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Everything posted by DonArkanio.6419

  1. I was wondering, comparing, observating and I thought - is Sharur actually worth the title of a legendary weapon? Now, don't get me wrong because I truly love this weapon and its theme. I really like the whole concept of Orr and I think it fits very nicely into that concept. But looking at it now, in comparison to other legendaries I started to wonder. Does it actually reflect the Orr or is tied to its theme? (Artists made a great job bringing this weapon to life.)I just don't see this weapon having real legendary features and I don't mean things like pillars of light or bomb dropping when you unsheath it. I think it actually helps the weapon stand out in terms of unsheath effects - the delicate sound during day and Zhaitan-like sound during night. The footsteps are very distinct from other legendaries and again - + for diiferentiation. What I'm trying to say is that Sharur feels a bit unfinished. Though its effects are very polished, they are very subtle and unnoticable when you use it in combat, especially when you use it melee as except the projectile effect there is literally no other effect.I really like the day version of Sharur because you see that the magic of Orr infuses you, you hear it and your arms start to flow with magic - That's great! The night version (even thought it's really cool when you look at it standing still) is barely noticable in combat. The effect itself is very dark + the night makes it worse.Where is Zhaitan? The weapon is great but it doesn't embrace its full potential as others do. Claw of the Khan-Ur is a very similar legendary in terms of visual effects but you can clearly see that unsheathing is actually a special moment - you see the cubs and the Khan-Ur, thick orange mist, etc. I'd love to see the actual echo of Zhaitan, its actual infulence, not only corals and bones. Now I want to highlight some of the features legendary weapons tend to have (i'll say which effects are minor and major for me, there are legendaries nailing it down though): major - custom footstepsminor - on-crit visual effectminor - custom unsheath visual effectminor custom arm/s effects for the one wielding the weaponmajor on-swing effects (not all legendaries have that) - great for melee weapons, f.e. Incinerator, Frostfang, Sunrise, Juggernautmajor(for ranged weapons) - custom projectile effects - great for both ranged and melee weapons, f.e. Sharur, Predator, Nevermore, Claw of the Khan-Urminor - custom player aura that stays one the player after unsheathing the weapon - present in the Two-Handed weaponsFor me, major features have the biggest impact on the overall weapon feel when you use it. What's weird about Sharur is that there is no weapon aura which Twho-handed weapons tend to have. There are only arm effects which are pretty underwhelming for a big hammer.What's present in Sharur: custom footsteps custom unsheath visual effect (present during day, with sound - no visual effect during night)custom arm/s effects for the one wielding the weaponcustom projectile effects (only for 1 Revenant and 2 Scrapper skills)So, what effects do melee users have (Guardian, Warrior, Scrapper)? custom footsteps custom unsheath visual effect (present during day, with sound - no visual effect during night)custom arm/s effects for the one wielding the weaponAre these effects satisfying enough?Let's compare Sharur to the Juggernaut.SHARUR vs. JUGGERNAUT (Juggernaut) You've got a big visual tell upon unsheathing the weapon as your player is surrounded by the liquid metal, your armor material changes, you see the serpentine of liquid that falls rapidly. Pipe and orbs are emptied of liquid metal. When you swing your weapon, the liquid metal drops off your weapon and spills around you. Projectiles are the liquid metal itself. Footsteps are identical - you leave drops of liquid metal behind you. (Sharur) DAY: Upon unsheathing, player is infused with the light aura followed by the magical sound. The orbs from the hammer's head are present and then everything but the arm effects disappears. NIGHT: Upon unsheathing, you hear the Zhaitan-like sound and your arms are surrounded by the corals, bones and Zhaitan stuff. Hammer cahnges slightly during day/night - most noticable are the orbs. The mechanism of the hammer starts to work and moves. Projectiles are identical - it's part of the mechanism from the hammer's head. During night the moving mechanism is replaced by on-grown necrotic bones scratching the head of hammer. Footseps vary - you leave drops of ghostly water and occassionally tentacles. We can see that the amount of effects is similar in both cases. Juggernaut has on-swing effect but doesn't have sounds - Sharur has sounds but no on-swing effects.Now, you might already noticed what I'm getting at. Sharur isn't what it could be (thematically). Looking at people who have Sharur I think - Wow, this weapon's rare to see. When someone's using it don't see anything different but the on-arms effect, nothing else. Revenants being the only ranged users having the benefit of projectiles (+Scrappers) can only look at the tiny projectile during combat. Melee users don't have any in-combat benefits. My suggestions: give Sharur the aura that stays on player after the initial burstgive Sharur subtle on-swing effect (for the melee users)embrace the Zhaitan theme during nightThis weapon has a great potential and even though effects are very polished, the weapon feels rushed and skipped when it comes to a legendary weapon. So, the final question - is Sharur worth the "Legendary Weapon" title? Thanks for reading @ArenaNet EDIT: Added on-crit visual effect.
  2. Oh wow, I really like that! Though I'm a big fan of exploring more North, I think you did a great job here. I haven't even thought for a second we might go to the Woodland Cascades although it's so unexplored, and yet so close. I don't really play Asura but I get why people would want to see them in action as they were a bit left over by ANet when Rata Novus and Primus (and the Inquest base) got introduced.This thing is a whole expansion-worth content. I also love the fact that there would be some mobs we see in Core Tyria, they seem to have disappeared in HoT and PoF. This would be awesome if it was truly woodland. Not like a jungle but an actual forest with huge asuran architecture! We could even consider some of the Mursaat lore and stuff while being so close to Janthir's Bay. The feature I'd desperately want in such expansion would be real 5-man content. Long, challenging and Neverwinter-like dungeons. I really miss them and Fractals don't fill the blank space :oI could see Revenant getting GS but I guess we won't (I'm also not a big fan of GS for Rev), because we can see how ANet designs ESpecs. They try to not give the classes (of same armor type) access to the same weapon. 2/3 Heavy have GS, 2/3 Light have GS, 2/3 Medium have Shortbows, 2/3 Light have Swords, 2/3 Heavy have Staves, 2/3 Light have daggers, 2/3 Medium have Daggers, etc.Overall, I love the concept and I'm really looking forward to some Dev responses here. I'm curious what they think about it. Nice job!
  3. Well, Sylvari and Charr Revenants to this day have bugged dialogues with Shiro Tagachi. One of the Sylvari response to Kalla is a copy-paste of one (the only one) with Glint ~~ "Sadly, the world remains a dangerous place."
  4. [sUGGESTION} - New Gem Store backpack A quiver backpack that is on the bottom of the player's back. I really like how "Mercenary's Backpack" looks like and I think it's a good item in terms of irregularity. I love the way the quiver in the Monster Hunter World looks: https://imgur.com/a/gjuOieIhttps://imgur.com/a/UdIhDre
  5. Renegade Utility skills would be great if they were actually a part of the core class. Simple mechanic - easy access and overall interesting concept for a core legend.Unfrotunately as an elite spec, Renegade for me feels very mechanically underwhelming. I don't need abilites doing 4 things at once, just make it interesting to use and it would be already great!
  6. To be honest, the lack of Claw of the Khan-Ur hurts me the most... I think that some people actually like Renegade as it is so we shouldn't expect a total rework (although I wish it happened). So my suggestion would be to change the effects od skills in order to make them synergize. As people already mentioned - all cast times should be reduced by ~50%, especially the Elite Utility. No need for damage buffs or trait changes Update Shortbow #2 and #4, and let #4 be fired from behind (afterall, the arrows go into the portal do why not?). Icerazor's Ire - I'd make this skill actually icy. Make it apply Chill with ICD, so it wouldn't apply 1836272 stacks of Torment with Abyssal Chill traited. If not - take away the Cripple and make it Ice Field. Same with other utilities - give them something to be worth using for. Combo Fields, more effectiveness per Summon, etc.This is a Charr Warband, not some Sylvari Plant turrets.
  7. Demrikov's Judgment We already have 2 weapons used by Envoys. I think it would be cool to be able to get a full set, so my suggestion is the Herald Demrikov's Sword. Obtainable in the same way - via Black Lion Chests
  8. I totally understand you. I am a main guy myself and I really hate the feeling of having this kind of empty character without PS and Map Comp. Not much time to do this stuff anymore and I'd love to be able to just swap race instead of making a whole new character with the same profession.
  9. I'm personally a fan of both ideas but with more realistic approach I think that the race change would more likely to be added since the biggest issue is the personal story - not the entire sets of armors. I'd love to be able to race-swap.I really hope we can have something like this in the future because as people already mentioned - new race doesn't have to share the personal story of already playable ones. It can come with something of their own. About the armors and equipment - I see it this way - Add a new race with mix of its own set of armors - let's say 10 (for a starter) + 10 remade existing armors so they would fit. Succesively enlarge the amount of existing armors for new race and keep up with the new equipment.
  10. The topic of both new race and race change were mentioned a million times but I'm curious - If you had to choose between these two options, which one would you pick? I acknowledge that both of these are very improbable atm
  11. Once (if ever) we go to explore the Unending Ocean this would be a crazy good opportunity to go with the Largos. I like that "anti-hero" idea. I wonder if ANet will ever decide to go underwater.If this will never be a thing I'd go with Margonite / Jotun. I'd love to take a leap back in time to see how Jotun were doing in their greatest time. Woah, Racial Skills reworked into global mastery system? Great idea!
  12. Hey there, I've been playing Revenant since the HoT launch and I was super happy for it to receive the conversations with currently equipped legends. This is something that really gives these legends a lot of character. You can skip this to the second part if you are not interested in reading legends' attitudes while talking to them. We can learn that Jalis Ironhammer is ready and happy to once again join the battle. He likes our presence.Kalla Razorclaw has a bit of mixed feelings towards various races which is also cool. Although I dislike the fact that she bullies our salad-guys :cMallyx the Unyielding thrives for taking the control of us,Ventari's surprised to know that he inspired Sylvari and dreams of being able to feel freedom once againGlint's a bit pesimistic (and she doesn't talk much although it's an alite specialization..) Finally - Shiro Tagachi. There's a big problem about conversation with this legend. His quote - "What has become of the empire in my absence?" The answers vary a bit depending on race but they sound like this: Cantha expelled all nonhumans and closed its borders long ago. After Orr rose, it was isolated further. (asura)Emperor Usoku expelled all nonhumans and closed Cantha's borders long ago. After Orr rose, it was isolated further. (male human)They say Cantha expelled all nonhumans and closed its borders long ago. I hope to find out one day. (female human—voice only)They say Cantha expelled all nonhumans and closed its borders long ago. After Orr rose, it was isolated further. (otherwise) BUGS / PROBLEMS (with Shiro dialogue): Shiro: "What has become of the empire in my absence?" Charr male: They say Cantha expelled all nonhumans and closed its borders long ago. (no second part) <- it's written in the dialogue window but the character doesn't say it. Sylvari male: “It most certainly has” <- Why is that there? The chatlog shows that our character said "They say Cantha expelled all nonhumans and closed its borders long ago. After Orr rose, it was isolated further. " ? This is a bug, please fix it. We waited a very long time for this kind of interaction between our characters and legends. Seems like it is bugged for a bit now.
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