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Maria Murtor.7253

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Everything posted by Maria Murtor.7253

  1. One of the selling features of EoD was fishing, and for SotO was rift hunting. You can hardly compare that with a glider (HoT) or mounts (PoF). ArenaNet needs to step up their game. I don't see housing as a major selling point though.
  2. It's about new players/fresh level 80 players (obviously).
  3. World of Warcraft has a ton of races to choose from. And I really like the idea of unlocking/recruiting these races to your cause (Alliance/Horde). But you can hardly compare these two games with each other, especially because of the missing voice acting for your silent Vulpera, Worgen, Gnome … I would gladly take a new race for Guild Wars 2 at this point though. I mentioned in the past: Not long ago, I played WoW for the first time in my life, only to unlock and play the Vulpera race. I played for three months and had a good time. And sometime later in the future I will probably play it again. But I guess, players like me are a minority. And I do understand the arguments against a new race. Yet, at the same time I see the (possible) benefits as well. In the end, no one can actually know if or if not the game would benefit from a new race. But I am sure of one thing: Publishing a new trailer for a new expansion that has a new race introduced will create waaaaay more attention in the gaming world than introducing fishing or rift hunting (try to change my mind: It won't work).
  4. There's a lot of ways to improve the selection of items in general. It would be nice for new players who just reached level 80 to have something useful as well, like a set of exotic armor or accessories. A 20 slot bag, a makeover kit, miniature or miniature ticket … Like I said: There are enough ways to expand the selection, as long as it's bound by a reasonable price. I would gladly take a miniature instead freaking Obsidian Shards or Vision Crystals.
  5. I would rather see a lot of weapon and armor skins finding their way into the game and that aren't too hard to obtain (can be still locked behind some challenges). We got enough super expensive legendaries which require lot of effort. Why not split the price and time requirement equal behind (I dunno) five, six or seven new armor sets and a couple new weapon skins (in addition to weapon sets like skyforged weapons). I really don't need another legendary axe skin at this point …
  6. How's the state of Specter healer at the moment? I really liked them when EoD came out. Siphon revive was sick and the healing on the end of Shadow Shroud out of this world. But after they nerfed the heck out of these two mechanics and even after adding some neat group barrier, Specter doesn't really feel that good anymore. And the amount of healing Specter I encounter (which is zero) in fractals, strikes and raids seem to reflect my point of view.
  7. There are two pieces of armor looking way different on medium than on light/heavy: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sanctified_Leggings_(medium_skin) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Foefire_Legwraps_(medium_skin) I think these two pieces look different on medium for all races, not only Charr. Could be wrong though.
  8. Charr player here. In case of armor: Overall it's fine. Could be a bit better, because medium classes receive a different treatment than light and heavy classes. But it's okay for the most part. I still would like to see more customization options by using character creation or makeover kit, especially way shorter claws, other fur colors and patterns …
  9. Seen this event being bugged on Saturday, on Sunday and right now.
  10. I have absolutely no idea how a topic that starts with "How to keep my party alive?" ends with "How to kill my enemies?" Anyway, after the last few days I did quite a bit of healing Mesmer training, and I'm pretty happy with it. Topic can be closed.
  11. I came up for the idea of a new dragon race a while ago. Not sure anymore after this whole "I'm going to sleep" scenario.
  12. Oh, I haven't had trouble or so. Actually, it was okay. Yesterday was Siren's Reef T4, and I actually was the healer for a group which had 2 people never played it before. And, yeah: We did it first try. The perma stability and the condi cleanse were both super helpful. But then, you have scenarios like standing at the Urban Fractal gate: 5 enemies breathing down your neck, 2 players already pretty low on health while walking to Dulfy and also the oil pots raining on you down. Same goes for that moment when you're in the Cliffside Fractal and trying to break the chest seal: Heavy pressure from all sides. When my mantras need to recharge and there are too many enemies for Aegis, it feel like a moment of helplessness. And I already hate it on other healers to sacrifice your own healing skill to help others. I do see all the little sources of healing you got. Like I said: These "oh sheit" moments are the scenarios which worry me. When someone is low or down and the pressure is high. Other healing professions can deal better with their res skills or managing range healing better. Other thing is, what I mentioned, to maintain Alacrity. Trash mobs often die super quickly, so I don't even have the chance to shatter 2 or more illusions (it's okay on bosses). I'm still trying. Like I said: Haven't had much time to practice, and I'm already done with my raids this week. I see the high and wide variety of utility the Mesmer has. But right now I struggle a bit with the question: What can the Mesmer do better (in terms of healing/supporting) than other healers in the game? Why should I bring a Mesmer for, let's say, Harvest Temple instead a Revenant? Or for Raids/Fractals in general?
  13. I've tested the healing Mesmer in Fractals, Strikes and Dungeons today. So far, I played all other (healing) classes. Suffice to say, I'm a bit biased when it comes to healers. First, the good things: It's cool how easy you can swap between Alacrity and Quickness. Same goes for the wide variety of support skills: Mantras, Wells, Glamours – all super effective, if you know when and how to use them, especially Aegis and Stability. Rifle, of course, is a must. Second weapon set has some variety too with staff or shield off hand (playing staff, because I really like Chaos Storm, the extra Chaos Armor and the Illusions/Clones. CC is good, especially when you time it with your Continuum Split. Tanking is also possible with shield and other block skills + Distortion, of course. But then, there's the heart and the soul of this build: healing. And so far, I think healing Mesmer is, in terms of pure healing, the weakest of all classes (at least for me). It's not terrible. But it's hard to compare it to something like a Druid or the new healing Warrior. Compared to the healing power the Warrior staff provides, the rifle feels like a joke. There's no "oh sheit!-button, which you can use to unleash a giant burst heal or revive people (yeah, I guess there's Illusion of Life, but still …). I haven't tested it yet, but I have my doubts I could outheal Vale Guardian or Bone Skinner. And even if it's possible, it's probably not the best experience. Mirage has an Ambush skill with rifle, which provides some extra healing. But this comes with a cost: No Alacrity/Quickness. And that's a no go. Now, I could be totally wrong. Like I said: Haven't tested it much. Made it through T4 Fractals + Recs, Strike missions and a couple of dungeons. It was decent. The high Aegis and Stability accessibility helped a lot. But compared to any other healer, it was rather stressful, especially combined with providing Alacrity (Quickness is way easier to maintain). What's your experience? Any advice?
  14. I want a potato salad recipe. And I want a potato salad achievement with title display for feeding the most orphans with potato salad on potato salad day. Oh, and make it a shiny title, of course, so everyone can see how much I cherish potato salad.
  15. I expect that we win that whole Kryptis civil war thingy. I also expect some of Eparch's forces to build some sort of resistance, which might lead us back to Tyria to deal with 'em. Still hoping for us to finally visit the Domain of the Winds …
  16. The client is showing a error message when trying to login. It's saying something about an invalid code, which is not the same error message as when typing a wrong password. Same goes for a friend of mine. We both live in Germany but in different states. Guild Wars 1 still functions properly. Error Code: 3051:1012:0:0 https://imgur.com/a/q195gWd
  17. After over ten years of saving the world I would rather go back to the Black Citadel, hang out with my Warband and serve the Legions again. What happened with the peace treaty? And what's with the ghost problems? How is the human society dealing with the remaining White Mantle sympathizers and the Centaurs? How's the healing process of the Pale Tree? So many nice little or big stories untold.
  18. Oh, and don't get me started on the state of WvW, where you can fire with three arrow carts in a blob of enemies, and the only thing you're seeing are yellow (shield) numbers, while the blob is steamrolling over everything and everyone in your structure.
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