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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. @Firebeard.1746 said:

    @"Zok.4956" said:I answered "Yes, I'm spending more time farming relevant achievements/masteries" because there is no better matching answer, but the correct answer would be "Yes, but I'm NOT spending more time farming relevant achievements/masteries"

    I never cared about legendary items in the past because I have more than enough ascended stuff for my main chars and for my other chars I have more than enough exotics. And if needed, I could stat swap ascended gear (or just buy new trinkets with S3/s4 map currency, or gear with raid currency etc etc.). I do not care about the skins and effects of legendary gear.

    After the announcement of the the legendary armory I checked the requirements for legendaries and found out that I already could build two sets of legendary armor and some legendary trinkets from what I already collected over the years. So I build them.

    I do not collect more, but items/currency/mats I collect during my normal play style and that may can be used for legendary items are stored (and not sold anymore or used for other things). I guess, at the time when the legendary armory (if it ever comes) comes into the game, I will be able to build a 3rd set of legendary armor and the last, missing trinket. But I do not farm for it.

    With the freedom of easy stat/infusion/upgrade swapping with legendary gear my playstyle has changed a little. I experiment now more with my build.

    If the legendary armory comes, I hope to be able to use the legendary gear easily with other characters.If the legendary armory doesn't come, I'll still take advantage of the legendary gear I already have.

    How does "no, my play habits are unchanged" not match what you're saying here? It sounds like you did a one-time thing and more or less you're just doing the same thing.

    "more or less doing the same" does not mean "unchanged" but means "changed a little" (as I already wrote).And even a one time change is a change.

    Instead of just presenting the "yes" and "no" answers to the question, you added a sub-case of play habits ("farming relevant achievements/masteries") to the "yes" answer because you probably did not consider that there are other play habits that could be changed/affected. Or maybe you wanted to ask if the "farming habits" of players have changed (but you did not ask that)?

  2. @zOLtAm.7824 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @"Balsa.3951" said:( I also hope to use my legendary gear across my built templates on my main with different cosmetic skins as well a separate helm on helm off/ back item)

    Each char will have their own skin.

    Maybe, maybe not. Maybe you can assign a different skin for every template, maybe not.

    Anet did not say anything about how skins work with the legendary armory.

    They said the objective is to remove the need of use the bank for moving leg items from one char to another. Assigning a different skin for every template is not on the table, based on what they posted, so you can assume they will have the same skin (what is happening today) or each char will have their own skin (as if they have all armor items in their bags).

    Did they actually wrote that "Assigning a different skin for every template is not on the table" or is this your assumption/speculation?

    I think those "legendary armory wardrobe" are too much speculation/personal wishes =/

    I agree. Anet should give us more information about it.

    EDIT: There is nothing wrong with writing personal wishes.

  3. @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:In this game there are a large set of mechanics that in the short term lead to instant player satisfaction (instant gratification) but over the long term, are detrimental on a macro-scale level. The way these mechanics allow for instant gratification create artificial constructs, which end up self ful-filling and further leading to the enrichment of said constructs.

    There are a large number of mechanics to talk about, but the big one I'm going to focus on for this discussion are waypoints, and subsequent mechanics that are effected by having waypoints existing in the game.

    You write about "the game" but it seems that you ignore large parts of the game because you obviously only write about Openworld PvE.

    Every game is (more or less) dying after its release. This game is 8 years old. If waypoints would have such a big impact, the game would already be dead.

    GW2 was designed differently than other games. The interaction with other players happens in the Openworld during map exploration, when players ask for help in map chat, when there are events, the so called "Living breathing world", which was/is a core feature of GW2. The basic design idea for the game was, that players should be happy to see other players at events, doing hearts, etc. (as an example: a consequence of this design idea is the absence of loot stealing in GW2).

    Waypoints (which in the past had to be unlocked first during map exploration) were a faster way to travel those maps that were already explored, so a player could be be faster at events, where the interaction with other players happens.

    GW2 has a lot of problems, but waypoints are not a part of them.

    I think your theory is so biased (Maslow's hammer) that your conlusions are wrong. If the only tool you have is a hammer, you treat everything like a nail.

  4. @Thornwolf.9721 said:Too many game modes have been left to rot, the balance changes feel like destructive knee jerk reactions and it seems like no one cares/enjoys developing the game.Without their enjoyment and passion, the games content becomes a reflection of their lack of motivation/care.

    To me it seems Anet had very ambitous goals to make a game that revolutionaries the MMO(RPG) genre. And they did a lot of things better than in other games. But in the end, Anet missed its own goals with a lot of things and instead on improving on existing game parts/modes/systems they often abandon existing things and start new experiments (which are hit and miss) from scratch.

    It also seems, that they once created a great game, but since then they haven't really understood their own strength and customers.

    I think there are still many qualified and motivated developers at Anet. But the management of the company lost its clear vision and direction for the game a long time ago.

  5. @"Luthan.5236" said:Did you notice anyone putting tons of buy orders at the same/smilar time?

    just look at https://www.gw2spidy.com/item/19976 yourself.

    Before November 7th the buy order volume was constantly around 150k - 180k buy orders.At November 7th and November 8th the buy order volume more than doubled (more than tripled compared to the 150K) to nearly 500k and stayed around 500k until now.

    I would call that "tons of buy orders" at (nearly) the same/similar time.

  6. I answered "Yes, I'm spending more time farming relevant achievements/masteries" because there is no better matching answer, but the correct answer would be "Yes, but I'm NOT spending more time farming relevant achievements/masteries"

    I never cared about legendary items in the past because I have more than enough ascended stuff for my main chars and for my other chars I have more than enough exotics. And if needed, I could stat swap ascended gear (or just buy new trinkets with S3/s4 map currency, or gear with raid currency etc etc.). I do not care about the skins and effects of legendary gear.

    After the announcement of the the legendary armory I checked the requirements for legendaries and found out that I already could build two sets of legendary armor and some legendary trinkets from what I already collected over the years. So I build them.

    I do not collect more, but items/currency/mats I collect during my normal play style and that may can be used for legendary items are stored (and not sold anymore or used for other things). I guess, at the time when the legendary armory (if it ever comes) comes into the game, I will be able to build a 3rd set of legendary armor and the last, missing trinket. But I do not farm for it.

    With the freedom of easy stat/infusion/upgrade swapping with legendary gear my playstyle has changed a little. I experiment now more with my build.

    If the legendary armory comes, I hope to be able to use the legendary gear easily with other characters.If the legendary armory doesn't come, I'll still take advantage of the legendary gear I already have.

  7. @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:I mostly play with pugs, and I feel like the build excels its best in this setting since there are a lot of holes in comps. I know you can't really take pug v pug fights to prove a build's legitimacy, but at the very least I have an absolute blast playing it.

    "Playing with pugs" could mean a lot of different things in WvW. If you mostly play with pugs and not with coordinated groups, just play the build you have the most fun with.

    I don't feel like I am playing some useless snowflake spec, I feel like I am playing something that has a strong impact on fights despite not being meta.

    I do not say that you are a snowflake, but a lot of snowflakes think the same until they see (and compare) the numbers. :)

  8. @Strider.7849 said:

    @Danikat.8537 said:The exotics must be purchased in order to unlock the ability to purchase the ascended.

    not quite exact.

    T1: only exoticT2: exotic + ascended. ascended works as precursor for legendary with the same skinT3: only ascended. ascended works as precursor for legendary with the same skin

    T1 you get from the reward track box.T2 can only be purchased if the matching T1 skin is unlockedT3 can only be purchased if the matching T2 skin is unlocked.

    If you want to buy the T2-ascended, you only need the matching item/skin from the reward track. No need to buy an exotic.

    Only if you want to buy the T3-ascended, you first have to buy the matching T2-skin-item. You should buy the T2-exotic for this because it is cheaper. But of course you could also buy the T2-ascended to unlock the skin for the T3-ascended.

  9. @LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

    @"Obtena.7952" said:To be fair ... the only reason 'grinding' increased was because Anet added more stuff to do. It's funny that the counter complaint would be "need new content".

    A lot of the achievements are objectively grindier now than they used to be. More importantly, a lot of these grindier achievements are now mastery point gates or directly tied to story meta completions. The biggest offender of these is Morale Breaker requiring a ridiculous amount of hours spent on the Cold War strike (FIFTY TIMES. It’s ridiculous). Or other things like “do all the light puzzles 3 times.” In previous years it would have been “do all the light puzzles 1 time.”

    Obviously they’ve done grindy achievements in the past, but lately the sheer quantity of them is higher than ever and most of the old grindy ones were much more optional than the current ones

    this^^ is what really lit up some warnings signs for me this year/this LS. There used to be grindy stuff but not the way they do things with this LS. Morale Breaker is ridiculous. No matter how good the strike mission may be, it gets old if you want to do it 50 times. Same for other things like participating 10 times in a meta event, it used to be participate once for an achievement and then maybe participate 10 times for a second one but both contributed to the meta achievement.

    what?the tarir achievement needs 100 times.

    is morale breaker necessary in any way? i've been doing quite well without it.

    mastery point gates? where? i've got a huge bunch of HoT and PoF mastery points left over and didn't do any of the grinds. are icebrood points that grindy? haven't fully skilled that one yet but so far i've never run out of points without doing anything else than map completion and story. didn't even do metas. or are you talking about central tyrian mastery points? most of them are fractals and not grindy.

    Reading comprehension is a lost art....Yes, as I said, we had grindy achievements like the Tarir one and that one got old fast as well. It was just as "not necessary" as morale breaker is. No where did I say it was necessary to complete these achievements to play the game or experience the story. Icebrood points were a bit more scarce at the begining, but I think ANet has adressed the issue and there's now plenty so you don't need all of them to progress your masteries.

    still i don't see where morale breaker is necessary.if you're talking about ice brood saga mastery points: that season is still in development, there are more points to come. it is your own choice if you try to complete all masteries in an unfinished state or if you wait for easy achievements.core tyria mastery points got some grindy achievements as well and you can't call that new.

    Again, Morale Breaker OR Stormcaller Weapons Collection is required to finish the Story Meta Achievement. One or the other. Both insanely costly in terms of time or raw gold (which is also time or money).

    You're caught up on Morale Breaker, but there's a bunch more as well. I'd be happy to list all of the extremely grindy achievements for you from IBS if you want, though Iokh already listed a bunch in one of his previous posts in this thread

    @LucianTheAngelic.7054ice brood story meta achievements are in what way necessary to play the game?

    And yes, you're right, Story Meta Achievements aren't required to play the game (except when they are), but they've always been a staple of the game that provides clear goals and directions (something that GW2 generally lacks otherwise) and moderate/good rewards that nearly all players can achieve. That is what they represent within the game and what players have come to know them as.

    The story meta achievements are not only giving AP, maybe some title and maybe some MP, but also an item/skin/emote/something as reward. In Season 3 and Season 4 these items were requiered for the legendary-collections:In Season 3 the meta-achievement-reward items were required for the Aurora-Collection.In Season 4 the meta-achievement-reward items were required for the Vision-Collection.

    I do expect that we need all story-meta-achievement items of Season 5 (The Saga) for something similar after Season 5 / Saga ended.

    The story meta achievements in the past seasons all had their fair share of grind. But they all had a lot of options for several play styles to complete them. Players could choose a lot how they wanted to complete the meta achievement. And for PvP/WvW players Anet implemented reward-tracks, so that PvP/WvW players could get the meta-achievement reward-item without completing the story-meta-achievement.

    However, in Season 5 / Icebrood Saga, Anet changed their direction and did not add this (much) choices in PvE for the meta-achievements. They also did not add PvP/WvW-reward tracks for getting the meta reward-items of Season 5. So PvP/WvW players who want those story-meta-reward-items are now also "forced" to do strike missions and/or extremely grindy PvE staff.

    The issue with this is that changing this direction for the Story Meta Achievements to become far more grindy and less achievable by the average GW2 player is the WRONG way to go. Increasing the level of Casual Grind is both boring to casual players AND hardcore players. It literally benefits no one. And yes, these achievements ARE less achievable by the vast majority of players as they require a significant commitment in terms of time and/or money.

    I totally agree.

    It is obvious why Anet did this: They wanted to force/push as much players as possible into doing the strike-missions (so they can justify the decision of making the strike missions as a raid stepping stone or as a raid replacement). And they wanted to stretch content with the required grind (if you want the meta story achievement and/or the reward item) for those achievements.

    I think Anet has gone to far in the wrong direction with this changes. I still hope they fix this before the end of Season 5.

  10. @HotDelirium.7984 said:Gw2 did always have this niche experimental energy to it so while it's fun I don't think they bring in that much revenue. The leadership and devs always kinda seem like they're doing content on their own schedules and in their own way and its not a tightly ran ship. That can be a good and bad thing; good because the moral is chill and they are creatively experimenting under less pressure and bad because pressure makes diamonds and we could have had 5 expansions out by now and many more things probably.

    Maybe thats how it worked in the previous years.

    But I believe the pressure increased a lot after nearly half the company was fired last year and after a lot people in leadership positions left the company and those positions are now (temporarily?) replaced by upper management.

  11. @"Tom.1852" said:It is fun yes, but it also requires endgame gear and getting enough gear to raid with different characters/builds is expensive, sure, you can wait for all the correct raid drops to gear the next character you want and only ever buy the gear with magnetite/gaeting. But thats a very slow process and trying out new builds/classes for many people is an integral part of the game not becoming dull for them.

    I am not against increasing the rewards in-game, but you can start raiding with exotic gear and if you raid regularly, you have one of the best in-game sources of ascended gear (and some legendary gear). If you call that "a very slow process" I guess you have not played the other parts of GW2 a lot.

  12. @Astralporing.1957 said:

    @Katary.7096 said:Yes, of course we are talking about Guild Wars 2. The reason why I brought up video games in general is simply that the idea that people start a new game with the easiest mode and then progress higher until they finished the hardest one is an outlier.In single player games, surely. In MMORPGs however that is a norm - in fact, most MMORPGs are specifically built around the progression mechanics, where you start with easier content, get geared up there, use the gear to attack higher content, to get new gear tier, and so on, and so on until the top. Progression through tiers is the assumed norm, not the exception here.

    I am very happy that GW2 did not follow the norm with this and intentionally did not implement that kind of gear-treadmill.That was one of the reasons I switched to GW2 from other MMORPGs years ago.

  13. @Animism.7530 said:Every time Arenanet releases new content, I wonder what it costs us in aggressive gemstore sales.

    In the early days/years of GW2 I defended Anets monetizing principle of the Gemstore. It was one of the better ones.Not anymore. They became too greedy and aggressive with this.

    I do remember when Anet released expansions (if I remember correctly it happend with HoT/gliders and also with PoF/mounts), they released shortly after the expansion new skins for this new items in the gemstore and the price for the skins was much higher than the price for the complete expansion.

    The skins should have been part of the expansion that we bought and this greediness of Anet was/is totally disgusting.

    But as long as it works and they make money with this, I expect Anet will do so again in the future.

  14. Hi,

    as you may remember, there are several countries in Europe, that rule against illegal gambling in computer games. In Belgium EA had to remove to option to pay for lootboxes with real money in FIFA in 2019.

    In the Netherlands the goverment regulator for gambling (Ksa) ruled in the past that the Lootboxes of EA FIFA are in fact illegal gambling (EA needs a license for this kind of gambling). EA did not agree with that decision and went to court against it.

    Now a dutch court in Den Haag ruled (SGR 20/3038 and SGR 20/3905) in October 2020, that those lootboxes are in fact illegal gambling and EA has to remove them within three weeks or EA has to pay a penalty of 500000 Euro PER WEEK.

    Whats interesting about this for GW2: The court explained their decision why it is gambling with the fact, that those Lootboxes can be bought with real money. It is still gambling, if there are also other ways to buy lootboxes (i.e. in-game currency) without paying real money. It also does not matter if the items are Pay-to-win or just cosmetic.

    From my understanding, the lootboxes in GW2, the Black-Lion boxes, seem to match the courts criteria of illegal gambling. You can buy Black-Lion boxes with GEMs that you can buy with real money.

    The courts ruling is legally not final. EA still could appeal to the ruling and involve a higher court.

    I am wondering, if the lootboxes/gambling in GW2 will be changed in time, or if Anet/NCsoft waits until the last moment with this change and hopes, that higher courts will decide differently, or that GW2 is too small as a game and they can duck-and-cover for a long time until then, because tempting minors to gamble is a too good revenue stream for the company.

    P.S. Not every gambling is illegal. But to be allowed to provide gambling and online gambling in a lot of european countries, you have to apply for a gambling license. This gambling license does usually include, that you must not allow minors to gamble and that you must follow the other rules for the online gambling license.

  15. @crepuscular.9047 said:

    @crepuscular.9047 said:there is no way around the technology limitationThere is ALWAYS a way around technological limitations. The only issues are time, money, and the smartness of the people working on fixes.

    then Atlantis would not have sunk, we would have been on Mars 5 millenniums ago, colonised space, people piloting Gundams, wars fought between countries are with spaceships the size of imperial star destroyers, and my descendants would have time travelled to make me a sextillionnaire.

    You overlooked that "time" was mentioned as an issue as well. Maybe mankind will do all the things you mentioned sometime in the distant future if mankind and the universe still exists then.

    The only thing we can not get around are the Laws of Physics. But because we do not yet understand the Laws of Physics completely, our understanding of the Laws of Physics could (and will) change in the future.

    But I guess this discussion becomes a little off-topic now. ;)

  16. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @maddoctor.2738 said:I did a few tests in Thunderhead Peaks and what I found is puzzling. my usual ping is 70-80ms but while waiting at the door to the keep I got spikes between 180 and 230ms. The spikes were sudden and made no sense because although I went there when the meta was active game wide, I went 5 minutes later so there was no meta running on my map. Going from 70-80 to 180-230 is very very noticeable, which
    reinforces my belief that those saying they don't experience any lag spikes, actually do.

    I’ve watched the ping in game and tracked it on Pingplotter at the same time. No spikes. I’ve done this numerous times for that map and others over the course of the past several months.

    It's normal not to get issues using an external application if the problem is inside the server itself (pings won't be affected, but in-game performance will)

    In-game performance was not affected.

    I find it odd that you quote a post about ping and then say it reinforces your belief that everyone experiences lag. You get countered by someone saying that they had no ping issues, and then you do a 180 and say it’s normal for ping to not be affected. It’s as if ping only matters if it fits the narrative.

    I wasn't countered though as I find no reason to believe you when you say in-game performance was not affected, given your post history on the subject. Or that you even cared to use pingplotter to verify you aren't affected. I'd rather see numerous pictures confirming it. As for ping, if the server has issues you will find out that you can have good fps/ping and still have a horrible experience, I'm not sure how is that contested.

    I’ve stated numerous times in the past that I have gone to Thunderhead Peaks, Sandswept, and other maps, gotten the IP and tracked them as I played on the maps. I played during the same metas on the same map instances of people claiming in map chat about lag and yet I had no issues. All of my skills went off as they should. My ping was stable and normal.

    I believe you.

    But the fact that you do not experience the problems of others only says something about what you experience and nothing about those other players (and what they experience).

    Or do you want to say that the problems of others are caused by themselves (or do not exist), because you do not see/have the same problems?

    I find it odd that I’m the one being told to provide evidence when all of those experiencing lag don’t. Why don’t you ask them for their ping traces? Why don’t you ask them for video evidence of their lag? It’s a bit of a double standard, don’t you think?

    There are players that have shown proof/evidence, that there is a problem on Anets side that is causing lag.

  17. @"uberkingkong.8041" said:This is one of the reasons why ESO does it better when it comes to WvWESO you don't rely on commander.GW2, no commander, no noes complete useless feeling.

    PvE, no commander? :sadface:WvW, no commander? :sadface:

    ESO, its okay, no commander that fine. Even zerg fights it is more of 1v1 but very quick 1v1s in ESO.GW2 no commander means dead zone. Thats how important commanders are.

    It aint healthy.

    Come to think of the solo aspect, all you could do is camp capture, 4 maps 2 camps nearby 8 spots.Meanwhile ESO, 3 camplike areas, wood,mine,granary. So many different places to go steal from. So much to do as a solo or with a buddy.You could just sneak and watch the enemy movements. Anyone can do, you don't need to be a special player with sneaky skills. It's simple as sneak and stalk in ESO.

    Your statement actually says much more about your own skill, play-style and the play-style of your server than anything else.

    You do not need a commander in GW2s openworld PvE. GW2s openworld PvE is designed from the beginning that every content can be finished with randoms (other players that are at the same place like you at the same time) that have the same goal. So the rest of my response is about WvW:

    When you have large zergfights (or coordinated 30v30 etc...) it usually helps, if there is one person coordinating the movements, damage etc. of the complete zerg/group to win fights. The better you work together as a coordinated team, the better the result.

    Without that one person it is hard to win fights against coordinated groups/zergs. But it is doable if all players know what they do (and if they are skilled enough).

    If players are willing to (and are skilled enough) you can capture enemy keeps/towers/etc/including Stonemist castle, without any commanders and without coordination, only with other randoms. It is not unusual to sneaky capture enemy keeps with only two other roamers/randoms if the enemy is distracted.

    GW2 without commanders does definitely not mean "dead zone". It just means, that players have to think more themselves and that it is just harder against coordinated enemy groups.

    And if you feel sometimes, your server needs a commander: You can always activate a commander-tag yourself.

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