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Everything posted by Sarius.9285

  1. yes. besides entering strikes and the exp boost, there's no way for that insane amount of hubs
  2. might be helpful to name your specs, just so people know
  3. pretty hard when 90% of the games content could be considered "dead" by that logic. Fractals, dungeons, pvp, wvw, Raids, adventures, beetle racing, griffin racing, etc.
  4. literally the first comment here: Living World: Icebrood Saga > Champions
  5. 11 months. That's not really fresh lol
  6. because a litersl discoball or an aquarium are legendaries as well
  7. it definitely needs the first 2, the last 2 not so much
  8. its a Lore thing about the envoys, etc. https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Envoy
  9. well the title you get is "Envoys Herald" because you get all the "Envoy" Armors. But a similar title for the other armors would be cool
  10. or you know...just buy an exotic Armor for like 10 gold....that's a pretty bad argument lol
  11. the pve Back, amulet and runes have the least "grind" runes/sigils just have alot of time gates
  12. in terms of how "useful" they are, especially with multiple characters: Trinkets/Back Runes/Armor/Sigils Weapons ultimately this doesn't matter tho, and weapons are alot more fun to get/have than runes, etc.
  13. maybe ask in a tech forum lol? This isn't related to the game
  14. it's literally 1 mini....if that upsets you that much, I got bad news for you, thers alot of cosmetics/titles you won't be able to get. The game is over 10 years old after all....Also it was your choice to play on steam, the game is free either with steam or without it...I'm starting to feel like the entire steam launch was a massive waste of time
  15. doubt that tbh. From reading and my own experience it seems that the devs, especially grouch are way more active on the sub reddit
  16. well if you press W the character runs in a straight line there's nothing else to it, also not sure what being old has to do with this issue
  17. but only on your screen, others still don't see it
  18. fc doesn't mean fast clear, but full clear. And I don't think there was ever a group asking for raid kp lol. the rest of the comment however is very true
  19. there is not a single story step that requires a group.....why do people think this lmfao...
  20. no it doesn't. You don't even need to do events in there, you can just buy toxic spore samples on the tp and finish the story step like that
  21. there's literally groups for that the entire day, every day They're usually called KO for Kaineng Overlook
  22. personally I just have all slots filled with normal 20 slot bags and the top 15-20 slots filled with consumables like food, weapons, etc. and the rest just gets cleared after every activity
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