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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. @Antioche.7034 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @"Virdo.1540" said:What exactly is the reason to play between level 500 & 10000 now? For the already terrible rewards? For meeting new toxic friends? Or an title that doesnt to anything (it dont even give Accountpoints)?

    The reasons to continue to play now after reaching level 500 are the same reasons that players continued to play WvW after they reached level 2000 before this patch. If you do not like WvW, don't play WvW.

    What next? The PvP-Effect armor doesnt need pvp-level 100 anymore, instead just 25? Wth

    Yeah, would be OK. Or we could get the legendary raid and PvP trinkets with a WvW reward track. ;)

    Yeah, and make GoB accessible through PvE and PvP reward track too. And WvW legendary ring aswell, sure.1000 rank is what, around 500 hours of playing reasonnably. Just compare the play times to the sPvP ones and adjust them.

    My guess is, that Anet will make/change more ways to motivate players to make/get legendary armor/trinkets (but will not reduce the cost/material requirement) so more players try to make legendaries. This way they could remove more gold from the system and could sell their "legendary armory" (or the overpriced gear templates) to more players.

  2. @Sinester.3572 said:This match up we are facing XXX and YYY, and they keep helping each other because we are close to reaching 1st, place.

    WvW is a three way fight. Sometimes the 2nd and 3rd fight against the 1st because they see a chance to reach 1st themselves. Sometimes 2nd and 3rd fight each other and ignore the 1st because no one wants to be the 3rd. Sometimes the 1st only fights the 2nd to make sure they stay 1st. Sometimes 1st and 2nd fight only 3rd because they want an easy k-train with the enemy keep of the 3rd that switches between 1st and 2nd. etc. etc.

    Nobody wants to loose. But sometimes you loose, and sometimes the others win. :)

  3. @Cyninja.2954 said:

    The irony of it all:In PvE the developers are adding super rare items and grind content beyond belief, likely in order to extend player engagement and time spent on the game. Meanwhile in WvW they do the opposite. In this case without any necessity. That doesn't seem like commitment or understanding to me.

    I am sorry ;) , but I have to agree with you completely on this.

  4. @Taylan.2187 said:A few months ago I semi-regularly started to run with zergs and use any celebration boosters I had on WvW, and am up to about 1200 already.

    Thats good for you. However, I do believe that your statement is a little bit exaggerated. How long exactely did it take for you to get from WvW rank 0 to WvW rank 1200? And how many hours per day were you playing during this time constantly? Where you mainly running with a k-train zerg all the time?

    @Taylan.2187 said:The people who've been zerging WvW hardcore for 5+ years or mediumcore for 8 years definitely deserve this, it's not like it even gives you anything, it's just something they get to have for their dedication which someone else can't just farm in a few months.

    Actually, the WvW rank was farmed a lot in the past in EotM and with kill-trading/farming in the obsidian sanctum farm. The obsidian sanctum farm was primarily for the "Ultimate Dominator" (because the rank itself had no value), but the farm also increased the WvW rank a lot in a very short period of time and people got rank 10K doing this.

    Also because of that, the WvW rank has no prestiguous value. It does say nothing about how skilled you are as a WvW player and what you have achieved with skill in WvW. But (for most players) it says much more about how efficient you have farmed the WvW rank in the past (zerging with a k-train qualifies also as farming).

    There are very few WvW players I know of that are still active in WvW and that have earned their >10K rank through playing WvW (EotM and kill-trading/farming are not WvW). I doubt that any one of these will use this new title. It would be too embarrassing for them.

  5. @Lamont.5973 said:So they put all the chest in one spot but did not shorten the meta.

    I played the south+north meta (without the cache keepers). The south meta started around 2 hours after the patch. And it felt like they shortened several events and adjusted some timers, but introduced some bugs with this (like: defuse the mines did not progress and failed, etc).

    It also felt as if the frequency of knockbacks in some events was increased a lot and this was a lot more annoying than before the patch. Maybe this is because of shortened event-timers.

    @Lamont.5973 said:They did remove auto looting it looks like.

    No, they added auto-looting to a lot of chests (tribunes, claw of jormag, conquer the places in the southern meta) so you have to tag and kill the bosses with your char yourself to get the loot. With this they removed multi-looting through map-hopping with several chars.

    Of couse, that they removed the chests (also in the southern meta) when you conquer the places is not (yet) included in the release notes and so there were several questions about this in map chat.

  6. @Infusion.7149 said:

    @Infusion.7149 said:Economically there's more PvE players so it's obvious that the point of that is to increase the available pool of WvW players (maybe not WvW exclusive players). A lot of players forget Arenanet is still a for-profit company , with shareholders.Alot of players who make those two remarks seems to forget two principle things of that they refer to:1) Looking to pull PvE players into WvW at the expense of WvW players does not make either new players, more money or more content over a longer perspective, which leads us to ...2) A stable business that is looking to stay in the industry does not play the short game, devalue their trademark or vulture their customer base. That is the hallmark of someone looking to firesale and get out.

    The business that you are talking about is bad business, at least for a company and its employees. We're not talking to NCsoft's shareholders here.

    Just to add some talking points:
    I don't think this is a case of pandering to their owners or some lowball scheme to sell more upgrades. I think this is yet another simple case of being out of touch due to the level of neglect (as per the OP). This is someone in a director meeting going "let's throw WvW a bone, there's a WvW event comming up, what can we scrape off the table - Jim, what does the data say?". Then they go by some statistics or misplaced focus group and think that they are doing the mode a favour. Then again, to some degree it is. It will make the time spent until you can avoid Tier 2 marks shorter.

    However, it is still an issue because that is not the foremost impact. It doesn't add much positivity (500 WXP is alot for normative items but little for a skin of legendary value, it doesn't affect weapons etc.), it doesn't necessarily outweigh the negativity it brings and there are far superior ways to go about it. I mean, that's the message of this thread: That what @Zok.4956 said in his comment isn't true. If it was true I would have no problems with the change but this change does less to make things accessible to new players than it does to devalue a single cosmetic particle effect. If they wanted to make things more accessible to newer players, this was not a good way to go about it. Had they paid even some basic attention to this mode they'd known that.

    Am I happy with the solution they sought out? No.Do I understand why they did it? Yes. The amount of players over 2K rank is about 1% unless it's 4K+ hour players (~20%) per gw2efficiency.

    The 2K rank requirement didn't affect me, because my own WvW rank is higher than 2K but I agree. 2K as a requirement was way to high when they introduced this. It never should have been 2K. And also the new title requirement should not be 10K, there are not much WvW players left, that earned the 10K rank through playing WvW (kill trading and EoTM are not WvW). I am happy for new players, that they maybe can get the skin easier, but it is not a good way how Anet changed this afterwards.

    The skin isn't legendary, why do people keep saying it is legendary?

    Technically you are right. The WvW legendary armor does not have a special skin/effect on its own (like the PvE raid legendary Perfected Envoy armor has) , but instead it re-uses the skin of the precursor ascended armor (Triumphant Hero's armor or Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor ) it was made with.

    On the other hand, someone could say, that the skin of the better precursor uses already the skin of its legendary and does not have a (simpler) precursor skin on its own.

    My guess: Originally the Triumphant Hero's armor was planned as the precursor skin and the Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor was planned as the legendary skin and it was planned in the same way the PvE Perfected Envoy armor is made:

    Tier 1: Triumphant armorTier 2: Triumphant Hero's armor (precursor)Tier 3: Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (legendary)

    But then they maybe decided, to vary from the way the PvE legendary armor is made, so that there will be two precursors the legendary could be made from, but they did not want to invest the effort of creating the additional precursor skin(s).

    Of course thats just my guess, not facts.

  7. @subversiontwo.7501 said:That what @Zok.4956 said in his comment isn't true. If it was true I would have no problems with the change but this change does less to make things accessible to new players than it does to devalue a single cosmetic particle effect. If they wanted to make things more accessible to newer players, this was not a good way to go about it. Had they paid even some basic attention to this mode they'd known that.

    Maybe you misunderstood my comment or I wrote it misleading. In agreeing with the comment from @TheGrimm.5624 I thought I made it clear, that I think this is not a good way of making things more accessible to newer players.

  8. @xDudisx.5914 said:

    @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:The question though is, why? After all this time, only now it's an issue? It wasn't a barrier of entry or anything, as we're just talking about a premium skin. I'm very curious as to why they felt the need to reduce it - exactly what 'problem' was this fix meant to address?

    This was a terrible change. The rank armor was not a barrier since people could do the legendary with the non-rank ascended one. They are literally just removing the value of a skin by making it way easier to obtain. It is the equivalent to let people get raid legendary armor through dungeons.

    That is a good idea. :) The PvE legendary armor should be available through dungeons. This way it is more accessible for PvE players that like instanced content (like dungeons), that like to play how they want, but do not like 10-player instanced content.

    And: The more players are able to and willing to make legendary armor, the more gold is removed from the game and the more overpriced "build/armor templates" A-Net can sell when the "legendary armory" is released.

  9. @"Nicolo.2418" said:"World vs. World ascended armor now requires rank 500 to purchase, down from rank 1,500–2,000" this is nice.. cuz now ppl which arnt playing WvW thaaaaat much can buy acended stuff as well.

    They generally did not make ascended armor more accessible or cheaper in WvW. It still costs the same. And you could get already ascended armor in WvW (Triumphant Hero's armor is available as exotic, ascended or legendary) without a rank requirement. The rank requirement is for the Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor, which has the more prestigious skin.

  10. @TheGrimm.5624 said:Sadly I fear this is one of those Kansas City Shuffle type deals. Multi-folded perhaps. Current, don't expand rewards since it would allow for more gold to gem conversions and undermine sales. Step 1, reduce entry in the current high level gear to encourage more people to try and get it and to build legendary armor. Step 2, introduce legendary armory that allows people to re-use gear on multiple toons and quickly change builds. Step 3, sell more build templates for the people that want to try and maximise this option or for the impatient. Step 4, create a value add in new expansion by releasing a higher tier of armor and effects that is in 3K-5K level that require a new type of currency available in WvW with the expansion.

    I do think it is generally a good thing that they make things more accessible for newer players, but I also sadly fear, that you are completely right in your assessment.

  11. @Virdo.1540 said:What exactly is the reason to play between level 500 & 10000 now? For the already terrible rewards? For meeting new toxic friends? Or an title that doesnt to anything (it dont even give Accountpoints)?

    The reasons to continue to play now after reaching level 500 are the same reasons that players continued to play WvW after they reached level 2000 before this patch. If you do not like WvW, don't play WvW.

    What next? The PvP-Effect armor doesnt need pvp-level 100 anymore, instead just 25? Wth

    Yeah, would be OK. Or we could get the legendary raid and PvP trinkets with a WvW reward track. ;)

  12. @"yann.1946" said:The recent tread about matchmaking has made me think about an important problem in raids.

    The perceived toxicity that gets complained about.

    The core of this problem has nothing to do with raids themselves. Because it already existed back in the old dungeon-run days.

    So as a question: What are you're suggestions to reduce this problems.

    The best thing would be, if Anet made a new, better LFG-tool or fix the classes (small changes in player skill can make a very big difference). But I do not believe, this will happen.

    So there is not much to suggest to non-raiders, but:

    1. No pugging for beginners: The players that are afraid about other "toxic players" should never PUG. They should look for a nice guild that does regular and/or training raid runs.
    2. Don't take it personal when someone acts like an idiot. Just leave and ignore. And if you find some nice, friendly other players, put them on your friends-list and ask them, if you could sometime run again with them in the future.
    3. If you are afraid for committing playing with 9 other players for several hours and/or if you do not want to put some effort in gearing-up and learning for raids, then raids are not for you. sorry.
  13. @crepuscular.9047 said:but the bigger the problem is the way the availability of the action key is triggered, the action key only comes up if a breakbar come up, but it goes away as soon as a vet dies, how many times have we pressed the fire key only not to fire because a vet died and reset the special action key :\

    Yes, agreed.And also when the vet died that activated the special action key and the targeting selects another vet/mob and the message appears, that its the wrong type of mob and we can not fire. With all the visual clutter during the fights its often hard to see which mob/vet is actually targeted. It is totally annoying.

    the availability of the special action key(s) should have been available as soon as you have collection 1 essence and build up to a maximum power capped at 30 stacks, each essence have their own individual key, you can fire them at any time as long as it had been powered up by 1 essence; kinda like street fighters where you save up your super bars spend it whenever you can or save up for a special super

    So we would get more than 1 special action key? I do not think that would be a good idea. The special action key is already over-used (for too much different things) and Anet should rethink how the the UI works for this.

  14. @"voidek.5738" said:Mine is Grothmar Valley (episode number #1, titled Bound by Blood).

    "Bound by Blood" has in-game not an episode number but is named "Prologue: Bound by Blood" (so we could maybe call it episode #0)

    The Prologue is my favourite episode of season 5 by far. It was not a very big map, but it was mostly fun to play, like a festival, and we could take a small look into charr culture.

  15. @Teratus.2859 said:

    @Teratus.2859 said:I'm against this law personally, I see it as an overstep of power and this is something world governments shouldn't have the right to do.

    Governments have the right to restrict gambling. Hence Gambling laws, age restrictions, taxes etc.

    Lootboxes that can be purchased with real money is literally gambling.

    Ergo, governments should have a right to restrict lootboxes in the same way that literally every other form of gambling is restricted.

    By those examples they already do restrict lootboxes because the vast majority of games that include them, especially the main games/companies that abuse them the most!Usually have an age restriction right on the cover of the game box.Gw2 itself has a 13 age rating, so technically nobody under 13 should be playing this game.

    It's not a company's fault if people buy age restricted games for minors who end up blowing a ton of money on lootboxes.One of the main reasons why this law is being pushed in the first place is exactly because of that situation.. some kid goes and blows thousands of his parents cash on some game that they are years away from legally being allowed to play.In that situation the fault is entirely with the parents or whoever the adult was that bought them the game.

    This again is another issue that has annoyed me for years.Back when I were young it didn't matter as much, there were no lootboxes or online features on consoles at all so kids playing mature games wasn't treally an issue..But now everything is online.. so these age laws need to start being enforced hard on consoles and video games to keep underage kids away from mature games.The biggest obstacle with making this happan though is yet again, the parents/adults who bought them the game.

    @Teratus.2859 said:When innocents are punished because of the crimes of others purely on the basis that they share traits..

    There are no innocents when there are in game lootboxes purchasable via real money.

    All companies that do this are equally to blame for utilizing this predatory practice that looks to exploit a serious addiction in order to line their pockets.

    Since that's the only reason to use this mechanic over just making items direct purchases, because you earn more money out of addicts and whales by using RNG lootboxes where the average price is increased due to RNG and hidden allowing more people to get suckered in to gambling with them.

    It doesn't matter the availability of lootboxes for "Free" in a game, it still comes down to they're trying to profit off the exploitation of others when they're available for real money alongside them.

    The companies that do not abuse lootboxes are innocent in this case.Laws like this are only going to hurt companies who don't abuse lootboxes by denying them a reliable source of income purely on the fact that a handful of greedy companies do abuse them, in some cases severely.I can't justify that.. I would much rather see the companies that do abuse Lootboxes dragged through the legal system and sued to hell and back for their behaviour.That is how we should be dealing with this.. not collectively punishing all gaming companies for the actions of a handful of bad ones.

    As I said lootboxes are not a predatory practice.They are abused by bad predatory companies!Those companies are the ones that deserve all the blame and anger.. not the concept of lootboxes.As I said in my OP, we shouldn't blame the tool for the actions of bad people.

    @Zok.4956 said:The high value items in Black Lion Chests are not guaranteed but have a very low random drop rate.Keys are bought with gems, gems are bought with real money. This is buying lootboxes with real money and Anet is not innocent.

    That fact is not changed because you can get a few free keys with playing the story or that you can get some keys with RNG or that rich players can convert their gold to gems.

    My guess is: Most BLCs are opened with keys that were bought with gems that were bought with real money.

    To be innocent Anet has to show proof (they have the internal numbers) that buying keys (with gems) with real money does not happen very often.

    If people want to buy keys with money that is their free will to do so.Anet can not be held liable for what consenting adults do with their freedom of choice.

    Of course can Anet be held liable for their game and the real money gambling it includes if there are laws. This gambling is intentional to make more money through this gambling. As an alternative Anet could just put the requested items in the gem store without the need for gambling for this items.

    And: GW2 is not a game only for adults.

    The simple fact that methods exist in game to earn and farm these keys though makes a great deal of difference in what defines the boxes as predatory.

    The BLCs are in its core gambling with real money. This fact is not changed because Anet gives some keys away through other ways (like dealers give new clients a fix).

  16. @Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:

    @Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582 said:How much of a discount? Because the 32 slot bags cost around 125-180g to craft. You're going to kitten off a hell of a lot of people if you suddenly make them significantly cheaper in WvW.PVErs constantly brag about how they make 30g+ an hour. I'd like to see the same people spend 5 hours in WvW and see how much they make. Got to get those leather synthesizers!

    I agree.

    Even using the low end of 10g/hr, I'd see no issue in there being a 32 slot bag reward track. You shouldn't really count boosters in the time taken to do things, because an hour of a booster costs gold anyway.

    A 32 slot bag reward track for WvW (and PvP) would be a good idea.

  17. @Teratus.2859 said:Anet however is not one of those companies and I have defended Gw2's lootboxes on multiple occasions because of how easily accessable they are even to people who don't want to pay for them.(getting 3 free keys a week with a 1-60 personal storyrun is easy, but if you're willing to farm you can get as many as you like since the level 40 and 60 keys are not timegate locked like the level 10 weekly key is.)

    Black Lion Chests imo are one of the best examples of Lootboxes done right! and I do not want to see Anet and Gw2 have to suffer due to what I would describe as an authoritarian-esque law that shouldn't even exist just because there are some bad companies out there (most on the other side of the planet) that abuse their consumers.

    When innocents are punished because of the crimes of others purely on the basis that they share traits.. (in this case compaines that use a the same monetization concept in different ways that have a distinct fair and abuse ratio to seperate them)

    The high value items in Black Lion Chests are not guaranteed but have a very low random drop rate.Keys are bought with gems, gems are bought with real money. This is buying lootboxes with real money and Anet is not innocent.

    That fact is not changed because you can get a few free keys with playing the story or that you can get some keys with RNG or that rich players can convert their gold to gems.

    My guess is: Most BLCs are opened with keys that were bought with gems that were bought with real money.

    To be innocent Anet has to show proof (they have the internal numbers) that buying keys (with gems) with real money does not happen very often.

  18. @Hannelore.8153 said:In PvE, duration is more important than damage

    It depends on the type of play and type of PvE (openworld, instances, group size or solo play, fight length) etc. etc. etc.

    In shorter fights more duration would be wasted when the mob/boss is already dead before all condis are fully build up and then the longer duration has no effect. But with more damage (and maybe burst damage) the mob/boss would be dead faster.

  19. @"Xenon.4537" said:Someone mentioned Unreal Engine 4? That will never happen for one very simple reason: UE4 is owned by Epic Games. Anet already has their own proprietary engine. They aren't going to suddenly abandon it and start paying Epic a portion of their profits. Don't get me wrong, UE4 is a great engine, I've used it myself. But that just isn't going to happen.

    They clearly want to use the Unreal Engine 4, because they are trying (for some time now) to hire a "Lead Unreal Engineer" with "Robust experience with Unreal Engine 4". Source: https://boards.greenhouse.io/arenanet/jobs/1988141

    Of course it is unclear, if this will be for GW2 or GW3 or some other unannounced console-title.

    I do not believe they will port GW2 to the UE4 engine, but it seems new games will not use Anets own and very old engine anymore.

  20. Maybe its bad luck, maybe its bugged. My guess: The inconsistent and sometimes low drop rate is a bug.

    I still need "Dropped by a Iron tribune" and "Dropped by a phalanx". Everything else dropped after one north meta run.

    I killed the Iron tribune (the first one of the north meta, after/at the bridge) now 6 times and looted its chest also 6 times, but the iron trubune doesn't drop it. Same with the phalanx drop during the siege of the citadel.

    • Like 1
  21. No, the content of Season 5 / Ice Brood Saga does not look or feel like expansion-content (quality and amount). Not even half an expansion.

    And given Anets anouncement from March 2020 my guess is, that all the "big expansion features", that are not yet released, will not be released as part of Season 5, but will be released as part of the next expansion. Because Anet needs a lot of content/features for the next expansion to convince players to pay money and buy the next expansion.

  22. @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    @"Corrada.7304" said:Give us some UK, PL, CZ or SK servers. No more laggy DE servers (Frankfurt).

    you do realize that AWS peering at Frankfurt is fatter than PLs, UKs, SKs overall peering?

    I bet it is not AWS nor Frankfurt. My money is on ISP overselling bandwidht (which they all did) now biting them in the kitten hard.

    MY employer does sell online courses. Before COVID hit, no problems at all. But the moment everyone started to work from home, customers were lagging out and disconnecting all the time.

    Maybe, just MAYBE it isn't ANET's or Amazon's fault?

    My bet is, its Anet fault.

    When I revisited several S4 maps for the collections for Vision, a lot of this maps were often laggy with lag spike of several seconds. And according to the map chat, lots other players experienced the same on the maps at the same time. When I switched to core maps, I had no noticiable lag. When I jumped back to S4 maps, it was again laggy. When I ran the tool "WinMTR" to the IP of the map at the same time I had a clean path without any packet loss or unusal delay on the way.

    I do not say that all S4 maps have large lag all the time. But in my experience there was a lot of lag for long durations in S4 maps but not so much in other maps.

    My guess is: Anet broke the servers/systems/software for the S4 maps or put these map-systems on cheaper Amazon servers that do not have enough ressource to handle the task and that did not scale well.

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