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Everything posted by DonArkanio.6419

  1. Yeah, this name is kind of unfitting there. It's just odd considering what happened there just a few years ago. And the politics don't try to keep the situation transparent. It's all very shady and hateful from the side od current Polish government. As you said. The name could work, but the events and the whole situation is very present. Personally, I don't mind the in-game name but I think it could be changed.
  2. I’d like to not have Renegade in GW2. SB fixes won’t bring anything good if the legend still feels awful.
  3. A fix: Make RotG interrupt or stun or daze nearby enemies. Or, make it give Barrier or Stability.RotG is an awesome skill with a huge telegraph. Let it be powerful while keeping it’s sweet animation.
  4. I don't agree. There are builds that stand above others and are considered OP for a reason. One class (particular build) should not be able to: deal crazy damagehave crazy sustainhave crazy utilityhave a whole set of boons on demandhave access to strong CChave invulnerabilityall at once and on its own. It's never going to be a good design. Sure, Engi at its core is a hybrid class and should be jack-of-all-trades, master of none. Every build must have a weakness.
  5. Just like the above, What is the class it feels worst for you to lose against? Why?
  6. The question is - do we have to kill / replace all the Elder Dragons?That’s boring by itself.
  7. I'm very close to getting the 6/6 Legendary Rune set. I already own a Legendary Armor. When Build Templates will be out, this is gonna be a blast.
  8. Hey, I saw some suggestions regarding this case and I thought about making a poll. I'm not a Mesmer main but I really liked the idea. So it's just out of curiosity. I'd love to know how it looks here and what Mesmer players think about it. So, should Mesmer's all damage be shifted from clones and illusions to Player? I feel like the thing with illusion could be much more fun and reactive if it was just the player doing the damage while illusions and clones are really just a distraction.I think the damage could be a lot more reliable.I know the AI of clones and illusions isn't the best and experienced players can really quickly notice the Mesmer itself. But would you want it?
  9. @Irenio CalmonHuang.2048 I don't really think that Coalescence of Ruin needs both area red warning and damage reduction. It should be just one, and I choose red warning. Hammer on Rev is a very telegraphed weapon, so giving its skills warning should be enough.I think Hammer is a weapon that should hit really hard and be really visible. Coalescence of Ruin is one of the best weapon skills and feels really impactful. Please consider keeping the damage increase while you add the red warning. Oh my god. That is literally so cool that you are posting it. Please, I'm begging you continue to do so.Please please please.
  10. Well, we already have 2 Elite Specs that are Girl-power race saviors. I want something evil and dark. Someone that could be either negative or neutral. A mursaat, jotun, Svanir, Razah, tengu, kodan. Even Krait, but that would work with UO Expac.Enough with the anime edgy GS.I'd go for GS if it was a guaranteed support weapon, so it's not a copy-paste. If we get another Legend that is completely out of place, is kitten and has nothing to do with the current game events Glint will remain the only one who makes some kind of sense.
  11. I too think that there is no distinct gender in the Jormag's voice. It's on purpose. We know Jormag works very differently from any other Elder Dragons. The first three ones were just destroying and recreating into their Minions without a choice (Sylvari were forced by Mordremoth though it was poor-written).Jormag however lures thus creating a cult. Does Sons of Svanir unknowingly worship a female would be a good idea? Absolutely.Does it have to be a female? Absolutely not. It's just the psychology and tone of this voice. At first we wouldn't say it's Jormag, then it became very clear.
  12. No. The issue with VB is that it's a bunch of very long event chains. TD and AB are still done relatively quickly. Most of the day, nobody does the Pylon events in AB or the camp events in TD for the same reason. It doesn't change the fact that I don't like mounts outside PoF. At all. Don't tell me that introduction od mounts didn't make people less focused. Game sped up do badly that even a single event taking too long makes other quit. And just like others said - the existence od mounts makes people without PoF at a disadvantage. A real one.
  13. exept evading while dealing damage is VERY good concept if done right, otherwise you have brainless spam that leads to the win of the person that started spaming first. Then why take the risk? ANet clearly can’t properly design the mechanics so that they aren’t PvP destructive.
  14. And here we are. People say the obvious issues with the PvP. ANet does nothing to fix it. I still don't understand why.
  15. A good idea. I am all for the active gameplay.Though I'm curious whether Devs decide to do opposite. A side note: Thi is how the whole Mesmer should be like. The clones should just be an imitation.
  16. Honestly. Gliders and mounts should be zone-restricted. I get it. People like them, because reasons. But mounts allow to ignore a huge chunk of content that was released in the past - HoT, Core, etc. Mounts are fun, but they are also a major problem.
  17. Too bad that this Bible motif worked against them. I am not a fan of this story as this is purely just a copy-paste. And well, can a dragon carry any (that amount of) emotional weight to make as sympathize with her? It doesn't work for me. I think that a dragon is too distant from us.The Bible could work as a really great tool od used well. Also the fact that the Bible is still very used and present in today-world takes away from the mystery of mythology IMO. I enjoyed moments with Balthazar, Kormir, Joko, and the death of Aurene (it felt really tragic, except we knew she's Jesus so nothing creative there).
  18. I wonder. Maaaaybe Herald and Renegade could use a rework? :disappointed:I know it sounds silly but acutally, I wouldn't mind. Imagine Herald + Shield and Renegade + Shortbow getting a rework. Like a perfect rework, without keeping their "identity (they don't have any)".
  19. I think it's just the way they decided to make Aurene speak. I myself feel it was very forced. It's as if they didn't think of it for the whole PoF and LWS4 and someone reminded them at the very last moment. I love the idea of all 3 crystal dragons speaking to us, really. I just don't think this way was the best we could get. When we met Vlast, he already had the ability to talk, and that actually did not surprise me, since there is a sense of continuity after Glint. As for Aurene. I don't think it's as believable for Aurene to speak. Joko final scene. For me, it not only hurt Joko but also Aurene's character. From this very moment I no longer treated her as this scion of Glint and sister of Vlast but a savage animal - then, her suddenly speaking didn't bother me.This might sound like a hyperbole but the Joko Finale scene actually lowered a lot of my enjoyment of the whole LW experience from then on. Even though there were amazing moments. Aurene speaking isn't cheesy od weird itself. It's just the setting she was given made it less believable. That might be the case, or maybe I'm just going to deep. But I really think that for many people this moment was a big turn off which flattened both Joko and Aurene.
  20. The root is way to strong as a trade off for a selfish heal that can be beaten easilly with unblockables. I actually don’t mind the root either but to have the root shield need to be a strong support and root ahas trade off.Maybe crystal hibernation needs to be a dome as well, and allies affected by that gain x% of damage take is converted to health and condition cleanse by pulse while targets arround crystal hibernation take damage like the crystal is being shattered with the damage received. These are all perfect concepts, you know. There many great concepts that could work 100 times better than what we currently have. Concepts that would keep the playstyle of shield but change it's viability. But Devs have to kitten do something. We have no idea whether Shield is ever going to get changed no matter the ideas. We just don't know, and I feel like every thread trying to suggest solutions to Shield problems is just straight ignored. I want Shield to work like FoN - Changing on Legend. If not, give us Warhorn, this could be nuts.
  21. I'd love Shield 5 to stay a root. But I want it to be powerful enough for it. I sincerely love that Revenant is so different. Since everyw class with Shield can move while blocking - Rev could be the one with root. But make it worth the root.
  22. The problem is that I don't think ANet is concerned this much about the issues with classes except the screamings about nerfs to classes (which are needed) - these take the light from most issues with game. So, if ANet is not willing to address the main issuesj just the trendy ones, my guess id they don't feel like they need Test Server. Even if they do want to have a Test Server, they might not have resources for it. This game is unfortunately running on Confetti-fiesta GemStore skins currently.
  23. The best one would be the first log-in to the game and creating my character. After watching so much content on Beta I loved the painterly art style and jest couldn't wait aby longer! The second best moment was the announcement of Heart of Thorns and Revenant. No other games gave me that excitement. Now, I just wish some things stayed as they used to be.
  24. That's a lot of info you got there. But honestly, I agree. Revenant is a gorgeous concept that just didn't make it to the game full. It feels rushed, feels lacking. Whenever there is a change, even if a good one, it always seems like it could use something more because this just isn't enough. I knew Rev is going to be my fangirl profession once they announced HoT, and sadly, I can't find this kind of enjoyment in other classes anymore. So, I stick to Revenant even though I feel and know it's still in alpha mode. As for the additionals - Renegade is a perfect example of the worst design we can have in modern a MMO. It's a one big number-filler. Even though I love how the Revenant plays, the best thing for it to be truly complete would be a complete rework.Renegade used to have no weapon swap and was about to have a Dagger weapon.We just know for sure that it's not the class it was designed. There are issues going to be left unfixed forever. Perhaps, the Devs could focus n single class updates every patch rather than multi-class focus. This way, in 2 years we could have a fresh-made professions without these horrible designs. Ekhm, Mesmer Clones and Phantasm clutter.
  25. We could go full hybrid if Revenant had Trident Treatment across all weapons. No need to design a specific weapon for it. I think Trident Treatment would give a lot more than a single weapon added to Core.
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