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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. @MMOStein.3872 said:That's the problem, I don't actually want to learn anything new, I just want to farm some pips (because I have to) and go back to PvE :p

    And that's the problem: If you do not want to learn, you will not learn better ways to farm your pips.

    I simply wanted to ask the WvW players, when is the best time/day to find zergs for WvW or how I can find one easier.

    There is no best time/day for that if you just want to farm some pips. And it depends on your (timezone and your) server. Just ask other players on your server and look in the map/team chat.

  2. @Infusion.7149 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Solanum.6983 said:To start you'll need the precursors, you can get those with tickets and grandmaster marks, You'll get marks trough chests but you can also craft them.

    You only need the grandmaster marks, if you want to buy the T2 ascended (precursor) armor. If you buy the T2 exotic armor and then the T3 ascended armor (as precursor), you do not need grandmaster marks. Of course, you need more wvw tickets and testimonies for the T3 ascended armor.

    If the original poster is after legendary armor there is no need to buy T3 ascended mistforged. You are able to make legendary triumphant hero armor.

    There is also no need to buy T2 ascended because you can make the legendary armor with the better T3-armor.

    You can get a maximum of 3 grandmaster marks shards and 365 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets per week. You need 10 grandmaster marks shards for a grandmaster mark.

    Precursor T2 Ascended ArmorA full set of T2-Ascended Armor (Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armor) costs 1310 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets (thats 3.5 weeks) and 20 grandmaster marks (200 grandmaster mark shards, thats 66.6 weeks).

    Precursor T3 Ascended ArmorA full set of T2-exotic armor (Triumphant Hero's Exotic Armor) + a full set of T3-ascended armor (Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Ascended Armor) costs together 3930 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets (thats 10.7 weeks) and no grandmaster marks.

    If you play WvW very often and intensely, use boosters etc., I guess, you can get around 100 ranks per month / 4 weeks, which means, that you would be rank 500 (requirement for the T3-chest piece) in around 20 weeks.

    For a full set of the legendary armor itself you need also 6x Legendary War Insights, thats another 1095 x 6 = 6570 WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets (thats another 18 weeks for collecting tickets, but you also increase your rank and get grandmaster mark shards during this time).

    So, for a new player that can not craft ascended gandmaster marks (requires level 500 crafting discipline, and requires a lot of extra-gold) it takes around 28-30 weeks with the better T3-ascended armor and around 67 weeks with the T2-ascended armor to get a full set of legendary armor.

    Of course there are also a lot of additional costs for the legendary armor that are the same for both ways.

    Only if a new player wants to spend a lot of money, the fastest way for a full set of legendary WvW armor is to go with the T2-ascended armor and to craft all grandmaster marks with ascended crafting.

    I think, the most (cost) efficient way would be to use some T2-ascended (until you run out of collected grandmaster marks shards) and T3-ascended for all other parts. If you want the special effect of the armor, use the T3 ascended chest piece.

    My advice to the OP: Start playing WvW and collecting WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets and grandmaster marks shards and look after a month how much of both you got and also how much you increased your WvW rank. And then base your own planning/estimations on your own numbers and play style and decide, if you want to continue this way.

  3. @Mokk.2397 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Solanum.6983 said:To start you'll need the precursors, you can get those with tickets and grandmaster marks, You'll get marks trough chests but you can also craft them.

    You only need the grandmaster marks, if you want to buy the T2 ascended (precursor) armor. If you buy the T2 exotic armor and then the T3 ascended armor (as precursor), you do not need grandmaster marks. Of course, you need more wvw tickets and testimonies for the T3 ascended armor.

    That's not quite correct .

    yes, it is correct.

    Each Mistforged Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 3) piece can only be bought once the equivalent Triumphant Hero's armor (tier 2) piece has been purchased . T2 must be purchased to unlock T3 before you can purchase T3 . So yes you need Grand Master Marks to buy T2 before you can buy the T3 .

    To be able to buy the T3 ascended armor you have to unlock the T2 skin. For unlocking the T2 skin you do not need to buy the T2 ascended armor. You can unlock the T2-skin with the T2 exotic armor and the T2 exotic armor does not require grandmaster marks.

  4. @Solanum.6983 said:To start you'll need the precursors, you can get those with tickets and grandmaster marks, You'll get marks trough chests but you can also craft them.

    You only need the grandmaster marks, if you want to buy the T2 ascended (precursor) armor. If you buy the T2 exotic armor and then the T3 ascended armor (as precursor), you do not need grandmaster marks. Of course, you need more wvw tickets and testimonies for the T3 ascended armor.

  5. @Dawdler.8521 said:

    @Virdo.1540 said:Its amazons first game. Lets see first if they screw up or not.No its not.

    They shipped Crucible a while ago, but it was apparently so kitten its probably the only game in history that been officially released only to go back to being closed beta.

    Actually, Crucible is now cancelled and the devs were transferred to work on New World.

  6. Sadly, this is truth. The Transfers Gem sales is the most money WvW brings in. If we ever get alliances, it will only be because they figured out how to monetize it the way they did build templates.Funny thing, I was always under the impression that getting new players to play your game who are not jaded veterans with fully upgraded accounts and solid gold economies would be more lucrative than trying to milk those jaded veterans and make them quit (taking everyone's content with them).

    In sales there is hunting (getting new customers) and also farming (milking existing customers) at the same time.

    In a saturated market farming usually is more cost effective than hunting but a sales department should do both.

  7. @thom.5174 said:this is ok but keep in mind in GW2 , the more cores the better.

    This is not quite right.

    For GW2 you should choose a single core CPU with high performance or a CPU that can put some of its unsued cores to sleep and then can use the remaining cores with much higher performance. Because the game engine does not use a lot of cores, so the money for more cores is wasted.

  8. @"Morvran.8265" said:Just a showerthought. Gen 2 was supposed to be the last one, but then again, EoD likely wasn't planned at the time (and they were still finishing Gen 2 during PoF). Now that a new expansion is coming up, do you think we'll get new ones? Do you WANT more? Or should the devs spend the resources elsewhere?

    And if you do, should it have scavenger hunts or only a material cost?

    Personally I'd like to see new ones, especially if they are Canthan themed. The economy could certainly use them as material prices have dropped a lot lately. Would be healthy for the game IMO.

    I would like to see more/new legendary weapons that are somewhat cheaper. They could do it like the "shimmering" trinkets and the WvW-armor: The legendary itself does not have a new skin/effect but is mainly used for stat/infusion swapping.

  9. @mercury ranique.2170 said:

    @Chyanne Waters.8719 said:Try upgrading your pc, sounds like it is too weak to play properly. You can also lower your graphics down some

    my pc is 2700$ and got the best internet u can get .. i can run all other games on ultra whit zero lag .. this game is 8 years old is nothing to do whit my pc

    Although Chyanne could state things better, she has a point. If this was an issue at Arenanet, this forum would be filled with complaints about the PoF maps. There are some, but it is marginal and always pinpointed at other issues.

    So it does seem that there is a technical issue at your end.

    No, it doesn't. Please open your eyes and please stop blaming the victim.

    The forum is filled with threads and complaints and Anet at least confirmed that there is a problem (ofc, they do not confirm in public that its their fault).

    Sure, a bad Wifi or a bad internet connection could result in packet loss which can present itself also as skill lag to the player. But this would happen on all maps and not only when a player is on PoF/Season 4 maps.

    And there are at least two players (myself included) that have wiresharked the traffic between gw2-client and gw2-servers and that have shown that the lag thats specific in PoF/Season4 maps is caused by the servers (Anet/Amazon).

  10. @Falkner.7302 said:

    @"Nightcore.5621" said:enough is enough this been goin on for more than a half year are we ever gettin this fixed?

    What? They're not fixing it??I just bought this expansion, living world season 4 is terrible Lag also -where do i ask for my gems back?There's zero chance of investing on any more living world purchases unless they address it.

    After ongoing complaints (there are already a lot of threads/posts in the forum about this) for a long time they at least confirmed 6 weeks ago that there even is a problem for some players and that they are now working on it but that it is complicated:https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/111982/an-update-on-game-performance-issues#latest

    After 6 weeks working on this with "members of our Engineering, Infrastructure, Design, QA, and Production teams" I would expect that they at least located the main causes and could give some progress report in the forum.

    That they have not given a progress report after 6 weeks means that they did not find the cause or that they find the cause, but can not fix it in the near future (maybe a fundamental problem how the Amazon EC2 instances load balances, maybe some outdated software from Anet that nobody in systems engeneering/devs, that is still with the company after the big-layoffs, understands anymore, maybe there is no budget to pay Amazon for better processing power, etc...).

  11. @Marvellous.4620 said:I think it's a bit jarring that people buy the latest expansion yet discover that majority of the story content is still locked behind a paywall, I would argue it's bad first impression.

    Yes, I believe this is not the best experience for new players. And of course it is inconsistent and hard to understand. You get HoT for free when you now buy PoF but you still have to additionally purchase the living story from HoT and PoF if you want to play all the content that is related to HoT and PoF.

  12. @Cal Cohen.2358 said:Here are the worlds for EU:

    Here are the changes in server population calculation from yesterday that (kind of) show the transfers since relink of the EU worlds.

    • Aurora Glade (EN), Ruins of Surmia (EN)(unchanged), (medium-> very high)

    • Baruch Bay (SP)(unchanged)

    • Desolation (EN)(unchanged)

    • Drakkar Lake (DE), Fissure of Woe (EN)(unchanged), (very high -> medium)

    • Elona Reach (DE), Underworld (EN)(unchanged), (unchanged)

    • Far Shiverpeaks (EN), Vabbi (EN)(unchanged), (medium -> high)

    • Fort Ranik (FR), Ring of Fire (EN)(full -> medium), (unchanged)

    • Gandara (EN)(unchanged)

    • Gunnar's Hold (EN), Kodash (DE)(unchanged), (medium -> high)

    • Jade Sea (FR), Arborstone (FR)(unchanged), (unchanged)

    • Miller's Sound (DE), Abaddon's Mouth (DE)(unchanged), (high -> very high)

    • Piken Square (EN), Blacktide (EN)(unchanged), (unchanged)

    • Riverside (DE), Dzagonur (DE)(unchanged), (unchanged)

    • Seafarer's Rest (EN), Whiteside Ridge (EN)(unchanged), (medium -> full)

    • Vizunah Square (FR), Augury Rock (FR)(unchanged), (unchanged)

    So, the biggest winners of players would be Whiteside Ridge (medium -> full) followed by Ruins of Surmia (medium -> very high).And the biggest loosers of players would be Fort Ranik (full -> medium) followed by Fissure of Woe (very high -> medium).

    And some surprise: The unlinked Desolation has not changed its population status yet.

  13. @kamikharzeeh.8016 said:@Zok.4956i played friday relink (unlink in our case) and nope, desolation had basically one group jumping around and trying to fight with mediocre success. we acutally jumped around to avoid the WSR mainblob bc it made no sense to fight that, also they had queues so couldn't follow our jumps. we had only one map queued really the whole unlink night. didn't play most of saturday, but was even worse after looking at the kd/r. we also have next to no comms left, rather new ones that need much experience.

    yeah, our ppt group kittens ppt hard during odd times.(whenever they play, or wherever they play, i don't even know most of them since they seem to be migrated to us... kittens that expect a corpse server to carry them, bc they remembered that we smacked them some time in the past, probably when we had still any raid guilds.)

    what shall i say, switching server has never looked so tempting. that, or stopping to play for some time. just anet proves that they don't fix things by time... alliances greets from the mists.

    It felt as if Desolation stopped playing starting from Saturday evening on and if lots of players from Desolation already transferred to other servers and left the server. Before that it felt as if Desolation was kind of OK. We will see if the Deso server population status will change monday evening, when it is recalculated.

  14. @"Luthan.5236" said:And in general I didn't notice that many sieges and player chat activity. I remember back then when lord room in the keep and the walls were full of siege to defend. There seem to be "just a few" sieges that get placed.

    There are servers that use more sieges, and there are servers, that don't care about.

    Some good positioned sieges do help for a while to defend objectives against a bigger zerg. But if players are only hiding behind sieges, they can only delay the inevitable. Sieges give support but still players are neded that fight directly against enemy and push. On servers, where there are not enough players to defend or where they are afraid to push, sieges are often useless defending. And if zergs/guilds/players do not care about defending objectives (EOTM style karm train) and do not help when asked for in chat, there are also less sieges. Why defend, when you get more exp and karma, if you can just flip it back afterwards.

    Strategy: Always the same (which gets boring): Super quickly spam some superior/guild sieges to try moving in quickly while the enemy is away - to cap. Besides the home borderland (seems to be most popular map) and EB the own/close keeps it is just that. Only when it comes ot that keep people defended. At least on my server. (Underworld ... atm linked with Drakkar Lake.)

    Yeah, thats the EOTM style karma train. But not all servers are like this all the time.

    I think the maps could profilt from a bit more side events. Acid rain storm or super monster attacking the keeps to destroy the walls a bit - to get players to react and split up. (Only real think when you are in trouble is when both other sides attack you at the same time. Then it gets interesting a bit.)

    The desert borderland had side events at first when it was released. But they were removed because a lot of the "fight guilds" hated these and left.

  15. @Super Hayes.6890 said:

    @Calisanna.8732 said:Wait, community, are we now trying to keep both of these threads alive?
    drops ascended food, buffs up
    We got this all!

    Could you drop another one? These things only last 5 minutes and we have a lot of years left to keep these threads up. I need my buffs!

    You’ve made my night. ?

    Edited to
    drops more ascended food and sharpening stone station... throws up catmander tag to mark location, and pulls ewp for all to easily come get buffs
    wait... blame the new person! They pulled the ewp ?

    I just got back through the ewp. What is the situation?

    There is no need to waste ewp. there is enough time, you can walk slowly.

  16. @"Talindra.4958" said:the social component is the biggest part in wvw. and unable to communicate takes away that part.. and it is why it ruin the game for many when it comes to chicken try to speak with duck esp in battle .. especially servers that contain many wvw orientated guilds .. we have few guilds shift to other server already. .. these small guilds like us.. rely on map chat to scout for us.. when looking for fight.. and the map chat is in german..

    I am on english/german linked servers for a long time. Its not such a big problem. You can ping the objectives in chat, they are shown in the local language, "25+" does mean the same in english and german, directions are north/nord, east/ost, south/süd, west/west, left/links, right/rechts, back/zurück and the enemy colors are red/rot, green/grün and blue/blau.

    Sure, there is more info for scouting, but it is not hard to learn. Maybe your server can add some translation-info on your community-page/TS3/Discord.

    After a little training it is even possible to make a voice-comm lead dual-language in german/english and if the comm (or another player in voice-chat) does not now the correct translation, there will always be helpful players to translate.

    And for the social component: You can learn quit fast how to flame in other languages. B)

  17. @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:Arenanet's "quality" metrics consider that Desolation [Europe] is full status server without a need for link. At reset, we have a queue at 1 map, other maps of course outnumbered and no queue.

    And yet, Deso ist still 1st in the current matchup (until now) against two other linked-servers and still has (often) big blobs.So, why are you complaining?

  18. @Ayrilana.1396 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @Zok.4956 said:

    @RedCobra.7693 said:it has been clear for months that this is something that anet need to sort out

    Based on what?

    heres the response from anet long awaited.

    Nowhere in that post does Anet say that it’s on their end.

    Yeah, that post does not feel like a honest response to me, but more like typical corporate-speak.

    And? None of those posts rule out it being the connection between them and the servers. It also doesn’t necessarily rule out the issue being on their end entirely either.

    Since that post, we’ve had a few players post that when they had reached out to Anet, their particular issue was determined to be due to their ISP. I think one may have been because of something on their end with their PC. I can’t remember.

    Two posts (from me) that show that there is a problem on Anets side (it is not the internet, it is not the customer, it is not the ISP of the costumer) that Anet has to fix:

    Sure, there are probably players that have packet loss because of bad WLAN/cable/ISP/Internet, but this does not negate the fact that there are problems on Anets side.

    ICMP requests are different from the data packets that get sent between the servers. Running a ping doesn’t show the route that the data takes back from the servers to the player.

    yeah, I know, its complicated technical stuff, so I just give you the summary from the second link where I examined the data packets during my ThunderHead Peaks skill-lag:

    "Summary: The map-server (hardware, software, virtual-system, etc.) sometimes does not send data-packets to the game-client, this is not a normal server behaviour on a map where something happens and it results in a client that can not update its own state (skill activations, position of other players/npc etc...) during this communication-silence and this is a reason for skill-lag."

    Did you take into consideration the impact of the game using TCP?

    Yes, because (in https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1332422/#Comment_1332422 ) I looked at the TCP-data-stream and the TCP-data-flow-patterns.

    What about that the data packets sent from the client may not be following the same route when sent from the server?

    No problem with that. The way the data packets travel does not matter if I have a "test sample" (which I had during my above measurement)) where the TCP-connection between client and server itself is clean and without any signs (retransmissions, tcp-sequence numer mismatchs etc. etc.) of packet-loss in the layers below TCP.

    many players already found this issue is more prominent on the LS4 maps and some PoF maps the fact that people keep repeating the "Check your ISP" comment is a bit moot at this point.

    And yet others on the exact same map instance doing the exact same meta have no issues.

    Here is a good explanation: (from @"VoxShatterfall.5470").
    I do not know how close to the reality the explanation is, but from a technical point of view it seems consistent and could make sense.

    The issue with that is that some players consistently have issues while others consistently don’t. That player’s post would imply that the software is specifically choosing the same players over and over to de-prioritize. That seems unlikely.

    non-deterministic software/systems bugs ("strange behaviour") happens a lot more often than most people (and developers) can imagine.

    But it doesn't matter if VoxShatterfalls explanation seems likely or unlikely to us. Because it is not the customers job to explain
    the system behaves (sometimes) like it does. It is Anets job to find the bug(s) and fix them.

    Sure bugs happen but is it realistic to believe that one could have occurred which consistently targets specific players while ignoring others?

    Yes, it is realistic. I did find a few of this kind of bugs in the real world in my job.

    Some examples (I do not say, that these are Anets bugs, they are just examples):

    • Customer data is (surprisingly) stored in internal data-structures in RAM and data from only some customers is very often stored in the same faulty memory area (with interesting effects).
    • A software bug only happens because some customer-data-ids are below or above some limits (or only uneven/even numbers/ids have problems), or they are sorted internally (alphabetically, numerically, or some custom/hash algo) and entries that are (always) in the beginning/end of internal data tables are affected.
    • Sometimes data structures are not properly initialized and the resulting bug only has an impact on some customers/data records/binary data that match a specific pattern.

    These are some examples, of bugs that happened in reality (and were found and fixed) and (kind of) only targeted specific customers. Sure, other bugs happen more often and are easier to find and to fix.

    I do not know what causes the actual bugs at Anets servers/systems/software. But I guess if the bugs would have been easy to find (and easy to fix), Anet would have fixed them already.

    Several weeks ago Anet reduced the player map limit in WvW because they wanted to see if this helps with the lag and lag spikes in WvW. My guess: They do not wanted to fix the lag in WvW but used the WvW maps/population as a test area for the PvE lags and have no real idea what causes the bugs.

  19. @weaponwh.9810 said:whats easy and relative fast way to get karma? i'm bit short on it.

    Festivals give a lot of Karma, but are not available all the time.

    If you are an experienced raider, then doing raids is a fast and easy (depends on how good you are) way to get karma.You get around 1 million karma per month as a regular raider.

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