using this topic to ask: I'd like to derust my Warrior, after the latest update destroyed the banner/quick Warrior. How's the state of quickness Warrior? Is it even playable right now?
  4. I quote myself from the Ranger section of the forum: I miss Fervent Force. For me Untamed was not about Unleash to deal additional damage (if I want to achieve that, I go with Warrior). Untamed was all about this unique Fervent Force mechanic: Reduce your cooldowns by interrupting enemies. That was the gimmick of this class for me. And Unleash was the frosting on top of that. But now it feels like the only thing this class has to offer is an adrenaline mechanic + Pet.
  5. I miss Fervent Force. For me Untamed was not about Unleash to deal additional damage (if I want to achieve that, I go with Warrior). Untamed was all about this unique Fervent Force mechanic: Reduce your cooldowns by interrupting enemies. That was the gimmick of this class for me. And Unleash was the frosting on top of that. But now it feels like the only thing this class has to offer is an adrenaline mechanic + Pet.
  6. I think it's funny that you said, you "know WoW endgame". When I (recently) played WoW as a new player it took me days of external reading, asking and watching videos to understand how mythical+ dungeons work, scaling, old content, raids and many, many other things. And even after three months I still find new complicated stuff. Skipping content as a new player is never a good idea. Funny enough, I had a fierce conversation in WoW about exact the same topic. These "pro players" were convinced to a offending degree, that I should stop wasting their time asking questions about leveling, old content and slowly learning about the game. Instead, I should just buy a instant level 60 item and f off. Because that's the way the game is supposed to be played. (And yeah: Even after slowly adapting into the late game, people in a dungeon were rude about my performance. Now imagine the atomic blast I would have created if I hadn't even a slight understanding how my profession works.) Like Aliam already said: There's almost no need for ascended gear. And even if you want to play fractals, you should not skip the early fractal experience (see the rest of my post), which does not require ascended gear. You will slowly get new gear by simply playing fractals. At some point you will start to get locked behind ascended gear when attempting to play high fractals. And here's where you might feel a bit of grind. But the game also offers you other ways to get ascended gear (achievements for example). If you're unhappy with the gear you got right now, you can get cheap level 80 exotic gear for 20 - 30 silver a piece. Doing you daily achievements once (= 2 gold) is almost enough to 50 % change your characters stats. Doing eight different dungeons = five gold. But before you jump into any impulsive purchase, you should really think about how you want to play your character and what your priorities are.
  7. Gamers are having fun with the Skyscale for four years and will continue to enjoy it, even though more people can engage in the Skyscale gameplay. But Gamers™ don't like that more people going to have fun, despite the fact, that their enjoyment will not suffer from it. "The fanbase is fn exhausting!" - James Stephanie Sterling
  8. With "stuck in story limbo" I didn't mean to be "actually stuck in story" but in a weird concatenation of events which simply don't make any sense, except maybe while wearing a strait jacket and while singing "By Ogden's Hammer - what savings!". (Funny enough, I WAS stuck back in the days because the story part "A Grisly Shipment" was bugged for days. But never mind) This character was created at the very start of the game and was not created in between the time when ArenaNet decided to change the personal story. She fought her way through the entirety of vanilla Guild Wars 2 and Heart of Thorns. And even after talking with Ceera, Tonn's widow, in Auric Basin, the planet of Tyria still keeps spinning and didn't implode (yet). I, on my point of view, do agree with Tachenon's theory and already asked for a accident pension at the College of Dynamics. Still waiting for an answer – and for a race change (not for me but in general. Because in my opinion this whole personal story excuse sounds reasonable on paper, but there are ways to address that).
  9. If that's the problem, I wonder how they handle to create brand new content without getting trapped in their own spaghetti code (which – to be honest – they do from time to time). My oldest character is stuck in a story limbo for about 3,960 days – and somehow she's still kicking. https://imgur.com/a/dbUg75e
  10. Make level 30 and completion of the first two story chapters a requirement for race chance -> problem solved.
  11. Heal Specter was a rare sight since the major downgrade months ago. Removing the revive on Siphon adds another big ouch on top of that. Even though Alac is much easier to apply, it doesn't really matter, because it was never an issue for the Heal Specter. I highly doubt this build rises in favor. It was niche all the time and it will continue to be. Return Siphon-revive and things could look at least a bit different.
  12. You could say the same about Heal Specter's Shroud: Use it to keep Alac up, even though players might not need the healing. But I think it's a bit more forgivable.
  13. Sacrificing the identity of a class or a build to force a new mechanic into said class or build is not the right way. I'm okay with minor sacrifices. But if you take away a core mechanic (like Untamed Fervent Force or the sustain power of the Heal Scourge ), it is not worth the sacrifice. Also: Don't fix what's not broken. What's the reason behind changing quickness on Revenant and keep nerfing Heal Specter? Hasn't this healing profession suffered enough?
  14. Not a fan of the idea of brute forcing alac or quickness into some specs while damaging their gameplay style. Untamed literally brought me back to the game. But with Fervent Force being scrapped, I don't know if I wanna keep playing Untamed. Sure, quickness is nice. But that's not the reason people play this spec. There are enough other sources for quickness already. I don't see a reason to force it into the Untamed. If you want to bring quickness to the ranger so desperately, just introduce it with the next elite spec. Also mixed feelings about Heal Scourge. It would be nice to make Heal Scourge more viable. But for which price? Sacrificing the very unique way of this healer for – again – a boon?
  15. I didn't like (most of) the new content. Solving a energy crisis and emotional problems feels like watching the news. That's not the escapism I'd like to experience. Also, the story and the meta boss and the events to get to him are super repetitive. For the very, very first time I'm literally too bored to do the achievements for this content patch. I agree with Blur: The dinner was the only thing that put a smile on my face.
  16. ArenaNet desperately trying to make the turtle mount palatable. I doubt it's going to work.
  17. Me seeing Chrono Trigger on place 42: No, this list ain't that good. But me, as a gamer, wouldn't place Guild Wars 2 on it either. Guild Wars 1 on the other hand … Maybe?
  18. As I already mentioned in another topic: It is indeed a very good time to open op the Domain of the Winds. I can't really tell if that's the way ArenaNet is going though. Because there is little context with this "energy crisis" ark we are currently playing.
  19. I can only speak from my perspective. But I would be more interested in a story related to the Tengu, which are locked in the Domain of the Winds for 300 years, instead of solving the energy problem of Kaineng. EoD was a very good foundation for opening the Domain of the Winds, which could had led to a whole living story/expansion/campaign introducing the Tengu to the rest of the world. Let us imagine a 30 bucks mini expansion with exactly this: A story related to the Domain of the Winds opening up. Or maybe something inside is happening and a few Tengu are calling out a wind of change in their society, hoping of outsiders to help them out. If Guild Wars 2 would handle this like it was handled in World of Warcraft, we could get story, new characters, new masteries, weapons, armor, strikes (?). And on top of that, Guild Wars 2 could introduce the Tengu as a new playable race after the end of the campaign. If you don't like the race: fine. Then you had content and a lots of things to do/collect with their campaign. And if you like it: You are rewarded even more. Having this or just seeing more Tengu outside the Domain of the Wind only makes sense at this point. It expands Tyrias story and opens up many new ways of new story/content. That is just a small idea which could work. Like I said: EoD is a perfect foundation for that. I'm open for anything similar. So far this sounds much more interesting to me than seeing more green stuff in Cantha and solving their energy problem. But who knows how things gonna turn out in the newest living story?
  20. Started playing World of Warcraft to check out their races. Unlocking some requires actual work: Go through campaigns, level up your character and do a quest chain to recruit them. Took me 31 hours of playtime to unlock the Vulpera. And if you don't like to make your own Vulpera, then you don't have to. But you had 31 hours of exploration, new gear and story. Adding content and combining it with unique rewards is a good thing. Guild Wars 2 already does it in terms of achievements, weapon/armor collections and such, could do more though. I would like to learn/explore more of the other races lore. We had a brief moment in the personal story in which we can study races like the Quaggan or the Hylek. There are still some races we could explore more, especially Lagos. It is nice to learn about cultures (like Cantha). But I'm a bit tired of Human culture. That's why Heart of Thorns was a nice change of pace.
  21. Last drawing probably for a while. The three sisters all together.
  22. Which one? Guild Wars 2 or World of Warcraft? Guild Wars 2 -> yes. World of Warcraft -> no. If, let's say. Guild Wars 2 charges me money for a Kodan race (just for this feature alone), I wouldn't buy this DLC. Because I'm not interested in this race. Depending on if more things come with this DLC, I would give it a shot. If it's a DLC with something I'm interested in (like Largos or Tengu), I would buy it for sure, despite if it's 20 bucks just to play the race. Because that's how I personally want to craft my own experience. How other players would treat this offer, remains unanswered. All I know is that players spend their money on stuff they want – if it's account bags, new template slots or a noodles chair.
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