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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. I have made a Power-Soulbeast glas cannon (never played ranger or soulbeast in WvW before) just for this event and I have a lot of cheesy fun to PewPew burst down zerg players that have bad position awareness before they know what hit them.

    However, the longer this event lasts, the less fun it is for me and I am glad that the removal of downstate is only a temporary change for a week.

  2. @"kumiponi.6047" said:I suspect there are certain people how would be willing to and more than capable of fixing the issues for them, for the small price of getting a temporary access to the source code and server infrastructure. =)

    "willing" and "capable" are two pair of shoes. :)

    To think to be able to fix something without knowing the background of the systems that need to be fixed is usually not the road to success but the road to more problems.

  3. @"VoxShatterfall.5470" said:On another note, its not just one map, its all of them. Its really the server loading and secondary server buffering that is causing the issue. We simply do not know for sure what causes an account to get into the secondary server buffer, where most of the server lag occurs, but there are a few things we know:1) It happens in any map mode including Strikes, Raids, Fractals, WvW, PvP, and PvE open world.2) It is somewhat dependent and established on your connection to the map. One map you may be completely fine, and the next map you go to you get massive server lag.

    could you please explain, what you mean with "secondary server buffering"? Thanks.

  4. @sniperman.1738 said:Can we seriously get a fix on que times please, waiting 2 hrs to get into a border is beyond annoying and feels somewhat unreasonable for how old this game is.

    You can always transfer to a low population server that has no queues. As a server bonus you would get the outnumbered buff most of the time and you could collect pips faster.

  5. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:This is why some people won't step into fractals, raids, or even dungeons. Raids coming to GW2 was a controversial move, and the original game was made without raids partly because Anet didn't want raid toxicity to be in the game. This is an age old problem, and there's not a lot of evidence that it has been fixed. Or even evidence that it can be fixed. MMOs aren't new. GW2 drew a large casual crowd at launch, full of people who had been burned by the hardcore players of other MMOs. They've learned their lesson, and all of that grief isn't worth the risk that this time, for no apparent reason, raids are a better place now. Hence, why I say the problem cannot be fixed.

    The question is if there is evidence that this problem of yours "exist" or not, or rather if it's so common place as to be an actual problem. Provide your evidence that the problem exist before you look at evidence if the problem can be "fixed", is it an actual problem that exist, or perceived one? Is it a real issue, or an issue brought up by players who never experienced it, or have just second hand experience with it? "Hey I read on the internet that Raids in games are toxic, therefore it must be true"

    I would argue that the low population of this content is pretty evident that the problem does exist.

    I will not deny that there could be some problem, but the small population of this content is not evidence that there is a problem with "toxicity".

    Challenging content, if it is not the core content (and "selling point") of a game, is always only for a small part of the player base of a game and will always have a small population compared to other content of a game. That is not a bad thing. It is what it is.

    Some example of toxicity that had nothing todo with raids, fractals, dungeons, strikes:

    A few days ago a commander kicked several players from his squad during the Drizzlewood open-world meta because they did not perform well enough (he said so in chat after kicking) and he hoped that they get a map disconnect so they will not be on "his map" anymore. It was a full map and we just 11111 zerged down the bosses. There was no skill required with the meta and it made not sense to kick underperformers. And it really does not matter much if your in a squad or not.

    I was not one of the kicked ones, but I thought "what an idiot, why is he so toxic?".

    I am sure that there is some toxic behaviour in challenging instanced content (like raids, fractals, ...) and I am also sure that "perceived toxicity" is often just caused by misunderstandings and the mixing of different player types that should not be mixed. But I also think this content (raids, fractals,...) is not the core of real toxic behaviour. The core of real toxic behaviour is just, that some players (a very, very small percentage of players) behave like idiots and people remember the one idiot very well, but not the 1000 others that are nice and friendly.

  6. @"TheGrimm.5624" said:Not sure its just fire. Seeing a lot of what people are calling ghosts this week. You can't hit them and after enough people are around they port. Need to get some recording software.

    This does not have to be an exploit. Sometimes, the game server/client is somehow "out of sync" and where you see a character and where it really is, is different.

    This happend some time ago even to our commander in a zerg after he died. We could not revive him at the position where the whole zerg saw his corpse, but when he directed us to the position where he saw himself, we could revive him there without seeing his corpse at that position.

  7. @Erdem.6213 said:Emmm is all WvW matches same like this? on/with other servers? or is it just me unlucky to be in Dzagonur.

    It is always like this if there are big population imbalances between servers (which happens always with some servers - not always the same servers) and you are actually also unlucky to be on Dzagonur, because last week more than 100 (others say: several hundred) of players of several guilds moved (bandwagoned) after the new serverlinking nearly at the same time from Dzagonur to other servers to have better (which probably means: easier) fights.

    The position of Dzagonur will now go down from week-to-week until the population imbalance is not that big anymore against the other servers or until Dzagonur will be on the last position of the server ranking.

  8. @Eramonster.2718 said:

    @Eramonster.2718 said:OP had a solid point and remains undisputed. It's about the value and effort for players that have acquired the skin/Legendary.

    To clarify; Using the point about Tickets for example.Yes, players are still time-gated by it. But so were the players that already acquired the skin/Legendary, they paid the same price, was time-gated by it as well
    plus more (WvW rank)
    which is; at the moment exempted without compensation. That's what OP pointed out. Hope this example makes it clearer.

    OP's point is "I got the skin when it was at its highest cost. If other players don't pay this same amount, they shouldn't deserve the skin".Issue with this kind of question is that it is always hotly debated.

    I do have an issue with OP pointing out how the Exotic version of the skin is available at rank 500, and that the skin is all that maters. Exotic to Ascended armor is, like people mentioned before, the least noticeable upgrade compared to weapons and accessories. But it's still an upgrade with 6 infusions slots (and the infusions that make the most difference is vit/toughness/concentration). It's like keep buff but permanent.

    Having access to Ascended selectable armor is nice. Before, the only option for stat selectable ascended armor was raids and PvP (iirc there is no stat-selectable ascended armor from living world).It's not like the actual cost in terms of tickets and memories changed. It's just the rank required to obtain the two. And honestly, rank was the least important aspect of WvW.

    2nd Tier (Triumphant Hero) : With tickets through NPC in WvW. This armor has 2 version, exotic and ascended (only the Asc version 500 rank, can be upgraded into Legendary).

    This version (Triumphant Hero) has not rank requirement! And the legendary made from the ascended also has no rank requirement.

    @Eramonster.2718 said:Players were able to obtain Asc/Legendary with rank 500 even before the recent change.

    Players could and can get WvW-Asc/Legendary without any rank requirement if they do not want the T3 skin of the Mistforged version.

  9. @Super Hayes.6890 said:

    @"Ubi.4136" said:The snipers don't add anything to the map. It literally is just a harassment mechanic, which is very poorly designed and annoys players. It's like the knights in Bloodstone Fen that had like 5k range on a dismount attack. It doesn't add "flavor" or difficulty, it's just annoying. Hopefully Anet will notice that and make changes like they did for Bloodstone.

    The snipers are a necessity IMO. You shouldn't be safe anywhere it pleases you for having a Skyscale.

    But the skyscale is the pause button I have so desperately desired. Now I can go pee without dying!

    Don't pee and fly. :)

  10. @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:The question remains: why make an option to hide headgear and shoulders while hiding footwear is 'prestige'. It's inconsistent and annoying. And it was an outrage back then. And now I see 80% defending this kitten attitude...

    The inofficial answer is: A dev was so annoyed by the required extra-work of the repeating requests to make another hide-checkbox (for the footwear) that he created an invisible skin, added it as a very, very rare drop (so players have to try/work for this a lot) and he could then silence all further check-box requests with : "problem solved.".

  11. @Fire Attunement.9835 said:Added Memories of Otter and Shards of Crystallized Blood of Jormag to the final reward chest of the repeatable WvW Drizzlewood Coast Reward Track.Added a rare chance to obtain Tribune weapons from reward containers in the repeatable WvW Drizzlewood Coast Reward Track.

    That would have been nice, if the repeatable WvW Drizzlewood Coast Reward Track would not have been removed from the game.

  12. @Zawn.9647 said:this is a joke :) 2 years and countingimagine if I could work at a place where my deadlines meant so little as this

    Imagine you must work at a place where you announced several customers a big new feature and then your boss fires your colleagues and tells you, that you must work on something else and that you are not allowed to tell the customers anything about this change.

  13. @Archangel.6793 said:@Devs,Any word on when we'll see a new set of legendary weapons?

    I've gotten all of the legendaries for my main class that I love. The rest look "meh" with the look I'm trying to build.

    There is already legendary armor that has the same look/effects from its precursor and there are legendary trinkets ("slumbering conflux" etc.) that do not have a special effect. So, it is possible that they continue this way.

    With the "Legendary Armory" coming (maybe), it is possible that they release cheaper legendary weapons (a little cheaper than gen1 legendaries) that do not have a special look/effect, to motivate more players to build legendaries to better sell the "legendary armory" or their overpriced templates-system.

  14. @"Tulki.1458" said:How do you know they only recently moved to the cloud? Maps have always been allowed to scale from zero or one instances and up. What reason is there to believe that they swapped their backend infrastructure from on-prem to AWS between S4E5 (one of the problem maps) and now?

    They switched to AWS in 2017 (at the time of PoF launch). Anet said this.

    Season 4 was released after Path of Fire. So they were already on AWS when the season 4 maps were released. I played a lot on all of those season 4 maps when they were released. The S4-maps on AWS made no noticible problems at the time. The maps were full and everything worked without lag. But when I recently revisited the season 4 maps, they had delays and lagged like hell. When I played on other maps, (Core, Season 3, Season 5) nearly at the same time for comparison there was not this big lag. So there is a specific problem with the season 4 maps (maybe also PoF maps, but I have not visited them recently).

    How does anyone here know that the problem is specifically due to server infrastructure rather than game code, without having access to the game code? Have you managed to reverse-engineer the entire game?

    Because the Season 4 maps worked well in the past when they were released, something has changed since then. If something has changed with the season-4 AWS instances, or with the code for the season 4 maps, we do not know. Both ways its a problem Anet has to solve because it is on Anets side, not on the players side (client PC, ISP of the player).

    And because other (non-S4) maps (when I tested this) worked well at nearly the same time when the S4 maps had problems, its not a general problem with the "internet-traffic" (overloaded routers or overloaded internet exchanges) between the map-servers and the client-pc.

    To manage a complex and distributed game service like GW2 on AWS instances is a very complicated task that requires a lot of skill and knowledge not only of AWS but also the internal systems workings of GW2. I have read a comment at the time of the big lay-offs last year, that also employees with deep knowledge of the internal systems left the company.

    Maybe we experience now the consequences of that loss-of-knowledge (if it really happened).

  15. @Infusion.7149 said:They definitely spawn (you can see the chest in the environment) , they just are autolooted. I had 10+ otters more than when I started after doing north meta last night.

    The memories of otter are not part of the south meta, but of the north meta. Yes, in the north meta the tribune-chests spawned and were auto-looted. But in the south meta the big chests in the camps (after you defeated the boss and finished the tap-circle) did not spawn. Yes I tagged the bosses and participated there during the whole events.

    I haven't done the south meta again since then. Maybe it was a temporary map-wide bug that is fixed now.

  16. @TheGrimm.5624 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:The 2K rank requirement didn't affect me, because my own WvW rank is higher than 2K but I agree. 2K as a requirement was way to high when they introduced this.

    This is why you could craft Legendary with the first set. The second set was an extended goal. This is about lowering a bar which devalues time people already spent.

    The Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor is a skin that can be purchased as ascended armor. There is no need to craft a legendary if you only want the skin/effect.

    Did I wrote that it was a good idea to lower the rank requirements for the Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor from 1500-2000 to 500? Answer: No, I didn't.

    But I still think it should not have been initially this high when the armor/skin was introduced back in the days. Because 2000 is way to high as an extensive goal for new players. I do remember the discussions from the time they introduced this gear/skin and the main reasoning for the high rank requirement was not to function as an extended goal for new WvW players, but that it was some form of appreciation for veteran WvW players that still played the game mode and that already had a high rank.

    But because this high rank requirement existed for some time in the game, Anet should not just lowered it suddenly to 500, but instead should find a better solution for a problem Anet thinks it exists.

    Maybe someone at Anet (maybe a decision in the home office when there was no one else to talk this through) forgot that there are two tiers of ascended WvW armor: The one without a rank requirement (Triumphant Hero's armor) and this one (Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor) with the more exclusive skin and the rank requirement.

    I think it would be best if Anet would justify their decision, if this change was intentional. And if it was just a mistake, they should fix their mistake as soon as possible.

  17. @ShadowCatz.8437 said:

    @Infusion.7149 said:Inculpatus cedo.9234&ShadowCatz.8437

    Have you done north meta after festival patch? It was changed with the patch. I did the meta right after patch.

    We don't talk about North meta chests (as I haven't done it so far after patch), but when you take back camps in South and North where you have a large chest spawn after your group have successfully taken it back from Dominion. It is a larger then usual chest that spawn when camp is under United Legion control (which you can see from how those Drop Points which turn blue when UL have them under control and red while Dominion are in control).

    When I played the south meta after the festival patch, those big chests did not spawn anymore. Not for me and not for the others in the map.

  18. @Antioche.7034 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @"Virdo.1540" said:What exactly is the reason to play between level 500 & 10000 now? For the already terrible rewards? For meeting new toxic friends? Or an title that doesnt to anything (it dont even give Accountpoints)?

    The reasons to continue to play now after reaching level 500 are the same reasons that players continued to play WvW after they reached level 2000 before this patch. If you do not like WvW, don't play WvW.

    What next? The PvP-Effect armor doesnt need pvp-level 100 anymore, instead just 25? Wth

    Yeah, would be OK. Or we could get the legendary raid and PvP trinkets with a WvW reward track. ;)

    Yeah, and make GoB accessible through PvE and PvP reward track too. And WvW legendary ring aswell, sure.1000 rank is what, around 500 hours of playing reasonnably. Just compare the play times to the sPvP ones and adjust them.

    My guess is, that Anet will make/change more ways to motivate players to make/get legendary armor/trinkets (but will not reduce the cost/material requirement) so more players try to make legendaries. This way they could remove more gold from the system and could sell their "legendary armory" (or the overpriced gear templates) to more players.

    They're all already pretty easy to get though :/

    Yes, we both know that. But the Anet employee behind this change probably doesn't know that.

  19. @"Skugga.5298" said:In GW2 I enjoy a bit of everything to be honest. I'd like to give raiding a try but I do hate the whole "meta" scene, I like to create my own builds and once I feel like I have something that really works very well for me I just want to play it.

    Something that really works very well for you does not always work well for the group (and the encounter).

    Just a small example (that had happened sometimes):Vale Guardian selects the player with the highest toughness as the tank. New player had much more than 1000 toughness but was not in the tank-role. New player had no other gear, so he removed some toughness gear and the tank switched gear to have the most toughness again. And then sometime during the fight, VG again selected new player as the tank, because new player used a skill that temporarily increased his toughness.

    This is just a small example. If you do not know the VG fight (learning videos, guides, training) you do not know that only having 1000 toughness (if you are not the tank) is important.

    But if you know your class, the fight and the team well, then chances are high that your own build is not very different to the meta build(s) in your results.

    I don't like changing character, equipment and build all the time.

    Just try a power DPS class with full berserker stats. You do not need ascended gear because exotics is enough to start with raiding. Exotic berserker gear is easily available.

    I was wondering are you able to join raids if you don't follow the meta ? :astonished:

    Why should strangers believe you, that you are unexperienced with raids, that you do not follow guides/meta, but you know what you are doing without wasting their time?

    Find a friendly guild/group that gives you the time to learn and to experiment with your gear. But you should promise them, that you are willing to learn and that you change your gear and playstyle if your gear and playstyle does not work for the group.

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